
Weekly London Letter (BY WARREN POSTBRIDGE)
Up to date Jewelry ol of the changer la magnificent Fuller Jewelry Store Chesterfields surely do taste good. They are made of the finest Turkish and American tobaccos. All the mellow smoothness, all the rich fragrance, all the delightful taste of these choice tobaccos are found in Chesterfields.
Coal continues to be Great B1tain one absorbing problem.
When everyone believed the con troversy over wages had been postponed for a good nine months a difference of opinion as to what the temporary settlement agree ment really meant threatens a new outbreak of industrial war.
fare. The details of the dispute are unimportant. It is sufficient that masters and men bave been at variance as to what the Prime Minister offer of a subsidy in volved, and the im Minister, to whom the question was naturally enough referred, bas corroborated tbe masters inter pretation. The result is a relusal by the men to take Dart in the proceedings of the Roval Commission on the coal trade, accompanied by threats of muca urre decisive action than that. The Commission, meanwhile, bis begun its work, and before its labours are ended it is likely to have carried through the most exhaustive enquiry yet embarked on into the position of Great Britian greatest export trade. The members of the commission, who are not personally familiar with the coal industry, being chosen largely because they have no direct interest in the trade, have been preparing themselves for their work by visiting a number of caolfields and going down the mines to examine the under: ground workings. The otticial statement regarding the extent of the enquiry shows it to be wide enough to satisfy everyone.
The commissioners are to examine how far the demand for British coal bas diminished, and why; wbat better use could be made of coal; whether wages and hours of working are what they should be; whether there should be closer co operation between masters and men in the management of the industry; and, tinally, whether the natio: alisation of the industry would improve the situation. There will. SE nanitestly be lessons for many other countries than Great Br.
tain in the tipdings of the commission They Satisfy Chesterfield CIGARETTES. of finest Tarkish and American tobaccos blended LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
ing silence for months ago tobie Well Doer 4258 pence to the sbilling and twenty sbilir gs to the pound. The question is discnssed from time to time, and a society exists which has as its sole aim the adoption of the decimal colvage in this country, at any rate in a modified form. Twenty sbil lings to the pound might permitted, for after all twenty is twice ten, but the change immendiately desired is the substitution of ten penre to the shilling for twelve. That pro In every form can be seen posal is inded the subject of here at its best See our some public discussion at this moment, but the force of con Wrist Watches, servatism in such matters is strong, and there is little likeltBracelets, nood of the reform being adopt.
ed. strong argument against it is the fact that the new penny Diamond Rings would almost certainly not buy more than the old one, so that and a hundred other adornthe ordinary citiz would only ments and you ll recognize get ten newspapers, or ten rides why this is the LEADING on an autobus, for his shilling instead of twelve. At the same JEWELRY HOUSE in town time the fact that so influential ask prices and you ll find stil body as the Federation British industries has sent the another reason. favour When Great Britain develops a sufficient revolutionary teroper 122 Central Ave. Phone. 629 to drive on the right hand side of the road, instead of on the Notice, left, it may be ready at the same uime to follow Olber contries in adopting a deciman coinage. hereby notify the public that shall not be responsible for any 2he Restlessness of Labour. dent or debts contracted by my wife Anitha Buchanan who has leit The air in Great Britain is my home and protection of her rather thick politically with own free wil ad refuse to return discussions of Socialism and ALBERT BUCHANAN, Communism and certain timid people aro quite unnecessarily conjuring up bogies of what they call revolution. What is actually happening is that the left wing of the Lobour movement on both its industrial and its political sides is making a very deter mined attempt to capture the whole movement. What it will do with it if it succeeds is not clear, and in any case it has by no means succeeded yet. Mr.
Ramsay MacDonald, after keepface attack, now come out with a strong condem SLOAN LINIMENT nation of Communism. The Communists nevertheless have pains and aches than any made themselves sufficiently other known remedy; that is why thousands of people the felt to produce rival movements world over call it pain in classes of occlety which have enemy.
nothing to do with trade unionism Rheumatism, sciatica, stift of any form of organised labour. neck, sore and tired muscles, lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, One such body, known by the aprains and bruises are in name of the British Fascisti, stantly relieved by has so far failed to make much SLOAN LINIMENT impression on the community, None legitimate without portrait and of Lord but now another, with Hardings, formerly viceroy of India, as ite moving spirit, has beer organised for the relatively At all drugrats and dealers.
unprovocative purpose of securing the supply of the necessary SLOAN foodstuffs in the event of a LINIMENT general strike. Though such movements are always announced as non party and non political they are naturally looked on by lo deprive them of the advantages aecruing from the use of legitimate weapon, the strike, HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA they tend therefore to destroy whatever their practical value CANAL ZONE.
blood they may have by creating bad Office Hours: a. to p. m, of society. This particular organ. to p. isation may avoid these dangers, DAILY but the creation of a volunteer PHONE 1288 BALBOA transport corps to operate when the regular transport workers Specializes in all the branches are on strike is best with obvious perils. But the existence of of Dentistry.
the organisation is an evidence of the uneasinesa red marl. WILKINSON festations are causing in some quarters.
Contractor BRITISH STATION and Builder Is Ready to Telephone to New House No. 20 York City.
28th NOV, STREET, cable despatch from London SAN MIGUEL dated October 13th states that Box 411, Panama, R, after years of research work a London New York wireless tele: Plans and Specifications Free nhone transmitting station at Rugby has been finished and this First Class Workmanshlp week is being taken over by the British Postoffice. Transmission Guaranteed tests to America are likely to take place within the next few Notice to Correspondents.
Contributors and correspondents When the service starts, are asked to send in their contribu.
London subseriber will ask for a tions not later than Thursdays to long distance call to New York insure publication. This is imperaas he now asks for one to tive and must be adhered to Birmingham. The charge for a three minute call from Looden to New York prosably will not SELEPAS exceed For some time pas! What everyone is the bigh power American transmission station at Rocky Point saying has been sending tes messages to the British receiv KRONEN BRAU ing station at Chedzɔy ard these having proved satisfactory, the station has been enlarged to be superior to all come enventually the terminal whence incoming calls will be imported beers seut to the London exchanges.
The Post War Army Dobarlllloan THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama. Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
reduced (PAIN ENEMY)
Dentist Howell their Army manoeuvres on a rather larger scale than usual bave just been taking place in the South of England and baye excited a good deal of general interest. The British Army has of course been to practically its prewar strength, so that it was not numbers that gave the manoeuvres teir importance, but rather the demonstration they they were expected to prov de of new methods perfected during or after the war. On the whole there seems to have been lesz learnt from them than was anticipated, though there is general agreement as to the excellence of the air work. The aeroplanes flew low and did admirable service both inuo masking their opponents plans and to actual destruction of the enemy forces. On the other hand the evidences that were hoped TRY OUR NEW BEER for of the possibilities of mechancial transport do not appear to have come quite up to expectations, partly because the distances covered were not large enough to put the experiment to an exhaustive test. The one other conspicuoue feature of the sham warfare was the good impression made by the territorials, or volunteer troops. Pne manoeuvres were watched by a number sossssssssssxSixos. co of foreign military experts and for western Europe in particular they have a special interest at moment when Great Britain is proposing to undertake politi.
cal obligations which might compel her some day to send and expeditionory force to the Rolpe. This month operations do not show how large a fore she could send but they make it clear that she could send a force of a high order of efficiency.
KRONEN BRAU SUPERIOR TO ALL days. Decimal Coinage.
One day this week happened to be travelling up to London from Denver with toree or four South Americsns who were visting England for the first time. They were naturally a good deal puzzled by the Eaglish coins, which tried to explain to them as the train carried us Dearer to the capital. For countries with a decimal coinaze it is manifestly difficult to understand why Great Britain should prefer to have twelve HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY


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