
Attractions at the Theatres What Is Your Fortune?
Id an was THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1925 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Mt. Hope diamond which was a Baptist Church wa bed oat, by the rain on Sun.
day the 15th will take place to Activities morrow, com nenior 20 Last Week Cricket Interest in this game has been intensited slace last Sunday and The association of Baptist WASHED OUT BY RAIN, a better display is expreted than Churches on the Isthmus will meet if it had been played then.
on Thanksgiving Day for their annual sessions at Red Tank. Tomorrow Match Most Sen.
CECILIA AMERICA business meeting for delegates at sational of Season. Gatun And Colon Stirred 11, a m, and a publie meeting at The Wanderers West End cup (PANAMA. COLON) pm. Rev Austin, Pastor of the match ot Sunday last, the 15th by Sad Drowning Case TODAY. Saturday, November 21st Balboa Heights Baptist Church TODAY Saturday, November 21st and inst. as well as many other and Pastor Thrift of Colon will Norma Shearer in activities in sportsdom Gutun and lon were deeply atid give addresses on the Baptist TO MORRO Sunday November 22nd otherwise was washed out by stirred on Saturday morning ihe THE LADY OF THE NIGHT Church, Claire Windsor in the rain.
14th by the drowning fatality On Sunnay Night at Red Tank The appearance of the weather which took place at about 10. 30 THE DIXIE HANDICAP TOMORROW. Sunday Nov. 22nd Pastor Witt will give a lecture on throughout the week was rather o clock, when Amilia Chinga.
Milton Sills in the Baptist Church showing from uncertain, but the general beliet Isabel Chavay, and Silvia Lopez, MONDAY, November 23rd THE MAKING OF MALLEY the writings of denomination that among interested parties was 17. 14, aad years of age res Wallace Beery in the Baptist Church has existed that by Su day everything MONDAY, November 23rd It did look 80 Pushvely, scholars of the Colon since the days of the apostles, would clear up school No. 2, met their ADVENTURE Warner Baxter in week cf meeting will be held but at two o clock on Saturday sad end in the Gaton spillway.
at Calidonia beginning Monday evening there was a shower that It was indeed a touching sight TUESDAY, November 24th WELCOME HOME 23rd and enntinuing till Friday all the cricketers, fans and to see the corpses being con Alice Terry in TUESDAY November 24th 27th. Pastor Witt will be in charge.
sympathizers look at one another veyed to the Mt. Hope Cemetery in dismay Towards o clock on the following evening, and CONFESSIONS OF QUEEN Virginia Valli in there was a lull, and things were many were moved to tears. The THE PRICE OF PLEASURE being felt, a least by the new WEDNESDAY, November 25th bright again. During the night funeral procession was a long arrivals and that a teller is and early in the morning there one and includ all the teachers Barbara Castleton in WEDNESDAY, November 25th obliged to back a coat of extrawere other showers which made and the inspector of schools.
ordinary weight and be glad to Claire Windsor in the cricketers and base ballers so who was in charge of the outing Sta. Elvia Ayarza, the teacher THE NET bave it at time THE DIXIE HANDICAP anxious that they could not sleep.
The climax of anxiety came party of which the unfortunate THURSDAY, November 26th THURSDAY, November 26th perbaps with a heavy clap ol girls formed a part, is a very Milton Sills in The Management Committee of thunder from the porth east end kiod and tender lady, and is Wallace Berry in the Orpbeus Musical Club will hold which had such an eifect on prostrated as a result of the THE MAKING OF MALLEY ADVENTURE a meeting at the Clubhouse at balfsome of the boys that they wer unfortunate happening. Much past six o clock on Monday evening beu. rigen FRIDAY, November 27th and sympathy goes out to ber as well 1or the day FRIDAY, November 27th next the 23rd instant. Members of refused to be comforted, while as to the parents and relatives of Warner Baxter in Alice Terry in this Committee are requested to olbers were unable to eat for the deceased.
attend and on time. WELCOME HOME day It did rain few good ÇONFESSIONS OF QUEEN showers after the clap oi thun SATURDAY, November 28th SATURDAY November 28th An energetic boy is needed to der from behina Coco Solo Dut Employees Associasell the WORKMAN in La Boca, despite this, many of the brave Barbara Castleton in Blanche Sweet in tion.
couple hours on Saturday mornings spirits among the boys insisted TESS OF THE UBERVILLE THE NET will bring a tidy little eum to a on seeing whether the rain was bright boy. Applications may be all over Colon or wbetber the President Caerry of the Atlan left with Teacher Ellis at hia Victoria Oval was loft dy. This Ibrauch of the West indian classroom made several trips to the oval, Enployees Assuciation is doing and tipally like tbeir 39 laſtbluis best round up the men, companious bad give in. Lacy of whow do not appear Activities Of St. Peter By Tomorrow, bowever, will be a to be alive to their own interest the Sea, La Boca.
far differeot su ry; for not only bas changed his point of CANAL ZONE NOTES will the most versational and tack, and is sure to succeed perhaps the decisive match o with bis new tactics.
Last Sunday Harvest the competition take ac, ben ouociog a meeting to tak: place La Boca Pars. Festival Sunday at St. Peter s, uut there will also be numerons at Silver Cry on the 19th De Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs La Boca. The weather was ideal other important activities among loved lot only the men but some of the most prominente women also. This is really a each week for Readers of this paper throghout the day. At both cele One of the items of business brations of the Holy Communion churches, including a few d good idea, for the women and WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE disposed of at the District meeting larve numbers of communicants dings and such the like, and all coilaren are generally the of the Employees Association held were received. The Rector was the interested parties, cricketerstater sutterers, and you can at the Clubhouse on the 13th inst celebrant at boeh services, and and church goers alike are pray. ways depend on thy wives to November 12 18 a stern, commandig nature which was nomination of District Chair the preacher at mid day and 30 ing for a favourable day; tiete vake up the lead when tbe men fore it is leved that tomorrow become lax to their own welsare. The Sign of Scorpio, the showe little tolerance toward weak. man and Vice Chairman for the Canon Melcher of St Luke ness in others Your temper is term January December, Cathedral, Ancon, will be one of the mosi enjoyable Scorpion Violent at times but quickly 1926. For Chairman the following preacher at the night service.
days in the bistory of the Atlan.
Mars in the sigo of Scorpio gives subsides.
war nominated: Hunter. Taking for bis text the 2nd verse uc side.
To Produce Isthmian courage, endurance and economie The opal is the mystical gem of Reed and Williams. For most practical sermon, After the der, alters, Frank of the 23rd Psalm. he delivered As for the the cup fixture, no Lun. ber.
caution. The mental qualities are this siga and should be worn if Vice Chairman; Edgar McCarthy, presentation of the offerings at one knows what to expect, for shrewd and penetrating and you you wish to have the best advant: B. Hun er, Green, this service, Te Deun Laudamos impenetrabla secrecy surrounds who are born under this influence age at all times. The prickly cactus the proceedings of both clubs It is understood that two cor cerned Wanderers and lumber meu. Messrs James West are generally successful in your which thrives in the worst climates Bayne, Clifford Sewell. Election is was beartily chanted both by the West End Everything is and John McAlreath of Illinois, is your flower, and purple, signi to take place at a summoned meet. Choir and the Congregation, after being done in the dark, and one represen iog a large tim in that bonds. Engaged in work where Mars also gives great mechanical fying emotion, is the color of your the Board of Directors. District ing Prayers and pronounced the ing after the December meeting of wbich the Rector read the clos.
in use of feels curious to know the reason city arrived on the Paristhe for all this privacy Representatixes wer not sorrinated Blessing. Thus was brought to You should marry some one at this meeting there being not a close wbat all who attended It makes wina on Sunday the 15. It is one believe that it tbe lames claimed that their mission is to Mars favored metals, iron and with a quiet, patient temperament inspiring intending playeis be develop a tract of about 150, 000 steel, are used, you will be singu such as those torn the last of enough members present to make declared were very a proper selection. This.
exposed to the opposing team, acres of land on the coast ol larly puceessful. As a manufacturer August and the first of September be carried through the first suco a players will be before the Paauma will the view of pro or produser of sharp steel anstre, under the sign of Virgout Associar business meeting in Decmiber when gifts presented by members and matcb comes off.
It may be ducing Isthmian lomber on a ments, as a chemist, as a surgeon tion with them would soften your special efforts wil be made to friends was a beautiful set of or a dentist, you would find yourself nature and you noul furnish secure a iuller house, expected bowever that tie cream large scale.
wbite hangings with exquiof both teams will bo preaented in a position to meet all situations agzressiveness and courage foi site designs for the Altar, some of wbom are St. Clair, which arise and the knowledge of them re Table, Sbell Prayer Desk and Geneteau, Lynton and Mye. to News Notes your business or profession would (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense Nipped at the bud of youth, Palpit, and a lovely Stool. Two of West End, an Clarke, id, come naturally.
Adams Syndicate. George Gooden, fifteen year old the bangings were given by Mrs Wenit, Urer and Josephs 101 Your love of justice is off set by son of Mr. and Mrs Thona Mary Johnson, who has been a Wanderers. It bas leaked out The Rav, Wade of the Gooden of House 1070 was loyal member of the Choir for wrunk from tbis earth by accidental Several years.
by tbis way. That men are to Panama Wesleyan Church will The others, be imported for the occasion, occupy the pupit of the Clon. two. but what teain will be importing Wesley Chu. eb tomorrow at 11 o clock on Sunday afternoon last gifts of Miss Stella Westerman, them, and where tbey will be a. and 30 pm. acd at pm while out swimming with othee our devoted organist, coming from are not known. a special childreos Beryice will NATURAL HAIR WIGS boys. Apparently he was drowned Spould West End win. then it take place when there will be a SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURLS, the result of bing overcome is almost certain that they will silver tree. The occasion will be CLUSTER PUFFS. HAIR NETS, STRAIGHT from exhaustion when he attempt Musical Program.
will be the winnes of the cup toe anual Harvest Thanksgiving ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN ed to swim back from a small boat for the season, and it Wanderers services of the chuch, and the HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR to which he had already swam be successful they will have a sale of offeriogs will cut off on ORDER. Free talog sept request. without much effort. His friends So far as the Musical Program fair chance, It is fully known by Monday night the 23 idet.
ALEX. MARKS seemed to have been helpless to was concerned, the concensus of all, that it will be a well contest render aty aid in saving his life opinion was that it was a real ed match, worth going around 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. when he signalled for help and so treat, Every item was rendered the world to see, and we wish McPherson and Da Pass NEW YORK, he went under and whou his body without a bitab. Our friends, Mr.
them both good luck.
well known in connection with was recovered sbortly after respi Archer, created quite a sensathe long standluk cow missary ratory applirations failed to resution by his wonderful Musical case pleaded Dot guilty in the scitate life Young Gooden was a Saw. The Program ended at 10. 30 Final Match of Competi Cristobal District court on Monvery promising school boy and and the large audience left tion Fixed For 26th. day the 16th inst. The bearing The Silver City church school was a pupil in Teacher Ellis the sacred edifice feeling immenof the case has been set for the will be represented at the Har.
Shorthand and Typewriting Class sely satisfied.
rest Festival av Christ Church and had a short time ago received a Toe final cup match of the by the sea tomorrow. The little Pitman Shorthand Certificate, season which will be an engagescholars are anxiously awaiting!
CRISTOBAL ment between Wanderers James W, Blacker, the the occasion and are making and Sussex CC has been fixed Sailor, charged with involuntary extensive preparations for their TAKE CARE To pay the last respect to a good to take place at the Victoria oval manslaughter, touching the fruits and Scout, Livingstone Hoyte, of Pana Silver Clubhouse Activities.
presentations of en Thaoksgiving Day, Thursday death or Gabriel Turner on Monflowers.
From an experience of ten years, ma, whose last remains were laid in the 26th instant. Needless to say day the 26tb ulto. pleaded not speak. have seen many a case the Amador Cemetery on Monday Secretary Waller on this return this match will be unusually guilty and demanded a jery trial.
of eye trouble in that long period, evening last, thirteen Girl Guides, interesting and exciting and all The case will be heard on the As a result of a popular ra and say with conviction, bora of under Lieutenants Mrs. Florence intends to at once launch out lovers of cricket will make it a 27th inst.
quest the variety entertainment, experience.
Jones Beryl point of duty to witness it.
which was given by the 1st Colon Take care of your eyes. Have journeyed to the city and joined a upon series of concerts etc. Should the weatber on Sunday Aguilar Lor troop of tbe Cristhe proceeds of master Sid. Young. The Guides community, Day be favourable for the Wan: the Cristobal District Court on day night the 22nd of October is discomfort or weakness and get who went in this batch were: the which will be for the special the 220 de and loo Thankegiving lesso who mala potecas edi yora tobal silver clubhonse to Thurs: them tested at the first sight of posse of Bay Scouts under scout which will involve the entire derers West End and Wanderers Monday the och inst, on to be repeated tonight The the glasses you need and wear Misses and Pate, and purpose of giving the children a little treat for Christmas. It is Sussex matches respectively, it charge of violating the Drug ect. original program has been great them am equipped to test your Campbell. and Waite, and is almost a certainty that the was sentenced on the 1616 405 ly augmented and a time gt real eyes apd to fit the required lenses. Hinds the Missas Thomas, therefore very necessary that the presentation will be There deep study, extensive Misses and Mendez and patrons watch the papers and bulletin boards for announceplayed at latest on tre 6ih prox year imprisonment and 100 enjoyment is anticipated.
fine and costs.
knowledge, and ten years of experi Miss Kelly.
ments of the various programs as the grounds will be needed which are being prepared after that for baseball purposes.
Grand Master Prescott, ence to assure you of satisfaction, Letters received by friends of Dr. COLLEY special program consisting Nathaniel Drummond win of the Panama District of the Alonzo Robinson, former employee of christian music and recitation BASE BALL, shortly have to face the District Order of Druids paid an official Eye Specialist.
of the Balboa Quarantine Station, will be rendered sometime durcourt on a charge of having visit to the lodges on the Atlantic liquor in his possession on the side on Saturday night the 14th Corner Lith and Bolivar Sts. Colon state that he is doing well in the ing Christmas season. The Girl Becured a United States where be went about Reserves have also The postponed baseball game Capal Zone. He wa: recently inst, He was accompanied by Upstairs Chinese Fancy Store four months ago. Mr Robinson date for a Christmas week probetween the Washington team arrested in Gatun with one quart District Treasurer Fredericks Phone 420, Colon and Sealey, and Cristobal Red Sox on the ot prohibited beverage, reports that the cola weather is gram. Watch for dates.
01 the as.


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