
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. El Excelsior JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP THE ATTENTION (Continued from page 2)
community bad got to such a pitch that a prosecution agaiost the Corporation for an insanitary practice was even suggested, though it is not widely known that such a complaint would be thrown out for want of authority OFCorner 12 Street East Avenue Friendly Societies and Secret Orders BARBADOS IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may drsire, provided the monthly payments of interest are duly met.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
Bank Hall Shooting Tragedy.
We Buy and Sell Pearls Accused Arrested on Charge of Murder, The Workman BOOK STORE Workman Stationery Store much Cider Champagne vs.
and all dent.
The little village of Bank Hall was very much disturbed on CALL IN AT Wednesday when it was noised AT THEabroad that Gerald Green, a lad about twenty years old, residing in Watermill Road, bad killed Claretta Bend, a young woman about nloeteen years old by sbooting her with a revolver. It appears that the accused kept mga pang anggangnangan tangan mere his father shop in Watermill Road, and the deceased was No. 93, Central Avenue domestic servant in the family employ, Accused and deceased LEGAL NOTICE were friendly and it is alleged that within recent days, be was EL GAITERO ASSORTMENT OF accusing her of being familiar Notice of Pendency of Suit with another young man. It is THE ONLY ELABORATED GOOD STATIONERY reported that a few nights ago sho went to a dance and danced UNITED STATES DISTRICT SOUVENIRS, with this young man, the rival of COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE Spanish Cider with its the accused. He (Green) was displeased over her actions and repeated quarrels between Balboa Division own Carbonic Acid them culminated in a tragedy CIVIL No: 730 about o clock on Wednesday CHURCH SERVICES Evenezer Church of God morning. About that time the ETHELBERT STERLING. Holiness report of a tirearm was beard in the back of the premises in ques.
Plaintiff. Continued from page 4)
tion and when persons ran to see CALIDONIA DISTRICT what was bappeniug, they found CLAUDINA STERLING Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin the deceased lying on the ground Dalendant.
URETIC AND REFRESHING Qrer CALIDONIA ROAD 11 Divine Service Preacher. helplessly and bleeding with the Divorce Trade Mark (near Isthminn Park. PANAMA.
Supplied accused bending over her.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Bab3p. Sunday Sehool Superintendent. nent, the accused thought it best Realising that death was immi. To CLAUDINA STERLING: bath Pahool; 11. 15 a. Genera! Worship D. Programme You are hereby notified that on VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ to increase the distance between October 19, 1925 Ethelbert Sterling 30 Spanish Class; 30 Gospel Service, Preacher himself and the Police, and left filled in the above entitled court 30 Society, meeting Supplied.
Tuesday 30 o. Gradul Bervice parents are supposed to be re tory xrounds of desertion.
at once for St. Thomas where his petition wherein he prays for an abso630 tn. Junior and Senior Standard lute divorce from you on the statuVILLAVICIOSA of stainment Claes b. Vespers.
Elder ODLE siding. The matter was reported SPAIN Pateor in Sunday Eventog 30 Grand charge You are, therefore, hereby notified to the Police Department and a that you are required to enter your Musical Program by the day school party of detectives with sub appearance in writing in the office of and Sabbath Scbool children, assisted by Bethlehem Church of God Inspector Leightop at its bead the Clerk of said court at Anoon, ESTEBAN DURAN toembers of the choir and others. Holiness was despatched to investigate Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, SOLE AGENT hearty invitation is extended to one and accused had decamped, the In. If you fail to do so within the time the matter. Ou hearing that the 20 or before the 25th day of January, 1926.
No, MARIANO AROSEMENA spector started in a moti car in aforesaid the petition will be taken as For the Republic of Panama SAN MIGUEL pursuit He was overtaken by confessed, and the petitioner will take.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting Warren s, in a buggy returning judgement against you by default and demand from said court the relief Brd, STREET BROADWAY, COLON 11 am. Divine Service Preacher. to the house and brouxbt back to applied for in the petition.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath Elder Frapeis, the Central Station. The revolver F, SHEIBLEY School; 11. 15 General Worship m, Sunday School, Superinted was found in a piece of land Clerk.
The best Tonic in the World 30 p, Young people meeting nearby the house of the tragedy, pm. Special program in place of It has tive chambers, four of 30 pm Vespers Gospel Service in aid of Buildiar fund. which were empty and the fifth Bunday evening 30 Preaching Tuesday. 30 pm. Gospel Service. appeared to have been recently had an empty cartridge which He Pledges All For Labour Service You are cordially invited to Thursday 30 Sister meeting discharged.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend attend these services and bring your and Testimony.
At the last Convention of the Bend died on the premises and American Federation of Labor, the ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, friende, Was removed to the Public entire set of last year officers was Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up BEULAHI. 30. Prayer meeting Mortuary where and is quest was re elected, including President The Church of God 11 a. Devine Service Preacher. held at three o cl cx by Mr. Green who was named President a run down constitution.
Bro. Small Allan Golly more, A, acting by the Executive Council after the It promotes digestion, impruves the appePanams, Arosomeda Street, Hovre 25, San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer debt. 30 Gospel Service, Preacher jury. 80 m. Sunday School, Superinten Coroner of District A, and a death of Mr. Gompers a year ago tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system meeting and Gospel meetings alm. Bro. Small When the result was announced The accused was present at Mr. Green advanced to the platand 30 Sunday School at pm.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or the inquent la custody; and Mr. form and exclaimed; pledge all Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting times a day.
Grant GAMBOA MISSION 30 SunTuerday at 15 pm. Young People Eilis, barrister at law, that am. all have. Here it is Meetinu. Wedpoday at 30 day Schoal; 4, 30 m. Gospel Sermon appeared to watch the proceed my mind, my brain my body, my ings on bis beball.
service all in your service.
Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Supplied O, en air meeting, Friday at 30 pm. Note. Other Se vices for the week Thomas, father of the deceased, Evidence was given by Prayer Meeting will be given from the pulpit.
BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge)
Identifying her body and Dr. British Consulate Notice.
Elder T, FRANCIS, Clarke, wbo performed the Red Tank, Crpal Zouer Bunday Bcbool Pastor in charse. post mortem examination, attri: in Panama, desires information as The British Consulate General p. me Gospel meeting on Thursday buted the cause of death to a at 30 pm.
Baptist Churches wound from a gun shot which to the whereabouts of Zachariah Sis. GRAY penetrated the left ventricle of Nassam Clarke, who sometimes and is call himself Gerald New Providence. Gospel Meetings at the heart and lower edge of the known by his frienes as Quacy.
11. 30 am and 30 Sunday School (Under the auspices of the Southera left lung at p. Wednesday at 30 Goss Baptist Convention. The inquest was adjɔurned Why throw away your old, but no pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Colon 11 a. Mrs. Thrift; 15 until 11 a. on the instant Meeting. Rev. Gowey.
at the Town Hall, Bro. MeDONALD Chorrillo 11 a. Descon Yearwood Mr. Boyce on Thursday on The accused was placed before Why pay double price can have them neatly bound át Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetingo 15 Pastor Witt at 11. 30 a. and 30 m; Runday Calidonial 11 am. Deacon Lowie; charge of murder.
for interior Imported School at pm. Wednesday 30 15 Dr. Wesche, Temperance Following is the evidence Beer when you can Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 lecture.
given by Bend:Pra Meeting Red Tank 11. Deacon McIntoab; that he was a porter at the Henry Thomas Band deposed buy a superior Boor 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Bro, GEORGE C, GRIFFITH 15 Desbon Crooks; such as BALBOA for Colon and Streets. Gospel meelEmpire 11 a. Pastor Witt; 15 Wartermill Road, Bank Hall General Post Office and lived at half the price.
Opposite Cecilia Theatre ings at 11. 80 a. and 30 Bunday Dencon Cummings.
School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gatun 11 a. 16 m, supplied Village. The body of the deceased pm. Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Now Providence. 11 Am. Pastor woman in the Mortuary was that Prayer Meeting.
Thrift. p. Memorial service for the live at his home. She was not him a blow on ber lett forearm of his daughter, who used to late Mr Henrieks TAKE NOTICE Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Puebo Nuevo 110 Leader Tailt the accused as his reputed wile, inflicted by the accused will be employed but was living with which she alleged had been (7. 15 Descop MeFarlane.
The WORKMAN Newsand bad been doing so for the stick. About six months ago be ODO000000000 DOOODOOD1000g paper can be had at the folBethel Church of God past four or five months. Her used to see the deseased, TRY lowing places: Moliness Salvation Army Hall, living with the accused never at acoused, and one Stella in cors Lindsay Place, No. 2, together, the RIO ABAJO, LAS BABANAS LA BOCA CORPS He Caccused) used to visit his being always in the middle of KRONEN BRAU Street, San Miguel.
Banday 5m, Prayer Meeting, 30. Knee Drill.
place unknown to him and be the two, He last saw the March, Barber, 55, CaliUn Divine Service. Preacher 11 a. Holiness Meeting.
objected when he heard of it. It deceased alive at bis home about ON DRAUGHT donie Rred.
3p. Sunday School; Superintendent p. Bunday School.
was within his knowledge that four weeks ago; but so far as the 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher 80p. Open Air.
the deceased and the accused accused was corcerned, be bad OR BOTTLES Advertise in the Workman Bupplied. 30 Salvation meeting. never lived well together. not seen him for some timeBro. WILMOTT, Clerk in chargo Wo extend a cordial invitaton to all, On one occasion she showed Advocate.
0000 IT PAYS.
Book Binding!
doubt interesting, books when you THE WORKMAN pany


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