p. 8


two first races for native poniese said, Secretary Oldhar Races! Races!
secured Not ATTRACTIVE RACES (Continued from rage 1)
Tomorrow program at Juan Franco race track is to be made up With eight races on Sunday tude on the part of the coloured races would entirely chance and last and nice on Tuesday, Pana. they would be willing to discuss of the following eight snappy races; ma Independence Day, the Pana: these important matters in a fair Four furlongs for native burses: Gloris 100, Worm ma Jocky Club succeeded in spirit, with a due sense of the wood 100, Mentirosa 100. Buguestaging two excellent programs difficulties surroundiog them.
lits 100 and Ben Battle 99 which were without doubt im Six furlones for class namensely enjɔyed by hundreds; Nor Classes. INDIVIDUALS.
SHIRLEY MASON IN in fact, on Tuesday the crowd Secretary Oldbam of the sive horses. Chiqui 128, Dictador 141, Repulse 103 and Liandro 99.
was dense, but on both days International Missionary Council enthusiasm reigned and every of the Episcopal Church Congress, Six farlongs for class im.
thing was carr. ed on smoothly, as a keen stndent of Eastern affairs ported horses: La Garzona 128, with exception to the boller of pointed Glad Knight 128, Poocho Roto 112 out that many of the West Meath 99 a few who on Sunday bad, bet on leading Moslems of the Near East. ALSO Seven furlongs, the Feature the beavily played He o in the their open eyes to the irriconcilable Rate for class imported four furlong dis differences second between Bolshevism tance for native horses. Hero and Mohammedanism, were in SOLD AT AUCTION horses: Risa Loca 130, Mi Pollers bad displayed pronounced unwill. clined ic throw in their lot with the 128. Super Gloria 109, Marcela 104.
ingness to leave the barrier with Bolsbeviks because they felt that Cbiqui, Dictador and Repulse the Bolsheviks treated them as TOMORROW NIGHT Alta Mae 128. Gallineta 120 and and when the tioal start came he Araucana are booked for 6), fure equals, whereas the Western longs.
was leit at the startiuk point. nations did not. He urged the Con THE BELOVED TOM MIX IN Four furlongs for ela C naJockey Aranguiz, wbo rode Hero gress to remember that Christ was ined along with Gx. Zales, always theaght of men as inditive horses; Hero 128, El Chichi 112, Ruso 119, Zipe Zape 114, five dollars eien for breakix the viduals, and to avoid niassing men MILE. MINUTE ROMEO Roamer 110, Peligro 80.
barrier in lois race.
into classes and thinkiog of Indians Six foulongs for class na Factor Ruso won the feature or Chinese, and not of them as intives; Blandina 130, Pipiolo 117, race of six furlongs for the best dividuals. He asked the audience And a Rip Roaring Comedy entitled Super Gloria 110, Marcela 105, imported borses.
Tois race to face the facts clearly, Revoltosa 101, Mary Erb 90.
carried a purse of five hundred The dallars. Manua came in a close CREETING Two SOLID FRONTS Five furlonge; renomeno 105, Family Entrance Rialto 122, Zapo 115. Candlewood second and Burlesco la A solid white front inevitably ran unplaced means a solid yellow, browo or Chiqui and Peligro won the black front. Two Shows: 30 and 45 Prices 15 25 can only have one LABOR these were ot and furlong meaning war. The only way to SOS res, estively. Jockey Casas rude prevent drifting ion disaster is for (Continued from page 1)
Glad Koight to win a tiye far. men of courage and true Vision to get in touch with him. He prolong in the sixth event. Over refuse to be eatangled into the Athletic Meet at Isth. mised to assist us rnd he did.
winners were Candlewood, live share of radicalism. Shoran Singha furlongs, Super Gloria 6t for a Christian Indian, addressing the Through the influnce of British longs; Ruso, furlongs; Celia, same Congress said, We have to mian Park Labour, it was found possible to get rid of the idea that God sent one mile incorporate the union, and we the white With unappreciated drizzle at We must get rid of the whife man man to rule the black.
an eight hour day for intervals, the track on Tu:sday prestige.
the prestige of Rain prevented wbat promised some sections and still better pay was worked up to a wire and the colour, but the prestige of charac: to be a most interesting athletic for the doek workers meet at Isthmian Park on the 3rd, For fighting to retain the eightchances for favorites were made extremely uncertain. Neverthe ter will count in the future. Note)
Panama Independence y. With hour day Mr. Critchlow mentions, were carried not very far distant years when There are clear indications that in less, the events JUAN FRANCO TRACK much courage, however, on part of he lost his own job.
the mana2ement and athletes, Owing to trane depression, wages through both barmoniously and satisfactorily the rays of truth shall have pene fairly good program of four bicycle in British Guiana bad gone down trated certain groups of mankind Jockey Quiroga bad the dis. the desirable change in the colour TO MORROW races and seven other events five again.
flat tinction of bringing in Galets question, will be inevitable.
Now, Mr. Critchlow added, races, one High Jump and an exhibition in Discos and Javelin we want the Commonwealth La ahead of her field in a six u lopx race which paid the la gent concert at La Boca ClubSunday, November 8th, 1925 Throwing by a team of Panamanian bour Conference to help us in obathletes. was carried out.
taining legislation to provide for amount on a winner for the day 14. 40 and 60.
honse Next Thursday water soaked track from wor Mill Boy and workers compensation. old age contiouous showers of rain handi pensions, health insurance, une Chlia were favorites in this PACH capped the cyclists and even the ployment exchanges, manhood and but Revoltosa proved the most Under the auspices of the St.
champion Nimbley was dangerous contender. JcRev Viocent Guild of Acloytes of St.
not womanbocd suffrage, a legal mioimmune to falls, having received umum wage, and an eight hour Aranda rode the winners, Blan Paul Church in this city. a Condina and Peligro in the two last cert will be given next Thursday nearly balf a dozen in the cycle duy for all workers.
events in which he took part. Dur rades, five and four furlongs. night at the La Boca Clubhouse to the abnormal condition of Races For Imported horses the respetively. Hildag commeocing at o clock track the fentore cycle event of 12 and Zapa, wioners of a four and The programme which will be miles in which 17 competitors were alsu a five forlong for and for Native bred Ponies ative richly varied will be rendered by booked and for whieh Rudge Why pay donble price horses, and Aranguiz brought in several well known performers of. Whitworth bicycle was offered as for interior imported as first, Hero in a five furlong vocalliterary and instrumental first for stive horses and Mi Pollera ability prize, had to be cancelled. As Boer when you can ID six furlong for imported The young men turning announced by the Management, WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE horses. Mucoz rod Carcojida every stone in their way to make the meet will be repeated on the buy a superior Beer winning of a five furlong race to the Concert a success and the 26th instant, Thanksgiving Dav such as BALBOA for imported two year olds. Ara generous patronage of the THE CYCLE EVENTS half the price.
ucapa, ridden by Moore, non public is solicited in their behalf.
The first, a one mile rare, wa the 6; furlong race for imported The usual charge for admision will won by the champion Nimbley borses be made. DON MISS IT.
and that was the first and last time be breasted Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
the tape in first nosition for the day; CW Scout Association to Meet MONSTER PROGRAM on Monday.
First Race Starts p. Sharp Omphroy came second. Marre LEGAL NOTICE won the mile open serateb; At Excelsior Theatre Nov. 10th Smith and Nimbley second and The regular meeting of the and respectively. nith monster program will be stagrel Nahitbroy captured first and secoud na a Boy Scouts Associatioo will Notice of Pendency of Suit take. lace at the residence of As is at the Excelsior Theatre on TuesADMISSION: places, respectively, in the mile tant District Commissioner But day night November 10th, featuropen bandicap. Nimbley, among UNITED STATES DISTRICT clier on Monday night November ink Adolphe Menjou and Jillian Grand Stand Rich in the sensatonal Drama of Ground 50c. others, took part but eliminated COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE oth. The meeting commences at the year himself by two falls. Morrell won KISS IN THE o clock precisely and members DARK.
aad Nimbley came second in the are requested to be punctual. At two mile open handicap.
Balboa Division this meeting there will be the elec In addition to this The Seven The Flat EVENTS.
CIVIL No: 730 tion of officers, in consequence of Aces of Panama accompavied by whichi a full attendance is desired. the Hot Tamale Orchestra Senator Borah Replies. 100 yd, scratch handicap: 1G.
render a short Vaudeville Sketch.
Budd 2, Nibley: They also reETHELBERT STERLING, The seven beautiful girls that Plaintif peated this performance in the (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1)
PANAMA INDEPENDENCE are known as the Seven Aces of 220 yd dash open handicap. T, Panama will sing and dance dnring right to administer her own laws withim her dominion, to Nimbley won the running broad CLAUDINA STERLING the utermission after the first fix and collect her tariffs and nothing less should satisfy. jump by making 15 feet inches; Delendant. Continued from page 1) show. These girls bave already If the other powers in China do not wish to proceed aad Carlos Aleman mantered five Divorce dence was read at a solemn session Pacific and Atlantic sides, also the United States connot have the. company and the co Vigier, given 55 made a name for themselves on the along these lines nevertheless, the United States should. If feet four inches from tierra firma and won the High Jump. Young To Claudina STERLING: of the Municipal Council. In the along the Zone with their Symo operation of other powers, which she certainly would de won the one mile walk opeo Han. Oeta ber 1986 1925 bethelberte Surting yards handicap, You are hereby notified that course of the day President Chiari phonetic Orchestra, delivered an address before the Tamale sire, she should shape her own policy and pursue her own dicap, with Harris second Bled in the above entitied court members of the Fire Brigade and Tuesday Night is booked for a course.
Bndd and Jack Baroes were first petition wherein he prays for an abso Police Department in which he banner night at this Theatre, and lute divorce from you on the stato The ex Kaiser proposition means war, a war bet and second respectively, in the forgetoondes ordres temo lauded their loyalty during the you cannot afford to pass up the ween the white and colored races, a war into which would 440 yard Handicap Dash.
receot aboormal conditions which treat that is in store for you.
You are, therefore, hereby notified The Athletes must be congratu that you are required to enter your were brought about by the rent enter the twɔ desolating passions of the human family, races lated for the splendid spirit which appearance in writing in the office of question It was a truly uneventful day, and religion. We must either treat these people justly, fairly, they displayed ander adverse con the Clerk of said court at Anoon, COLON NEEDS NEW. and as equals or we shall have to fight them.
ditions. The attendance was fairly Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, and the beflagged city lent a gay and eye arresting spectacle, while (Contigued from page am in favor of trying the policy of justice for a time good, and a band of music helped 1928. before the 25th day of January, to enliven the occasion, natives and foreigners alike helped out any suggestion instead of force, of fair treatment instead of exploitation. If you fall to do so within the time from the aforesaid the petition will be taken as to carry out one of the happiest authorities, the silver employees think it will work more to the cause of peace.
confessed, and the petitioner will take anniversaries of the time when of nearly all the departments 3f Two More Deported judgement against you by default and Panama received ber independence the Canal on the lattic side ISTHMIAN LEAGUE OF. The regular meetings of the demand from said court the relief applied for in the petition.
made up a collec:ion and turned it over to the Soup Kitchen, to F, SHEIBLEY League will be held in Paraiso on the 11th and in this City og Two alleged communist Clerk.
OOOOOOOOOOO0O0000000000000 assist tbe many laborers and their families who Thursday the 12th instead of agitators, Alberto Valladares, were not TRY working.
To Celebrate 10th Anniversary. Saturday the 21st which later will native of Ecuador and Roberto Tbere is small doubt but that be our anniversary evening. All Cardenas, Peruvian, 20 and KRONEN BRAU the building could be built by to be The Isthmiso League of British members are requested 40 years old, respectively, Have you tried the public donation, and there are West Indians will celebrate the 10 present at these meetings.
were deported day before ON DRAUGHT many wbo already stand ready anniversary of its organization on new Beer yesterday by Panama. Carto sponsor the idea and to start the evening of the 21st, on which ALL ROADS WILL LEAD To denas was former Secretary OK BOTTLES tu business of raising Unds the occasion it will entertain its friends Kronen Brau moment the permit can be socially and intellectually, It anti THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP of the Tenants League, it is secured.
cipates a grand time.
native are Another Big Day of Sport VS CO COOO OOO OOOCO


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