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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NONEMBER 14, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Canal Zone Notes Last Sunday Races ITEMS OF INTEREST EXCELSIOR THEATRE TO. NIGHT FEATURE The White Sheep SACKCLOTH AND SCARLET. a Races! Races! Cracker Jack Races (Contioued from page Contigued from page5)
Races at Juan Franco Park on sixty two years in which to thews: Dandelion Miss Sunday atternoon, rain or pay the tatal amount calcu.
Lawreace; Wild Daisy. Miss shine was fully demonstrated lated at over two billion dolClark; Red Rose Miss Lord; on Sunday last; there was how lars.
Buttercups Miss H: Stephenson; ever, more rain than sbine. Ameriran Beauty. Miss J, Black and so six of the eight races arranged by the Panams Jockey After working at the coaling woodand the Queen of Roses will be Miss Vi May Faulkner.
Club were run on a raic soaked plant at Cristobal for seven First, second and third prizes will track; and that did not matter years, John Thompson, a be given to the three Representatimuch, the grandstand was crow. West Indian, was accidenves respectively, whose collection dec and clerks at the part, tally killed on Wednesday merits same.
mutnel section were, as usual last, being hit in the back by Pathé Super Special with CLENN TYRON It will be a great time. bevy of kent busy young ladies and plenty of goed The long shot for the day was a bucketful of coal. Thonpson Written and Directed by musie; and one doesn have to wait Wormwood, in the first race. it was learnt, slid from where for long; it tonight at the ClubJockey Horton took bis mount he was standing in the hold HALL ROACH house!
away in the first furlong of of a ship in which he was four furlong distance from Bo The White Sheep will make you sit up at its Extravaganza and its great motto Battle, Mentirosa Gloria a working and was caught by a Friends of Mrs. Mary Thomas Buouelito, and to the surprise of descending bucket of coal will be glad to know that she has most every fan, held his bim which hit him in the middle TOMORROW NIGHT made some improvement during there and won comfortably, nay of his back and killed him the past week, she having been ing the handsome oum of 17 90 instantly.
unable, on account of iloess, to and 70. tbe biggest pool for attend to her regular duties. Her the day.
presence and help are greatly missThe most exciting race was held at Isthmian Park on the At the Cycle Meet to be Featuring ALICE TERRY ed in the Woman Life Problem the sixth a furlong distanc Club and also in the Orpheus between Blandina, Revoltosa, 26th instant, Colon will be Supported by an All Star Cast. The story of a woman who takes Musical Club, she being a meuber Pipiolo and Super Gloria. Revol represnted by over a dozen of both clubs.
tosa was adjudged the winner cyclists; almost that number and the one who gives. GREAT PARAMOUNT PRODUCTIUN the result of wbat appeared to be will represent the Capital. An a neck and neck finish betwen ABD EL KRIM Iwo Shows: 30 and 45 Prices 15 25 her and Bladina was heavily assortment of beautiful silver (Continued from page 1)
played for tirst, and Pipi la was cups are among the prizes tu CLMING TUESDAY 17th THE DRESSMAKER FROM PARIS tuan zone and bombarded the also strongly backed for secund be awarded to athletes on the enemy near Menkal and Benatai money. The concensus of opinion occasion.
on the grandstand bad conceded It is confirmed that Temsamen MOX USSKS tribes are negotiating for submis.
the race to Blandina. Pipiola The pressing red for sion though their Caid. The impor tipished a close third. Backers juvenile court nas forced exof Revoltosa for first money pression from District AttorTo Morrow Races direct communications between tance of this lies in the fact that were amply rewarded with 12 20 on each ticket.
ney Mitchell of the Canal Zone Melills and Ajdir may be maintained a soon as the Temsamess are and with the approval the Chiqui, with Aranda up, in the Guvernor he will take up the Another snappy program of friends and not foes secend race of six forlongs, eight races has been arranged pulled away immediately after matter with Washington in an leaving the barrier and won effort to effect have congresby the Jockey Club for tomor eastly foom Liandro, Dictador sional action. The definite acrow after noon at Juan Franco and Repulse; the last named was tion of the Attorney is taken Park. Four of these will be Have you triod the the favorite JUAN FRANCO TRACK for on account of the involvement native ponies and the new Beer Chichi Moore brought in others for imported horses.
three winners: Pancho Roto in of three American boys, below TO MORROW six furlong in the third, Revo 16 years of age, who were Four imported thoruughbred Kronen Brau horses are booked for the Itsa in the sixth and Candlewood recently charged with having in a five furlong for the last burglarized the Balboa Gun feature event which will be race: he also rode Bin Battle in Club and carried away a 45 Sunday, November 15th, 1925 over six and one half furlongs second place in the first we calibre Army pistol and two for a five hundred dollar The Silver Club School Marcela in second in a seven purse. They are Factor Ruso turlony; Araucana in second 22. calibre Smith and Watson place in tulog reyolvers.
to carry a top weight of 132 lbs, against Manua with an Offers the best advantage for the Other winners for the day were: Mi Pollera, ridden by equal weight, Bolsheviki 119, training of Coloured children Aranda 19 urlong race SPARKLETS. Mi Pollera 90.
on the Atlantic end.
Is wbich Marcela aud Super Gloria Ruso 122, Dictador 120, El also ran aud came in in the (Continued from page 1) Races For Imported horses the order named; Galliota rid that we are as good as the other Chichi 109 and Repulse 105, ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC den by Quire ga, in 6t furlongs fellows: we are able to put out COURSES will raise the curtain in a and for Native bred Ponies Araui ana aid Alta Me also five furlong event.
took part and came iu second work equal to their s, and the In the class native Some of the leading subjects are: and third, specuvely, and Ruso need and how much we are worth, fore they oug it to know what we event, Caribe wall take up 122 Shorthand Typewriting ridden by Hilaag, in tour turWILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE lbs over five furlongs against Book keeping Commercial Law LUDRs beatly Heru aud Roamer and as a consequence bestow the Rialto 117 Candlewood 110, who took secund and third places blessings of money and comfort Algebra Geometry Hero 107.
respectively. Zipi Zape and upon us. They didn get their Peligro also ran in this race.
that way. But we will never be Chemistry Physics ablo to see otherwise unless we are The following eight imporMusic ted horses will run five furtaught otherwise; and we will Spanish THE BRITISH WEST. never be able to be caught otherwise longs: Glad Knight 128, Tigre Social Ethics Domestic Arts uoless the blessings from the true Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
120, La Carzena 120, Antonie Debating and Elocutionary Exercises meaning of Gvernor Walker pro.
ta 114, Capitana 118, Poncho Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
nouncemeat, with special reference (Continued from page 1)
First Race Starts p. Sharp to tolerance for others, are Roto 110, Meelan 109 West Terms Reasonable Panama. What will worry the new towed upon our leaders. But, if we comer are the customs and babits are dcomed for defeat due to our The last event will also be CHARLES BURKE, of the two places, some one said inability to follow the principles ADMISSION: a five furlong distance over Principal something about, When you are in which are to nable us to be TOL.
which Gallineta will take up Mrs. DANIEL Rome. Hector Connor, am sure ERANT so will be able to ACT Grand Stand 128 lbs with Alta Mae 119, Ground 50c.
was not TOGETHER, It pass on the that this gentleman Associate, consulted before be was placed good words of the intellectuals reArgentin) 116, Araucana 104, on that Committee, thought that ferred to, to our boys and girls, Mary Erb 102 and Jingoe 100 Cristobal Silver Clubhouse the ideas and ideals of the I, and if we can help ever so little in ran counter to those of the attaining these ends for our chil Chauffeurs Punished Harvest Thanksgiving at It Pays to Advertise British Weat ludian. Voltaire ouce dren we shall not have altogether LEGAL NOTICE The Wesleyan Church, said that this earth is the mad house failed.
Licences Revoked Panama.
of the universe. If the Freuchman The last issue o Time to hand says: The Post (Saturday Evening is right, the West Indians in Colon St. John Past Masters Post) has become such a land Notice of Pendency of Sult are in the ward of the incurables. Conclave and Grand Chris During last Harvest Thanksgiving servi es mark witb the publie, that uninMr. Contorshould decline the tian Encampment No. feurs lost their right to drive will be held at the Wesleyan formed persons mention with awe UNITED STATES DISTRICT like to ask Committee. What is its dispo1. automobiles on the roads of the Church Panama on Suoday. The the possible price of a large adver COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE bitiou towards Brooks and Bryant Canal Zone Those whose licenses Preacher at all the services will be tisment and sometimes mention They, too, should be represeuted All Sir Knights of the above were revoked were; Lester Foote; the Rex R, E, Wade, There will fabulous sums. For the past five car be the cost of a full page the Board.
Balboa Division forgotten CIVIL No. 732 my friend Dr, Rowe.
hos, Homos Encampment are requested to Gaillard Highway resulting in his The proceeds are to be devoted to advertisement in black and white attend the bera 7000; in two colors Tbe Loctor has done next meeting losing control of the machine which the scheme for the Renovation of bas work for the Empire, vur og the which convenes the 15th s subsequently wrecked. Foote the Church. The interior arrange 88, 50. Under the nas rates begin JAMES INNIS, Plaintiff.
last war the Doctur Wud e bist at p in the Loyal Candasamy, French West Tadian ly remodeled. This involves a new each of these rates is increased is 18 years old, Joseph ning Feb. ending online suhe Virowele Progress hall for the purpose 33 years old also drove his car pulpit, new. communion rail new 500, to 7, 500 and 000. The ANTOINETTE INNIS, Defendant.
men te went to the frout ligt of transacting much business recklessly Gaillard prices for of Divorce for tis. King and countryNo we of interest for the welfare Highway resulting in wrecking the arrangements. Later we hope to ment will be; back over 15, 000; romwine at home. It is like this, of the Order Le believes in the old saying.
car and injuring five of its occu complete the scheme by adding center spread (two pages. 18. 000 To ANTOINETTE INNIS: You hereby notified that on after the porobes to the North and South a page in four colors, 11. 000; a Figuiua is fur m who is like it pants He ran away Well, there is a keverend on tae Sub Chief of Police Not accident but was later caught. Both doors bod paving the precincts of single columo, 1, 875: at a single November 1823. James Nh imming the 12It is farther stated filed in the above entitled court a Committee, there 18 no reason Guilty.
these rates are not so high as the petition wherein he prays for an abso jail sentence in the Balboa Magiswe should 15 tue worlu why lute divoree from you on the staturates of The Ladies Home Journak tory grounds of desertion.
trate Court. The third to lose the uut tave a Dr. If we could only Card of Thanks. which charges 000 for a black, and you are, further hereby notified ive on the Canal privilege a lawyer. The only fault The Supreme Court of the Zone was John Jacks, Barbadian and white page.
that you are required to enter your lawyer, he talks too much appearance in writing in the office of and he has a kuack of twisting Republic has upheld the action of 26 years old. Jacks is said to have Bowen, Tailor of this the Clerk of sald court at Aneon.
the lower everything. intend keep in dismissing the transported two kegs of beer into City who was ill for the past seven Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, on or before December 18, 1925 touch with this committee Acu charge of attempted homocide the Canal Zone, in violation of the weeks, begs to thank the mem Why pay donble price Il you fail to do so within the time cording to the late Lord Kitchner. brought against sub Chief of the 18th Amendment.
National Police, Colonel Arango bers friends and sympathizers, for inferior imported aforesaid the petition will be taken as During the same period licences who visited him during his stay in It has to get on, or get out.
confessed, and the petitioner will take who, it was alleged, threatened to were suspended as follows, Thomas the Panama Hospital and at home, Beer when you can judgement against you by default and shoot with a revelver unruly pris Bucknor, Panamanian, 24 years and who will also no doubt be glad demand from said court the relief ouers who were confioed in jail as a old. six months; George Lawrence, to learn that he has recovered buy a superior Boer applied for in the petition.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO result of the tenants strike. The Barbadian, 35, and Cyril Lynch sufficently to resume work during such as BALBOA for F, SHEIBLEY THE POPULAR BIPODROME or specific charge was made by one of Triuidadian, 24, four months each the coming week at his usual half the price.
E, ROBINSON, the men who was arrested and put James Barnett, Jamaican, 24, three place of buisness No. M Street, JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW. in jajl during the strike.
San Miguel Attorney for plaintiff.
Another Big Day of Sport Meath 99.
ou great Vs. euuie with


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