
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 192 Great Reduction SALE OF MEN SUITS The American Bazaar SUITS at 15, 18, 20 25 Selling for 10. 00 VISIT WILL SATISFY What Is Your Fortune?
Church Services.
22nd Sunday After Trust Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen op applies St. Paul Church, Panama WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence op all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Rev. Nightengale, Robe)
PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be Holy Communion Th Reter written on one side of paper only, and 10 Matias Ratos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 10 30 a. Holy Eucbsrint Preacher The Rector One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publics Bix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
12 Holy Baptiem.
Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return re3p. Church Betool, Ode 250.
jected correspon ence. 30 Cboral Evensong, non Capon Melcher The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS Note The Anual Harvest Festival Services will be held on Sunday Novem SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925.
AT ber 22nd. SPECIAL THANK PER INGS, WAGES IN GREAT BRITAIN HIGHSt. Alban Church, Paris CANAL ZONE EST IN WORLD. Rov. NIGHIENGALE, Prieet in Charge The relation of prices to wages is a subject which no 11 Matine and addre.
one to day can ignore. It is certain to govern a country Mr. Osburne Catre bist trade since upon it depends the capacity to compete in the p. Chureb School. world markets. No nation can compete successfully with 30 Choral Everoor foreign producers if it is paying its workers more in wages The Rev Niahonale.
Non The Abdul Harvest Festival unless, of course, all, or many of the other factors which go!
Services will be beld on Sunday text, to swell the cost of producing are lower. In countris 15th idet. SPECIAL OFFERINGS which have developed higher efficiency in organisation it may be possible to pay higher wages. But it will be seen St, Matthias Mission that these countries are far to seek outside Great Britain.
LAS BABANAS The plain fact which emerges from a recent statistical en(Rev. NIGHTENGALE, quiry is that in England the highest wages in the world are Prieet in Charge.
paid with one single exception. If were added to the wages paid to workers in England the number of amenities the p. Church Sobool. 15 pm Evenrong nd address worker enjoys it would be seen that nowhere in the world Mr. Richards, Catrebi is labour treated so well. The medical and dental treatment NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES of children, the high standard of free education, the pension schemes and the protection which workinen enjoy in their St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT)
labour are all factors that go to swell the cost of the comAmerican Episopal (Anglican Counmodities produced. They have an actual and an extremely Madamo Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs Imember the ralls which will take The asked munion)
22nd Sunday After Trinity high money value which those who pay income tax recog each week for Readers of this paper place at the Wesleyan Church nise fully.
tomorrow. Sunday) 8ib ins. Hely Communion 6, 30.
These facts are not always appreciated, but no one can WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE at 30 under the auspices Holy Baptism 30 a.
examine the figures without seeing their essential truth of the Sunday School DepartChurch Sebvol p.
Take, for a beginning, the comparative level of prices of October 28 November front on the financial and business Faith Union: the Union is kept ment, and the Housebold of Choral Evensoog sermon 30 petn.
foodstuffs in Britain and elsewhere. The latest figures show T. MULCARE, Rector, side and the women enjoy taking busy taking care of its sick that in England food is 70 per cent dearer than it was in The Sign of Scorpio the complete charge of the home an members almost continuously St. Barnabas Church, Emplre Scorpion, July 1924. It is a considerable advance and the poorer social life. Neither are tempera and therefore it merits the Holy Baptism 30 m.
people feel it But outside the British Empire the price of Men and women born under this mental and home life is pleasant sympathy and support of every Sung Litany 10 45 a 2n. Sung Eucherbody. Rev. Surgeon will be ist with sermon (Ror. Muloare)
fod has risen much more everywhere except in Egypt, sigo usually have different natures and delightful.
There are always a large number present and will preside, and he Flower Service p.(Rev, Switzerland, Sweden and the United States. In Sweden the The women fare generally tactful figure is exactly the same. In Egypt, Switzerland and the considerable poise and are social these cheerful homes and are fre new about the twelve tribes of ready conversationaliste, have of friends and they feel welcome in is going to tell us all some bing Mulcare)
Choral Evening addreee 30 pm United States the increases are 58 per cent, 67 per cent and leaders On the other band, the Israel Miss Doris Russel 18 The Lay Reader, will officiate.
59 per cent respectively. These are appreciable defferences men care little for the opion of quent visitors there. lovely, comfortable shade of preparing to surprise the audiMembers and friends are very cor ence, but just how she is going dially invited to attend Harveet Pestiya and if other necessities of life had risen no more and the others nor do they note the reaction same amount of money was paid in wages the people in or others to the things they do or brown is the soul color of persons to do it none but berself know. Serxiees to be held at St. Barashes those countries would be much better off. cordially invited tomorrow.
extremely interested in their own marine is their stone. The carnation and enjsy pleasant Sunday MULCARE Priest in Charro But, of course, food is not the only necessity of life. progress and concentrate all their which holds its beauty as long as alternoon One must have some kind of dwelling, clothes, fuel and coergies on their careers, whether any flower after it is cut from the plant, is the symbolic flower of this St. Bartholomew s, Church it be business or art.
If we light as well as some less important commodities.
ke into account these other factors the result is again very Scorpion boroto marry This variance encourages the sigo those The late President Warren phone communications bere soon We are expecting to bave teleRev. Mu ere interesting. The rise in prices of food and these other com. within their own sign and very Harding and the poet, Keats, were as the instruments, etc. sre Morning Prayer and address 11 aaa.
modities is 74 per cent above the standard of July 1914 in ppy domestic lives are vearly born at this time.
srriving, but we wish to remind Church School and Confirmation Class at 230 England, and, so far as one can be sure, only in Switzerland always the result. Both the men and the United States (exclusive of the British Empire) are ihe men push their fortunes to the and women are fond of children. Copylighted 1925 by Hense those who are responsible for Adams Syndicate. the work, that the telephone Evrsing Prayer and address 30 posts along the road are in a The Lay Resort the increases smaller. The figures for these two countries dangerous position; many of MULCARE, Priest in charee are 69 and 73 per cent respectively. From these figures it theas are altogetber out of St Jude Mission, Summit, is possible to conclude that many factors necessary for the QUODC POGOO000009 plumb, and it would be unwise life of working people are considerably more expensive in Evrosong and addrese. The Why pay donble price to put current on the wire before TRY the United States than in Great Britain.
Lay Reader they are rectified as it would be for inferior imported JT MULCARE Priest in Chaty dangerous to passengers and So far it has not been attempted do more than show Boer when you can But if we take the cost of KRONEN BRAU the negative side of the case, animals travelling along the road. St. Simon Mission, Gamboa The road is getting quite green Matine and address 11 am. The Lay buy a superior Beer these factors, which we may call the cost of living in again with grass and berbs, 14 Reader.
ON DRAUGHT some other countries that are unhappily not so well off we such as BALBOA for ought to be cleared every ball Church Sebool and Confirmation Class half the price.
shall see how much reason the British worker has to conOR BOTTLES year, at least, until the commer 30 cial road is constructed. large MULCARE, Priest iur. Chsere.
gratulate himself. The increase in prices in Belgium is 405 COCO0000000000000 tree fell across the road a little per cent above the standard of July 1914, in Denmark 119 over two tiles from this village per cent; in France 290 per cent; in Italy 510 per cent ar. in auring wind sto and rain Wesleyan Mothodist Church one day in last week and nearly Norway 161 per cent. These are the figures of the Ministry (BRITISH CONFERENCE. broke the telephone line, this of Labour. They are arrived at on very careful calculation sbows that some caretaking is Panama 11 a. Mr. Harris; and may be taken as accurate. But if this is the case it can needed. 30 Rev. Wade. Subject: easily be seen how difficult it would be for such countries The Personality of God.
Coloe 11 Mr. Moodie. 730 me to pay as high real wages as England, to pay, that is to say, wages which will purchase as much of the necessities BRITISH CONSULATE NOTICE:S Rev. Surgeon.
LA Boer 11 a. Rev. BR. Wade of life.
Communion. 30 Mr Theo. Pwer, This is attested by the actual facts. The International The Acting British Consul at New Providence 11 Rev.
Labour Office has. carried out a series of investigations. AND Colon would be glad of informa Surgeon.
tion as to the present whereabouts aiming at sharing the relative standard of real wages in of Fernaodo Holly, a native of Javarious countries. Money wages do not give any useful maica, bern at Kingston on August The Salvation Army standard of comparison since they do not show the 29th, 1900 PANAMA CITY CORPS purchasing power of the money. It is only when the Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Bunday November 8th Nov, Junior Harveot Pontiral Service will be con money wages are compared with the cost of living that The British Consulate General ducted all day in the Hall.
we get a true insight into real wages.
Summary of Contents: of Panama would be glad of imfor. Services are follows:London was taken as the standard for the purpose of mation concerning the wherethis comparative study. Taking real wages there as 100 History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years m. Early Prayer Meeting abouts of Ignatius Horatius 10 a. Children Directory Mreting we find in the whole list of other cities only three which Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Stevenson Plummer of St. Lucia, and Brigade United Open Air Meeting who resided in Panams with the have a higher figure, and the only one outside the British Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, 11. Holines Mestido to be done late Francis Ovid Decaille, then ducted by Commandant Martin Empire is Philadelphia. It will be noticed that we have had Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, left for Colon, Plummec bas pot p. special service the Hali to exclude the British Empire since there is little point in Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual been heard from for eight years, when the juniors will tender a very comparing the state of life in one part of the Empire and another To make clear the reasons of such a disparity Players appropriate program in contip with Harvest, Parents and friends are assed would require a separate article, But with this exception, it!
to attend there wervice.
Váluable, Instructive. Historical, Accurate, Complete and appears to be true that real wages in Great Britain are 45 m. Separate Brigade Oprn Air Interesting Meeting.
higher than anywhere in the world. In some other cities the hereby potify the public that Altar Gift and Memorial service if som p. Balvation Meeting Jo.
level is much lower; in some there is not an extraordinary Price 50cts.
sball not be responsible for amount of difference. But everywhere it is appreciable.
any debt or debts contracted by my ter Mro. Hubbard. combined) ermee.
Bearing these facts in mind is it not obvious that we wife Anitha Buchanan wbo has left rejoice with the junicre with your must differ in the competitive markets of the world until my home and protection of her sympathy waist the bereaved ficil Secure yours now there will be a great rush own free will and refuse to return give your heart to God, who won des roy the deceased sister and more ba our standard of efficiency is raised still more? But it is in this direction that the British emplover is meeting the for them, ALBERT BUCHANAN, both body and soul.
problem. He is tending to realise, more and more, that it is Note Other notice for the work will a good thing to pay high wages and make his workmen Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Rent Receipt Books In Span bo given from the pulpit.
comfortab:e and happy. The figures show that he is already ish and English tor Sale at The MARTIN, Ciur daut.
content to do so.
Workman Printery. Continued on page STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923


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