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THE EARLY Ex Kaiser of Germany Sees Yellow and Black Race GARVEY APPEALS TO PRESIDENT PLOSING LAW Night School at Golon Is a New Innovation straight.
an the rank.
Says Wife was Instru Measures Introduced in montal in His Misfor British Guiana and tuno.
Peril to White Civilization to Avert Result of Fraternity Dinner by ExBitb in British Guian and which Germany Must be Re Armed The following is taken from the Pupils of National Institute.
Barbados, Es y Closing Laws special despatch from Atlanta bave been introduced. In Britsib recently states: Marcus Guia ya the Government have taken Under date Oetober 17, the This cataclysm that thretens the va, Much enthusiasm exists in the another, may be able to change New York Times publishes the white race and Western civilization Garvey, father of the recent strp to ser that there will be 10 city of Colon in connection with from class torm without losing any is following:certain to have sinister if not back to Africa movement and rosirait of trade.
the Night School for Adults, which of the studies. An interview with the formerfatal cousequences to the prosperity who was a short while ago Commenting on the Law 98 was inaugurated on 28th of Sep These classes are not open to thə mails be says: emner.
children, exerpt to those who are America sometimes forgets thai Iris old views on the yellow peril, both This Schrol is open every night compelle to work during the day Japan and Russis are berdeported at the end of bis term in It would seem as if the couatry of the week except Saturdays and to contribute to the support of is in the neighbors, for in thºse days of the. The torcess China receiving help against of riced na Totage rece ali vide stretches operation with the Federal Gorden wanted holi tays thrust upon organis ra is to give an opportunity to must be made by the The former German Emperor neveiklos vigation oceanser stretches Immigra ion authorities, in co shopke se hartie in danger of hypog sund us and the intention of is their families. In such cases, apolithe European powers primarily for lear. ing to those persons who e parents or guardisis of these chil.
from Soviet Rusia, perhaps ako China, is a formidable antagonist. sendinsiones affir pago letter to seele ta pafore. Jagally they would your those wito hit the primary schools be mixer wereby they will bo Japan, backed by Moscow and vernment came to such immutable theme como as climax prior to the The Shop Closing Act, which educatiou Ias been neglected, or to dren, in order that permission may Japan If London, Paris and Washing President Coolidge recentiy aptary closing practice observed for after having passed through all the exempt from acte dance at the day According to press reports years noe by the larger grades but who are anxious to sehool and may be allowed to study men ia he pay of Mascow and enstastrophe they have only one with the alternative that he would brincantine establishment in to view the sunje us learned; and at the night clauses.
says the former Kaiser, 200, 000 tog sincerely desire to avert this pealing for wo executive pardos many armed and equipped by Japan are choice. they must rearm Germany depart as soon as his busine. was bring into line other businesses also to comin the reach of put on waich employ cousiderable labour, the publie certain All the above named snbjects secondary said to be held in readiness for stanga is gerally regarded as beneficial subjects whic) they may china in case of any emergency His original home was in King legislation It gives to all persoas desirous of acquiring, be are taught in Spanish only, and America refusal to take sides the system followed is strictly in From this William Hohenzol ero ligible as repre enting her interests, of the British Jumuig.
Guw. por holiday on either a Saturday of against and as is a citizen employed in shops, a weekly balf accordance with the table set by The session of the Night School the Government for the primary maintenance of space in Europe promulgated by Senator Boray as soon as the lav sº of the United Theories oportunidos por mest and for Boys, situated on Sepond Street course iron ile first in the draws the conclusion that the but the principle of rave equality ment he is subject to deportation Tourada y employees are those are held in the Government School schoois, fucluding of the thorougy depends upon the revival of Ger threatens the supremacy of the States are satisfied.
recreation, No fee and the employer as dance aud the only requirement white race.
ratteo grades.
mengs; only when the peace treaty Garvey was sentenced to serve well. But in a small community In addition to these classes, is scrapped It will be quoted by all colored five years and arrived here several like Barbados, we dubi very is that the pupils be punctual. know wbat am saying, he nese goose is sauce for the colored He will be released in about three operation of the Act beyond a nations. What is sauce for the Chi. months ago to begin his sentence much if it is se to studious and orderly Through the secial courses in Spanish, English, extele courtesy of the Government, the French and Shorthand have been Europe fur twenty five years Chinese be grant to the African declared, for kept peace in gander. What he clairs for the and a half years on good behaviour limited area We think that before public enjoys írve light, free class. org nised, The classes dealing with Spanish Egland is not at present prepared acd to the Indian activities in promoting colonies in would be well to have a cursus of the black boards and chals. Enel are under the charge of Sr. Jose Garvey his going inits, the use of arkuowledge the facts, France, Africa. His schemes involved st ek eto, number of shops and pupil must, however, bring his or Rettally and Srta. Linda Smart, on the other hand, is repared for William sees the blacks of Africa selling and land sales. He also assistants outside those limits her own hopeleil care le portes entre This course is intruded for foreigevery emergeucy She is said to be raising their claims. He says: chartered old steambout which would be affected by the The following subjects are taught uers who are desirous of learning establishing a strong air bise on The blacks may base an add which he estabished as the aca closing Act. We suppose such Arithmetic Spanish, and has already been the fibi e again both London and Jtional claim to recognition as equal Star Line, In his programda it information He is available with 30 Spanish Grammar adopted by over 160 adults, com.
Berlia upon the fact that itey were em was hinted that he was to be the regard to the seed and bearing of and Compositioni prislug West ludians, Americans. Marianne seems to be indulging (ployed by the white powers co fist president of the new republic, the Act hus been given p Civics and History and dative bora persons of foreign in parentage. The Spanish classes a little flirtation with Bolshevist European soil to fight the best blood He was convicted in collection puble in the speeches made in trie 30 Geography and His net ou Myodays, Wednesdays Russia and with Jupan at the of the weite raca in Europe, the with his sale of stock in the plain, Huse of Assembly, but there tory, and Fridays from p. m, to 9, expense of the Angl Saxon bloeiermans, and to keep them in the biggest purchasers to get tities nothing snowing that there is any That is the reason why France will bondage and The days for those studies are call from outside Bridgecown for a The English, French and Shortnot pay her debts to the United Seontor Borah will be huiled as All the necessary red tape has losin Aes. As a matter of fact Mondays, Wednesdays and Frilaud classes are inter ded principally Statos, although her income is he teachers in charge of day for the teachers and their friends, ample enough even without repara will be aclaimed by the Moscow it is stateu. He has had a hearius itu buception by a champion of colored nations and been completed his Saar va yecate the wholep clozing movement fire these classes are señores Alejandro but he respectable The Citizens Caballero, José de la Rusa, CorJebarreu from any of the studies.
person will be tioos from Germany. She uses Third Internationa? for his status before the imm. gratios agent Associativu (we think that wadftbestantivo Villalaz Gumersindo De. These courses are taught ontruies. American money for armaments.
ment the principle that Atlant, of depor late Mr. Godfrey The backbone of Europe is Bolsheviki art printer haprend Gation has been issued. it will be Archer at its toond which catives Gil Blus. Lejeita, Ascan. days andu trehursdays ught on TuesCarles, Eladio José de Germany, hence Germany must over te whole world, namely, the put into effect as soon as his term the voluntat ciusing greemeat de la Rettuil, Ciemeate Barru. 7p French. by Sr. Carlos be destroyed he says. Germany, equality of the colored races with has been completed.
in their chloulations, constitutes a the white raca No country, Ameri.
now. in force, was solely concerned ra, Guillermo Retally, and Carlos Vellalaz.
with the city. It hid a practical Ortiz Io his letter of appeal to the The schedule for these 745 in. English. Miss Liobreach in the Westero wall through ca least of all, may safely refuse to President, Garvey is al eged to a in a large measure studies has been so arranged that du Sar.
wtich the Bolsheviki and Asistio bear a share in the struggle to up nave pointed out that the klanis Toere is no call from the com any person, who may be in a low 30 pm Suorthand. in Spanish, alies can poor their vadlow. Europese the leadersnip and purity of competir gentlemeal, nou because discern for any sub or stor a who may be more advanced of body of upright as we are able grade for a certain subject, buc for onslaught upon. the Coristian (Continued on page 8)
be agreed with principles of closing measure as would be enfor SPARKLETS the kian the judge anu jury that ced under heavy peoalies by the tried his case wore prejudiced Act at present before the House. ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN againél him, la tots latter Garvey la matters of this kind, where made some accusa ions agaiust his restrictidos are placed on individual What to Not to TELL The day, makes it his business to catch wife, inche ting but she was iu Jiberty, the representatives of the Among the alleged com by the Greeks, have now PUBLIC after every little spark of mis strundutal in bis misfortune. Mrs. people should wall warily and not ny, in asking for the cooperation of ridicule. As West Indians, this President letters denying the acc. called for in the best inter sts up by the Government of Pa the tinely intervention of the The Panama Tramways Compa hap to help it into a bon fire of Garvey is alleged to have sent the go oue iuch beyond what is clearly munists who are being held nearly disappeared through the communi y.
the public with a view to improve does not bespeak well for us, a sation, nama for deportation, are two deague of Nations, and accorthe Company tramways service, distinct section of Isthmian comw women, Mrs. Sarah Gratz, ding to late cablegraphic time requeste: If the service suits you, munity. It is well if we would music advices a commission neaded Facts or Fiction? JA Distinguished Visitor teacher here, and Mrs. Sara by Sir Horace Humpold, your friends, if it does not tell adopt a mottn along lines of that tell us. This seems to be a sound way is if our conduct and the little of the Tramway Company s; that Lopez, Another is Martin Brush Ambassador to Spain, of soliciting the cooperation of the ispublic to improve a service to the service that we can give to one To The Editor THE Workman: An important visitor to Colun Blasquez de Pedro, brother of his Deen formally appointeu public; and it is a motto good another suit us as people, tell it Sir. The information revet. tly last week was the Hon. Hector Maria Blasquez de Pedlu, who tu make personal investigaenough to be adopted by any indi to everybody, if they don tell it published in a local paper aud said Joseptis, LL B, the newly appo. was deported recently alsu tiun vi the conditions leading vidual or company of individuals the courselves the source from which is alhave been saken from the conditionnel deportels en matkrive on for his alleged communistic up to the troubie and reputa doing Nauticus. a. paper, that Guiana. Mr. Josephs is a of its findings at the December desires the cooperation of the pub The ChurcumAN THE LAYMAN Booker Washiogton (for Jamaica aud was had u uisting Views.
session of le. If were the owoer of a news. It is not because Christianity is merly known as the Genera. Georgo uished career in the Island, having the League some of us think and paper, proprietor of a grocery or a failure Goethals) palatial ucet acted as Puiste Judge an helü Council, Gry gouds store or tenment building way, the apply leche in teachiway we and Trading Company which was ttiat Colony, Mr. Josepus, who States sailor, is held under liner of the Black other in Jas. Blacker, a United hesitate to try to Nine races motto. To tell everybody everything Christianity o our lives. Too much purchased by that concern for the 54 years old, was educated at ten thousand dollars bond to have been that is bad either about oneself, the of the wrong application of any. magnitisent sum of 100. 000 and Cambridge and London Universi man or company of men he works thing is bad. The churchman wo recondicioned at a cost of 25 000 tres, gatulug the importa ut degree answer a charge of man Granged by the Panama Juckey Club to be run for the landlord from whom he refuses to mix with secular groups as per statement of the Hon. of Bachelor of Laws in the latter slaughter. Blacker, it is luan rranco Park next Tueswhich serve his best secular organizations is entirely to be sok, at auction under libel for the honour of being called to the last drove an automobile at day, Panamanian National es to his irrational and silly. But off the track Jesus was the uopuid wages, has somewhat as cu Bar at Lincolu Luwu intellectual an excessive rate of speed on Hoiday. The feature race will there will alwavs he people who author of Christianity and he wa ished me and as a regular reader achievement which a distance of live will not take the pains to learn a very good mixer. layman is of the Negro World, official organ highest credit upon this law officer. Bolivar Highway when he furiores twoabout these little things. Construc also of the right course when he of tire Universal Negro Improve The new appointment which air. bumped into George Turner a turlongs for importee caused Yeal ous. The purse is to be tive eritio sm of the public serv ce refuses to pay proper attention to ment Association, which sponsors Josephs las rceived is a high West Indian and ar of those who serve the public is the principles of Christianity. The the Black Cross Trading and Navi ranking and very important one in Turner death a short time tuo.
good, as is honest and fair compe: secularization of all of our institu gation Co upany, am forced to the British Colonial Service, and a after.
tition. On the other hand it in your tious would surely prove fatal for the conclusion that either the in great compliment has been paid to British Consulate Notice.
opidion, a man is a fool, that does us; but whether to Christianize all formation is incorrect or there is Mr Joseļ bs personally, to the not mesa that that man is a fool; our inst. tututions would make our something radically wrogg some British West ludiaus and to the The war clouds which neither does that ke him a fool world a better place in which to live, where, and here is my teason: Colouy at the selection by the Co The British Consulate General ha may be a Solomon in the opimon is a controversial matter. It seems a On the return of the Booker louial Office in Loudou. As has were fast gathering over of another man and in fact, a wise as if the best results are obtained Washington to the United States been so ofteu stated, there is no Europe, due to the Greco in Panama, desires nufomation as man. The seo timentalist, of over owly when the one is used to temper after her first voyage which proved position under the Crown of the Bulgarian controversy which Nassam Clarke, who cometimes enthusiastic aspirant or be who the other.
more expensive than profitable, Empire to which all British sub was followed by the pene call himself Gerald and is would reform the world is a (Gontinued on page Continued on page Continued on page 8) tration of Bulgarian territory known by his frienes as Quacy.
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