
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Rinse thoroughly.
hangup dry Itske but a few minutes and your wedding are like new to fostede or tint your Rocking with RIT Keep the Dainty Garments of Intimate Wear Always Bright and Fresh!
Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
Have RIT always at hand to keep pretty stockings and other articles of lingerie looking their best by tinting or dyeing them with RIT. There are thirty one beautiful shades and colours all equally good for treating linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
When garments or hangings are spotted, sun streaked, stained or faded, take out all the old colour with WHITE RIT. Then the material, is ready for the desired light or dark shade of colour.
Sold Everywhere ive on Jannary 1, 1919, du ing Sir John Chancellor povernor ship of the Colony and the hardships and inconveniences suffered by the people residing in those Wards were enumerated in two petitions to Sir Samuel Wilson, successor to Sir John Cbancellor, and one to Sir Horace Byatt which has been to a large extent successful. The matter was mentioned to s ccellency on his first official visit to the Borough of Arima on March 31st last, in the address of welcome by Mr. de Gannes. Mayor of the town, and the Governor tben promised to give the matter bis attention when he became more acquainted with local conditions It is stated by responsible persons that the trying inconveniences which the trans.
fer of the Wards created and the il ficulty to secure license in the daily routine as dwellers, traders and agriculturists, have been the cause of the migration of a large number of persons from the districts affected and in con sequence, the diminution of the trade which Arima formerly enjoyed.
The icformation forwarding the Government sympathetic attitude towards the inhabitants of the particular Wards bas been communicated to the petitioners who have been assured that effect will be given to their prayer as far as possible as sodu as the necessary legislative amendments are made. The transfer, therefore, will hardly become etfective till the beginning of 1927, meanwbile the certain bope of the re enjoyment of former privileges will be to the people source of much contentmeat.
There There are 31 colours Canary Yellow Lavender Dusk Blue Light Browa Red Purple Mustard Een Tan Dark Brown Dark Green Pink Light Blue Light Grey Salmon Orange Golden Yellow Emerald Green Flesh Scarlet Carte Yellow Tangerine Battleship Grey OM Rose Henna Navy Blue Trupe SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO)
Chicago, MONTEZUMA DRUG STORE PANAMA Light Green ta RI SNO WAWESI OS SEXoXBOX WW2 RIT WASHES AS IT DYES 60 58X8 Sco tbat: If and in case, bowever, JAMAICA the resolution passed on this subject by the Legislative Council during the debate of the 29tb Needs of Tourist Trade April, should be intended to be Board.
a rejection of the view expressed in my despatch No. of the 1st January as to the effect of the incorporation of these words in The GLEANER of the 6th inst the new Constitution, desire to sys:Members of the Tourist Trade record my dissent and to make it Development Bjard met yester new Constitution the Gevartor perfectly. clear that under the day morning and discussed vart will be th entitled to tse ad ous matters in relation to the supported in using his over 10 Lourist trade.
ing power to upbold an esseatis!
It was decided that Mr. principle no matter bow. trivial Robertson should attead on be the case io piut may appear to half of the Board, the meeting of be.
the Select Committee of the The matter was discussed in Legislative Council appointed to the Legisla ive Council recently, consider the question of a subsi and it was decided ta ask the dizid line of Nteamers between Secretary of State to deter ary Jamaica and England Mr. Rib. Turther actio on ibe subj set ertson to put before the com u uatii herec ives a memorial from tree iha Tourist Trade Develop the Council dealing with the ment Bard view that the Com. matter, pany running any subsidiz line committee of the Council should be required to provide was appointed to prepare this accommodation for as larve a memorial, and the committee number of passengers as possi met yesteriay.
were ble, to take passengers at reason present: Hone, Nish able rates, and that an endeavour (chairma. Morrison, Rev.
be made to get any such Compa Barclay, Tren Wint, ny to arrange for their boats to Sangster, and P, F, Lightbody.
do the voyage in twelve days.
det. The question of combined and it is understoo taut the publicity ineasures betwean the members are not in favour of Board and any subsid zod line accepting the Secretary of State was considered, but it was seen ruling as conveyed in the desuntil the Board is provided patch quote above. In other with adequeate funds and bad a words, the members of the con consistent policy of advertizing mittee say that it paramount for a number of years, it would importance is to be construed not be possible to engage in any airfereatly to the manner in detinita publicity campaiga in wnich it has been interpreted by England various Governors in the past, It was suggested that this then they prefer not to have any view point by impressed on the new Constitution at all. They are members of the seleci Committee not willing to concede that th of the Legislative Council as the paramount importance should value or publicity lies in its con be declared in any trivial matter stant application, and whilst according to the discretion of the there is every reason to believe Governor.
inat a detinite plaa embarked Tba memorial will be forwar.
upon by Jam sica for publicity in ded to Colonel Amery in due England would have both direct course.
results in getting tourists and also arouse greater interest on the part of the subsidized line. Chinese Woman Notbing can be done so long as any indetinite policy is adopted by the Government.
Hangs Herself in St. Thomas The question of botel accommodation was considered, and from imformation submitted it Golden Grove, Oct. 29th. The was agreed that there was a report of a grim tragedy reache possibility of putting up a small late last night conveying the sad the ears of your corresp ndent type of buagalow suitable to the bews that a Chinese woman re.
tourist requirement at a cost siding at Dalvey, four miles from which woud bring reasonable ale bere nad taken ber own life be return to the investor.
Board would be interested to lion with the tragedy have been banging The details in connec.
bear from anyone in the island who would wish to invest in the very meagre but from all one bas hotel or bungaluw building pro that the woman who had lately been able to gather it appears position to be run on a commercial baeis.
arrived here from China was of a somo what moody disposition The secretary was nominated but no one ever thought that she to act wita the Jamaica Automo contemplated the destruction of la Association sub Committee herself. She was évidently a to deal wish the question of the woman of 25 or 30 years and it is registration of wotor cars tor alleged that she was bire, to response to the Ass of children. It was about three ciation request for a represeu o clock yesterday when a comtative of the Bard.
patriot of bers entered the apart ment which the deceased occuProposed New Consti dised that the gruesothe tind was discovered. report was imme.
eiately made and the police bere tution of This Island. communicated with. Seryt cholson and Acting Corporal Cole hurried od to the ne of SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE borror. Later on the DMO, LEGISLATURE MEET TO DRAW Evans, proceeded to Dalvey UP MEMORIAL and proformed an autspsy There is a great stir of exciteA VEXED QUESTION, Jment particularly auding the Celestial eommuti y around. The deceased was not covarsan Refuse to Accept Definition of with the English language.
Words Paramount Importance by Col. Amery TRINIDAD select committee of the Le gislativa Conncil met at Head quarters House yesterday says Arima Ward Union the Gleaner of thd 6th inst, to draw up a memorial to the Secre.
tary of State for the Colonies on PROPOSED REVERSION TO ce question for Jamaica.
of the proposed new FORMER DIVISION.
It will be remembered that at Petitions From Residents, the session of the Legislative Council on the 20th ult. a dispatch was received from the The Weekly Guardian of Secretary of State in which bestober 24th ys:acknowleaged the receipt of Sir. It is oftcially stated that the Samuel Wilson despatch of the Government intends, as far as 6:h of June last on the sub possible, to give eifect to the jact of the Constitution and petition of the indebitonts of stated that having regard to San Rafael, Talpario, Cumacca, tbe unanimous vote of the elec Valencia, and Blanchisseuse to ted members, agree to the re be re included in the County of tention of the words paramount St. George East, corming again importance in the clauses re tbe Arima Ward Uolon.
lating to the over riding power The Wards mentioned came tojbe vested in the Governor is attached to the Country of St.
the proposed new Constitution. Andrew by the re division of the Col: Amery went on to state Countries wbich became elfestDr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Under the Caption Round the Town the WEEKLY GUARDIAN publishes the following: It is impossible for one not to abserve the enormously improved atmosphere around the Savannab, particularly during the evening. This is as it should be.
The pitch walk. Is the most delightful promenade in the city and affords healthy recreation during the early morning and evening. Everything should be done to preserve its attractions, bence, tbe greatest consideration ought to be given by the Govern.
tment to the appeal to keep the Savannab free of cattle, the obsence of which for over a month has been responsible for the sweetness of tbe air in that quarter and the generally enbanced surroundings.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
was the mother The Savannah is no place for pasturiug cattle. The town has grown all around it and is bordered by splendid residences and buildings which include Government House and Qaeen Pork Hotel. Its importance of years ago as pasturage no longer prevails and in the natural growth of things another pastare should be found. Very little Government land seems available but privately owned lands are obtain able in Maraval, and Leaventille or westward of the City. It Ougbt to pay the land owner to throw open a suitable spot for grazing of cattle.
For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT strong argument in favour of the Savannah being kept free of cattle is the fact that for over a month the owners of the cows removed bave found suitable pasturage for them elsewhere without complaint. With cattlo out of the way one will see the park used extensively as a play ground for children who for fear of the cows, and the risk of getting untidy are kept by nurses on the pitch walk.
Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH The agitation against tha continued use of open carts for the collection of rubbish has been successful. The nuisance and danger of insanitary bits of garbage flying in all directions while the scavenging carts are on their rounds, are to be provided against by the provision of the long advocated protective cover. The City Engineer has seen just the right type of cover ed cart in use in Glasgow and a firm has been asked to quote for a few to the City Corporation. It is gratifying to see the weaknees of the scavenging service admitted and a cure found for it.
Feeling in certain sections of the (Gontinued op page 7)


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