
The Banana an Immigrant Photographic Typeset.
Myker Predict Copy WIR Be Set Up By Wireless And Sent Fron One City to Another.
CGARETTES LIETTA MYERS TOBACCO CQ London, August 23. Long experiments with typesetting by photography have been carried through to successful completion by two British inventors. They asserted today that they bad per fected a machine which will revolutionize the principles of printing in use since the time of Caxton.
The new machine does away with metal type by substituting for it film upon which the subjert matter is photographed It bas a keyboard like a typewriter which selects characters and letters from the master film and projects them rapidly on to a sensitized film, where they are photographe, exposure requiring a fraction of second. This exposed film is the developed and can be printed fton in a variety of ways of which the mos: favoured is the lithograph Among the numerous hopes raised by Canada new ad tre ty with the British West Ind is that of more anc cheaper banaaza This valuab Up to date Jewelry and nutritious cal fruit wa during the vogue of the inne in every form can be seen to ago in everybody mouh, tb here at its best See our xp ctation is that it will be eine so really and permanentus. Wrist Watches, Many people, in all probablity.
accept the banana as indigenouBracelets, to th: westera continent; cartalaly o fruit is more stadily Diamond Rings in doma But now co nes th scientist, ever rutbless in bis and a hundred other adorndemolitios of accepted belief, to ments and you ll recognize assure u tbat it is not native to the w World. He inforns u why this is the LEADING that nad Columbus, or his follow JEWELRY HOUSE in town ers, in acht American soll asked the loolans for bavanas ibisk prices and you ll find stil question woulu bave been receiv another reasoned peiseiy the same answer as was returned by th: peripatetic Fuller Jewelry Store puddio New York and the foreign ace nt. Pssibly some 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 rebellious cizer, with an eco Domiciliaclination, may questi)
to va ve of researches cu duced by thecinom bota ist et the United States Department o Agriculture for iconoclastic purp. es. He may resent inqui has ries that result in publication of the archaelogical conclusion that the notio tuat bananas originate in this bemisphere, and were cultivated by the aborigines before the advent of the first wbite visitors is nothing better tban a myth.
The choicest Turkish and American tobaccos are skilfully blended to produce Chesterfield. a cigarette of unequalled richness, smoothness and good taste.
And no other cigarette compares with Chesterfield, for the Chesterfield blend can be copied.
They Satisfy process.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended The claim unat fossile banana Well Doer LIGOTTMYERS AR Dbarlllloon Different sizes of types are obtained by adjustment of tue fecue of the lens of the camera which projects the master film on the sensitized film. This procese is automatic. large variety of be poi of master film three inches wide and two inches in diameter contatos the equivalent of 2, 700 fonts of type.
If the invention fulfills expecta tions it can be used with wireless telegraphy, so that a machine installed in one city can set up matter in other cities simultane ously. It is also predicted it will reduce the size of printing establishments and result in scrapping much costly composing machinery at a saving of millions of dollars in capital outlay.
Books and magazines, it is stated will become cheaper and more beautiful because of the greater variety of types available and be.
cause the clearness of outline will be preserved by avoiding an inter mediate process.
The inventore August and Hunter, his brother in law. and they have been working on the machine for four years at the plant of Ilifie and Soa at Walworth. The machine is protected by seventy British and foreign patents, aod business men representing large interests are already associated with the commercial exploitation of the invention. Iliffe and Son are one of the largest British publishers and are specially known for automobile and motorcycle trade journals. Tbe head of the firm is a prominent member of Parliament.
are House Rent Receipt Books potato SPANISH ENGLISH Thy Name, seed has been found in the past SLOAN LINIMENT somewhere in this hemisphere is not only discredited but wholly pains and aches than any other known remedy: that is confuted by the statement, on why thousands of people tho this same bigb authority, that as world over call it pain to the seeds, Americao bana a enemy.
trees have no seeds. It is cuius Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff that those who took the trouble neck, sore and tired muscles, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, to disseminate the atlier sprains and bruises are ingeological information as to tos stantly relieved by silized banada seeds should not SLOAN LINIMENT have first asked the botanist None legitimate without portal and signature of whether bananas are propagated by seeds. Yes, we have tossil horses, camels and elephants America, but no fossilized bana At all drurists and dealere.
nas. Tne banana, which is now sta, le article of food in many SLOAN parts of the earth. comes from LINIMENT the Malay Archipeligo, and is in (PAIN KNEMY)
America an immigrant along with much else that is now onu hundred cent. It Balso regarded as one hundred Dentist Howell per cent. out in benighted heart of that contipent HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA The information is also given out, quite incidentsliy, by thu CANAL ZONE.
same Department of Agriculeur, Office Hours: a. to p. m, just to illustrate the errors on to p. earlier foreign scientists and travellers in America, that the DAILY Irish potato came from Peru, in PHONE 1288 BALBOA South America, and not from Virginia, in North America (the Specializes in all the branches potato tbat Sir Walter Raleigh found in Virginia was a sweet of Dentistry.
potato. But after all, the is his who grows the best warty M. WILKINSON and not bis who found the tirst potatoes growing small, acid aud few in hul somewhere on Contractor the slope of the Ales. It is on little consequence inat we have and Builder Go bacanas, or potatoes, achologi cal. The economic botanisi could House No. 20 perb sps, be most profitably ex28th NOV, STREET, ployed in telling us how to mak our cwn the best if they are not SAN MIGUEL already the best that can b: Box 411, Panam, P.
growo. The Canada west ludia Magazine.
Plans and Specifications Free Garveyites Still Going First Class Workmanship Strong.
Guaranteed Recent despatch from New York says. Garvey in Prison, but Garvey. British Consulate Notices.
ism is Large, was the inscription on one of the banners in a monster The Acting British Consulat parade of the Universal Negro Colon roull ne glad of information Improvement Association Annual concerning William Henry Lewis, August Demonstration in New the father of George Augustus York, acd the size and the spirit of Lewis of St. Lucia and of Alfred the procession proved the truth Lewis of New York City.
written on the banner. Traffic had to be suspended while the monster parade was on. Even critics and The Acting British Consulat enemies of Garvey wondered at the Colon would be glad of information stickability of his thousands of regarding Alfred Harrison, a nafollowers. Garvey himself is un tive of Jamaica stated to ba emdaunted and his weekly letters played at Cristobal.
from prison are still full of the inextinguishable fire of determina The British Consulate General tion at Panama City would like to hear from Lilian Ophslis Ferguson cf Jamaica who is urgently needed reWhy pay donble price quired at that office.
for interior imported Beer when you can Notice to Correspondents.
buy a superior Beer Contributors and correspondents such as BALBOA for are asked to send in their contribu.
tions not later than Thursdays to half the price.
iasure publication. This is impera.
tive and must be a lhered to Order Books (BY MOULTON. Two hours since from my work came And now am set to feel so low; friend of mine speaks of thy Name My Pride of Youth in reveren ce bow.
Last year was last saw thy Face, That set my bosom to a flame; Oh for that ever ealving Grace To heal a heart that limpeth lame.
Oh Lovely Thing that haunts the soul Like Phant om Silence in the Wild That binds one to a lover role Like Frolic of a Wayward Child My Pride of Youth in reverence bow To thee alone this d confess; The image of thy Celtic Brow Haunts me to write but nothing less!
Cartagena, January 1924.
Secretary and Treasurer for secret Orders and Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT The Workman What everyone is saying KRONEN BRAU superior to all imported beers Stationery Store


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