
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres SS he Contra Crespo ATLANTIC SIDE of joy. Another joyful occa ion CANAL ZONE NOTES Was when be described ar cent meeting in Africa, where 40, 000 Salvationists gathered from just Salvation Army two other Divisions, to a seits La Boca Pars.
of special meetings. these meetings over 600 were definiteCELEBRATION OF DIAMOND ly converted to Christianity. st Geo. Robarts will deliv an address before the La Boes Atle.
JUBILEE Africa was visited, and also West naeum next Tuesday evening.
Africa, the latter plice ing of CECILIA AMERICA aec rding to sa sonouncement given out by the Progrito ComA large celebration was bela special interest, as all the Miss on Thursday night in the tine are West Indians, from the West ionary Officers there except two (PANAMA. COLON)
mittee of that society Up to Hall, 14th Street, Culod, and the Indies Territory of the Salvation time of transmitting these news to TODAY. Saturday, November 7tn and TODAY SATURDAY, November 7th building was quite fall. The Army. India was especially men the Press it was not lurt wit TOMORROW. Sunday Nov, 8th platform, which bold sixty per: tioned with its 200, 000 lepers, subject Mr. Roberts will take for John Gilbert in his address. Master sons was also packed, the Cris.
Elie and Gloria Swanson in tobal and Colon Singing Bri 25, 000 of whom were treated in CAMEO KIRBY little Miss Hortevce Dixos are to our own Hospitals in one year.
pages being in the two corners, Jaya 18 another terrible leper MADAME SANS GENE give a recitation and piaro selection and the officers in the centre. spot, and our work there is right TOMORROW Sunday November 8th respectively; Miss Eihelyo Thomas Captain Gayle, from Paraiso, but in their midst. We bave coMONDAY, November 9th Coostance Benney in will sirg. Toe fixed subject for the who was recently stationed at Special Cast in plete bands of lepers in our THE GOOSE HANGS HIGH evening, according to the working Silver City, had a few words, settlements, as well as schools plan of the Athenaeum will be. ONE WAY STREET and received a warm welcome and other things. visiting MONDAY, November 9th This was followed by a lovely Oficer recently saw the drum TUESDAY November 10th Harry Carey in Mondays and Wednesdays at solo by Oaptain Miss Walker, mer of one of these bands with Richard Dix in SOFT SHOES 30 each week, until further now in charge of our Silver City the drom stick strapped to bis potice, are the time set by the Or.
branch. THE SHOCK PUNCH arm, as both hands were eaten TUESDAY, November 10th pheus Musical Club for rehearsiaz At this point Major Bax the oft. On another occasion when House Peters in their new play The Path Across Divisional Officer, got up and receiving some as Christians, he WEDNESDAY, November 11th the Hill. The Management re HEAD WINDS Kove what every body present asked them to stand, only to find Charles Jones in quest that members who are taking declared to be a splendid lecture. they had no feet, they also were HELL HOLE WEDNESDAY, November 11th part be prompt and regular in The title was Sixty Years eaten off. Seeing they could not attending these practices. The Club Gloria Swanson in Salvation Army Tae Major stand be suggested they raiso THURSDAY, November 12th has also accepted the invitation of MADAME SANS GENE the West Indian Employees Asso.
tirst enlarged on the wonders their hands, but here again, they Constance Binney in ciation to belp at the benefit enter which had taken place during could only raise the stumps of THE GOOSE HANGS HIGH the last sixty years in Science arms, that being all the y bad left THURSDAY, November 12th tainment on the 19th inst. and has Special Cast in decided to cont:ibute a song to the and Invention, and alter mer. Some of our Officers. Dice retioning many wonderful things, tioed women, spend the whole of FRIDAY, November 13th ONE WAY STREET program.
be then said that it was general. their life among these people.
Harry Carey in ly conceded that the Salvation The true story was also told SOFT SHOES FRIDAY, November 13th As was previously announced, Army was among the most of a prosperous Chinese business Richard Dix in the La Boca District of the Panawonderful He then quoted the man in China who got converted ma Canal West Indian Employees cons dered opinion of two of the and wanted to become a Saiv. THE SHOCK PUNCH SATURDAY November 14th Association is making another effort leading men of the world, one ononist. He was not allowed w, and SUNDAY November 15th SATURDAY, November 14th to collect funds to finance a treat whom said There has bee as he had two wives. He was Mre Marsh in Charles Jones in for the children at Christmas. This nothing like it on earth a sixto truly sorry, but worked well anu will be the Association second years, while the other said, tbeoard as a iniend. One day sowe. THE WHITE ROSE HELL HOLE effort to collect funds for this Army was the most monu long time aful, he burstin year treat; the first met with an inental fact in the religious his the meeting hall, shouting V ppreciable amount of success. To tory of inankind.
of my wives is dead, Halleluj Jo help gladden the hearts of the men and women of tomorrow, es ecially The Lecturer then started can now come a salvati loi.
at Christmas time, is a noble effort right at the very beginning, and on another occasiou Wuchu and it goes without saying that all described the Army, or rather Captain in a foreign country in should help. The date has been The Christian Mission as it was been giving a series of souns.
definitely fixed for the 19th of this sixty years ago. He sbowed its the en Commodinis, she children was the month (Thursday, night. and this growth, its adoption of Uniforen, asked toe and the name Salvation Army Biule said about stealing, when classical entertainment will be held at the La Boca Clubhouse. Tickets Its introduction of music, with be sharp youngster juinped up the 30, 000 bandsmen, unpaid, in and quoved the ux. Le cut te on sale and within the reach of Au your neart be troubl.
our 13, 00 bands, and also the STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR TAKE CARE thode with shallow pockets.
boys bands with a membership ter ume party ul BaiVation From an experience of ten years, of over 10, 000. At the end of 12 Ils were going 004 10. street speak. have seen many case West Indian Imployees AssocioNomination of officers of the years there were 25 missions singing chorus which had the words Juy, Joy, Juy in it of eye trouble in that long period, tion, La Boca District, is annouced and 35 Evangelists, today there wor The Chiese woru SimplyRub it on and Brush it Off and say with conviction, born or by te District Secretary to take are 14 000 Corps with over many times.
for jy is Le, bat it is alsu Wbile giving 18, 000 Otticers.
place at their regular business at tigures, he was careful to point the suuna by which the tokslu NON INJURIOUS Take care of your eyes. Have the Community Hall on Friday out that these alone could not be part call their pirs. Toe them tested at the first sig of evening next, the 13th inst. There that several discomfort or we kness, and got ay also be nomination of district give any idea of the moral Rood result was the glasses you need and went representatives on the Board. The the work was doing. Wbo, foram rubuing after the salvation instance, can measure the bene. Pats buxgiug them to stop aluthem. am equipped to test your number of representatives be All then fits to the communicles from 200; na chorus; as eyes and to fit the required lease elected, however, will be decided 021 openair services held in plys were in the back of the There deep study. extensiv by the Board at its December meerAmerica alone, with their atter procession MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, knowledge, and ten years of experi ing, and the quota given will be in dance of just under 25, 000, 000 The Major, with his loud ence to assure you of satisfac ion, pro; ortion to the number of finsouls, or the intluence upon clear voice, went on without a SMOUTH AND SILKY ancil members of the District.
Dr. COLLEY the 17, 000, 000 who attended break for about an hour, ano le This promises to be an important Eye Speciailst.
our gospel services held in the talk was very much appreciated meeting and each and every Disballs in 1, 398 cities where the by all present Uspain Hugh Corner Ulth and Bolivar Sus, Colon trict member is specially requested SOLD EVERYWHERE Army operates in America. or ton, ot Colon, gave a few closing Upstairs Chinese Fancy Strre. to attend.
the effect on the religious and remarks as representing the Phone 420, Colon moral lite of the 93, 579 who West Indian Comrader, and was Experienced Canvassers Investigate publicly professed conversion tull of praise and falin for the PARAISO during that same year in that wonderful work. The Army in the type of criminal to be sent same Country. This was Ameri these parts has Corps in Panawi to jail cor of the sort or human ca alone, but tbe Army was City, La Boca, Paraiso, Gluu, LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD ity to be in any way benefited by Death of Mrs. Helen Barker.
doing the same thing in eighty Culon, Cristobal. Silver City, a jail sentence.
one Countries and Colonies. Bocas del Turo, and Costa Rca, Watson, a West Indian who has seen the necessity for moved from our midst She cold bands of death reNext came the Social Reform all of which come under the Mrs.
some kind of home for the boys Helen Barkr, wife of Mr Joseph and Institutional Work, and we command of Major and Mrs.
were taken to the slums of the woails Ile War Cry for to, Bax. Two papers are issuu of his race who would otherwise Barker of this town; he was NATURAL HAIR WIGS be vagabonds and perhaps worse, is for quite a long time an!
great cities, and from there to the many Fresh Air Camps maintains a bome known as the had to be removed in the Ancon in adults, and Ine Yog suder the cbila un The sun SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURIS, Boys Institute all parts, where the poor mothers on on Broadway Hospital where on Tuesday last CLUSTER PUFFS. HAIR NEIS, STRAIGHT.
and children were taken for a Institution and sael Hui near 13th Street, which was so life became extinct.
ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN far won the approval of the Gasle of the Salvation Army conCaptain wek or two away from the In Cristobal is used by all the Mention Shipping Companies and Cocouis HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR terrible slum streets.
authorities as to secure a subsid) ducted the ORDER. Free Catalog sent on request.
burial crony from the Municipality o. Coon was made of the following work on the Isthmus, and is doing a be ing a member of the same real work for the coinmunity.
of 150, per month. This amount done in America only during ALEX. MARKS pays the rental on the esebi denomination She was also a 1924. 19, 000 men admitted into 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. shelter, but leaves nothing to Friendly Society they turned out member of the Try Again Our work homes. 97, 000 men and NEW YORK, 28, 000 women 10und work. 1, 079 BALCONY NAIL GIVES running expenses. The buys olin large numbers to pay their course are able to help a liui by missl persons found. 61, 000 WAY FIVE INJURED.
prisoners given personal advice.
doing odd jobs about town, but last respect to the ceased.
On Sunday eveninga Memorial 7, 000 prisoners assisted chart are many days when food is and fould work. 528 prisoners parolnot on the rail, and instead of Colon Needs New scarce and clothes not for the merger was theld at the Suba ed to the Salvation Army While friends of Miss Grice the tail giving way, the entire ing at all, except as provided by tion Army Hall. Among thoze Sisters Week, attended were Surgeon, youngest daugbier ut floor would bave fallen through.
Home For Boys.
the benevolent Watson, who is Corbio. King, Captain Walker, The showed 32 Rev. and Mrs. C. Surgeon. Te sympathy of the comiudeed deserving of respect and Mrs and Miss Piggott and others laike Women Su.
and Hospitals, in to the Colon Wesley Churen were mucity goes out to the injured cooperation from all humane which 3679 girls were admitted engaged to celebrating the young ones, and it is hoped that they Rotarians Discuss Proposal citizens, too numerous to mention.
in 1924. homes for friendless lady birthday, on Saturday will recover speedily.
For Building aga bomeless children. The day digot the 31st alo, at the is a plan afoot to secure nurseries which, last year, mission house, some members of a tract of land within the city Harvest Thanksgiving.
News Notes looked after 84, 000 children the party leaned against one of limits, but far enough out to en whila their parents went to the balcony rails with the result At the request of Commander joy the privileges of gardening, The local branch of th: Silvawork. Thousands of the poorest that it gave way, injurio tive lantero lecture on Jamaica Watson we reproduce the follow. woich will mean so much to the ion Army Paraiso, Canal de families visited, and their mater ladies in a fall from the second his been announced to take ing which appeared in the Pana: moral and physical well being of win. Realth Haves ial and spiritual needs lookealoor to the grouud. Ta uptor place in the Colon Wesley Church Ima American of the 3rd inst:the boys, to build thertos a well thanks giving Services on Mon after. The hospital figures were tunate young ladies who sus on the night of Wednesday the Colon, Nov. The meeting of ventilated and sanitary house ter day night November n, your also an eye opener. Io the Army wined injuries are, Mis:es. 11th inst.
the Rotary Club was warked by airy dormitory and class room received. Also on Tuesday night them, which will comprise an generous pifts will be gratefully Hospitals in 1924, 447 ray Giant, spine fractured; Pore a talk from Judge Wade on the as well as a kitchen and work the 10: a monster demonstra.
treatments were given, nearlyutlu, collar bone b:okeo; de Alberto Cardenas, Peruvian, subject of youthiah delinquents shop. By secaring spermic to tion will be held in ou Hall 5, 000 received dental treatment, Leib, bead and body burt; formerly with he 1, 144. major, de 1, 986 a minor Abranams, internal jaries; free to contend color was y familiar. owing to his many bund cooldobou ons of end, the aid of same. bearty invitation were performed.
be constructed at a Burden, arm trac. urid and Lose arrested on Saturday the 31st years experience as a magistrate comparatively small cost, and, From here the Major lapocbed toru.
ulto. cha ged with communism, in this vicinity. He urged very once they were installed the out on the International and It was at first erroneously It is reported that he will be torcibly the necessity for an o subsidy would be sufficient toMissionary side of the work, and reported that they were engaged deported in a short time.
FDON BE ganized method of taking care of gether with their own earning, took us to Europe, America, 10 dancing, but this story was the boy transgressors who are on to suport the institution.
Canada, China, Japan, Australia, not cred by any one, as it now necessarily set to jail, as The West Indians themselves there is no other lodging to be Tb lodia, Africa, and sue of the is widely known that the v.
other 81 countries in which the gentl:man does not countenance Have you tried the found for such as they. Neither could be counted on to contriarmy is wo, king. When tuetos form of engagement even the Canal Zone Government nor bute to such an undertaking, Major meotioned the lacs tual among his members. ube new Beer that of Panama has made provi jast as they did at the ume there were over 10. 000 Salvatio other hand, Circumstautial evision for the housiog of such when the soup kitchen and are ists in one small part of Arcadence dtnies such a version. Kronen Brau youthful delinquents as are in clinic were first started by the 97c alono, namely Zululand, We Had they been dancios, it would need of punishment and even Uristobal Woman Club. With (Continued on page 8)
176 Arne audience broke into expressious Days been done on the floor and detention, but are still neitber No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required 18 There Unlucky!
Authors We Sep when he del


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