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ASI LLA ann Another Armistice Commemoration THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Supreme Court to Pass On Segregation of Negroes Situpea token thereeing more than both of us are wrong.
opinions VOL. 14 No. 14 PANAMA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1925.
ABD EL KRIM GERMAN Jamaica Government Takes IN HIDING. IS GENIUS Is Prisoner of Riffian Behind Resistence of Up Matter of Seizure Adventures Who Fol Abd el Krim.
lowed Hin.
Right of Colored People to Dwell Direct West Indian cable Of Caymanian Vessels by ColomA cable despatch from Madrid, despatch from Tangier, dated Nov.
Where They Will is to be Set appearing in the New York Times 2, States that the braio behind Abd bian Authorities and Imprisontled by Highest Tribunal. of the 1st inst states that aecording el Krim resistances, French to reports in Madrid Abd el krim Intelligence Officer declares, is a ing Crew.
is now the prisoner of the Riffian German named von Klems, formar.
WITHIN a few days the United States Supreme Court adventurers who have followed ly a Captain in the Prussian him. Aware that his prestige is Guards, who before the war, owing In connection with the story published in this paper will hear argument in a case which will affect the residential failing, not daring to cnntinue his to a foundal, joined the French For recently of what is alleged to be the high handed action of status of colored people and all minority groups throughout former policy of giving peremp, eign Legion, and in 1921 deserted the Colombian Government in seizing two Caymanian the United States. The dicision rendered will either make tory orders and demanding blind to the Riffans and is now serving schooners and the imprisonment of the crew, numbering 13, possible or outlaw the creation of a segregated district for submission from all, he is suspici in Abd el Krim army.
negroes in American cities.
ous of all those about him. Fearing Ten German deserters who enter the Colombians assert that the Caymanians were catching to remain at Targuist, where the ed the Tangier Zone recently were turtle in the prohibited zone; but the Caymanians have This case, Irene Hand Corrigan ani Helen Curtis vs. inhabitants might capture and placed under arrest. They com. fiatly denied this LegislaBuckley. plained Klems definitive Supreme Court actions, inasmuch as similar cases he has hidden bimself in the woody harshness and brutality. declaring tive Council on Wednesday by the Hon. Lightbody the chefoughout the mce unerware held in abeyance until decision Hmman Mountains, among the that he shit the faint hearted wits member for St. James, the Government have cabled to the is rendered.
Surrounded by the large consegnata e know a lihrough relation Radji British Minister at Bogoto to get the true position where out slightest. He The National Association for the Advancement of of selected followers.
Ala. The same deserters say that co Colored People is represented by one of its directors, Louis Various tribes protested that he the Riffian chief of artillery is a Marshall of New York, who will make the argument before should use his own troops in bat. former Serbian Colonel, Quiet pre THE BRITISH WEST INDIAN WELFARE the Supreme Court, The association reports acute segrega. tling the French and Spanish in. Vails along the front.
tion contests in about twently large American cities, one of tribes which bear the bruot of the Christmas Cantata At St. tead of calling COMMIT ГЕЕ on natives of other the most dramatic being in Detroit, where Clarence Darrow war whether in attack or defense.
Paul has been ratained to defend eleven negroes charged with The Benl Aroub and Beni Gorfet (BY GASKIN)
murder for shooting into a mob that sought to oust them tricesmen have informed Abd elKrim it would be convenient to At first had a gond mind to average West Indian feels that one On Sunday, Dec. 27th. Sunday leave this Committee severely does not like him, or that one is from their home.
make peace so they may sow their after Christmas Day. the rich and alone, just as it is without one his enemy if one expresses an THE TEST CASE.
fields, Cantata by Caleb Miss The case to come before the Supreme Court arises out of thietyus avoiding another year entitled The seativity lob Simge plea. Then, had another mind to opinion contrary to create of an agreement among thirty white property oweners of harka from Zeitun, near Te will be rendered by St. Paul come out and give it a good talking Smart is made of sterner stuff. We Even now, with pen in hand have hardly ever agreed on any Washington who agreed among themselves never to attacked by surprise a Riftian turo, operating with the Spaniards Church Choir. ractice has begun on this popu mental com lex needs a bit of we must She, a devout Catholie, hardly know which to do. This subject. Always disagree as need sell their property to any person of negro race or blood, convoy from Trngier, which was lar production of the famous explanation, Geographically am and the most that can be called the covenant to run with the land and bind the heirs and obliged to return to Tangier after a listening clean will be honrds for the not a West Indiao, was born at isa. Sadducee. However we may assigns of the persons making the agreement.
on the Isthmus. Make sharp battle, abandoning a large your preparations and ask for your city in British Guiana. Therefore, other side of the fence to such Georgetown on the Demerara, a meét we are sure to part from the One of the parties to the agreement. Mrs. Irene Hand consignment of sugar, arms, squadron flew over the Te ticket early. The Cantata will be am a man who am verily a cases go away feeling or Corrigan, found it neccesary to raise money and sold her the greatest attraction having of the South American. But for all pur. faint hope that one of us is in the house to a colored woman, Mrs. Helen Curtis When objec. Continued on page 8) Christmas Season.
British tion was made to the sale, Mrs. Corrigan offered the land to ose of Represeta paralistica politica, vizht. But if ever we should find And of ourselves it is the white property owners at the price agreed upon with truth carry all the earmarks of a Mrs. Curtis, but none of the white persons would buy at SPARKLETS the West Indian, barrug bis You have to respect her provincial patriotism. have no for she respects yours, Frank and that price. Thereupon Mrs. Corrigan decided to proceed patience a man who sees his fearless. outspoken and can speaki with the sale to Mrs. Curtis.
On the basis of the agreement entered into by the REMINISCENCES OF THE PAST unless an increase of population be country first, last and all the time. Catholic and a Feminist. Adab: Now as a British West Indian gerous combination, should say, checked by prudential restraint or white property owners, they sought to enjoin Mrs. Corrigan After five minutes mentet ex otherwise. Your people ore also legal rights, to speak on this sub with gentlemen who have not out.
from selling and Mrs. Curtis from taking possession of the ercise wit hun averable forret si on handicapped by their inability to jeet. Tusee nothing in this Wels grown their mid Victorian ideas.
have not only prescriptive, but a too dangerous combination to be house. This injuction was issued by the Supreme Court of apparent unfavorable impe sion organize and cooperate. There den fare con he rare ability of Miss his way, but with his daughter on made anent the King English hope for them under modern It is doomed, and Me Mr. Smart a very good man in the District of Columbia and was sustained by the Court of between the pressman, plast can learn to act together. Any Linda Smart can keep it alive or the Committee, be is useless. Not economic conditions unless they not even the Appeals.
In general, the line of attack in behalf of the negroes week piffle; and for the more permanent advance to thich they justifi its existence. But it may live that the other gentlemen are use.
purpose or clearing Court in the so called Louisville Segregation Case. Here it bunt for violations of the generellther own efforts, White men, how Committee is wrong in frst princi me would to do aught but throw matters who, as rule, was held that segregation by law or municipal ordinance approved system of grouping letters but little, and comparatively very it had appeared in The STAR mendallstate of this gentleman ever well disposed, can help them ples. friend of mine told me that roses at the Rev. Surgeon. Th was unconstitutional It will be contended that the attempt in classical form, ran across, it. through affairs of by individual white property owners to affect by agreement while preparing surplus and abso. few white men are willing to belp that paper has been de Baxterized Miss Graot and others precludes them at all.
among themselves, and to enforce through court action, lete matter for the waste basket, hardly ever read it. But there it him from any unkind remarks. But was in The WORKMAN of the 31st back to the charge. The Committee what is illegal when it is attempted to be accomplished by irom two of our most important The other statement referred to Oct. At first glance thought that more often than not will need DiTOLERANCE.
legislation, constitutes an evasion of the principle laid men Baxter, ex Sporting above was fouud in Governor it was treatear editorial disco bend Rev. may use the regular forma ufa.
down by the Supreme Cour in 1917.
Editor of the Star Herall. now The 1917 case was argued by Moorfield Storey former Editor in chief of the Panath Walker Proclamation in connec led that it was the bare announce Lighten, our darkness we beseech not gone very when President of the American Bar Association and new. Presi Walker, Governor of toe Panama sek which begins on the 16th Dent. There was this announce Thee, Lord. submit that this American. and Colonel tioa wuth American Elucation ed dent of the National Association for the Advancement ment, a falsehood in position, is enough to entitle any one to be of Colored People, who will be associated with Mr. Marshalibal Zone, K s statement than to last uotil the 23rd, sittiog with all the ambition of an ou a committee. My friend aud in the present case, as will Arthur Spingarn and Herbert Leased to the Press by my former was found in a series of articles de public laterest in American edu editorial but with none of its countrym fact. Cambridge can do of cational Stockton of New York, James Cobb, Henry Davis, conte. nporary the ex circumbing loods and problem. In part, cu exclaiming. These be thy odsdignity. When got through In. only one institutions, methods, the the names, could not help on the Committee who can really former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, tory seribe, Pilgrim Wilkins, gods, do any thiog substantial. But, will and James Schick, all of Washington, and William whose pen once got him in Dutch educatio is to give the individual. Israel But why is this Com be? Does he realize that in a civic with the A, folks. Mr.
Lewis of Boston, former Assistant Attorney General of the Wilkins was trying to influence live in harmony with his envirog Breause, it lacks principles? state the question of welfare, is a broader view of life, to fit him to mittee wrong ia first the deaking that is into considera United States.
Governor Walker to request his meat, with tolerance for bothers ability. refuse to believe that on Similar cases have arisen in other large cities. Recently Government to legislate in favour and respect for himself.
a 1: only two coun: felt in Colon to day, maintain a St. Louis court, basing its action upon that of the lower of of provisional Ucited States cititries can find representatives, that no laudlord or house agent courts in the present case, has affirmed the right of white have faithfully served the United zenship for West Indians who Cold Facts.
What have ponr Trinidad and has any right on such a Committee Barbados done? To say nothing of excepts he intends to play the game property owners to agree among themselves not to sell States Government on the Panama have reproduced these truths the other islands. Has any on according to rules. Mr. Cambridge their property to negroes and to enforce such an agreement Canal and Railroad for over a cer so that the thousands of West In this Committee ever spoken to is not only a landlord or an agent at law. NEW YORK TIMES.
us in number of years; he was also dians on the Isthmus who read the Roberts and Cherry er Grenada? he is both. He is not only an orcox requesting Mr. Baxter help in WORKMAN, the iodispensable local if not? He better bad. Then it dinary member of the Conimittee.
ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN dans mon the disthinees may be ter fact cannot afford to procure the will be discovered that these two be seitse Chabreman The mere fact evolving whereby West Io. gentlemen far of better unity work for their common good.
daily paper without serieusly affect the average West Indian. And they West Iadians is trash, All Indians, In commemoration of the ing the personal or Unlike the French Debt CONSEQUCECES OP INABILITY TO may get an opportunity to read some islands. This selection is nothing for a matter of that, unite in their amily budget are many more from the various not only West or East, all peoples anniversary of the first decla Funding Commission that ration of independence of the journeyed over to the United cold facts which are from time to Acr Together Said the one time editor of And also for the reason that they sonally. would expect more from only impossible but undesireable. time published in daily papers. short of a slap in the face to the particular classes. To ask us all to Isthmus from Spain, Gov. States quite recently to con Goulash. in part: The increase are us ful lessons that have been other British West Indians. Per unite or group to gether is not ernment offices and schools of clude matters regarding the of Negro population under favor served us as a community in the any one of these two gentlemen am sure that we know each closed day.
which the Flench owe the Malthusiau law of the pressure the company of other peoples Committee, barring Miss Smart.
United. of opulation It may appear to some that am We need no Committee to make on kow. or to live.
inevitably brought into play. dividuals to write so profoundly Lithough, when remarked to a burden is economic. Progress was The La Boca Athenaeun commission, it is reported, maaltbus held on that population interesting and undeniably clear friend that it was my intention to never breught about by mere announces and All Medallist has agreed on the settlement tends to increase faster than its and instructive. We cannot, with. Attack the Committee. His reply social contact op de therm of means subsistence can be made serious coasequences, continue place at the La Boca Club. United States. Italy is granted. do, and hence en thee Tower out from ouro elementos bending to me was Migd Miss Smart, she greatly handicapped by the Statu time in lasses must necessarily suffer wicked pen. Laws next. Continued on page 8) more or less from lack of food. Continued on page 8) but not at all perturbed. The (Continued on page 8)
with HERALD economic?
ks representation tion Our


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