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PRICE Cts. Cy.
PANAMA Formation of British West GARVEYUTES Law Officers Denounced GOLD BOOK CLAIM BIG Indian Welfare Committee By Governor of Mississippi Brought to Notice of The Panama Canal Authorities.
it will be of thot only the Austria is also an only a co 10 tỷ New Innovation to be Sum Willed to OrganizaWritten in Three Lantion by Late Isaiah Morter.
For Failure to Protect Criminals in Several books have been written from British Honduras yesterday According to advices received Custody From Mob Crowd.
and published in the past treating says the Jamaica Herald of the on the great farming and agricul. 14th inst the suit in which the Through the courtesy of should be very grate tural possibilities open to those validity is questioned of a portio Following the burning to death of a Negro in the State the Hon. de Comeau, ful if Your Excellency would willing to invest their capital in the of the residuary begnest and of Mississippi, the Governor of that state caused the follow.
Acting British Vice Consul at inform his subordinate offi The Panem Blue Book, Pastaa late Isxish Mortor was again failed to protect prisoners: interior of this republie such as devise contained in the will of the ing denunciatory message to be sent to the officers who Colon we pub ish the foll cers of the formation of The in 1915, and others, but we are called on for bearing before His ing correspondence relative British West Indian Welfare now informed that something Honour M. Sisnette Chief the law abiding Christian people of Mississippi should as Jackson, Miss. Sept. 30. The time has come when to the British West Indian Committee.
bigger and more elaborate is being Ja tice in the Supreme Court Welfare Committee, passed coinpiled and will soon be publish Belize on Monday last and was sert themselves in no uncertain terms against such mob have the honour to be, ed with the above title written again adjourned as the interloc. action and should rally to the support of the peace officers and the Governor of the Pad Your Excellency most obe. in Spanish, English and German (ory Associatie, Inc, are not yet in maintaining the integrity of the law, said Governor between the Acting Consul dient, humble Servant.
and to be profusely illustrated. In completed.
nama Canal: be discussed not DE COMEAU The testator by his Will devised Henry Whittield of Mississippi in a statement issued the proper cultivation of those products British Consulate, Acting Consul.
now in brugress but also the culti and bequeathed the residur of his day tollowing the linching of P, Ivy at New Albany.
Colon. Officers charged with the responsibility of protecting vation of others which, taking into real aud possonal estate to the consideration climatic and other Parent Body of the Universal criminals should resort to extreme meausres in thwarting a November 12, 1925.
His Excellency, Negro Improvement Association The Governor of the Canal attempted with very profitable ro The claim by the window, Mrs support to the sheriff in the prevention of so horribleha conditions prevailing nero, coa beste Altri per avere sempre acestuia de mob; continued the Gorvernor. Had the Governor reYour Excellency, ceived notice of the crime he would have given ample Zone, have the honour to inBalboa Hights, Morter, is shortly that this studies on the culti vation of cotton and bequest is void for uncertain crime against the law. want every peace officer in the devise form Your Excell ncy that of wheat, other there has ben formed at of sucar cane, oranges, bananas and and collegality The Plaints State of Mississippi to know that as long as am Chief Colon a Committee called The Panama Canal, Canal other fruits, and tabaco as well as Mrs Morterissepresented by Executive of the State every possible help will be extended The British West Indian Wel. Zone. Executive Department. extensive papers on pig, cattle and end tests of tracte de las haeree: to them in the enforcement of the law. shall not hesitate chicken farming dairy products, ete Balderamos talude iludere il Cain tusend out the militia to vindicate the laws of the State and trustees Messrs Arthur fare Committee, whose ob. Baboa Heights, Modaine Saavedra, who is editing ject is to study the conditions November 16, 1925. this great work, is an represented by Mr. Eric see that these laws are executed. hope the court officials of British West Indians in de Comeau, Esquire, artist are great ability and her Woods, and the N A Inc, will not hesitate to perform their duties in the case under Colon and to seek means of will be demostrated in the artistic by Mr. Dragten. selection of matter for her book It is earut that several thou discussion, as well as in like cases that have occurred or Acting British Consul, ameliorating them: to attempt may occur in the State.
She saud pounds are involved.
Colon, to secure West Indian soliexpert luguist, speaking and writing several lap Under Mississippi law the Governor is powerless to daily on the Isthmus; and to Sir: wish to acknowledge Bases. It is said that the proposed bacon Mother of England interfere in a local situation unless Stace aid is asked for by serve as an advisory commi: the receipt, with thanks, of Gold Book will not only be the Passes Away the county authorities, nor has he any power to inflict ttee to the Consulate in your letter of November 12, attempted in Panama but will be greatest work of its kind ever penalties on county officers who fail in their duty.
affairs affecting West Indians. 1925, in which you advise of the inost useful and effective means According to cablegruphic advice LYNCHING MATTER BEFORE PRESIDENT COOLIDGE. The Committee at pre the formation of The British of propaganda ever published in received in this city last evening New York, Oct. Everett Sanders, Secretary to Presisent consists of the following: West Indian Welfare om behalf of this republic, that not just as we were going to presu. dent Coolidge has written to James Weldon Johnson, it be an attraction to Queen Alexandra, mother of King Mr. Cambridge, Chair mittee in Colon. The purposes foreign capital and labor it will George of England, died Secretary of toe National Association for the Advancement Vice Chairman: Dr. Rowe, been formed are most com trate to our farmers who are only attacks. banquet which was telegram protesting the burning alive of a Negro in MissisSecond Vice Chairman: Miss mendable, and an sure that, in the incipient stage in their arranged in celebration of the re sippi, had been very promptly laid before the President.
Linda Smart, Secretary: Mr. with the cooperation of your methods the wonderful possibilities turn of the Prince of Wales from The telegram sent by the on Stpt. 21 to Hector Connor, Assistant Sec. Consulate, considerable gricultural and otherwise, of their South America was thereby can President Coolidge reads as follows: retary: and Mr. Fred Smart. success will be attained. The burning of a Negro at stake by a mob yesterday The Committee has re. In response to your request in Mississippi constitutes the thirteenth linching this year.
quested me to assure Your shall be glad to bring this SPARKLETS This case of savage ferocity inexcusable regardless of the Excellency of its loyalty to inatter to the attention of the guilt innocence of the victim, brings forward the crying the Governinents of the Re. Heids of the Departments necessity for federal action to stamp out the shame which public of Panama and of the and Divisions of the Canal Garvey Errs, RACE SUPERIORITY IS ALL BUNK. blackens the name of America before the civilized world.
Canal Zone, and of its earnest organization.
President General Marcus Garvey While would anhesitatingly We respectfully urge you to bring this question before desire to serve the country in Very sincerely yours.
of the Universal Negro Improve, vote that, as. 1l the others are Congress when it next, ensembles and that you reiterate which its members are living ment Association has put his royal doing, the Negro to be viven a your recommendation for effective Congressional action.
no less than the interests of Sgd. WALKER, OLL KORRECT on the Anglo fur chance to experizient with Saxon Club, an organization in the modern civilization under his On the following day, Sept. 22, the sent Wes: Indians on the Isthmus Governor. United States of America whose own vine and fig tice in Africa or another telegram to President Coolidge, as follows: primary aim is is the somewhere. do not for a moment Supplementing my telegram of yesterday reporting ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN General Gerty baseado recomien concedeuperiority to any one the burning alive oi a Negro in Mississippi, desire to call. of The male of one race looks of purpose When Hon. Willirm Waites a college graduate Major Baruest sx cox bune of the with equal approbation on the oumattention to newspaper dispatches of today recounting of another race, all things the murder by a mob in Georgia of an insane colored man, Sherrill, acting President and for many years an in leaders ui tie Club and said to be being equal. Don try to get taken from the State Hospital for the Insane, chained to a General of the had structor at Wilberforce the author of white supremacy and away from that fact; the Creator tree and beaten to death, charged with murder of a nurse nonsense, to the mem of man wills finished an address recently University.
bers of the A Now, am superiority boller and so so the race in the asylum. This constitutes the fourteenth lynching in. Mr.
at a Baptist Church at her er Me: Gurveyin some of his Garvey is a good man in his field 1925 as againste 12 for ao corresponding period in 1924. May Richmond, Va, he Miss Mamie Campbell of with race consciousness, and barried up. que believe in the li he asking suppression of these uncivilized atrocities.
especially connection but the conquest of Africa can be we again urge a recommendation from you to Congress attempted to introduce Major Mays Landing, recently believe most level headed Negroes mate success of the Negro raceErnest Cox, author of lost one of her eyes, it being are, if even they are unwilling to my race and there is no reason wrote: In reply to the first telegram, the President Secretary white America. Before shot out by her sweetheart openly admit it; but my views are for any of its members to be persi Major Cox had a chance to say Andres Harmon when she entirely out of barmony with those mistic abont this success The Your telegram of Sept. 21st. has been received and anything Rev. Roger refused to accompany him to and recommending to his thousands basis with the other races and this and the Greate maader, upholding world is the Negro con equal very promptly laid before the President.
Johnson, pastor of the Church Philadelphia. Harmon pleaded of followers the ethics of an organ faet is generally knowo if not yet arose and objected and refused guilty and was given from ization which aims at nothing SAD DEATH OF CARD OF THANKS.
to allow Major Cox to address to 12 years in the State short of promoting race strife. accepted by all. And if up to the Mr. and Mrs. George Boyke present and under such great hold that a man is man, whether handicap we are able to hold rut the audience, giving as his Prison.
and family through this medium he be an Englishman, a Negro, a so magnificently there is no logical George Washington bey to thank all those who by reasons the fact that these Chinaman, a Japanese a reason for Mr. Garvey to be per.
Boyke Jr.
champions of racial integrity their presence by letter or with Machie Indian; it only the turbed over our tardiness; things flowers so kindly cheereil them During the first fifteen days were spreading, propaganda question of development. If we are are working well for the Negro is toeir iecent sad bereaement.
that is not to the best interest of the present month the Pa to believe some of what the white awakened. And he is perfect Saturday passed his sickle o er thu Negroes Thank Coolidge.
Death, the Grim Reaper, last of the Negro.
nama Canal earned tolls man tells us about creation, God amounting to 882, 763. 72. made man. snd up to now no home of Mr and Mrs, Geo, man is really convinced that under Mr. The DISTINGUISHED into the Master harvest the soul This amonnt was collected equal circumstances and opportuBoyke of thie city and gathered Giving himself up soon from 203 commercial vessels nities member of one race has Recently a delegation of Negroes TITLE after shooting his wife on and four small launches, The evinced entire superiority over of their son and heir, the tender called at the White House and adSeptember 26 last, Benjamin It natural for sɔme who live on hearted, bright and intelligent dressed President Coolidge of the Waites, aged 35, of Colum average daily tolls collected other; in fat man is so closely easy street to now and then come George Washington Boyke, jr. United States thus, through their consected to man in everything to the fore and advertise er388, who after ac illoess of 15 days spokesman: ln behalf of the bus, Ohio. is said to have was 68, 850, 91.
that the uperficial cclour of the ignorance. And then we have the succumbed to the inevitable intal 15, 000 colored Congregationists of a broken appe dix. the United States, we greet you as explained to the police that skın is becoming more and more fellow with the mall vocabulary results of he became extremely jealous, American barbers are talking insignificant in their mating; to try and without the gift of eloquence Jorge as was familiarly called a fellow. Congregationist in whom in fact insanely jealous when about organizing themselves force them apart just because of looking very good in his seat in an in the home, begaa complaining va we have full confidence. Parti he saw his wife, from whom into a barbers union. At the destruction of all the colour will result in the inevitable aud euce until patriotisun Friday, October 30, for slight pains cularly do we want to thank you progress something tells hm to auger the in the stomach for which bis mother for that great word you spoke at he was separated, talking same time male patrons of alre dy made. And the Anglo Saxon audience by ascending the rostrom affectionately administered a dose Omaha, the bravest word spoken by any and joking with another man. these tonsorial parlors are Club knows this tao. Continued on page Continued on page 8) years. It sounds like Lincoln.
that; or man


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