p. 7


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 31, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE EXCELSIOR THEATRE To Night Big Feature Six Cylinder Love wood ting Tomorrow Night THE ARIZONA EXPRESS PULAR Races! Races! Good Races. XXXSC Last Sunday Races FACTS OR FICTION. SSSSSSSSSSSS Tomorrow and Tues(Continued from page 1)
day Races.
Last Sunday was ur questio. Acii. President General, Wm.
a bly a very gond day at Juan Sherrill. addressing the members Race fans are to have Franco Park. There were eight of the New York Local on th plenty of entertaiment at the races as was announced, the last evening of May 24, trade a clean of which was a six furlong dis breast of the affairs of the Compopular Juan Franco race tance for class native horses, pany and told them that all postrack tomorrow and Tuesthis, as in the Case with the sible efforts must be made to day afternoon, as the eightb racu some time now, siraightea the situation and to 66 Jockey Club have arranged had to be run when darknese bad retain the ship To that end there eight raccs for tomorrow and commenced to ver the land fore a big drive was immediately However it proved to be the best launched for soliciting contributiou nine tor Tuesdıy, Panama National Holiday event for the afternoon ao far 18 to what has since ben known as the result for the backers of the Black Cross Reserve and OperA William Fox Production Tomorrow program: atores Fundas Extered meroberi bebe horses ran, Fenoceno, the avo ALSO Six Furlong Purse 500 rite, Caribe and Rialt bu Fen the sum of Ten Dollars which was Manua 135, Factor Russo 132 meno came in last while Caribu to be paid in ten weekly instalsprang a surprise wher; obed ments or otherwise as convenient. THE TRUTHFUL LIAR Burlesco 118, Dad 112.
her field to the post and pain the contributions so received being Six and one half furlong 813. 70. In fact there sat urin acknowledged from week to week in Purse 300 Mi Pollera 128.
harse in this race but Candle the columns of the Negro World Alta Mae 115. Super Gloria threw Chichi Moore in get and find that up to the present 114, Mill Boy 103, Gallineta by cow and then ran the hands sme sum of FOURTEEN 100, Mary Erb 92 way.
One mile. Purse 250. Oh Manua won with apparent ease in round figures bave been raised.
Pah 128, Revoltosa 121, Celia the eature ace of seven furlonge Simultaneous with this drive the AND 116, Guitarra 100, for class dative borees with membership was appealed to for Facur Ruso a close second halt contributions to another fund, The Why Get Divorce Five Furlongs. Purse 225 a length behind. Margot wa: Parent Body Fund, for the pur.
Tigre 128, Capitania 128.
pose of liquidating argent demands Glad Knight 12s, Antonieta In the mile race for class on the Association and for the pro wo Shows: 30 and 45 122 Araucana 121, Poncho imported borses which brought motion of its work, and find that Roto 112, Mabel 109, West out Mi Pollera. Alta May Super a further sum of TWELVE HUNPOPULAR PRICES Meath 100.
Gloria, Mill Boy and Mary Erb, DRED DOLLARS. 1, 200) was Mi Pollera won the strongly taken in, muking a total of 15, 000 Five furlongs. Purse 150.
played Super Gloris and paid (ornitting the odd figures. Now Fenomenio 128, Rialto 124. 80 on each ticket; while in alluwing as much as ten per cent 200X Sex Caribe 120, Zapo 105, Canthe four furlong event for class off this total for possible mistakes dlewood 90. imported boraes Antosita in ray additions, and dropning off sprang a surprise and rewarded another ten per cent for any misNIGHT SCHOOL AT.
Four furlongs. Purse 150 her backers with the bands me takes on the part of the printers Chiqui 114, Hero 118, Dic.
sum of 10. 00 on each ticket or typists who listed the amounts, bought on ber to tador 112, Repulse 107.
win. Continued from page 1)
there still remains tue sum of The game Tigre could only Twelve Thousand Dollars from Gregg System. by Mr. Benjamin Zipi Zape 118 Top Sergeant Four furlongs. Purse 125 take third place in tb furrur which those wages could have been Waterman long race for class borses paid, that is if there was any It is hoped to add a class for 113, Barba Roja 118, Ruso and ran unplaced in the six and honest intention on the part of the Book keeping in Spanish should 107, Peter Pan 104.
one half furloog for class Company to meet its obligation there be utirient applications for Four furlongs. Purse 125, the two events in which he was and see no reason for thioking to this branch booked.
Star Shell 115, Mentiroso 108, the contrary. Therefore say JUAN FRANCO TRACK The Night Stool is not a Gov Fly Home 100, Wormwood again, either the information given ernment school It has been Milton Garvey out by the Nauticus is a wilful TO MORROW misrepresentation or where in ell is formed by group of graduates 98.
from the National Institute of Pa There are forty nine entries all this money gone? It does seem nama City, who are anxious to tər the races on Wednes10 MANAGE EXCELSIOR that something is radically wrong Sunday, November 1st, 1925 Bosteden. Homewbere le ve the matter to. and to contribute something will be an unusual stir on the THEATRE vour many readers.
Lo the spread of education in the turf. The feature race on this Republic Thanking you for space, Under the Management of Mil The idea of the right school was occasion will be five furlongs Yours, bora in the midst of hilarity, when for two year old imported ton Garvey The Excelsior Theatre will undergo a new Pegime in SQUARE DEAL these ex pupils of the National horses Purse 400, Institute were entertaining each Order to meet the Movie Fans of Since writing the above our City His Preliminary duties the last issue of the Negro World TUESDAY other to a fraternity dinner at the began on Monday last but from to has come to hand in which find Imperial Hotel, Colon. In this Notice, morrow the first of the month he) the tollowing notice. All members incident we have one more proof of November 3rd, Independence Day will take complete charga as toſ of crew on the last voyage rf the beneficial effects of a bringing this playhouse up to the Borker Washingtou are requestmeal, taken under pleasant cir hereby notify the public that standard that he expects to. The led to communicate with the office cumstances The Latin race is shall not be responsivle for any various pictures that will be feat. Lof the Black Cross Navigation and particularly known for the utmost debt or debts contracted by my ured at the Theatre in the future Trading Co. 56 Weet 135th Street satisfaction will woich it approa wife Anitha Buchanan who has left will be from The Paramount. First New York, for balance due them.
ches the table Every obstacle is my home and protection of her Nacional, Metro Goldwyn; Pathe so, there you are, that plain.
WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE might prevent the own free will and refuse to return Saturdays best results to digestion, and the Fox, and Universal. Oa ALBERT BUCHANAN, and Sundays There will be su epicure sits comfortably and with chestra of Six Pieces that will complete devotion to his meal He blend wbith the featuring of the is in the best disposition to enter LLOYD GEORGE STIRS. Pictucas, the other nights the LEGAL NOTICE tain and impart brilliant ideas, and regular orchestra of the house will he rises feeling vigorous and happy iuiet on. As an add. attraction be (Contigued from page 5)
Such was the result of this particu Notice of Pendency of Suit is riving each Patron that buys Everybody will be there. Don miss it. lar dinner, during which enthu declare it fearlessly. We have to ticket a Raffle Ticket by whi which siastic ideas were exchanged us to buy abroad anually 400. 000 000 to win a prize on UNITED STATES DISTRICT First Race Starts p. Sharp they are able the ways and means of doing worth of timber. It only we bad Special Raifle Nights providing COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE something useful towards the thougbt in time we could bave that said tieket bears the Number dissemination of learning in the had as good forests as any other with city of Colon. Some thought of country ADMISSION: that is shown on the Screen comparable On Monday, Wednesday, and climate.
Balboa Division circulating libraries, others of Friday, will be Serial Nights, and Grand Stand CIVIL No. 730 Ground 50c.
lectures, and at last Sr. Ascanio Alluding to the Labour Party Carles conceived the idea of the Lloyd George aid toat it has not on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur Night School got beyond toinking of our prob.
day. Special Features, and on ETHELBERT STERLING, Sunday Super Productions. Also he In addition to the ex pupils of lems in phrases and some of the Plaintiff will stage from time to time, any the National Institute, the teach Labour party friend Ware Vaudeville or Mias rel show that SPARKLETS Rev. Оdie Returns ing staff is comprised of Miss Liada frightenio, tre people. ha was anyone is desirous of producing CLAUDINA STERLING Smart and Mr Benjamin Water wby be thought the bour of providing that to his opinion that Defendant.
man, who have also volonteered liberalism at band.
it will take with the people. For Divorce (Continued from page 1) This is to inform the friends their services. None of the teachers Saturday the Six Cylinder Los Attraction is and well wisbers of the Rev receive any rerauneration whatever An Unfara COMPARISON.
To CLAUDINA STERLING: Odle return from the from the Government or from any DISTINGUISHED VISITOR The Truthful and My contemporary Mr. Gaskin here will be a reception service other source The work is You notified that on on Suoday Theof arizona Expressº October are, hoe bethembete Sterling of Calon thinks that, in the matter ned, on Sunday night Now.
Ys, philanthropic. Continued from page 1)
Can ar Casts also Why Sets ned in the above entitled courts of the Arts and Letters, if a com. 30 at iba Ebenezer Church of All information as to how to jeets may not aspire if they possess Devorce. Two sbows bepicing ut petition wherein he prays for an absolpurison here to be made betw en Gid Holiness, No 85. Calidopis matriculate in any of the classes the ability and secessary qualificalute divorce from you on the statu Panama and Colon the scales Rad. All are cordially invited.
7, 30 and 45. Popular prices. tory grounds of desertion.
may be obtained from the respective tions You are, therefore, hereby notified would go dowa ia favour of the teachers, or from Sr. Jose Ret ally, Oo Thursday last Mr. Josepbs that you required to former. is. Sub Spring And The Resur appearance in real time on the notice our ever, no gross fault of Colon s; she weekly piffle. the Isth. pian Paci ex Pupils of the National Institute called to pay bis respects to His rection.
Canal. make answer thereto, or of world news money and en een ster the con may be at some fault for having the terminal which is a receiving and Director of the Night School of Majesty Representasive, Major on or before the 25th day of January, ten a few weeks ago in connection water, of course, must serve as an 1926.
pened to be visiting Colon for a The cooperation of all classee is few days at the time. The Minister (BY MOULTON)
with the status of West Indians, allurement and within tempt Brother solicited and helpful suggestions warmly congratulated Mr. Josephs No more are Blight of Winter seen aforesaid the petition will be taken as slipped hack. But Panama is the Gaskin who is now retrospecting are willingly received.
On ouce the Ragged and Sobbing confessed, and the petitioner will take Capital and it is a matter of com. Colou former greatness. of upon his success, and as His Ex el.
judgement against you by default and mor knowledge that the biggest Already some good result has lency was al o at Cambridge and While Spells of Life from Earth dopied dere the the reliel brains are wither to be had a higher realms he simple touched of the Night School by the fact Laws, as well as a degree in Science course have argued away in been obtained from the formation holds the degree of Bachelor of applied for.
that rise found atdrift and in that Send forth Sweet nse to the F, IL SHEIBLEY to, the at of Government to even at that, Colon is not 90 from the streets at nights, where, Barrister at Law of the Middle Skies.
as fitting more as he put.
New Floating Robes and yful province upor which stands the base a more intelligent bunch. perhatian bisher World have beenhine Temple, the Minister was specially palace of the Chief Executive of the said a reputed gentleman who staff trusts that in its desire to dis: receiving and congratulating Mr. profitably employed. teaching glad at having CODOGROSSBOCODILOCOSOCOL Nation Panama is wide awakel visited there recently. Of course the charge a great civie duty it rili Josephs upon luis well deserved And Vigor are endowed all bings; With its National institutions of geatlemanwas from La Boca, and meet with the approval of all.
Thus, Earth in One Ascension Lay TRV Isrning, its ancient sacred monu he no doubt had been comparing promotion, Mr. Josephs was Bears witness of some Brighter ments and edifices, ancient and La Boca with Colou. Alieni temporis LINDA SMART.
accompanied by Mr, Cambridge Day.
KRONEN BRAU modern architectural when he called upon His Britanie with superb artistic decorations in tions Colon can masterpices floris With such pleasant recollecre kindle ber Majesty Minister.
So shen by Death Cold Brink, in wbien are housed its leading 8 we must ON DRAUGHT ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO men and women of letters; where Commit our Bodies urto Dust, THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF the pen is keeping with its reputaRent Receipt Books In SpanOR BOTTLES In Lustre may Our Spirits rise tion for being mightier than the Advertise in the Workman JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW AND Ish and English fer sale at the For Better Lives; trward the Skies. ZGODOCOCONCOCOCHOCOCCORDOŠ, sw rd (I not indlading these IT PAYS. TUESDAY Workman Printery a good EXCITING RACES. Two Big Days of Sport a purely bap.


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