
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres DAPTY Contra Crespo ATLANTIC SIDE BRITISH OFFCIALS Panma and Colon CRICKET Visit Schools. Continued from page 1)
were still in the mid night of the Geocentric theory. Hence, an Sussex Wins From Pick Monday, 19th Instant was an Liberty Hall, Colon City, P. eclipse of the sun was the cause of wicks.
much exorcisms For them, Darwin epochmaking day for the CECILIA The Pickwicks suffered of Coion. The student memAMERICA and Spencer were yet unborn.
What could one ever expect from an overwhelming defeat from bers of the Association were the Sussex on Sunday after bonoured by visit from bis (PANAMA)
such a Nazereth? It was the unex. COLON)
pected that has happened. Pananoon last the 18th inst, at Camp Britannie Majesty Minister, TODAY SATURDAY, Oct. 24th TODAY. Saturday October 24th ma did not evolve by the slow and Bierd oval.
Major Brathwaite Wallis, His Majesty and TOMORROW Sunday Oct. 25th painful process of natural selection Consul, Pickwicks batted first and Britannic Pauline Fredericks io as laid down by Darwin. No, she could only put together the small Captain DeComeau and Leatrice Joy and Ernest Torrence in MARRIED FLIRTS adopted the sudden jumps into score of 25 runs of which Bowen Mrs. DeComeau. Despite the in THE DRESSMAKER FROM PARIS translation as taught by DeVreis.
made 11. Sussex followed on clemency of the weather, hunTOMORROW. Sunday Oct. 25th Therefore in the short space of ten with Layne and Norse and after dreds of youths and minors MONDAY, October 26th Alice Terry in years, sbe has not only caught scoring 35 runs, play ceased.
comprising the membersbip of Special Cast in Colon, but passed her. How SACKCLOTH AND SCARLET the Model, Continua Bowling for Sussex Weeks ever much we may be sceptitook wickets for 10 runs and assembled at Liberty Hall lope tion and Tochnical Schools. THE FATAL HOUR MONDAY, October 26th cal of this new Dramatic An.
Atherly for 16 sociation, we have to admit before the time scheduled for TUESDAY, Oct. 27th. Comedy Pr. gram Patey Ruth Miller in that they have the division of the meeting to begin and anTHE GIRL ON THE STAIRS Wanderers. Westmoreland xlously awaited the arrival of the Among those present labour down to a fine point. No Match Ends Unsatisfac o clock Patrol Leader of the less than twelve persons are look. NEVER WEAKEN. DAY PLEASURE distinguished visitors. At 30 TUESDAY, October 27th ing after the affairs of the association.
torily. A. Boyecout Troop Reginald Deony in WEDNESDAY, October 28th These don include the OH DOCTOR players The Star in the announced the arrival of the making Hary Carrey in is one Mr. Roberts. He is usbered wbo were greeted with the Wanderers and West vebement singing of the British ROARING RAILS WEDNESDAY, October 28th in with a flourish of trumpets. He moreland were at Victoria National Anthem. They were was mentioned in the Goloush THURSDAY, October 29th Leatrice Joy and Ernets Torrence in oval on Sunday afternoon last then conducted to the platform column, we have been told. Hon THE DRESSMAKER FROM PARIS our enough. one would expect. But the 18th inst, by Chaplain Best and Alice Terry in Winning the toss Wanderers Prof. Campbell.
THURSDAY, October 29th no, he is puffed a little more. His AMONG THOSE PRESENT ability in elorution needs no rewent to the bat and scored 97 Mr. Hector Connor, President Special Cast in count. He is identified with many runs for seven wickets and declared. Reid (Bocas) 80, Me of the Association, called the FRIDAY, October 30th THE FATAL HOUR organizations in the Republic, and has made a name for himself. So Donald 17. Johns 11, Clarke 18 audience to order, and after Patsy Ruth Miller in making the Decessary introFRIDAY, Oct. 30th Comedy Program not out, Roberts not out.
have Ferreira, Miss ductions, remarked the interest THE GIRL ON THE STAIRS Among Those Present Linda Smart and Clan Me.
Westworeland replied and had shown by the distinguishei lost wickets for 19 runs, when visitors in wending their way to Keozie all first class Elocutionists SATURDAY October 31st NEVER WEAKEN DAY PLEASURE and have been members of many Coley member of the West. Liberty Hall through the pouring moreland wbo did not field dur. rain and SUNDAY Nov, 1st SATURDAY, October 31st organizations in the Republic, He then gave a brief but never succeeded in making a ing the progress of the Wander explanation of the aims and Buster Keaton in Harry Carey in name for any one else. However ers indings was sent in to bat objects of the of Co THE NAVIGATOR to which the Captain of the Wan. ROARING RAILS popular this gentleman may be in is native village he is not a well derers objected. The objection on which he said is bounding forward with creditable rapidity known figure over here. For this was upheld by the Umpires. At ane producing results whicn are fact am very sorry. Anyway this stage the Captain of the far beyond the original expecfeel that should warn him if not Westmoreland refused to comply tations of the membership. The in the words, but in the tone of with the Umpires decision and Band of the Colon Boys Instituold Woolsey. Roberts, charge gave Wandurers the game. to was in attendance and renthee, throw away elocution, by dered a few selections.
that handicap, none can hope to be Dead Body Found Everything seemed to have Why pay double price a great dramatist Yes, my dear reached the climax whep His for interior imported Roberts, two different arts alto Britannic Mayesty Minister gether.
One Miss Violet Castleton Boer when you can is bis On Saturday morning last the was called upon to speak. The partner in the dual role.
17th inst. between the bours of children cheered vociferously buy a superior Beer However thankful we may be that ten and eleven o clock the multi and exhibited a spirit of marked STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR this flower was not born to blush such as BALBOA for lated body of man was found enthusiasm. When quiet was unseen, we cannot refrain frora asking half the price.
in the sea at Dock 13 Cristobal restored, the Minister exprees. Of what dual role the and was trentified as that of himself as being deligbtfully writer is speaking? Then we are Beresford Mareball, Jamaican. pleased with the school present Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off informed that Miss Castleton Marshall, who was an employee stion. He commended Mr.
whose debut for the first time on the Isthmus will withstand the of the Cristobal Storehouse, Connor and ble followers for was held primarily in the interest criticism of the most exacting NON INJURIOUS Section A, was last seen alive on having began in the right way, of charity. In ag interview with audience. We are ready to wel Saturday the 10th inst. in the by educating the rising generthe President and Secretary of the come talent at anytime.
best of health and spirits. No ation, and said he will do all in Club after the dance, it was learnt though it be introduced with such reason can be assigoed for the ble power to perpetuate such that th: Club efforts were good work. It is not n03sible to No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required altogether a failure, if the main; time. Oh no, Miss Castleton, we not barbarisms as debut for the first present bis address Inthis that while there were many wbo, are not blaming that to you. You article. but ruftice it to state Rally Concert a Huge that the audier ce was very mucb MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, potwithstanding the Club request are simply sinned against Br of impressed and Success, exceedingly for a donation regardless of the 200 good cheer, Miss Vie, whenever SMOUTH AND SILKY tickets sent out were bot needed you should come to Colon we are satisfied the for the purpose of Th dance, ready to greet you. mv The Capsul was next called returned their cards without a remind you that Colon is still The Rally concert, represent upon. He held the audience contribution, the majority bave worshipping at the shrine of Miss ing Twelve Great Poets, which spell bound for about 20 min. SOLD EVERYWHERE rusponded to the good cause. The George. There are some who ubink was held on Sunday afternoon utes. This was the Consul Management begs to thauk those that Irene Kelly is not in her last the 18th inst. at the Ameri fourth address from the rostrum Experienced Canvassers Investigate who bave willingly helped.
ca Theatre with the view of rais of Liberty Hall. He expressed class. Of course, they are right, ing lunds towards the building blmselt 18 belog exceedingly it only depends where you plare of the new St. Joseph Church interested in the work of the general meeting of the La the emphasis. Now for Mr. John was highly successful. One and of Colon, because it Boca District of the Panama Canal Baxter, Puhlicist, Sporting all were delighted.
is an organization with a practiLOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD West Indian Employees AssociaStatistician and Author Amongst those present were cal program and an upright and tion will take place in the Crumu. never looked upon B, as a the Rev. Burns, Father Me capable leadership. Mr. Connor, pity Hall on Friday night next, the sporting writer in the true sense of Guire and Cunningham in commenting on the speeches, 30. It is understood that at this the word. He reports a fight like who acted as chairman. Mr. characterized them as pregnant meeting the District Represent an amateur. In fact he rather atives on the Board will report on pokes fun at the fighters than Cunningham opening speech with food for thought. He said was very inspiring, showing the wis only regret was that the the Board meeting recently held reports the fight present need of the new church Association entire membership NATURAL HAIR WIGS here. All members are urged to be In baseball, he slips now and and asking the co operation of of 2000 adults and youths was SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS; CURLS, present.
then. The truth is, sport is not his all the members and friends to not present to hear the many CLUSTER PUFF HAIR NETS, STRAIGHT field. That he uses the most featto aesist in the great undertak good toings that were spoken by ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN Mayaard Bus took maoy of the less and powerful nen on the Isthing.
the two officials It was how HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR Special comment resideots from here to Gambou mus will be sonceded on all hands most be ever binted that arrangements silver settlement on Sunday last; His Goulash is pregnant with wit ORDER. Free Catalog eent in request.
made of the solos rendered by will be made to stage a meeting the main purpose for which was to and bumour and carries a sly and Mrs. Forteau and Miss in the night when the entire ALEX. MARKS Altendor to take part in the cunning philosophy as its back.
Rample; Piano seletion by Dean membersbip of the Association 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. Plesant Sunday Afternoon at the ground. It is said of Bernard Shaw Jr; Vocal pipe orgau by the choir; can be present.
NEW YORK, N, St. Jude Mission which is con that no one likes him, yet he by Play: Home and Mother by Miss Gray and others.
Both speakers exhorted their nected to Saint Peter Church not an enemy in the world. No one bearers to make friends a cong over which the Rev. Mulcare is safe in liking K Yet one At the close of the program all people, irrespective of race, is the Rector. The party were in cannot afford to be his ememy.
the charmant thanked the wide colour ar creed. naabide both CANAL ZONE NOTES planned for nex month is expected twy, a membenare si petere, und be serious the children happier. The Concert charge of Teacher Edgar McCar Trivial where other men would for and close law, and command the admiraand thinks it a attention throughout, and praised tion and respect of everybody.
to real classical affair accord Wuo is in charge of the Mision duty to shed tears if one be.
Mr. Kerr, teacher of the In order to give vent to manifect ing to an La Boca Pars announcement made work at Gambos comes trivial. If you are in a con day school, for organizice such a emotions, the audience give by Chairman Hunter of a troversy with him, he would fine and enjoyable concert.
go out several rousing cheers, this be committee in charge of the pro An All Medallist Elocution Co. of bis way to tell you that you ing the only means whereby each gram. The price of admission, cannot write as good English as News Notes individual could show forth bis Interesting La Boca news for however, has been fixed a little test has been approved by the Dryden. If he should write an personal satisfaction.
publication in this parer may be higher left at teacher Ellis shorthand and vecasion so as to assure a respect the Istimus will be requested to vacates the chair and allows the tbao that on the first Athenaeum to take place sometime article against women, and some After a few closing remarko Typewriting Classroom News for able amount.
in January 1926. Ali me lallis is on Mise Smart takes him up. be rumour bas been in circula by who As on the previous tlon for the past few weeks that thanked the children for their publication on the tollowing Satur occasion, the District is soliciting take part, is said. ply to a pear in Goulash. On a be Labor Train which runs from commendable behaviour, which day must be delivered not later the co operation of parents and Good Friday, when the come unity Slifer Park to Mount Hope will ever be remembered as an to the Saturday for which publi welfare of children, to make this than Wednesday evening previous others who take interest in the Wife Claims Wrong Body or the greater part is singing o daily is to be discontinued at the epoch making meeting erme and mourn with me a ile. end of the present month. brought to a close at 15.
cation is desired.
entertaioment a success.
SHEFFIELD, Eng. Oct. piece of literature on tle vicarius he publishes the most iconoclastie After identifying a body as that of sacrifice of Christ. The next day, Several enquiries has been Hon. Hector Josephs Pays The date for the second and last The St. Judes Social, of G, learned he was alive in Hull, her busband, Mrs. Ellea Cornick he goes to a dinner and sits next made on the sabject with the Visit.
concert for collecting funds for this plans Grand Relly of Roses understanding that the authori ti a priest. Never had a friend that he dil not make butt of much year Christmas treat for the to be held at the Clubhouse on ties of the Panama Railroad Company has come to no such ridicule, When he is in bis best children is fixed for the 12th of November 14th. first class band BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE Hon. Hector Josephs Assistant next month (November. This mood he takes up bis devastating any foundation.
decision. The rumour is without Attorney General of Kingston, laudable effort in considering aud will be in attendance to discourse sweet music. Furtber announce peo and mixer friend and foe in Jamaica arrived on Wednesday preparing for the children at The British Consulate General cne common ruin. Like Paul Lalast on the. Sixaola enroute Christmas time is being put forth ment will be made in this column. of Panama would be glad of imforfargue, contemptuous of Inbour, Sbortly after eleven o clock on to Demerara where be bas been by the La Boca District of the mation concerning the where yet holds down two jobs; like old The Friday last the Fire Brigade was appointed Attorney General of Panama Canal West Indian EmManagement of of Ignatius Horatius Omar, be sings the praise of wine, called out to a fire in Broadway that Colony.
ployees Association. Last year the Woman Life Problem Club must Stevenson Plummer of St. Lucia, yet lectures on total abstinence between 9th and 10th Streets. Mr. Josephs aails today on the District joined with the Clubhoue be congratulated for the splendid who resided in Panama with the Such a character has not been seen The Brigade burried to tbe Rensselaer and takes with and made hundreds of children dance held at the Clubhouse on late Francia Ovid Decaille, then since the days of Napoli on, scene and immediately put the him the best wishes of the entire happy. This year the District is Saturday night last, As was left for Colon, Plummer has not think that we will have to admit blase out.
community, putting forth bigger efforts to make previously announced, the function been heard from for eight years, that Panama is leading the way Even tragedy.
Editor o tes President Connor, Was the abouts


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