
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OC. OBER 24, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior Cider Champagne We Buy and Sell Pearls The Workman BOOK STORE No. 93, Central Avenue JUST OPENED Escalerita La Notions And Novelties By The Fountain EL GAITERO (Continued from page BY C, MOULTON)
THE ONLY ELABORATED Sweet Damsel of the Fount in Taking a Step Down sweet is Thy Voice, sweet is Thy JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP ward.
Smile, Spanish Cider with its Oh Souls, of souls the poets greet Corner 12 Street East Avenue I ask a word just for a while, own Carbonic Acid Hitherto it has been rare, il Caused by the mysteries of thy We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also ever to hear of West Indian Gov charm watches. Our prices are the lowest and our ernors or their wives visiting My heart leaps like the Limping schools except, perbaps, on most Lame, Workmanship is guaranteed.
importaut occasions, and then at My Soul afire and its alarm Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you most the visit would be confined Upsets me to my very Frame.
to schools of the higher grades, may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may but now a cays it would seem saw the mysteries of the sea URETIC AND REFRESHING drsire, provided the monthly payments of that this time worn aristocratic Decked in the emerald of thy dress, Trade Mark interest are duly met.
conventionality is gradually And ia deep. stupefaction, mefading into oblivion in the face of It set to thinking and to guess, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall modern democracy. In this con The El gant Vesting of thy feet, VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ be pleased.
nection it is pleasing to note that Betokened lilies grown so fair, the beads of Government are Whose fragrance it is hard to beat S, taking a step down. The following For souls oppressed or sick to cheer.
VILLAVICIOSA taken from the Trinidad Weekly Guardian will show saw great Venus in the sky SPAIN Lady Byatt has been visiting By eyes so opulent, so brightsome of the Elementary Schools Ah! bad you seen my wistful sigh of the Colony during their work. While refreshed myself this night! ESTEBAN DURAN ing hours. Large numbers of SOLE AGENT CALL IN AT school children have thus bad an was so lost, dared not speak, opportunity of getting in fair All these were mysteries to me; For the Republic of Panama ly close touch during their school and though m not Olympian days with so important a perGreek sonage, and there can be no Goodess d make of Thee. doubting it that the interest For thine are factions of delight; which Lady Byatt is showing in How sweet, how charming is thy the children will be productive of train; much good, for they will realiz that their weltare is a subject on My pigment may be dark as night deep concern to those who bola My snel would guard nought but thy Main. he highest position in the land.
Many children will never forget Oh God! help me to write some the visit and it will serve to more ASSORTMENT OF stimulate their interest in their send me the ghosts of poets bold; education and themselves. There want to write and implore Corner of 22nd Street and Central Ave.
is even in this Colony to day, For words, poetie, manifold.
GOOD STATIONERY the danger of educated children forming wrong ideas as to the Oh let me play upon a string. NEXT DOOR FULLER JEWELRY STORE)
SOUVENIRS, attitude taken towards them by That she may hear my noiseless others who are not in their own barp: circle, and these ideas can fre Oh let me hear the muses ring. LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF quently be best corrected only the soul of Danbar on a wirp.
by the various classes gaining a better knowledge of each other. pray, Oh Lord, for that great CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God gift Holiness To write about my feelings billow Prices Ranging From 272cts To 25cts.
REVIVAL OF POLO IN And cruise at least some soul (Continued from page 4)
CALIDONIA DISTRICT TRINIDAD uplift Seventh Day Adventist Church Like Byron on My lonely Pillow.
Also a Complete Assortment of the Sunday 50 clock, Prayer Meetin STREET CALIDONIA ROAD 11 a. Divine Service Preacher The Port of Spain Gazette of And as tis true, Thou art above (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, Supplied Sept, 24th says: FAMOUS HO RO CO PRODUCTS Make known to me just what 3 Sunday School Superintendent.
Sunday Evening 30 Preach. In cennection with the feel; p. Programme ing Service Pay us a Visit and be Convinced.
The general public is proposed revival of polo in Tri Is this a faney, is it Love?
cordially invited to turn out in large 30 Gospel Service, Preacher nidad, a meeting was held in the Send me some words Lord, Supplied.
office of the Private Secretary to appeal. Bumbers.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. SabTuesday 30 Gospel Service His Excelleucy the Governor, Nov. 1923.
bath School; 11. 15 ato. General Worship Thursday 30 o. Sister and Tes at the Government Buildings timony ineeting.
yesterday afternoon. The follow3. 30 pm. Spanish Class; Saturday 30 Choir Reb rals.
The best Tonic in the World ing persons were present: Col. State had ever been refused by 30p. M. Society, meeting Elder ODLE de Boissiere, Hon. Furness that Court. The Executive Coun 30 Junior and Senior Standard Agostine, Pantin, sil dealt with such matters and of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Pateor in charge Faq. de Verteuil. frequently came to a decision even Bennett, Esq. Acham without consulting the Seventh Day Adventist Church Chen Esq. and Capt. Traill. Court. Opportunities should be This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend taken to communicate with the ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, 8rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Bethlehem Church of God It was decided to form a Secretary of State and see that Sunday evening 30 Preaching Holiness Polo Club and Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up the to start play denial and remonstrance of Bervice. You are cordially invited to a run down constitution about the 1st November. Colore the Court has secured as wide a attend these services and bring your No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St Capt. Traill were deputed to de Boissiere, Mr. Agostini and publicity as that malicions statefriends.
It promotes digestion, impr uves the appeSabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath SAN MIGUEL draft the rules which will be Mr. McArthur said he felt tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Behool; 11, 15 a. General Worship Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting placed before the general that there was some misunder4, 30 pm. Young people meeting 11 a. Divine Service Preacher, public at a later date.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or standiog somewhere berhaps in Government or other circles4 times a day. 30 Vespero Bro W, Campbell, p. Sunday School, Superintenthat the combined Court stood in deat.
BRITISH GUIANA the way of progress and enter.
The Church of God 15 Gospel Service, Preacher prise. It was absolutely untrue.
W: Panam, Arosemena Street, House 25, Bro, Phillips Mr. Woolford said the only San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. The Demerara Legis cese core dhe sind which bad ever occurred was the in meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am. Thursday 30 pm. Sister meeting lature and 30 Sunday School at 3p. and Testimony.
crease of royalty with respect to Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting the halata licence, but that was Saturday 30 Choir Rebearsal done on the initiative of the Tuesday at 15 Young People Meeting. Wednesday at 730 SIR GRAEME THOMSON Government. When the mistake was discovered it was corrected, Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm.
BEULAH. 30a. Prayer meeting AND THE CONSTITUOpen air meeting, Friday at 30 Mr. Cannon suggested the TION.
Prayer Meeting 11 a. Devine Service Preacherappolotmest of a small committe Why throw away your old, but no of the Court to draft a telegram Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. Bro. Small 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten Unoffical Protest Against Post Excelleney for approval and which be submitted to His doubt interesting, books when you Red Tank, Capal Zoue, Sunday School dent. 30 p, Gospel Service, Preacher pm. Gospel meeting on Thursday Bro. Small Prandial Statement.
then 1orwarded.
can have them neatly bound at at 30 pm.
His Excellency replied that Sis. GRAY GAMBOA MISSION 30 Sun At a meeting of the Demerara the elective members were at THE Now Providenoo. Gospel Meetings at day School; 4, 30 Gospel Sermon Legislature held on Friday Jast liberty to form their own com: 11. 30 am and 7, 30 Sunday School Bro. Phillips under the Presidency of the mittee. He proposed to telegraph 93 CENTRAL AVENUE at pm. Wednesdav at 30 GosHon. Popbam Lobb, that afternoon to the Secretary pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer will be given from the pulpit.
Note Other Services for the week Acting Governor Mr. Webber of State saying that attention Meeting.
drew attention to statement had been drawo publicly to the Opposite Cecilia Theatre Bro. McDONALD Elder FRANCIS, made by Sir Graeme Tbumson statement and asking whether Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings Pastor in charge. in England which appeared in the report was accurate?
at 11. 30a. and 39 m; Ruoday the local press. Sir Graeme bad School at pm. Wednesday 30 stated at West India Club dioGoepel Meeting. Friday at 30 ner that a change of the Con PRITISH GUIANA EM Royal Recognition to His Majesty my intense pleasure Pra Meeting.
Salvation Army Hall, stitution was necessary, giving PIRE SERVICES.
and gratification at His Majesty Bro, GEORGE GRIFFITH the Secretary of State ultimate gracious recognition of my efforts power where matters of para in the cricket field?
Colon. and Streeta. Gospel meetLA BOCA CORPS mount importance His Majesty the King has been ings at 11. 30 in and 30 Sunday were con Diploma and Medal Awarded. 30. Knee Drill. beg you, my lord, to assure cerned, otherwise capital would pleased to forward a letter of con His Majesty that his reconguition School. at 3p. Wednesday at 30 11 a. Holiness Meeting. m. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 be sby. since no guarantee of p. Sunday School.
There were on display in the gratulation to Jack Hobbs on his of my setting up a cricket record Prayer Meeting. 30 Open Air.
concessions to capitalists was Court of Policy Hall, in British eaking of Dr. Grace century adds greatly to the satisfaction possible. He thought the state Guiana, on Friday last, a certiti. record in the great National game over its achivement Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON 30 Salvation meeting. ment to have the honour to be, my lord, We extend a cordial invitaton to all, colony good name cd 10 the cate, diploma and bronze medal of cricket by scoring last month awarded to the Government by his 127th of establishYour lordship obedient and Bethel Church of God prospect for development. It the British Empire Exhibition ing another record by scoring 24 humble servant Holiness gausadeo to make and required the atten: colony participation in the reply which was addressed to His was also a very serious statement Board in recognition of the centuries in a single season Hobbs (Signed) HOBBS RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS TRY should be taken to contradict it. The Diploms has been issued in tion of British Empire secretary Sanday. am, Prayer Mzettug.
Kensington Oval, Everyone had his opinion as to appreciation of services rendered British Consulate Notice 11 Divine Service. Preacher KRONEN BRAU whether or not the constitution 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent by the Government of British 21st August, 1925 30 pm. Gospal Service, Preacher should be changed He did not Guiana in contributing to the My Lord have the bonour to The British Cousulate General at Supplied.
ON DRAUGHT think His Excellency was in a representation of the Arts, acknow ledge your communicatio. Panama City would like to bear position to say that any concess Science and Industry of the dated the 20th of August conveying from Winter Farraday Racker, of Tuesday Gospel service at the usual OR BOTTLES hour, ion ever recommended by His British Empire. The certifi Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charg. Poco 000CCCCCCCC0000008 predecessor, or the Secretary of Dent ly displayed at the museum. Would you, my lord kindly express be able to furnish imformation.
Excellency Government, his cates and medal will be perma His Majesty congratulations. British Guiana. Mr. Barriteau may VIGOR TONIC ment.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Book Binding!
would WORKMAN century, and


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