
Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS The American Bazaar SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 What Is Your Fortune?
We are having some very beavy sbowers of rain here this month, the heaviest was on the The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS 18th when it rained from a.
continuously until nearly midnight So far as know, only Mr. Louis Hinds plantation BRITISH WEST INDIA WELFARE alone through which the Anseca River runs suffered landslide; be bas lost several bearing fruit COMMITTEE trees, bread fruit and cocoa, ete: and a good portion of his One of the chief problems which the Government of best banana trees are also gone Panama and the Government of the Canal Zone have to In the slide.
face is the presence on the Isthmus of many thousands of Mrs. Ads Hinds. one of the West Indians who have made this country their home, but. AT well respected ladies of New who, on account both of their number and of their alien Providence from 1915 is at presspeech, connot easily be absorbed into the maas of the ent a patient at the Santo Tomas Panamanian people.
Hospital, she is undergoing an Before coming to the Isthmus, these West Indians have operation for her right arm been accustomed to a system of government which they which was very much swollen She is a Class Leader of the have hitherto regarded as the normal system, and it is diffiWesleyan Methodist Church.
cult for most of them to adapt themselves to the new conOur prayers go up to the throne ditions which are inseparable from their residence on foreign of grace in her behalf, and we soil. Inevitably, they fall at times into difficulties; they all wish ber a speedy recovery.
find themselves subject to laws with which they are un acquainted; they need advice and guidance. They seek the Miss Doris Rnssell is busy assistance of their representative, but no Consulate can again preparing a band for a joint grand rally between the sun hope to deal as effectually as it would wish with the vast day Scbool Department of the volume of cases submitted to it.
Wesleyan Church, and the Accordingly, an effort is being made at Colon to assist Household of Faith Union. The the cause of British West Indians by the formation of a VISIT WILL SATISFY subject will be The Twelve committee, to be called The British West Indian Welfare Cribes of Israel, and the object is to raise funds for both Committee. This body has for its object the study of the the Sunday School work condition of British West Indians in Colon, and, at need, the Union. During the year of seeking of means to ameliorate them. It intends to strive the Union establishment, it has towards unity among West Indians on the Isthmus, and O9000 DGO000000000000000000 (Continued on page 5)
will serve as an advisory committee to the British Consulate in affairs affecting West Indans.
TRY The Committee, as at present constituted, consists of Mr. Cambridge as chairman, and of the Rev.
KRONEN BRAU Why pay donble price Surgeon, Dr. Rowe, Miss Linda Smart, Mr. Hector Con Madame Ronoe will Interpret Zodiacal Signs nor, and Mr. Smart, and the body has power to invite each week for Readers of this paper for inferior imported ON DRAUGHT Beer when you can other members to join it as occasion arises. The British WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE Consul and Vice Consulat Colon are to be ex officio OR BOTTLES buy a superior Beer such as BALBOA for members The Committee is only just formed, but it is hoped that October 22 28 when there are possibilites of real 0000000000000000900030008 half the price.
fame for you. Koow that no when it has been functioning for even a short time, it will The Cusp of Libra and Scorpio be found to be of great and permanent value to the com.
matter how well you do, you can do better with a little more effort. Church Services.
As with those born in the other munity.
cusps. you exhibit coatradictory There is a shade of clear, dainty Morning Prayer and address 11 a. co.
traits and are a puzzle to your lavender that is becoming to ou AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCU BJ(Mr. Brathwaite (Officient)
family and friends. While you have and which is called your soul color (Anglo Catholie) Church School and Confirmation Class The Doom of The Landlord.
a strong will, a keen mind and The large yellow chrsyanthemum at 230 practical judgment, you are also with its luxuriant leaves and rich 21st Sunday After Trinity courteous, affable and affectionate, appearance belongs to your sign as (AU Srints Da. Evening Prayer and address good deal of interest has been aroused, especially in INTUITION is your keyword and its flower. Any green stone, no The Lay Reader St. Paul Church, Panama MULCARE, Priest in charco rural England by a series of far reaching proposals just put you are able to grasp situations matter how costly or how common, St Jude Mission, Summit.
forward by Mr. Lloyd George for the rescue of British agri and understand character to an will bring you luck if worn all the (Rev. Nightengale, Rector)
time. a. Holy Communion Matins atd addrew, 11 a.
culture from decay Tnough the proposals themselves are almost supernatural degree. The Layreader)
the work of a self appointed com nittewhich his for two For those reasons, you would 10. 15 a. The Litany, glimpse at the names of some make an excellent physician 30 m, Church School and Copor years been conducting an exhaustive enquiry into the situa trained ourse and you would also born duriug this week will show 10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermonfirmation Clase.
you how immortal you yourself Preacher The Rector tion, they are likely to form part of the official programme do splendid work in the social could be if you persevere as they 12 Haly Baptism. T MULCARB Priest in Charge of the Liberal party, which is at present rather seriously in service field or as a teacher. As did. One of our greatest Americans p. Church School, need of concrete pr)pos ils to put beföre the electorate. No an emotional actor you would give Theodore Roosevelte, the most 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon Wesleyan Methodist Church one can complain that the remedies Mr. Lloyd George lays superb laterpretations, There are famous actress of her time, Sara The Rector.
which (BRITISH CONFERENCE. before the country do not go far enough. He begins by pro. wouxa come easily for you. the Bernbard that ia bistoria acamong eminent. St. Alban Church, Paraiso posing the elimination of the landlords altogether. They trouble will be that things come were some of those born under Pama 11 a. Rev. Wade CANAL ZONE.
Reception of New Members and Com are not to be expropriated without compensation, easily and you will forget that to (Rev. A, NIGH TENGALE, munion. 30 Pev. Wade.
but are to get in the form of annual payments a sum equiva climb highest there are obstacles to your sico.
Priest in Oharge.
Communion Subject: The Principles of (Copyrighted 1925 by HenseProtratantism lent to the net income they are at present deriving from be met and conquered. Don be 45 Holy Communia Sarmon Colon. 11 Rev. Surgeon. Comtheir land.
The State thus enters into possession of the content to take a mo lerate success Adams Sy od cate. The Rev Nightengale. muoion; 30 Rev. Surgeon.
land of the country and will let it to meritorious applicants p. Church School.
Communion on terms that will give security of tenure at a reasonable 30 Oboral Evensong addrese LA Boca. 11 a. Mr. Walters; rent to anyone who is ready to farm properly. The labourMr. Osborne Catechist. 30p. Mr. Walters.
Paraiso 11 Mr. Martin; 30 Mr. Theo. Puller.
ly a little bit of land for himselt as well. It rather looks as St, Matthias Mission New Providence 11 a. Mr. Daly.
though some official machinery for fixing both rent; and Empire 11 a. Mr. Payne.
LAS BABANAS labourers wages in different districts would be needed, and in addition it will devolve on someone, presumably officials (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, The Salvation Army also, to decide whether a given piece of land is being proPriest in Oharge.
perly farmed or not. The full programme has not been 30 am. Holy Commuion The Rev.
Sunday November 1st, Corps Cadets F, Nightengslo.
unfolded yet, and it is unfair to judge it on the strength of AND Sunday When the services will be conMr. Lloyd George words evidently p. Church School.
a single speech.
ducted by Carpe Cadets and their Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 30 Evensong and address.
made a great impression on the rural audience to whom hel Guardia de Mr. Riobarde, Catechist Services are as follows: spoke, and there can be no question that his reminder of: Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages a. Early Prayer Meeting.
the superior yield of land in Belgium, Germany, Denmark and other countries over land in Britain, together with his St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 10 Children Directory Meeting demonstration of the possibilities of afforestation and land (American Episcopal)
11 Holinese Meeting to be conreclamation, will inspire a good deal of serious political Summary of Contents: 31st Sunday After Trinity ducted by Corps Cadet Guardiso, L, thinking in every quarter.
History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years (AU Saints Day)
Hanna, assisted by Corpe Codete p. Y, Company meeting and Full Particulars of 1900 Tour Choral Celebration of the Holy Com Brigades Open air.
munion 30 am Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, p. Junior Open Air.
Holy Baptism 30 a.
Popular Science.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Sung Litaoy 10. 45 a. Sung Euchar Meeting, 45 m. separate Brigade Open Air Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual ist with sermon 11. 30 a. p. Salvation Meeting to be conAn important society bearing the imposing name of Church School 3p.
Players The British Association for the Advancement of Science ducted by Corps Cadet Guardian B, Choral Evensong sermon 30 Handa assisted by Corpe Cadets.
has just concluded its annual meetings at Southampton. The Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and The Rector.
Monday, Life Saving Guardo and Sunbeams Parade at p.
British Association holds an established place in the national Interesting All members junior and senior of the life and its annual conference at the beginning of September Peter Branch of the Giels Friendly at 30 Tuesday, Band of Love Work Close invariably occupies a prominent position in the Press.
Society in America, are requested to Price 50cts.
attend the 30 am. service, and Papers are read on subjects of deep popular, as well as Wednesday, p Life Saving Scouts scientific, interest by the highest authorities in the country, those who are communicant members of and Chume parade. Home League at St. Pater should, in compliance with an and the extent of the ground covered may be gauged from outstanding rule of the Society, make Hall to be conducted by Commandant Thursday Holiness meeting in the the fact that a single day at the British Association this Secure yours now there will be a great rush their Corporate Communion.
year dealt with subjects so varied as the age of man reMartin at pm.
for them, MULCARE, Rector, cordial invitation is extended to all, vealed by a skull lately discovered in Palestine: the treatSt. Barnabas Church, Empire MARTIN. Commandant.
ment of defective children in schools; the movements of Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Matins and address, 11 a.
the Earth surface; the gold standard: the payment of Panama (The Lay Reader will Officiate)
Salyation Army Hall, wages on the family basis, the effiency of British Railways; Church School, and Confirmation clan.
and the part played by muscle and skill in sport.
LA BOCA CORPS at p. 30. Knee Drill.
The British Association regularly elects one of the Choral Evensong addrere 30 11 a. Holinese Meeting.
leading scientists of the day as its President, but next year, The Lay Reader, will officiate. p. Sunday School.
when the meeting is at Oxford, the position will be filled ADVERTISE MULCARE Priost in Charge 30 Open Air.
by the Prince of Wales. The inaugural address he will give St. Bartholomew s, Church 30 Salvation meeting.
as President of the Association is already being looked forLAS CASCADAS, We extends cordial invitaton to all, ward to with keen interest.
IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS Rev. J, Mulcare. Continued on page many other STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History


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