p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 24, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races The Exigencies of Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS seek we 111 Manua come The American Bazaar Hello SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 award Races! Races!
Time 09.
neta To Morrow Races Juan Franco Park was all gay (Contigued from page 1)
Entries and weights for tomoron Sunday afternoon last. The The black man must learn from ror races at Juan Franco Park eight races arranged by the Pan the history of these other nations Class furlongs 500.
ama Jockey Club were run, al that only through the unselfish Factor Ruso 130, Manua 121; though the last, which was won leadership of one who dares to Margot 109, Dad, 104, Marcela80 by Chiqui, was run after the sun sacrifice all, and who is willing to his had gone behind the western lay his life upon the altar of Class One mile. 300.
Mi Pollera 128, Alta Mae 9, horizɔn and darkness bad beg un country Africa: one who does not Super Gloria 118, Mill Boy 111, to cover the land, to palliate conceal the one Mary Erb 103.
There was a new Starter, object of the white man conquest of Africa and his determination to Commander Sampsell, who make it a white Africa, that Class 612 furlongs 259; Oh Pah 123, Gallineta 123, Celia.
got along fairly well.
can not hesitate or delay longer Tigre 110, Rzvoltosa 106.
Jocky Moore brought in Pereque the mobilizing of the Negroes of Guitaras 90.
as winner in the feature race o: the world for the patriotic purpose Class furlongs 225 six and one hall furlongs for the of founding the nited States of Capitana 128, Tigre 124. Autobest imported horses, with Fac. Africa. And if our men hesitate to nieta 111. Mabel 107, Sunny Girl to Ruso tioishing a length bebind follow our leader, Marcus Garvey. AT 107, oncho Roto 106, Keroan 93 and apparently fresh. Munoz who dares to do all, then the ass furlongs 150, brought Margot in third. Dad women of the race must 00. Fenomeno 123, Rialto 121, ran last and scratched was forward, they must join the great Caribe 119. Candlewood 90.
army of Amazous and follow a Class four furlongs The five furlong race for the Joan of Are who is willing to be 150 00 Zpo 128, Dictador 109, best native horses was won by burned at the stake to save her Repulse 102. Liandro 97, Zipi Rialto, with Caribe and nome country, Africa must be saved!
no finish in the order named.
Zape 90 Strike for your altars and your Jockey Moore bronght in Candle fires God, and your native land 118, Cbiqui 118, Raso 111.
wood abead of his field in the second race of five furlongs for Lipic 94, Ramer 92, Cholito 80, Dative horses.
Succeeding in Jamaica.
Class four forlongs 125 Jiminez bad a good day. He Barbs Roja 110, Top Sergeant rode four winners: Tigre in the 108 Peligro 106. Fly Home 100, The name of Miss Ethlyn Stone, third race of five furlongs for the 14 year old daughter of Mr.
Mentiroso 110, Patrick 88.
imported borses; Alta Maa in H, Stone Proprietor of The Colon the forth race of seven furlongs, Bible Depot appeared in a list, also for imported porses; Roamer published by the Jamaica Herald Pacific Star Lodge No.
in the fitth, four furlongs and in of 16 students who recently sat in VISIT WILL SATISFY thr seventh Tigre. Tigre paid his the city of Kingston and have 16, I.
backers for each tickets bought pus ed in Phonography. This has on him to win, 16. 20 in the third entitled Miss Stone to the of race and 90 in the seventh.
a Theory Certificate in Pitman INSTALLS OFFICERS, The result were as follows: Shorthand, and it is learnt that the First race: distance flyr for young lady has, accordingly, re The Pacific Star Lodge No 16, longs; Rialto (Navarro) Caribeceived her certiticate from The B. the last founded (Schulz) Fenomeno (Carrillo. Phonetic Institute, of Bath, Why pay double price Ldge of the Star Fraternity in Time 08 5. Pool paid 86 England.
this domiau is bending its way and 30 on the winner; 40 student for general and for inferior imported to success as on Friday 16th ulti.
on the second borse.
business education at The Excel.
Beer when you can mo installed the first Officers Second race: distance tite fur Miss Stone is studying deligently sior Sehools, Kingston, Jamaican, since its organization on May 3rd longs; Candlewood (Moore) buy a superior Beer of the present year. remark Zapo Casas) Dictador (Muniz. for forthcoming exams. The Work such as BALBOA for able feature was the unity and Pool paid 800 and MAN Wishes her continued success.
half the price.
interest displayed by the unstin 20 on the winner and 10 on JUAN FRANCO TRACK ted support and co operation of the second borse.
all the sisters lodges of the orde: der of wbich we can safely Third race: distance six fur Large Public Cathering of The longs; Tigre (Jiminez) GalliTO MORROW Salvation Army, Colon.
say Unity is strength and (Aranguiz) Guitarra Mrs. Anna Cox Passes that is our watch word. Too muca (Moor. Time 10 Pool paid our fearless 16. 20 and 30 on the winuer SIXTY YEARS SĄLVATION ARMY Sunday, October 25th 1925 and undaunted leader Sir Away and 10 on the second boree.
Crooks Grand Organ zing Legate who masterly handled the situaFourth race: distance seven On Thursday, October 29th, a tion with such solemnity and furlongs; Aita Ma. Jimin z) large mass meeting will by held in WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE Latest mails arriving on this prestige that it can be truly said Pipiolo (Aranda) Mi Pollera the fine Hall on 14th Sts. Colon Isthmus bring the news of the pass. Aranguiz. Time 28 5 Pool to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee ing away of another fam liar figure of bize Work well done and paid 6, 40 and 10 on the win of the Salvation army. Major from the social life of the Island of done.
Grenada, in the person of Oficers per 83 80 on the second hurse Bax will give an interesting Lecture installed were:and 50 on the entitled Sixty Years Salvation Mrs. Auna Cox, mother of Me Bir Hurlert, Henry, Comman Fifth race: distance four fur ArmyAll the Officers of the Thomas Cox, one time well known Commander: Sir Queely, der; Lady Matilda Bryan, Vice Roamer (Jiminez) Army on the Isthmus will and popular druggist of Cloneity Scribe: Lady Gayle, Acct.
Tigrillo (Cowan) Peligro (Na present, including Conmandant who left these shores some time ago Races For Imported horses varro) we 57. Pool paid 750 Martin, Panama, Adjutant Wiggan to be at the side of his mother the fir. Foster, Treasurer: Sir and 00 on toe winner and 90 of La Boca, Captain Gaule, of Para.
fast declining in strength, James Nolan, Chaplain; Lady on the second borse.
iso, and the from Rosalie Holder, Marshall; Sir the four and for Native bred Ponies Mother Cox as she was populariy John Savoury, Asst. Marshall Six race; distance furlongs; Corps on the Atlantic side. All the called, breathed her last in her Sir Brooks, to Com; Pereque (Moore) Factor Rasa members will be present, and two bome in St. George s, Grenada, ou Lady Butcher, to Com. Carrillo) Margot (Munoz. Singing Brigades. The Service will September 29th last and was laia siro. Gamble, to Vice Time 22. Pool paid and commerce at 30, and ALL SEATS rest on the following day mourn Commander; Lady Frances Cain, to Doors open at on the Wigoer and 60 on the ARE FREE.
second horse.
ed by a large circle of relatives and to Vice Com; Lady Eva o clock You are heartily invited.
friends, including many prominent! Johnson, Inside Sentinel; Sir The Seventh and eight races citizens of that community. e Samuel Bowen, Outside Sentinel; were won by Tigre and Chiqui, respectively; the first paying 80 90 LEGAL NOTICE Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
burial rites were performed oy Sir Urlah Bɔnder, Past Comman Revd. Byer minister of the der. At the close of the instaliaand 20 respectively on the St Geo ge Wesleyan Methodist lion ceromonies the members rewinnea Notice of Pendency of Suit First Race Starts p. Sharp Church of which she was an old nuired to the banquet room and respected memb.
where a sump uous banquet was SPARKLETS UNITED STATES DISTRICT To the young drugzist, her son delved into and enjyyed by all.
COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE ADMISSION. now connected with the firm of Although our favourite Balbua (Continued from page 1)
Charles, Bain Co. Grenada) as best beer was unavoidably absent as they do in the movie hall where Balboa Division Grand Stand Ground 50c. well as to Mr. Fred DeSuze, her owing to the recent upheaver in the moving pictures can neither nearst relative on this Isthmus, tie the City, the reader may imagine see nor hear them and therefore CIVIL No: 730 Grenadian coloay here tenders its the eladerate speeches of welnot affected by their behaviour sincerest condolence, come and friendship as Legates and Past Commanders or all the This conduct must as a matter of ETHELBERT STERLING, course devolop into the neccessary Sister Lodges were represented, Plaintify material for the hooligans, and it Misleao ing Statement CORRECTION Dan Trims Bill when in the wee hours of the should not be allowed to continue CLAUDINA STERLING morning all left satistied, exclain.
while certain nights could be TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: To The Editor THE WORKMAN: Defendant.
ing. The ar, The Star, Gjd be alloted to tne youngsters and they Dear Sir. In the Star Divorce could be shown pictures within the What is Considered one of with us.
Dear Sir: By means of the Hrald issue of October 8th, an range of their vonthful ability to To CLAUDINA STERLING: intervie with the Rev a present, beg to call your atten. the most interesting games of tion to various errors made ia pool was played on Saturday ST. PAUL MEMBERS. penetrate for their edification with You are notined that on wa someone in charge of the programs October 19, heas Ethelbert ed. Sterling which it was stated that the Rev. the publication of two of my night the 17th inst, at the poems in your issue of Oc. obr Paraiso Clubhouse betwetn to enforce good conduct. filed in the above entitied courts H. Thorbourne is Superim 17th, as follows. Continued from page 5)
petition wherein he prays for an abso, tendent on the Isthmus of the the abovementioned pair of CORRECT THE ONE TO Suit The lute divorce from you on the statu Tropical Morning on solicit donations from the publio OTHER, Bouthern Baptist Board.
tory grounds of desertion.
You are, therefore, hereby notified turned in their collection, to date.
While it is true that the Soon a list showing the doua ions on the Canal Zone higher that you are required to enter your that Mr. Toorbourne would have verse) of the last stanza bas been have been waiting, hoping paxe. complete line of Cue pushers. The line reads as old fox. as Bill is Common received from the various societies education is not yet available nor appearance in writing in the office of odeon: Currected this misleading sate follows: Lyrics, with obtainable for coloured children, Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, ment, but as far 89 know no of crystals dancing their bosts ly called) made desperate and the individual collections of the Clerk of said court at and so it would not be a very bad on or before the 25th day of January, correctiɔn bas been made.
efforts to win, it was con duly author. zed memoers will be Jamaica. page The idea if rules were made to curtail 1926.
the The co operation of As Pastor of the Southern fourth word in the third line of spicuous that youth was published, If you to do so time ed boys and girls. The loss could aforesaid the petition will be takean Baptist Churches New Posted the fourth stanzı should be entirely out of his favor and entire public is earnestly soliciteu. have confessed, and will been easily be offset by organizing for judgement against you by default and wheather the twoort is true that last word of the third stanzı of pelled to bow to defeat at the Courts not counts. And the in consequence was. com forms of ment such as literary and debating applied for a che per le dont the relier the Rev. H. Thortourne 18 this poem 48 hendes in petition.
not hands of his younger and Rent Receipt Books in SpanSuptof the Baptist classes and such other things to F, SHEIBLEY work on the Isthmus.
promote a competitive spirit for more experienced oppoinent. Ish and English for sale at the Clerk.
Realizing the impression that To prevent any misunder the above omissions must cause; nobler things to help make thera Workman Printery more fit for the actual competition standing, wish to state that take this opportunity of rewhich they must sooner or later Mr. thorbourne and all his qu sting your kindness of mak BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE Churches enter into as men and women of bave no connection ag the corrections.
tomorrow Have you tried the with the Southern Baptist Board Thankig you in advance for Have you tried the new Beer Yours sincerely. your attention, beg to remain, Colon would be glad of informa.
The Acting British Consul at JOSEPA TARIFT with kind regards.
now Beer tion as to the pr? sent whereabouts ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO Kronen Brau Advertise in the Workman Yours very truly, of Fernand Holly, a native of Ja Kronen Brau THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP mtica, bero at kingeton on August UAN FRACNO TO MOROW.
IT PAYS. MOULTON. 29th, 00 him The ATTRACTIVE RACES on the third Oficers Another big day for Turfites Ys.


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