
THE WORKMAN To use an old Phrase!
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central ton. Correspondence on all matte Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Bc.
We do not undertake to return reCbe jected correspondence. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JNUIS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1925.
CHISMAST IS BEHIND THE DOOR American Bazaar Stores Where you can be supplied with all you need in Wearing Apparrel for MEN AND BOYS each Contra Crespo not a No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES (FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT) was previously announced, the Rev. Surgeon paid bis monthly pastoral visit to NW Providence on Sunday last the 8th inst. the morning service was not bex uo until 12. 25 on account of beavy rain which fell from about 10. 30 a ;atis!
it was thougbt that there would be no morning service, but al 12 noon, the rain began to cease.
Alter the service the Holy Com munion was administered to those members who were AND YOU SHOULD VISIT THE present.
At p. on the above date a Rally came off between the San day School and the Housebaid of Faith Union; subject: Twelve Tribes o Israel Uader unavoid able circumstances, two of the tribes were not represented.
The leaders of the other te tribes ar some of their helpers were dressed in Oriental cos tumes, and presented a very picturesque appearance; the representative of each tribe gave recitation beasing on the characteristics of his tribe, and then presented his or her offer ing in a purse provided for the purpose. Rev. Surgeon, presided and on the receipt of offering, be befittingly compli mented the leader and his below ers. The tribe oi Judab collected the bigbest omouct, viz: 85 represented by Miss Doris Ros sell; the Dext in succession was the tribe of Issacbar, with 20.
Church Services. represented by Mr. Henderson. The total of amount raised was 40. 171.
AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Owing to the inclemency of the (Anso Catbolie) weather, the congregation was 23 Sunny After Trinity STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR representative one, but several of the brethren from the St. Paul Church, Panama sister churches attended, and all (Rev. Nieb neile, Rector. contributed towards the surcese of a. Holy nuaion ThRector the undertaking Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off 10. 30 a. Matint and address Mr. It is unique that Miss Rossell, Atwell. Lay Render.
the orgitizer and promoter of NON INJURIOUS 12 Baptism. The Rector. the rally, and Mr. Robert Peart, 3p. Church School, are the biggest cicials of both the Sunday Scbool, and the 30 Chursi Evensong, sermon Household of Faith Unloo. The Preacher. Tb. Rector former is Secretary of both, and Note The Annual Harvest Festival the latter is Superintendent of Services will take place next Sunday, the Sunday School, and Presi November 22nd.
dent of the Union. Bro Peart MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, St. Alban Church, Paraiso represent the tribe of Simeon SMOUTH AND SILKY CANAL ZONE Our best tbaoks go ont to all (Rov. NIGHTENGALE, who have contributed to make the rally a success.
Priest in Charge.
Experienced Canvassers Investigate 11 a. Holy Eucharist bermos. ish and English for Sale at The The Roy Nightengale.
Workman Printery, 3p. Special Musieal Service.
LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD 30 Choral Evensong term Mrs Aaron Howard In HosPreacher, Arehdeacon Sykes, pital, St, Matthias Mission LAS SABANAS The many friends and acquain (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, tances of Mrs. Aaron Howard, teacher at the Colored KindergarPriest in Charge.
What everyone is ten Shool, Cristobal, will be 7sm, ly Communion, pleased to learn that she rnderweut saying p. Church Srbool. sucessful operation on the 6th 15 Evenrong nd address inst. and is at present doiog well KRONEN BRAU Mr. Richards, Lay Reader Wesleyan Methodist Church superior to all St. Peter by the Sea, La Boce (BRITISH CONFERENCE. 297c imported beers American Episcopal (Anglican ComPanama Harvest Tbackagiving munion)
11 a. Rev. R. Wade; p. to.
23rd Sunday After Trinity Murical Service. Children Offering: Tomorrow, the 15th inst, is the day 30 Rev Wade.
fixed for the annual Harvest Festival Monday 30 pm. Public Meeting services at the above nom Church and sale of Offerings.
The serxices will be Colon. 11 a. and 30 Rev.
Choral Celebration of the Holy Com Surgeon, munion am Celebrant, The Rector LA Bocs 11 a. Mr S, Johnson; Flower Service 30 Preacher The 30 Mr. Louis Liodo.
New Providence 118 Mr. HeadChoral Evenson sermon 30 ley.
Pescher (The Rev. Canon Melcher Paraiso 11 am. Mr. Theo. Puller.
After the presentation of the offerings 30 m. Mr. H, Walters, the Te deum will be chanted by the Empire 11 a. Mr. Martin, choir and congregation.
It is bardly cerary to say that we expect to see all our tried friends and The Salvation Army Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages loval members at the services.
Services are as follows: St. Barnabas Church, Empire a. Early Prayer Meeting.
Summary of Contents: Matins, Litany and sermon 11 a.
10 am, Children Directory Meeting History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years (The Lay Reader will Officiate)
and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11 am Holiners Meeting to be conFull Particulars of 1900 Tour, Church School, and Confirmation clase.
at p. ducted by Commandant Martin, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, p. Company meeting and Choral Evensong addrere Brigadee Open air.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, The Lay Reader, will officiate. p. Junior Open Air.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual MULCARE Priest in Charge 45 to. Beparate Brigade Open Air Players St. Bartholomew s, Church Salvation Meeting, in the Hall LAS CASCADAS, Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and to be conducted by Coudt. Mrs. Martin Rev. Muloare.
Interesting Monday, Life Saving Guards and Morning Prayer, 11 a. The Lay Sunbeams Parade at p.
Reader Tuesday, Band of Love Work Claes Price 50cts.
Church School and Confirmation Class at 30 at 30 Wednesday, p Life Saving Sooute BEvening Prayer and address 30 pm and Chume parade. Home League at The Lay Reauer at pm All members are asked to Secure yours now there will be a great rush MULCARE, Priest in chance attend to contract Spcial business for them, St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Thursday Holiness meeting in the Matins and addrese 11 a. The Lay Hall to be conducted by Commandant Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Reader.
Martin at pm Panama Church School and Confirmation Clase cordial invitation is extended to all, 30, MARTIN. Commandant MULCARE, Priest in Charpe. Continued on page 7) ANOTHER ARMISTICE COMMEMORATION Armistice day, this year, was commemorated among the allied powers with more or less of the usual enthusiasm which has consistently marked the observance in previous years. Germany, for the first time since her crushing defeat, finds a place in the conference which bids for reconstruction, rehabilitation and permanent peace.
Seven years ago the Central Powers threw in the white flag and fell on their knees fore the Allied Nations in act of surrender of their vain aspirations, ambitious follies and demoniacal adventures. They had reached the limit of their martial resources and bad seen the utter futility of continu.
ing a war which smacked of pungent humiliation, and on Ni vember 11th the memorable day the noise and din of war ceased, to be succeeded by the shrill peals of Church bells and the clarion blasts of myriad sirens. Fighting was ended.
But the war was not really over until in recent months with a serious negotiation which had for its purpose the acceptance of Germany, on her word of honor. into the Locarno Conference where she enjoyed the happy privilege of cordial amity and pledged fidelity as a power now suing for the establishment of economic, industrial, political and international peace Everything in the path of possibility seems to favor the coming of a better day. It were time that the great powers who had quaffed the cup of success in the greatest conflict of arms, begun to realize that there could be no lasting or enduring peace with the enemy down, but not dead. The psychology of turning a bitter enemy into a faithful friend has at last illuminated the vision of the nations statesmen and they are now making a strong and determined effort to inaugurate an era of good will. They are right.
But there is an apparently false philosophy in the prin.
ciple of making war impossible which is preeminently the slogan of the conferences. It is impossible to make war impossible. As long as causes for war continue to be evi dent so long will the smouldering embers of conflict retain their inherent potency and at the least stirring of the a hes will flare up into a devastating conflagration. Proofs of this are found in the records of the past.
The proper objective to be aimed at, if the fraternity of nations is sought, is the principle of making war unnecessary. This is a better perspective and more practicable.
Every nation must be given a chance for substantial rehabi litation and reconstruction. Choked resources and unfair commercial competition are not contributing elements to international friendliness. The nations must all be given a chance to develop their potentialities and sustain their economic stability, and it must all be projected upon mutual interest, In the execution of any such plan the basic fact to be considered is that the common people the masses re factors to be reckoned with. The powerfully rich with their stock corporations and industrial monopolies have played their game. They can no longer claim exclusive voice or absolute influence in political affairs. Autocracy and oligarchy.
have lost dominating strength and the people have already sounded their voices in protest against systems that have failed to maintain order.
Yet, there must be a restraining medium, and this can only be found in the co operation of all forces, proletariat and privileged. proper understanding of the needs and!
conditions of all sections among all nations is the only true; conception of permanent stabillty. And if the governments become stable through the contentment of their masses no other interest but the peaceful development and progress of industrial life could attract them.
The nations of Europe which have now commenced to step in unison to the tune of international peace and their rich and powerful friend across the Atlantic while looking out upon the prespects of world relations and concerns wil fail in the accomplishment of their dreams if they lose vision as to the problems of internal concern.
Communism, the Russian aftermath, is spreading throughout the world, and the youths of all nations entering upon the study of politics and gwernmental policies are placing the subject in serious review. The politician of to day is being cast in a different mould to that which gave form and expression to his forebears. He is a more inquisitive creature with a distinct nature for investigating and solving the questions of supply and demand, capital and labor, productions and profits, unemployment and opulence He is frowning upon the idle rich in disdain, and he does not make up his mind to go hungry and begging when there is a superabundance in the cupboirds of the wealthy. But we do not say that communism is completely rational. What we would say is that it is a menace which is likely to flourish in the fields of econumic and industrial in difference.
Seven is a number of perfection, and if it took this period of time for the allies to soften their sentiments towards Germany and for the latter to regain international consciousness, it is time that all the powers cultivate a true desire for universal happiness based upon the recognition of ipational rights and the fostering of an eraal contentment, all of which are the constituents of lasting peace.
10. 45 SUR, DON BE Unlucky!
Authore health wana 16 Arad STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923

    CommunismGermanyWorking Class

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