
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres Wesley sole.
Throue MOwen Bovce.
What Is Your Fortune?
ATLANTIC SIDE News Notes Grand Harvest Musical Program.
CRICKET The cbapter 76 Der of 11 street and Broadway has announced a re staging of AT ST. PETER S, LA BOC4 the drama. Beauty and the Wanderers Defeats Beast to take place tonight, and very cordial invittion, is Combination.
Harvest Festival for to morrow.
hereby extended to the general CECILIA AMERICA publie to attend the Gro Hervest Musical Program to be rendered at In the Henry benefit match Harvest Festival services are (PANAMA. COLON)
St. Peter s, La Boca, Monday played at the Victoria oval on announced to take rlace at Christ TODAY. Saturday, November 14th and Sunday the 9th ins, the Wan Church by the sea on Sunday TODAY SATURDAY, November 14th night, the 15th Inst. he sdicissiou price is within the reach of every derers defeated the special the 22nd inst. At o clock in the Buck Jones in TOMORROW. Sunday Nov, 15th one who wjuld like to enjoy the pick by a score of 93 46. afternoon there will be a special Mae Marsh in HELL HOLE rare treat. Doors open at 30 The game was well attended service for the children.
o clock, and the item will be aobut was by no means Our crow THE WHITE ROSE TO MORRU Sunday November 15th rouoed at o clock, promptly. The ded due probably to fact the that The lantern lecture on Jamai.
Mae Murray in Program follows: the appearance of the weather ca which was announced to take MONDAY, November 16th CIRCE THE ENCHANTRESS Invocation.
was threatening throughout the place at the. The Rector Colon Bebe Daniels in Opening remarks The Rector day At one o clock the coin was day the Ilth inst bas been post Church on the night of Wednes THE CROWDED HOUR MONDAY, November 16th Antbem. A! Thy Works Helene Chadwick in shall praise Thee St. Peter spun, and Wanderers, winning poned to the following Wednes.
Choir the toss, elected to bat, dispite day night, the 18tb.
TUESDAY November 17th TROUPING WITH ELLEN Organ selectian. Miss Sieira the fact that the wicket bad Westertan.
already been spoilt by the rain.
Richard Talmadge in TUESDAY, November 17th 5, Solo. Jernselem Mr The inning opened well for them The most welcome news in YOUTH AND ADVENTURE Art Acord in Maynard but this start was not followed Colon for the week is that the THE CIRCUS CYCLONE Anthem P:sise the Lord up, and it was not until after the paving of Street bas actually WEDNESDAY, November 18th St. Barnabas Choir.
fall of the 6th wicket tha things commenced. Ground was broken Norma Shearer in WEDNESDAY, Rovember 18th Musiel Saw Selection. Mr.
became encouraging. Runs at on Monday morning the 9th at the fall of each wicket were as 15ch street near the St. Joseph THE LADY OF THE NIGHT Mae Marsh in Archer The Great White follows: Catholic Church, and the work THE WHITE ROSE Mrs. Batwick 20: 24: 24. 29: 34: will proceed northward to the THURSDAY, November 19th Clarionet Selecta. Mr 34: 46: 58; 79: 10 85:st cord street end.
THURSDAY, November 19th 11 93. Murray.
Mae Murray in The principal scores were Wentt, 39 (top core)
Bebe Daniels in CIRCE THE ENCHANTRESS 10. Salo. Ave Maria Mrs.
Hamilton 13 Barnott 12. The Oletina Aguilar was convicted THE CROWDED HOUR Adella Heaoly.
successful bowl rs of the come in the Cristobal District court on FRIDAY, November 20th 11. Organ Selection. Miss.
bination were Earle who cap FRID Y, November 20th Monday morning the inst for Helene Chadwick in Lydia Holder tored wickets for 24 run She was arrested on the 14th of having cocaine in ber possession.
Riebaru T: Imadge in 12. Anthem. Bless the Lord Brown for 8, Thorpe for 20 TROUPING WITH ELLEN my Soul YOUTH AND ADVENTURE. St Peter Choir October on train between Mount Peters for 9, Layne for 13. Solo. The Beautiful City The con bioed team replied Hope and Gatun, wbile on her SATURDAY November 21st SATURDAY, November 21st Mrs. Barnes with 46 ruas, Earle, the only way to Papama. She is said to Frank Keenan in For 14. Organ Selecteon be an old offender, and sentence Gloria Swanson in man to reach double figures will be passed on Monday next.
The Wings of Dove Miss THE DIXIE HANDICAP THE LADY OF THE NIGHT beading the list of scores with 10 15. Solo. The Garden of Runs at the fall of paob wicket Eden were 12: 12: 19: 24: 6 327 32: 31: 37 is being beld in connection with James Blacker, the sailor who. Miss Lovinia Cambell 16 Org Selection. Mis: 10 45: 11 46. Reld captured the death of Gabriel Turner, the wickets for runs, Clarke for cart man who was knocked down 17. Solo. Enteroal Rest.
23 and Jobps for 11.
yr Brouinte and killed by a motor car or The supporters of the Wao Bolivar Highway on October 26th 18. Organ Lelection. Miss ders C, feel bighly pleased at asked on Monday the 9th inst CANAL ZONE NOTES Dorothy Tours.
tois achivement on the part of through bis attorney Inder 19 The Heavenly Song (Solo. the team, for though one balt of ton for an extension of time to Mrs. Da isy Royal, them failed, the result of the at swer to the charge against Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs La Boca Pars.
20. Solo Roll on. Beautiful match is indeed gratifying. It him. The hearing has been fixed World. Mrs. Paul Taylor looks as though they have me for the 16th inst, and the bail, it each week for Readers of this paper 21. Auchem. Praise ye the gained their standard of effici: is voderstood, bas been reduced Among those who are to help Lord.
of ency, and high hopes are being from 10 000 to 2, 000.
friends the Christmas time are the we have in Jesus. Miss Campo What Friend 22 Quartet entertained ior the futu e.
members of the Women Life bell and others.
November 11 you if it accomplishes your pur Problem Club. It will be rememIt je reported that little Her.
23 Saw Selection. Mr.
Ship Watchman Breaks man Edwards, the son of Police The Sign of Scorpio, the pose. Black, the black of storms bered that this Club once took a Areber.
His Neck.
which carry all before them, the prominent part in Scorpion the Annual Officer Edwards of Siver City, 24 Anthem Thou crownest black of night with its silence and Children Christmas Treat which the Year. St. Peters Choir.
bose wrist was badly fractured The Sign of Scorpio, the Scorpion sympathy, is the color intimating is now taken over by the Employ when he fell from a swing som 25 Doxology and Benediction The body of Charles Leon weeks ago, is making rapid pro the persons who count this week as There is a fineness and depth to the qualities of your soul, ees Association. To complete their Jamaican, about 49 years. hip. gress towards recovery. Since their birth date. They have rare and sparkle is the stone woich you six months in both helping to con and The diamond, with its hardness work mapped out for the current watchman for the United Fruit he rccurrence the unfortunate representation Coy with his broken in the now hatch on the boy has been an inmite of the qualities of understanding and should wear always and which the tribute to the happiness of others which bas always characterizatiba Ancon Hospital sympathy. Their ability to put psychic say will carry you through and in getting others to do likewise Association activities, Calamares at about 30 themselves in others on Tuesday the 10th inst.
solve a situation from that side flewer is the white field daisy Your sign they are offering to the public the any trial unscarred last medium whereby they may Exactly what bappened is not His Excellency Goverror endenre them to a large number help the Club to carry out its aim The general monthly business known by any one Leon, it is Arosemena of Colon took an aero and they are always among out Marris ge with the practical, in This will be a musicale to take meeting of the Orpheus Musical batch be quickly day 10thHe left at three weeks in Maydo not house on evening next.
closed because of a beavy shower about am, and returned during who were born at this time by any great motive or incitement allow themselves to be carried away the 18th commencing at seven of rain that ſell, and it is believed tbe afternoon.
are of the chosen of the earth. Any to their own detriment, would help Reynolds, school teacher for some important business and o clock sharp. The agenda calls that in attemping to make his movement where your aid can be way out througb No. be missed Chorles Williams formerly a you to lead a more peaceful and and one of the most preminent each and every member is urgently progress. You fight as members La Athena bis step and fell, Deceased was a member of shoe dealer in Colon is to face strong for pubiic enterprises as for contented life.
four Lodges and is survived by the Cristobal District Court on your own. Not only are all your Persoms born during this period eum will deliver an address at requested to be presecit.
Division No. 17. of the Universal wire and six children with Tuesday the 17th inst on a charge faculties thrown into the work but are bliver Goldsmith, Winston Negro Improvement Association, Chairman Hunter of the Aldrich and Panama City, tomorrow afternoon. Concert Committee of the Panam tbe entire community of violating the White Slave act. vou are able to arouse ardent sup Churchill, sympathizes.
He will be represented by attor port for any cause which you have Martin Luther.
The subject upon which Mr. Rey, Canal West Indian Employees y Reid.
at heart.
Copyrighted 1925 by Hence polds will speak is not known, but Association has issued the followDETERMINATION is your Adams Syndicate. as a forceful, eloquent and con IRE circular memorandum Chinese Merchant Dies motto and sacrifice means little to servative speaker, it is expected parents, guardians, and all otbers The Sundav school children of that his address before such a body who are concerned about the welSuddenly.
the Colon Wesley Church are will be worth while listening to preparing to bold a silver tree in fare of children: Efforts to raise connection with annual ar.
money for the purpose of treating Sang Ho, years of age, a vest Thanksgiving services of NATURAL HAIR WIGS We are to be treated to a real the children of this district at Chinese merchant at Folks the Churcb wbich take place on high class elocution contest in the Christmas is etill one of the leadRiver, Cristobal, was found dead the 22nd inst The silver tree SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURLS, near future. The Management ing items on our program, Accordin his establishment on Sunday will be beld at p.
CLUSTER PUFFS. HAIR NETS, STRAIGHT Committee of the La Boca Athe agly, we shall be having a Secular morning the 8th inst.
ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN naeum meets this evening to formConcert at the La kven Clubhouse It is reported that on the HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR Saturday night be attended a ulate plans for an All Medalist on the evening of Thursday NovCup Fixtures For Torriorrow ORDER. Free Catalog sent in request. Elocution Contest to take place at ember 19th. We hereby request function of some kind and re ALEX. MARKS the Clubhouse some time in Janu y ar hearty cooperation to make it turi ed home at o clock on Sun day morning, retiring shortly Tomorrow cup match is 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. ary next, it was lerraed on Wed financial succes. Every effort NEW YORK, nesday morning. The society has is being exerted to make it the best afterwards, bat later on when antounced to take place at the the baker man called to deliver and Pickwick Victoria Oval between Wanderers received replies from several concert ever rendered in this part medallists both from this end and of the world.
It is learnt that bread there was no response to the Atlantic side as to their willing the Committee has succeeded in bis continued knocking. The cess to take part in the contest getting up a very good program countrymen of the deceased who who REPITITION OF VARIEFrom Cristobal and Colon are to tions from a select orchestra, The which is to bappened to be sleeping upstairs IN MEMORIAM come three or four well known and were aroused, and on coming TY ENTERTAINMENT In memory of my beloved Aunt, reputed members of the literat. cents for reserved seats for adults price of admission ranges from fifty down found that he was dead.
Sang Ho, who was very pleasLucinda Adelaide Wood, who while as usual the Pacific Side is to be well represented. To bring to ten cents for general admission ant and courtecus to his numer. At Silver Clubhouse Saturday degarted this life November lith, together in contest our best elo larutes deel bewegende admissions for ous customers 18 very much Night 21st. November 1925.
TAKE CARE will twenty five cents. It missed in the naighbourhood. Blest are the pure in heart effort on the part of the Atheis understood that nearly every Atlantic Siders are hereby re From an experience of ten years, For they shall see our God.
naeum; it will revive, or help to boy and girl in La Boca is keeply Interesting Baseball game minded of the repitition of the speak. have seen many a case PEARL. revive the excellent spirit of com. interested in this concert, To morrow.
Variety Entertainment given by of eye trouble in that long period, petition which is 80 essential to the lst. Colon Troop Bos Scouts, and say with conviction, born of progress and it will serve as an for the purpose of raising funds experience.
inspiration to our boys and girls.
Rally of Roses.
Unusual interest is centered to supply the troop with a Drum Take care of your eyes. Have It is hoped that the venture will be around a baseball game which is and Fyffe Corps at the Ceisto them tested at the first sign of!
Tonight all roads will lead to the scheduled to take place at the bal Silver Clubhouse on Satur. discomfort or weakness, and get Why pay donble price La Boca Clubhouse to the grand Hope baseball park tomor. dav night the 21st instant.
the glasses you need and wear row between the Washington The programme will consist of them. am equipped to test your for inferior imported It is learnt from officials of the Rally of Roses which is to be conJucted under the auspices of the team and the Cristobal Red Sox. choice recitations from Shakes eyes and to fit the required lenses. Beer when you can Employees Association and Club St Jude Social, o. of Percy Jarrett, the well known pare, Sketches of Comedy, Acrohouse that the Governor bas Different Roses are to be represent There deep study, extensive manager of the latter feels con batic Stunts, Scout Displays and knowledge, and ten years of experibuy a superior Beer granted the request of the Associa ed as follows: Pink Daisy Miss ident of victory, while Carl De many of the latest song hits. ence to assure you of satisfaction, such as BALBOA for tion to agaio hold meetings at the Moore; Tulips Miss Richards: Costa wbo is in charge of the Those wbo attended the first half the price.
Silver Clubhouses. None but Canal Washington boys says he is show cannot easily forget the Dr. COLLEY employees will, however, be allowed Lily Miss Cumberbatch; Car: prepared to give the Reds the pleasant evening they spent, and Eye Specialist.
to speak at these meetings. The nation Miss Forbes; Bluebelle of.
concession is one which is greatly. Miss Dixon, Violets. Mis Dixonwild Miss Ivy preparing to witness this match the boys attained then, they are Corner Lith and Bolivar Sts. Colon Advertise in the Workman appreciated by the Association Prout; sunflower ne maisto. Mata which will commence at p. determined to present a better Upstairs Chinese precisely sbow.
Phone 420, Colon IT PAYS (what may be achieved by sober (Continuad on page 8) naid, which watchio era u Novom Blagestrip. com. sar Beles con Tuescanding personalities of any group due ore Tenues photo to the first place at the clubhouse on Decem. blue wal Wednesdaye at the Clubs You they enteri enlisted will wbom a success.


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