
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1925 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Rinse thoroughly.
ang up to dry and your stockings are like It takes but a few at your Hockings with RIT to face tye efter Canary Yellow Lavender Dark Blue Light Brown Ral Purple Mustand Here Tan Dark Brown Dark Green Pink Licht Blue Light Grey Rose Salmon Orange Golden Yellow Emerald Green Flesh Scarlet Carrue Yellow Licht Orientaleship Grey OM Rose Ha Nary. Black Tangerine than dis way, Wewe Waybayan a WASWES AS.
desired RI RIT WASHES Coole more of JAMAICA FROM SURPLUS TO Soosoo Sex soso heartedly to the practise of neDEFICIT.
farious devices for making a living but with the limited supply of labour at present at the Deputation Sees Actg. Important Financial Statement colony disposal they are sure Governor.
to Be Laid Before the Legisto make themselves felt beneath the shade of night and thus give lative Council on Tuesday the police no end of trouble, We Next by the Government, are afraid Barbados is in for a Committee Meets Mr. Jey and rather rough time with his Urges Repeal or Amendment The HERALD of the 17th inst hungering army who are so to Early Closing Law: Ansays: much better equipped for vather Alternative Suggested We are in a position to anexercising the art of burglary in our midst.
nounce that when the Legislative The HERALD states that ade Council meets next week the putation from a committee of Government will place before Death Cut Short Useful Hentlemen formed to get the the Honse an important statement Keep the Dainty Garments Life.
boreholders, fauxpayers and showiug the revenue and expenof Intimate Wear Always ou entizens of the island to ditore of the colony to the 30th sigo a petizion, urging the Gov. of September last. It will show a Bright and Fresh!
The death occurred at about erement to have the Early Clostog detiit on the seven months Lingerie soon loses life and colour. p. on Wednesday, of Mr Liw repealed of Amerded, ransaction of the financial year.
Have RIT always at hand to keep Gordon Stanley Taitt, waited on His Excellency the Up to the last quarter. there Was pretty stockings and other articles (Duriam. Assistant Master ať Acting Goyernos at bis office at a surplus of about 28. 000 that of lingerie looking their best the Dominica Grammar School The Public Buildings yesterday. is taking the figures of the by tinting or dyeing them with The deputation was headed by budget estimate as a basis. This RIT. There are thirty one at bis residence Lucerne, near bas, however, been Mr. Bryant, MB and surplus beautiful shades and colours Newbury, St. George. Mr. Taitt. all equally good for treatwas educated at Combermere the other members were: Messes wiped out and from what can be School, and Harrison College Joho Soulette, Tai Ten Quee, or about last month was between gathered the delcit up the end ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens. There are 31 colours later Stephen Hill and Cben.
winning an Island Scholar When garments or hangings are ship and graduating at Conring 30 000. Those who Tae Hon. Doorly, the 23, 000 and 30 spotted, sun streaked, stained or ton College, For several years he Acting Colonial Secretary, was are in a position to speak with faded, take out all the old colour with was private tutor to a Spanish also present.
authority, however, assert that WHITE RIT. Then the material family at Trinidad and later, bela The members of the depatation with the approaching Christmas is ready for the desired light or dark the pot of Assistant Master at pointed out that they did not trade things will brighten up shade of colour.
the Coleridge School in this come there that day to ask His and the Ex cutive can therefore Sold Everywhere colony. In September last year, Excellency to make any change look forward with courage rather be was appointed Mathematical Boiar as the clerks, were coMaster at the Grammar School, cerned. They fully realized and In view of the adverse nature Dominica Mr. Taitt was spend appreciated the fact that the of the financial position, the SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
ing his long Vacation in this hours of labour of the shop assis. Acting Governer and his advisers Chicago, island with his relatives and tants should be fixed, and that feel that there sbould be exSU MONTEZUMA srecumbed to an attack of mer to y should get their balf boli treme. caution in expenditure; DRUG STORE arial fever. He was a keen foot day; but what they to and it is therefore, expected that point out was that where a man certain baller and played for Harrison proposals which the PANAMA College and for the Empire carried on his business after his Goveroment got authority to AS IT DYES His funeral place at St.
88sistant was ne angl. ifte carry out a will be defetred until George Churrb st p. Thushad no assistant by reason of the the revenue shows day. To bis sorrowing relatives nature of bis business, he should favourable turn.
not be compelled to close. In we tender our sincere condolence ses SXSEXO oooo in their bereavement. Mrr Taitt other words, it was not a proper was in his early thirties.
thing to restrain the liberties of The deceased was a relative people who showed industry and Post in Cuba Mr. Darsley Taltt Stenographer wanted to trade.
and Typist at the Panama Elec.
In the past the shop Assisttric Co. in this city, to who we ants Law bad reference only to Actg. Governor Will Read Mes.
tender condolence.
the hours of employment of the saga to Legislative Council clerks but through a siae wind with Regard to Protector of it was now made to apply to Our Labourers in the RepubTRINIDAD groceries aud other establishments where the people had to lic.
kot the necessaries of life, Under the existing law, a rum The Herald has good reason Tragedy at Brechin shop could open until p. to believe that His Excellency a tavera until il pm and tum the Acting Governor will send a perance bars all night; yet a Message to the Legislative Coun Castle Estate.
krocer who catered to the necus cil which meets on Tuesday next, sities of the people, if he sold a relative to the Protector of Ja.
HEAD OVERSEER BRUTALLY lamp shade, an exercise book, macia labourers in Cuba.
MURDERED, buttons, needles or reels of As newspaper readers are tbread be bad to close.
Tue Ibe aware this post was held by Mr.
Sudden Attack While Walkwhole thing was ludicrous, and Digaum, but he resigned it on Recommended for Removing the Humors of how in the name of all that was the ground that the salary, 300 ing Home.
just it could be said that the and 400 was inadequate, baving Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, selling of these articles by regard to the cost of living in Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic DISMISSED LABOURER CHARGED Kroer had anything to do with Caba and the status he had to WITH CRIME.
the employment of Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disassistant, was beyond human It was learnt that some of the e mprehension.
Toe establishThe Wekly Guardian of the cases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
ments at which these articles that the necessity further exists elected members do not think 10th inst publiebed the following: were swld cartere, for the for such an appointmant whilst An Alterative recommended for purify. In a much utilised siding of poorer classes (especially) and Brechin Castle Estate, Couva, by reason of the Law not only thers think that a portion of the ing and enriching the BLOOD.
and with the sun shining brightwere bardships being exper: tary (as he is called) should be salary of the Emigration Secrely, Mr. Thomas. Sbields, esperienced in Kingston and lower borne by the other British West teemed Chief Overseer of the St. Andrew, but also in the Indian Colonies, since our repre.
estate, was the victim of a other parishes where the measFor Sale at all Drug Stores shocking and cold blooded ure was applied. la sbe circum sentative has to look after their murder on Saturday afternoon Stances it was urged that the interests besides those of JamaiAnd in Large Quantities by Painful and distressing circumcans.
Low should be repeal. dor stance point to a crime of a amended.
The matter will cause a good amazingly brutal deal of discussion one thing is character, It was also pointed out that per certaip, th, elected me nbers, do JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy tinged with suspicion of having titioners in support of the repeal been premeditated. Mr. Shields or amendmeni nad been numer not propose to increase the AGENT was waylaid and subjected to a ously signed in these parts of emoluments as the Government vicious attack with a club wbila the island where the Law ap.
returning unaccompanied to his plied.
It is learnt that there are bungalow after he had ended the Duriog a discussion which fol. several gentlemen in Jamaica S560XXXSC350cc0esso 003 week work by distributing the lowed it was made quite clear wbo are prepared to take up the wages earned by labourers of ihat the autuma session of the post at less than the salary the estate avet the week. He egislative Council being a cin whicn Mr. Digaum was drawing.
argued that in the first place any 25th September says:been in the enjoyment of the two blows on the right side of tining session of the one which was dealt, quickly and suddenly, commenced in March, no amendbody of men wbo talked about The arrival yesterday of the best treatment at the haods of ment could be introduced (aven BARBADOS child labour was actuated by Vadette from Cuba via St. the Cuban employer, and are the bead which fractured the if the Government were to so malicious motives, and secondly Vincent with three hundred and therefore not a contented people skull, smashed the cheek bones ceurd) to the Law now in existunat the children were wage titty one labourers returning with the necessary means for and shattered the brain, resulting cuc. It could only be amended Regulation Proearners and to prevent them bome is an event, which stand living even sparingly. Bridgein January members The lifeless body was discoverfrom earning their living was to ing alone is sufficient to arouse town is at present swarmed with of the deputation therefore put do them and their parents harm, anxiety on the part of those them, and they despite the ed across the line within a short 1orward an alternative proposal hibiting. Fortunately the Democratic charged with the care and main alleged hardships experienced, time of the murder wbich to the Acting Governor to meet League was not swayed by tenance of the poor and desti are all strong and in the best aroused much feeling among existing circunstances and Employment of Child Lab»ur. arguments of that kind. Fortute in this place but apart physical condition at the present the labourers of the estate and asked that the Law be amended. Charles from this large number of young time there is no field open to cast a gloom over the Couva next year. Brien and others of his official and strong men without reans them, for even at Santo Domingo district in which Mr. Shields bad His Excellency thanked the The WerkLY HERALD of advisers had enough sense to or employment, we are told conditions are said to be tar wo ked for many yaars. The deputation for coming and recent date says:see, and humanity to appreciate, there are twice as many await from the best, so much so that news of the murder and its was received with promised that he would give The Education Board on April the real position. The result is as ing the return of the vessel for official warning has been issued features their proposal very careful con 16:h passed a Government notic we now see.
bringing them bome so that the through the Secretary of State horror by the labourers of the sideration.
prohibiting the employment of It only remains to be remarked tasks likely soon to be set us ot for the Coloni advising intend estate and others in its service The deputation then thanked children under the age of twelve finding means of support for ing emigrants voi to contract for with whom, only a few minutes His Excelicucy for the interview years unless they had previously that breach of this plaw. carries about one thousand able bodied work on certain estates there before before bis murder Mens vedalus before a Police Magis men and their dependents, is a The outlook, under such condi: Shields had been in friendly and withdrew.
passed the fourth standard of trate, and that it is the daty of beavy one if the criminal ele tions, is certainly ominous, and association: and by the villagers.
ave: y ciuz to assist in bripging meni is to be kept inactive for create a situation which requires in general among whom he had It will be remembered that it to light any such breaches.
was It is been a prominent and respected tbe Decocratie Leagu the peace and security of law very caretul bandiing.
Have you tried the which raised the question; and abiding citizens. it is a serious also to be remembered that figure for over thirty years.
deputation of that body waited position in which we find our among these returning emiThe Police investigations led new Beer apon Strona mesto theo Ya Wayed Emigrants Returning, selves at a time when labaur grants are some of the worst may be a labourers who hadligroing to the on the following aar. There were loud expression Kronen Brau is scarce and the cost of living criminals known to the local up on the estate and whose serof alarm when the Democratic League first ventured to raise Writing editorially under the is still very high. It is known Police; with living conditions vices had been peremptorily the issue and it was gravely above caption, the GLOBE of thel that these peasants have not easy they may not resort whole(Continued on page 7)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD shop maintain propose.


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