
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands CLE, barrister at law, of the Indian Civil Service, has been appointed to proceed to the colony in connection with the Colonization Scheme. Mr.
Singh accompanied by Mr. Hill of the Immigration Department, was to have left England on the 23rd Sept. last. Mr. Singh wbo 47 years old, is the second son of Raja Sir Harman Singh, of Kapurthala. He was educated at Harrow Balliol College, Oxford, and graduated as a In 1900, receiving the in 1901, and was qualified as a barrister al law at the Middle Temple in 1902. He has filled several appointments particalarly in the Secretarial Department of the Government of India.
Rew through Langry and your are likes tot de or in your ockings with IT As stated the Colony has been Victorious but once in the Tournament and it is not to be Unexpected that many have been inclined to grow pessimistic over its chances.
58695 OSOA. OSASSADS Canary Yellow Dark Blue Red Mustard Lavender Light Brown Purple En Dark Brown Pink Light Grey Salon Tus Dark Green Light Blue Rose Orange Flesh Chartreuse One Saartet Yellow Light Rose Navy Blue Taupe Henna Wyby se RIT Asus Intensive US ANNE RIT The epoch making event of the year has been the marked awakening of an agricultural consciousness manifested in widespread Shows, insistent clamour for a New Department of Agriculture divorced from the present over acientific institution and the activity of the Farmers Comference who have taken on th ir shoulders the task of a big drive for extended and cultivation, consequent on the accomplishment on drainage of the Coastlands with the establishment of Agricultural and Indus.
trial education broadcast.
The Farmers will need the active and sympathetic e co operation of this New Department of Agriculture which they never bad from the old that being always engrossed over laboratory routine, or the raising over analyticial of Cane seedlings for the lordly planter if not in the preservation to posterity of station Water Bass sterling points while peasant production and marketting was left to fend for itselt with opposition at every turn.
Scientist is Killed JAMAICA way interfere or hamper the asso: existing Factories. Moreover, SSSSSSSSSSSSSS that the labour problem is soly able, besides the unemployed For Direct Line Service surplus, the Colony enjoy, good relationship with India from where reliable labour bas been Select Committee of the Legis forthcoming in the past, by lative Council Has Taken Evl which means the existing Indusdence as to the Necessity of tries are maintained.
Having Subsidized Line. That Is Excellency the Governor be respectfully re.
The Herald of November 7th to the Right Hon. the Secretary quested to transit this resolotion state that during the past of State for the Colonies for his Rekis but a lewat couple of days the Select Com. earpest coosideration.
mittee of the Legislative Council appointed to consider the ques.
Keep the Dainty Garments tion of the establishment of a From the latest Trinidad of Intimate Wear Always subsidized line of steamers Guardian to hand we read that between Jamaica and the Mother arrangements were being made Bright and Fresh!
Country beld two sittings at to insure the thorough success Lingerie soon loses life and colour, Headquarters House. The Hon. of the local celebration of PortuHave RIT always at hand to keep Doorly, Acting Colonial gal Natianal Duy which was to fall on the 9th instant. It is said pretty stockings and other articles Secretary presided.
of lingerie looking their best Evidence of certain prominent that nrominent amateurs of the by tinting or dyeing them with Portuguese community were to businessmen and banang grow take part in the celebration RIT. There are thirty one ers was taken, ana, from what which was to take the form of beautiful shades and colours can be rathered they are in all equally good for treatfavour of the establishment of a concert and dance. One of the ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
subsid zed line of steamers.
There are 31 colours It attractive features was to be an When garments or hangings are apizears that the parties who orchestra of specially trained spotted, sun streaked, stained or have testified, feel that an inde. juveniles while javenile performfaded, take out all the old colour with pendent line of steamera be. ers were to appear in several items.
WHITE RIT. Then the material tween Jamaica and the Mother is ready for the desired light or dark Country would be tbe means of shade of colour.
Erald Green Golden Yellow creating competition, and at the News from Tunapuna stated Sold Everywhere same time would enable not that eighty cane farmers were Tingine Rattiestip Grey oly Jimatea bananas, bat our advanced 900 on their cane culcitrus froit to be shipped to the tivations for next year crop.
Mother Country under ditferent ALINA SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
condition The following scores Chicago, have The evidence has been con been made for the Martinez MONTEZUMA cluded: and in due course the Shield this year; Trinidad 765; DRUG STORE Select Committee will prepare Demerara 732; Barbados 738 its report for presentation at the Trinidad thus wins the Shield WASHES PANAMA regular session of the Legislative for the third year ia succession, AS IT DYES Coucil in January next. GUARDIAN Old Woman Killed Colony Finances on Road Boxes to Better Times, On Rockfort Road by Motor Truck.
The Colony financial position is on the up grade. Instead of there, being a datcit in its tin sterday morning at about ances, there will be a surplus ba ten o clock says the GLEANER of lance at the end of this year and 153 271h ulto Elizabeth Loban, the estimates prepared for nest a widow, about eighty years of year also indicate that there will age, was knock down by a be surplus balance. In the Gov.
Ford motor truck on the Rock ernor address at the last meet.
for Road and died on the spot. ing of the Legislative Coneil, Fron what could be gathered, facts were given out and it these the deceased was employed by the Public Works Department to would appear that the Colony Ro ktort Road. Yesterday morn road back to better times. It is weep the water table on the bas turned the corror on the ing she was doing her Work, also pleasing to note that in the when the motor truck, which is amount allocated to the Depart.
owned by a young man named ment of Agriculure projision is Clarence Simmonds, of Dalvey made for investigation in connec district, in the parish of Saint tion with the ravages of the frog.
Thomas, and which was driven bopper pest. The removal of the Recommended for Removing the Humors of by himself was coming from St. export tax on produce will lighten Thomas with several passengers, the beavy burden which low priScrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, including Mr. Harold Levy, ces and pest have inflicted on Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Deputy Clerk of the Courts for agriculturists. It has also been the parish, and goody. couple made clear that the Government Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disof chains below the quarry the will continue to pursue trụck came in collision with the policy of economy. whted his led eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
woman and went into the bank to this very desirable improveShe was pinned under the truck, ment in the Colony affairs.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
which was badly smashed. When she was taken oat it was dis: BRITISH GUIANA ing and enriching the BLOOD.
covered that she was.
Detective Office was communiSub Inspector Michelin, Detective Seta Major Diamond Syndicate For Sale at all Drug Stores. Thomas, Opl. Belland. veutive Brown hurried to the In British Guiana Boosted And in Large Quantities by scene in the police patrol waggon and the body was taken to the in England.
Public Mortuary, where, later in JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy the day, the autopay was performed by the Hon. Dr. cable despatch from London AGENT dated October 27 states that Lawsoy Gifford, for Trutu in its Issue of the 21st Kingston singston Constable Robinson of the October publishes the following: Ruckfort Police Station arrested From an office at No. 46 Simmonds on a charge of murder Kingsway, a Mr. Bruce Mr. Leny was the only passen Austin is circulating broadger on the truck who was sligh: sheet with reference to a com tly injured.
pany to be called the British Guiana Diamond Syndicates or any other acceptable name. It seems that the company is to be TRINIDAD registered in British Guiana but without waiting even for that formality, let alone for the issue Central Factories Advocated. of a proper prospectus, Mr.
Bruce Austin invites the payment in full for as many shares At a recent meeting of the as you can carry. He mentions Of every description Trinidad Agricultural Society that he is an Englishman and a the following resolution was barrister at law and that he has resided for some years in the That in view of keeping good colony We do not know wbat faith with the assurance given advice, if any, he took before be to the Government for increased sent out this broad sheet boost production of Sugar within the stuff, but there appears to be an Empire; the Government con American touch about the whole sider the advisability of erecting thing and think Mr. Bruce or inducing the capitalists in Austin will do well to consult AT THE the Mother Country to erect responsible people before he Central Sugar Factories in goes any further with it. am Trinidad, as the Colony affords sure he will be told that no sensi and has all the necessary facili ble person will look at a propoties for a few more Oane Sugar sition launched in this way.
Factories, e. the reach of railways which would not in any Mr. Kanwar Maharaj Singh, Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD BY GAS HE INVENTED British Doctors Fall to Revive Professor Lefroy After Four Days of Coma.
DEATH AGENT MYSTERY, Ssssss Secret of Deadly, Odorless New Gases Went Out of The World With Hinri.
London, Oct. 14. Prof. Harold Maxwell Lefroy, eminent entomologist of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, died to night from the effects of a new gas be invented and without leaving anything to posterity of his latest achievement except be wildermnent among scientists and physicians.
Had they known just wbat sort of gas poisoning had kept bim unconscious since he was taken from his laboratory Satur day evening until tonight, they might bave found an antidote, but the secret lay with the inert patient, who was unable to express to them what had over sysoka come bim. Every conceivable method was tried by physicians to restore consciousness to himbut the genius of the patient, victimized by his own genius, was too much for the best ex, ex, parts that England could prove.
Prof. Lefroy hobby was to produce gas which would destroy insects without being harmful to human beings. He had invented such gases, which have been widely and successfully used for Agricultural purposes in the British Dominions. If he had a war gas in mind, he never divulged it to any one.
While experimenting last March he jnbaled gas which heated his lunge, but he detected it in time to rush from his laboratory and get medical aid.
Although this, he had a strong constitution and readily recovered from that attack, and the doctors attending bim this time felt even until this afternoon that his almost perfet physical con.
dition might pull him through.
They were wrong, and the secret of his deadly, odorless gases went out of the world with him.


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