
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1925 PAGE FIVE Lloyd George Stirs Scotch With Speech.
Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA ATLANTIC SIDE News Notes Fatal Accident Mrs. Ann Colllymore, a native of St Micbael, Barbados. died almost suddenly Ou Saturday night last and was buried on On Monday morning last the Surdar afternoon at the Mount 26th Inst. a tremendous teus Hope Cemetery.
tion was caused on the Bolivar Highway at 30 o clock by th news that Gabriel Turner had Mr Vincent Swainson sailed been killed by a motor car. Mr. on Tuesday last on the French Turner was a man of over 40 boat for Columbia.
years, was well known and res pected.
The circumstances under which Silver City and Kent he received his death are: He will be engaged tomorrow at was engaged in removing house Camp Bierd Oval in a first class bold articles from Silver Quart Cup match.
ers at Camp Bierd to Silver City, with a ule rt. On reaching On Tuesday November third.
between building: 5033 and 5045 (Panama Independence Day) thº Turoer who was walking by the Westmoreland CC. and Pickside of the cart, was hit by a car wicks will get together at that came alonx it an excessive Camp Bierd Oval: Game starts at rate of speed. He was rushed to 12. noon sbarp.
the Colon Hospital where he died a few minutes after from the injuries received.
Around nine o clock on MonIt was later found out by the day night last the 26th insta Cristobal Police, that at the time wap was seen by a mumber of of the Occurrence the car con the Fire Brigade carrying a very tained a number of sailors from large package on bis shoulder in Coco Solo, who were returniog to Reyes Alley. The fireman became their station after having a lively suspicious and hastened his time around the city.
steps towards him. On seeing James Blacker is being that he was being pursued he held to answer the charge et dropped big booty and made manslaughter with bail fixed at good his escape. The package 10. 000 was taken to the Police station where it was found to contain a Mrs, Jonathan Elias Passes bolt of tweed.
FOOT BALL Mrs. Jonathan Elias died at her home on Sunday night last The following players are the 26th inst. after a protracted asked to represent the St.
illness. Funeral services were Joseph Lyceun foot ball club held on evening at against the Amateurs on Sunday o clock at Christ Church by Noyember 1st at p. on the the rea, after which in terment base ball grounds Victoria took place at the Mount Hope Cemetery. The Rev. Father Maycock, goal; George Cooper officiated. Mrs. Elas and Stei bene, backs; is survived by five daughters, Bryan, L, Watts, Ferro, halt the Missus. Edna, Doris, Alma, backs; and Williams. Ramdin.
Lilian, Anple, and one son Jona Myers, Archibald, and Wil tban Jr. and husband to whom liams, forwards.
the deepest condolunce is ex All players are asked to tended.
on time so as to avoid delay.
Monday Park.
Contra Crespo CRICKET New Providence Notes GIVEN ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION BY GATHERING OF 5, 000 PEOPLE WHO PAID AMERICA TO HEAR HIM (PANAMA. COLON HIS BACK TO LAND MOVE TODAY. Saturday October 31st and TODAY SATURDAY, Oct. 31st To Increase Production and TOMORROW. Sunday Nov, 1st Harry Carey in Give Work to the Unemployed Buster Keaton ia ROARING RAILS. Sees Liberal Future. THE NAVIGATOR TOMORROW Sunday November 2st MONDAY, November 2nd Nazimova in Dumfries, Scotland, Oct. 13 MY SON Lloyd George was given a warm Betty Compson in reception bere to day wben he NEW LIVES FOR OLD MONDAY, November 2nd addressed a gathering of 5, 000 people who had paid to hear him.
TUESDAY November 3rd Wanda Hawley in Liberalism will soon reach its LET WOMEN ALONE Bannockburn, was a typical Harry Carey in phrase used by the ex Premier FLAMING FORTIES TUESDAY, November 3rd in the course of a rousing speech Jack Hoxie in and the enthusiasm of the audiWEDNESDAY, November 4th THE WHITE OU ILAW ence was brought to fever beat John Gilbert in by his eloquence CAMEO KIP BY WEDNESDAY, November 4th Dealing with bis back to the Buster Keaton in land campaign in which be aims THURSDAY, November 5th THE NAVIGATOR of enemployed upon the unused at the placing of the vast army Mazimova in and of Great Britain, Lloyd MY SON THURSDAY, November 5th George said. If anybody has a Betty Compson in better land echeme let him FRIDAY, November 6th NEW LIVES FOR OLD (Continued on page 8)
Wanda Hawley in FRIDAY, November 6th LET WOMENN ALONE Harry Carey in to what form the program will take FLAMING FORTIES but it is expreted that the members SATURDAY November 7th and their friends will on and SUNDAY November 8th SATURDAY, Novamber 7th previous occasions, have a good time, Gloria Swanson in John Gilbert in MADAM SANS GENE CAMEO KIRBY Friends of little Miss Flouise Atherley of house No 1059 C, will be glad to know that after spending fifteen days in Ancon Hospital on account of burns ra.
ceived while helping with the home duties is back home and is well on the way to complete recovery.
CANAL ZONE NOTES Harvest Festival and Grand MusiLa Boca Pars.
cal Program STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR Master Lorenzo Johnson made the highest mark in an intelligence AT ST. PETERS BY THE SEA test arranged by the Mechanical LA BOCA.
Division a day last week for the Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off purpose of selectiog the most intel.
Through this medium we again for vacant posi.
ligent appliessenger The test was tion as beg to remind our numerous NON INJURIOUS made up of simple problems ia friends that on the 15to of next arithmetic. spelling and geography: cal services will be held to which month the usual Harvest Festi.
also, as to the rumber of days in thes are once more very cordial week, month, year; what day in ly invited the year the different holidave fall. Beld that day are as follows: No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required The services to be and including a question as to what time the 12. 15 train leayes anym Holy Communion at a.
MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, According to some of the boys Sung Litany, 11. 30 am Sung Eucharist with sermon, this train leaves Panama any other SMOUTH AND SILKY 11. 30 am time except at 12. 15. About fifteen Grand Flower Service 30 boys took the test. Master Johnson beats em all, and is at present Choral Evensong and Sermon, SOLD EVERYWHERE employed as Messenger in the 30 Mechanical Division.
On Monday evening the 16th, Experienced Canvassers Investigate there will be rendered by St.
The date for the second and last musical program many local Peter Church Choir rich secular concert to be held under singers will contribute beautiful the auspices of the La Boca DisLOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD trict of the Panama Canals West solos, etc. several well known musicians will also contribute Indian Employees Association for fine selections.
be purpose of collecting funds to provide a treat for the children at and the Church will still be in Doors will open at 30 o clock, Christmas, is fixed for November harvest attire. Let us get to19 instead of November 12 as gether and make the services NATURAL HAIR WIGS appeared in last week issue. It is and the program what they SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS: CURLS, understood that the Committee in CLUSTER PUFFS, HAIR NETS, STRAIGHT. charge of this laudable work is pught to be real spiritual uplift.
ENING COM BS. AND EVERYTHING IN leaving no stone to HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR arrange a high class program Tickets for the Concert are already PARAISO ORDER. Free Catalog sent on request.
on sale, and may be procured ALEX. MARKS through any member of the Dis662 Eig Ave. Dept. trict.
Bill Comes Back.
NEW YORK, The ladies of the Woman Life In the presence of a large crowd Problem Club are considering at the Paraiso Clubhouse Bill putting forth another effort to help Boyce pulled off the come back brighten the homes of a few stunt by outela ssing Dan in their deservit persons for Christmas. return bout of Billiards Definite plaus in this connection As was published last week this bave not yet been worked out, but pair of Billiardists met recently it is learued that a musical when the former got an overwhelm. Regular Assortment of entertainment ur some other form ing defeat, true to his promise he of entertainment will be arranged wouldn remaio defeated and desto which a nominal charge will be pite all mar ceavers by his oppon.
made for admission.
ent he remained in the lead all the way to the pleasure of his many Six pupils of Teacher Ellis ously at the conculsion of the game, backers who cheered him vocifer. SUCH AS Shorthand and Typewriting Class plav off will take. ple ce shortly will submit test writings in Pitman to determine the best of the two.
Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, phonography at the Classroom tomorrow morning. These specimensare to be forwa. ded to the Ex BAPTISM.
amination Department, Pitman Phonetic Institute, Bath, England, Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, with a view to secure Theory of plesant time was spent last Third Class Certificates.
Sunday evening at the home of etc. etc. etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin in behalf of their little two month daughter The Annual Social of the La Roesline, who was Baptized.
Boca Athenaeun will be held Among those present where: sometime in December, it was Mr. Scott, Bro, Rose, mite learned yesterday from Secretary Hall and daughters, Mr and Mrs Wesley. Mr. Wesley informed Blackman, Mrs and Miss Watkis, that the socie y is preparing to Mrs Leecount, Mr Allan, Mrs 93 CENTRAL AVENUE carry out to the letter that part of Stephenson, Mr Leach and Miss its program for the promotion of Blake who presided at the piano Panama City.
pleasant social intercourse among with nice hymns and solos, accomits members and the community at panied by Mr J, Asher with his large. It is not yet decided upon as musical saw.
Dim: Sussex Defeats Victoria (Continued from page 4)
ccomplished very much needful Delightful weather condltions work among its members, many favoured the Cup match between of wbom have been sick during the Victorii and Sussex that period. The brethren of CC. on the grounds of the form all th churches; membeas of the er last Sunday afternoon the New Providence Star Lodge 25 inst No 49, and all sympathizers and Winning the toes, the bome well wiebers are cordially invit sters elected to bat, and were alled to attend, and to make the easily dismissed for the small rally a success, financially and score of 46 of which Alleybe therwise. The Rev. Sur made 10.
On will preside on the occaBowling for Soesex C, Weekes sin. The ralls will take place captured wickets for 22 runs, on November 8th 1925, at Layne for 14 and Atheriey 2:30 After the usual recess, Sussex It is rumored that a new commenced their innings, and motor boat is to be put into after losing wickets for 49 runs operation bere in the noar future they declared with gain of to convey passengers between wickets and runs.
New Providenc, Limon, Monte Bowling for Victoria, Black. Errio, and Gatun; all such traps man had wickets for 25 runs, po tation facilities are much Thorpd for 14 desirable, but it is hoped that the passenger rates will be made to compete favourably with Low scoring was the order those available here at the pres of the day in cricket on the ent time; If so, the new venture Atlantic end on Sunday after will be a success and nothing noon last the 25th inst. The Sil less.
ver City West End game played at the Sussex Oyal, Silver City batted first and could barely We are nearing the next dry put together the miserable score Reason now, and we do not bear of 29. Porter and Farrell kept anything about grading for the good length with the ball dismise next. cummercial road: we are ing them for the score above.
hoping to hear and to see the work started in the near future; West End in their turn made we are out for progress, and 65 for wickets and declared that why we are so keenly Baptiste 22 not cut, St. Clair 17, interested in the construction of Lonton 10. commerrial road between New Providence and Colon.
Mr. Hugh Jones Discharged From Hospital.
We are pleased to report that Mr. Hugb Jones, who was LEAVING ENGLAND IN knocked down by a motor car on DECEMBER Friday night the 16th Inst, and was confined in the Colon Hospital. was discharged from that To Visit Trinidad and Demerara institution on Saturday the 24th.
In a leading article publich Ward, employed as fore ed on September 20, the TRIman at the Cristobal Docks, the NIDAD GUARDIAN announced owner and driver of the car at that negotiations bad been re.
the time of the occurrenca was opened with regerd to the visit fineu 25 in the Cristobal Magis of a Parliamentary Delegation to trate Court by Judge Wade on the West Indies, including Tani Tuesday the 27th inst. for reck dad, and that the tour woul less driving.
probably be made next January We now learn that the Delegation will travel in the Harrison Line steamer, Inanda, leaving EngHave you tried the on December 16 and reaching Trinidad on December now Beer 31. The Delegation will go on to Demerara, arriving there on Kronen Brau January 4, and will leave January 10, returning to Trinidad on the homeward voyage.
unturned pocket Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine The Workman Printery land nn


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