
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCLOBER 31, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders resided MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS We Buy and Sell Pearls Suitable for Lodge Business The Workman BOOK STORE Workman Stationery Store Cider Champagne Ing Service (Continued from page dispensed with a few days prior to the crime.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP The motive it would appear OFwas not one of gain, as was eviCorner 12 Street East Avenue denced by the fact that 19. 75 was found on Mr. Shields wben the Police arrived on the scene.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also STORY OF THE CRIME watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Mr; Shields wbo Workmanship is guaranteed.
alone a Sevilla Section of the IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Brechin Castle estate, completed Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you bis payroll abortly before may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may o clock in the afternoon and lets drsire, provided the monthly payments of on foot for his bungalow about balta mile from the pay office of interest are duly met.
the estate passing over tbe railway lines connecting the Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall estate to the San Fernando be pleased.
railway line in keeping with his usual custom, instead of travelling by the public road. The line is fenced on either side by cade fields and as Mr. Shields came in sight of his bome and bear the approaches to the Sigon box At the Brechin Castle crossing ha was sprook upon from a place CALL IN AT of concealment and desit the AT THE vicious blows with a blant and jugged instrument. Tae bləws, by the character of the Injuries they inflicted, were apparently struck from behind and go violent was the force used that Mr. Shields fell dead instantly, it macam manggagawa ang magagawang magagawa is supposed, across the line. Not many minutes bad pased when No. 93, Central Avenue an East Indian lobourer returning to the estate along the line bleeding body on the line and be comes with a very good reputa: from Califorcia Village saw the offered to Mr. Boxhill late Harrison College, Barbados. He EL GAITERO ASSORTMENT OF made so alarm by firet notitylos tion from Harrison College and Mr. Gilbert, Overdoor oo be done specially well in clasTHE ONLY ELABORATED GOOD STATIONERY Sevilla section who resides at municated with the Conus Police Captain of the Harrison College Brechin Castle. Mr. Gilbert com sics and Freneb Ho is also strong ube Athletic side, having been SOUVENIRS, Spanish Cider with its and Bub Inspector Liddelow 2nd XI and at Cricket and Full with Superitendent Sergeant Back in the Football in XI.
Asbmend aad detectives were own Carbonic Acid quickly on the scene. They took Consequently be is well fited to charge of the body so the Master He has slso been Rover oocupy of blood smeared helmet which was Ses Stout in Barbados and may CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God knocked distance from Holiness the corpse was lying, and sent that direction.
be expected to in efect bimself in (Continued from page 4)
for Dr, Milde CALIDONIA DISTRICT wbo viewed the body, od Father Marcitean is replaced Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday So clock, Prayer Mootin dered its removal to the mor: by the Reverend Father Derze STREET CALIDONIA ROAD URETIC AND REFRESHING 11. Divine Service Pronober. Hospital where post mortem District who bas previously been on the tuary at tby Couya College Star.
Trade Mark (near Iotbmian Park. PANAMA, Supplied Sunday Evening 30 Preach p. Sunday School Superintendent. examinaalon was beld next day Mr. Blackman Departure D. Programme The general public in VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ cordially invited to turn out in large 30 o. Gospel Service, Preacher SANTO DOMINGO REBupplied Referring to Mr. Black Bumbers.
Babbath (Saturday) 46 mm. BabTuesday 30 Gospel Service man departure from St. Lucia VILLAVICIOSA bath Sobool: 11. 15. General Worship Elder ODLE recently to take up duties at the SPAIN 80 pa. Spanish Class; Pateor in charge Grenada Grammar School, the LABOUR CONDITIONS ON Voice of September 12th 30 mo. Society, meeting SUGAR ESTATES Bays:Bethlehem Church of God ESTEBAN DURAN 630 Junior and Senior Standard of stainment Clas D. Vespero. Holiness The Governor has received was an assembly of the Masters On Monday afternoon there SOLE AGENT despatch from the Secretary of present and past boys of St.
Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA State enclosing communication Mary College where an address For the Republic of Panama Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON SAN MIGUEL from His Majesty Charge Affaires et Santo was red and presented to Mr.
Bunday evening 30 Prosebing Domingo, Black man on the occasion of his Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting dervior. You are cordially invited to 11. Divine Service Preacher. stating that while there is a lesving the schooled Mr. Black demand for British West Indian man was thank for his past serattend these service and bring your Bupplied.
labourers on the sugar estates in vices which continued during 3p. Sunday School, Superinten. the Domlatcan Republic it is period of seven and a halt years, friende, The best Tonic in the World Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Bebbath deot.
sobool; 11. 15 mm. General Worship 15 Gospel Service, Preacher necessary that persons procceed. He had done good work not only there in search of in the class room but on the field. 30 Young people meeting Supplied.
should be warned against en: The Windward Inter Island 30 Veepen Tuesday 30 pm. Gospel Service. tering into aby agreement for School Tournament was due to This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommende Thursday 30 pm. Dister meeting employment on the ANGELINA bis effort and 29a1. Mr Blackman ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, and Testimony.
Sugar Estatu.
responded in fit terms and said The Church of God It is reported that frequent that owing to the tournament be Saturday 30 Choir Rehearel Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up complaints of the ill treament of would not have lost touch with Panama, Aronemets Atreet, Hour 25, British West Indian labourers the old school entirely. Mr.
a run down constitution.
San Miguel Sunday at amo. Prayer BEULAH. 30 a. Prayer meeting this estate have been made. tbat Archer and the Headmester then It promotes digestion, improves the appemeeting and Goepel woesingo 11 11. Devine Service Preacher. one such labourer died as the made speeches and were both and 30 Sunday Sobool at pm. Supplied.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system result of gross neglect; that the warm in the laudatory remarks Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 m. Young People dent. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher labourers were indescribably Blackman 80 m. Bunday School, Superinten bousing conditions for ordinary passed upon his service; Mr. DOSE. One small Wino glass before each meal or was then beartily Meetinu. 30 supplied. times a day.
Wednesday disgustin: that they were forced cheered.
Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 to buy their food at the canteen Open air meeting. Friday at 30 o.
Prayer Meeting GAMBOA MISSIO 1. 30 in Sud on the estate: that persons who BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. day School; 4, 30 m. Gospel Sermon were molested and the goods DOMINICA Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday Boboal destroyed; and that the only p. Gospel meeting on Thursday will be gives from the pulpit.
Note din taber se o to the work place used as hospital was Lack of Adequate Poor laborer. the como 000000 borine erhete dio thoice registered.
at 30 dirty but or Elder T, FRANCIS, week. to be insurance measure Bio. GRAY taipment: Relief System the average number of our work when this is achieved the insurPastor in barre.
New Providedor. Goepel Meeting at ers, this would bring in the tidence scheme could be continued 11. 30. and 30 Nuncay School NEW GUSHER Bum of over 000 per annum. with payments of sick benefit at pm. Wednesday at 30 Go Baptist Churches Owing to tbe lack of proper In additioà to this, the employer to the insured, in addition to pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Kern Trinidad Oilfields Success Hospital accommodation in Domi nimself would be called upon gratuitous medical attendance, Meuting. Under the auspices of the Soutbern Dica, as well as of an adequate to contribute the sum of ld per sod perhaps in later years when Bro. MeDONALD poor relief system and proper week towards insurance of each we are once agato enjoying a Baptist Convention. Untun, Canal Zone. Gospel Merting There was gladness at theKern Banitary and health conditions, labourer in his employ, and measure of prosperity, provision 11. 80 a. sod 30 Sunday Colon 11 am, and 15 pm. Pastor Trinidad Oilfields, Guapo, on the Dominica Tribune of thus doubling the above amount might be made for payment of a School at pm. Wednesday 30 Thrift Wednesday last week when. August 29 makes the following while the State would guarantee small old age pension to the Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm.
by Pastor Witt; 715 Pastor Witt. thousand barrels of oil a day. All for improving condicramento, penny per week for each incapacitated registered worker.
Chorrillo 11 a. Boy Scout Service gusher came in ylelding six suggestions to the persoc registered under the These proposals would not work Pra Meeting Lions: Temperance meeting.
the oil bas been saved. The well Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITE suggestion is that we abceme, which would then realiza satisfactorily unless they were Colon and Stroete. Gospel meet 15 Descon Yearwood.
Calidonin 11. Descon Smith; was still flowing at this rate up abould, despite our presenterand total of about 6, 000 per compulsory, but we feel that a to Thursday morning. economic plight, consider the annum. This money would form penny wook would be cheering at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Red Tank 11. Descon Crooks; Behool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 15 Dr. Wercbe.
establishment of some form of special land not part of the fully sacribed in view of the Coutributory State Insurance General Revenue, to be adminis charitable and benoficent uses to pm. Gospel Meeting, Friday at 30 Gatun 11 a. Sapplied; 15 ST. LUCIA op small scale for the benefit tered by a Board nominated by which it would be devote In Prayer Meeting.
Mrs. Thrift.
of our working classes. There the Government. It could be soy event no community that Bro. GEO. GRANDERS ON Empire 11 15 Supplied.
are in this Presidency arproxi Allow to accu nulate for say nes to shoulder the obligaPuebo Nuevo 11 m, Deacon MeldSt Marys College Staff mately 15, 000 estate labourers, three or four years durlog which tions of civilization can ever toob.
1, 500 domestic servants and 1, 700 period no sick benefits would be hope for either material, social, Bethel Church of God Now Providence 11 am. Deacon St. Mary College (St. Lucia) general industrial labourers of paid but the Government Medi or political progress. We tras; Holiness Broome.
was reopened on Thursday, Sep. Jack of all Trades. From these cal Oficers would attend au that these recommendations, RIO AB 430, LAS SABANAS tember 17th with several changes in the them with drugs, free of charge. Incomplete they may now appear, is generally recruited.
Sandny m. Prayer Meti.
amoung the stad. Mr. Blackman Clas, atural course the pauper registered labourers, and supply however limited, fragmentary, or resigbed as second master and 11 Divine Service. Preachar suggest that the With the funds to accumulated will be deemed not unworthy of Have you tried the WE WOD Sunday School; Superintendent Revd Fr. Marciteau had been cluding domestico, between the night be available, modern the Administration.
has gone to Grenada, and the every labourer, in and such other assistances the sympathetic consideration of 30 Goepel Service, Preacher with all necessary now Boor Bupplied.
recalled Venezenla. In ages of seventeen and forty five Tuesday Gppel service at the usual Rent Receipt Books in Span Kronen Brau consequence of such changes the 5e compelled by law to deduct accommodation and equipment hour. Voic. says that Mr. de and pay into tbe Treasury, for might be evolved for the general Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in chang.
Arcber becomes Besond Master, bis insurance against ill bealtb, use of the people of the Presi Ish and English for sale at the The Third Mastership has been from the wages payable to such deney preterential treatment Workman Printery VIGOR TONIC JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
HOUS Hospital to

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