
Church Services.
THE WORKMAN To use an old Phrase: CHRISTMAS IS BEHIND THE DOOR American Bazaar Stores Where you can be supplied with all you need in Wearing Apparrel for MEN AND BOYS Contra Crespo AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCU (Anglo Catholie)
Sunday Next Before Advent Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies St. Paul Church, Panama NALROND, at the office No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited (Rev. Nightengsle, Rretor. PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publieation must be HARVEST FESTIVAL SERweitten on one side of paper only, and VICES Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of the One Year 40 Cy, a. Holy Communion The Rector writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months.
10. 15 Matine. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
10 30. Holy Eucbaint sermonThree be.
We do not undertake to return rePreacher The Rector be 25e.
jected corresponence.
12 Holy Baptism The Liberty of the Fress is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS p. Flower and Musical ServiceAND YOU SHOULD VISIT THE Preacher, Canon Meleber.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1925. 30 Chora! Everong, rermon with Procession and Solemo Te Drun. Th» Rector.
ACTION. Rev. A, B, NIGA TENGALE, Priest in Oharee 11 a. Matins and addres.
We are not gainsaying the fact when we assert that Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
West Indians here have an almost exclusive and uninter3 Church School.
rupted field for industrial development and in addition a 30 mo. Choral Evensong address splendid opportunity for doing real work, for their better The Catechist.
ment in the Canal Zone, but there seems to be some deterent St, Matthias Mission to their success, they not being alive to their interests, LAS BABANAS coupled with a scant attention to thrift, the prime factor (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, in the building up of a solid economic and industrial Prieet in Charge foundation. There is also the question of an insufficiency Church Sabool.
of perspective which may also be termed as an undevel4. 15 Eveprong and address oped intelligence in the higher possibilities of life.
Mr. Richards, Catechist.
As an instance: Fifteen years ago, more or less, city Ints here were being offered at and sold for a few hundred St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca dollars each, and through lack of perspective those opporAmerican Episcopal (Anglican Com tunities, never to return, were passed over by West Indians Correspondence munion)
who at that time were in a position to purchase, not because Sunday Nent befora Avent 11 a. Matins ad addrer, Mr.
they were then amply rewarded for the work, but on New Providence, RP N, McCarty)
account of the low cost of living at that time which November 16th, 1925 pm. Church Sobool, enabled them to lay by of their earnings more so than they TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: 30 poun. Choral Evensong sermon are able to do now. But today West Indians maintatn those. The Reetor.
Very lots by paying rent for the hundreds of tenement buildSTRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR Da Sir. Please permit me JT. MULCARE, Rector.
ings thereon. The fact is that they should now occupy. ce again to say a few words ing those buildings free of rent, and the money they are now anent the education of the chil St. Barnabas Church, Empire dren here in New Providecee. Matina, Litady and sermon 11 a.
paying as rental should be directed toward the promotion Some time in February last, Mr. Johnson, Layreader.
of other interests. Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off a rote a ietter which appeared in Church Schol, aod Contirmation clas.
In the Canal Zone the Silver Clubhouses provided by the columns of the WORKMAN.
at p. to that Government offer many opportunities for the promotion NON INJURIOUS that letter did not meet with general approval so far a: The Lay Reader, will officiate.
Choral Evensong addrere of the welfare of thousands of Wst Indians who assistei in Dublic opinion is concerned; the building of the Panami Canal; the latest concession Levertheless, it bore fruin MULCARE Priest in Charge being the granting of these buildings, once a month, for the No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required though, not much fruit. As a St. Bartholomew s, Church holding of metings of the Panama Canal West Indian result, within a brief period of LAS CASCADAS.
Employees Association, an organization with sine profour weks steps were take MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, and a conmun ty school was gram which, if conducted along rational lines should be of 11 a. Matins and addrese, Mr.
tarted on March 16th 1925. Bratbwsite.
incalculable benefit to the social and economic welfare of SMOUTH AND SILKY His Church Sobool and Confirmation Class Excellency, Governor West Indians generally.
at 230 Arosemena happened to be presIn this Republic, as British subjects, West Indians are et bere on that day, he visited Mr. Steen (Lay roader) will officiate Evening Prayer and address 30 not molested in the least The road is clear for their econoSOLD EVERYWHERE he school which was held at the JT MULCARE. Priest in chame mic and indus rial expansion, but it is feared that they have Wesleyan Chren, and expressed placed a serious handic up on themselves by not being able Experienced Canvassers Investigate bis pleasure in seeing what wasst. Simon Mission, Gamboa done to make the children useful 1045 am. Sung Litany 11. 30 am.
to act tngether on one common ground, without which, as a men and women citizens of the Sun Eucharist with sermon (Rev.
certain writer puts it, they will not be able to compete uncountry, and wished success to Mulcare. der modern econ mic conditions. This weakness seems to 30m Church School LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD the efforts put forth.
lie in the hackneyed in sularity and petty differenees which Plans were not made, and J, MULCARE, Priest in Charyo apparently grow more acute with each succeeding year, foundations securely laid, for operating the with the result that the chances for better progress become school, but a Wesleyan Methodist Church managem nt Csmmittee was painfully remote. This standing apart is more or less apparent (BRITISH CONFERENCE. astily elected; and the commitin nearly all their organized efforts, and it is not absent in te is to be congratulated for te Pinuma 11 a. Mr. Merlio of Emany movement for the general improvement of Negroes: What everyone is DON BE way in which it was able to run pirs; 30 Rev. Eur, eon.
it exists in fraternal organizations and there is some the school for a period of six Harvest Thinksyiving Serv ces doubt whether it is not also finding its way in that very saying months. How the school went vus of existence has already been Preacher Rev. E Wade; CI 11 a. pm. 30 necessary body, the Panam. Canal West Indian Em published in the WORKMAN.
ployees Association KRONEN BRAU Any body of West Indians from any Now, the children here are 3) NAS Wakers.
La Boes 11 a. Mr Harrie; one island attempting any project which aims at promoting receiving absolutely no English the general welfare of the people, is daunted by a con superior to all education whatever, and the New Pruv. dence 11 am, Mr. Laynis spicious absence of desirable members from the other islands.
imported beers 97c Spanish school teachers are Harnst Thanksgivina Services This is a baneful condition which should be entirely so 176 permitted to teach only to le Paraiso 11 a. aud p. Preacher Fuuith Grade; the intelligent Rev. Surgeon. 30 m. Mr.
obliterated and the sooner the better.
reader sees at once what this dedy. most serious fac or that tends to hamper the means. Is it possible that boys Empire 11 a. Mr. Headley.
advancement, financially, of our people, is the multiplicity of and girls with such serious setorganzations which to a considerable extent sap their econo.
back to their you hiul lite can be Useful nen and women in their The Salvation brmy mic resources, and eventually retard th higher and very wature yeare? the answer is PANAMA CITY CORPS.
necessary position to which these people should aspire.
a uvusdud uit No.
The lowering of the prestige of the whole carries with it a Services are as follows: Tuer, what may dooe under depletion of the various parts of the whole. Disregard the Regular Assortment of a. Early Prayer Meeting.
reason ble circumstances to 10 nm. Children Directory Meeting roots of a tree and the trunk weakens, the branches wither medy thos: coadius? The and Brigade United Open Air Meeting and the leaves fall into decay: on the other hani the pruning cus a e, he economic condiof the branches from time to time forces back the 11 Am Hinese Mretine to be conLives of Now Pevidence Colony due ed by Commandant Martin are Overs a daud much exagnourishment into the trunk and develops a mighty tree. p.
garated og side of this culony. Brigades Open sir. Company meeting and In certain sections of this city West Indians outnumber SUCH AS It bas been suid that there are p. Junior Open Air.
other foreign communities by approximately two to one but babana kings here, well, so be 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air in the field of industry they are represented by only a Tonics, is, but they artew, and some Me ting. few branches indicating an unhealthy trunk. Yet there is are not intresud in the educa p. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall an almost uninterrupted sphere for action. In the Canal Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine on ut he coildren. As a man to be conducted by Commandant Martin.
ber of the ex school committee, Moodsy, Life Saving Guards and Zone alone there are about 8, 000 employees of the Cana!
Ia, proached one of the ba ana Sunbeams Parade at p. o.
and while they spend the greater part of their earnings for Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, kings one day and solicited Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase food, there are more than half of this number who can a donation towards th school at p.
stand a dollar a month, for three months. contribution to a etc. etc. etc.
work; he said to me, why sbould Wedoesday, p Life Saving Scoute give my noney to educate and Chums parade. Home League at common cause, This can likewise be said of employees in other people chila ei. not one at pm the Republic of Panama.
cent, Cainisin, of course. Thursday Holiness meeting in the Many have repeatedly expressed themselves as having The tendency to smoke, drink Hall to be conducted by Commandant lost confidence in leaders and therefore do not take kindly and gam ole etc. is witoin the Martin at pm.
to arguments along these lines. But why waste time labourreach of every child bere, will cordial iavitation is extended to all, 93 CENTRAL AVENUE ning this beaten tract while there are burning questions of those who are stewards of God W. MARTIN. Commandant, given talents step in the breach the moment which need swift action? What about a high (Continued on page 7)
school and a trade school, at either or both ends of the Panama City.
and rescut our children from their dowoward stride by helpIsthmus? Must the bright sparks of manhood and womaning to educate them in the right hood in the boys and girls be killed for want of proper direction? Do live good, it pays in Have you tried the education? We need respectable tenement buildings, life, in death and in eternity.
dwelling house, barber shops, restaurants, saloons, tailoring found not only the money but willing, honest, intelligent and Thanking you Mr. Elitor in new Beer establishments, shoe factories, a bigger Press, real estate capable West Idians to carry on at the head of affairs. anticipation.
some of the things that demand respect for and make the There is an almost uninterrupted field for action and tne remain yours truly, Kronen Brau presence of a community felt. And we believe there can be cooperation of all concerned will in time be available. MARKHAM.
24 Unlucky!
Aurther health hand her theme ning happen to you. Wear Sonder charm LUCKODEMUSCO Com Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Soaps, Vanishing Cream, The Workman Printery


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