
Weekly London Letter. BY WARREN POSTBRIDGE) Up to date Jewelry Casteypfield CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO 283 Altitude tor batean bour, and Fuller Jewelry Store Chesterfield Cigarettes are always fresh and in good condition. Each package is enclosed and sealed in moisture proof glassine paper.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES. of finest Turkish and American tobaccor blended Pain Enemy LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO Poor Sermons.
There is no event connected with the National Cburch in Eagland of greater popular interest than the Churcb ConRress beld every year at the begioning of October. All the leading digoataries of the Church are present and take an active part in the proceedings, but BO also do a number of men promi Dent in all walks of national life and pot necessarily members of the Church of England at all.
This year Congress, which has jost been held, has been notable for two declarations in particular.
One was the condemnation by the aged, but very vigorous, Archbishop ol Canterbury, te Head of the Englisb Chorch, of the Sermons, preacbed by sbe ordinary Parisb Piust. Sermons.
of course, play alarge part in Eglish Protestant Churcber, and the Archbishop 18 ascribed the diminution in Church tendar ce in large measure to the lact that the Clergy expend less effort on the preparrtion of thel: sermons than they should do in a day when it is no longer true that they themselves repreRent a level of education markedly superior to that of their tearers. This declaration, bowever, which has set a lively controversy going in the press of Great Britain, 19, in a sense, a matter of uomestic concern for the Church itself. Ob much wider importance were go or three speeches made It one session of the Congress on the problem of the ralation of Gitat Britain to oriental races.
The chief speaker on this occaLion was Lord Willingdon. wbo has just returned to Eugland after il years service as Governor successively of the two great Indian Provinces of Bombay and Madras. His speech was an outspokeo demand for absolute equality between the Indian eftizens of the British Empire and the Britisb. That of course does not mean uniformity of customs, or intermarriage, but Lord Willingdon conviction, based on a singularly successful record in India, was thy for tbe Englishman to entertain any Oxed idea of essential superior ity of the Indian was fatal to the whole relatiosbip between the two races. Other speakers with ditferent but equally extensive experience followed in the same vein, and tbe whole dlecussion bas made a marked impression lbroogbout the country.
Brittsh Motor Progress.
Tbe Annual Motor Show, round wbich the whole activities of the motor trade in Great Britain centre, has this year achieved ad unprecedeated BUCCESS, there se DB some reason to claim that the motor manufacturers of Great Britain haye Succeeded in holding their own against all foreign comptition.
The chief features of motor de velopment, as Illustrated at the Bbow, are the alupost universal adoption of low pressure or balloon tyres and, to a less ex.
tent, of four wbeel brakes, wbile anotber rather unexpected de.
velopment, due largely no doubt to the variability of the Eoglien climate, is the generalincreased vogue of the covered car as distract from the open tourer, though to point of fact van these touring cars are now so well equipped with eficient boods and side curtains that to convert them into something not much less satisfactory than a permanently closed car is only work of couple Us the British motor trade as revealed by tho show is the im menstely increased output of the small car, which bas now reached the point at which cheapuess is consistent with complete reJiability. There is now more than one thorougbly sound four seated car which sells at round about 160, or even less, and a stiil larger number of excellent vebrcles to be obtained for anything between 200 and 20.
Tois, of course, does not compare 10 price with tbe ubiquitous Ford, but there is no mass prodaction in Great Brhko og tbe Detroit scale, nor is there ever likely to be. Mean wbie, bow eyer, as has been said, Eaglish maputacturers are more thao holding their own in both the bome apd foreign markets and Lome of them are beginning to put up tactories in Franed and elsewbere. 50, 000 To Win.
It is not often that a prize of so bigb a value as 50, 000 goes for (PAINS ENENT)
years unclaimed. But that si the sum the Air Mir istry of Great Britain offered in 1922 for the construction of a successful belicoptor, that is to say, a flying machine wbich can rise vertically from the ground and polse indefinitely over particular spot. Within the last week or two serious endeavour was made to win the prize. Mr.
Louis Brenean, famous for tbe invention of the Brennan Torpedo and also of the Brendan In every form can be seen Monotail system, has been con here at its best See our structing. belicopter in Government workshops, and with Wrist Watches, official wbicb be fully belived would be able to fulfil the conditions. UnforBracelets, tunately, the machine at its first trial rose only a few feet from Diamond Rings the ground and then crashed badly, smashing its propellers and a hundred other adoraand sustaining other Injuries, ments and you ll recognize the pilot baving a rather aston ishing escape. The de Minis why this is the LEADING try conditions are fairly exact JEWELRY HOUSE in town Ing. To win the prize it is neceslask prices and you ll find still sary for the belicopter to rise straight up to a height of 2, 000 another reason. Lover stationary at that then over a circuit of not less than 20 miles. Ex nchman 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 named Pescara did early last year raise few feet and fly sometbing less than 100 yards, but that appears to be the best achievement recorded yet. One of the difficulties of the who e performance is to descend vertically at a slow enough rate to prevent a crasb.
Cheapening Food What looks like an extremely successful semi official attempt to control food price is just coming into operatin in Great Britain. Some time ago Royal looked into the whole question of alleged profiteering and made SLOAN Liniment la pro various proposals, one of which claimed the world over was that a permanent Food being Pain greatest enemy.
Council should be established to Multitudes of people use and watch the prices of the ordioary recommend it.
Decessary commodities of house. Rheumatic aches and paine hold consumption. The was instantly obey its command and disappear.
point, as it seemed, what that It penetrates right to the the proposed Council was to have sore spot. No need of rubbing.
Do statutory powers, though it It does its work thoroughly.
was always possible that these Give it a trial.
might be conferred upon it later. One bottle will convince you.
As things bave turned out, the At all drugglets and dealers.
Council, acting in a purely consultative capacity bas achieved considerable success by skilfully SLOAN tenlisting the co operation of the public and the press. It has an LINIMENT extremely active Chairman in the was throughout the whole WILKINSON persons of Lord Bradbury, who ence of Com mission, down to the adoption of of the Dawes Report, the British Contractor representative on the Commission and has now returned to Englan and Builder to find this very different sphere of service. At this moment the House No. 20 Council has just won its first 28th NOV, STREET, victory in a contest with the bakers, The quarters loaf, as it SAN MIGUEL is called in this country, has been Box 411, Panama, R, selling practically everywhere at the price of 108. The Food Coun: Plans and Specifications Free cil matter came to the conclusion that the First Class Workmanship price was at least id too bigh.
It had no power whatevor to Guaranteed compel the bakers to sell at less than 100 but by making it Notice to Correspondents.
known that the Couocil view was that the price sbould be 9d Contributors and correspondents and advising householders only are asked to send in their contribu.
to purchase from those bakers tions not later than Tursdays to who sold at 9d and boycott those insure publication. This is imperawho charged higber price, tive and must be adhered to they have got the figure red ored throughout the country to 9d and something lower still seems LEGAL NOTICE likely. Bocouraged by this initial Guccess, the Council proposes to go on to deal with prices of Notice of Pendency of Sult meat and milk. No small part of the efficiency is due to the fact UNITED STATES DISTRICT that, It includes to working women who know what practical COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE bousekeeping means.
Balboa Division CIVIL No. 732 British Government.
JAMES INNIS, Plaintiff.
Has Movie Camera Only Ono ANTOINETTE INNIS, Defendant.
Like It In World Divorce TO ANTOINETTE INNIS: London, October 24. The Gov. November 4, 192, James Teniss You are hereby notified that on ernment possensen a motion pic Aled in the above entitled court ture camera the only one of its petition wherein he prays for an absokind in the world capable of lute divoree from you on the stato taking 5, 000 separtte pictures story grounds of desertion.
sec. This marvel of the movies And you are, further hereby notified has taken four years to manotac that you are required to enter your ture and cost over 15, 000. It appearance in writing in the ottice of the Clerk of said court at Ancon, weighs four tons and photo Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, Kraphs on ordinary film pictures, on or before December 18, 1925.
that make the present so called If you fail to do so within the time alow motion film look rapid. be aforesaid the petition will be taken as Government is using the camera judgement against you by default and confessed, and the petitioner will take to study the effects of armour demand from said court the relief piercing sbells on various kinds applied for in the petition.
of armour, every detail of the F, SHEIBLEY bursting of sharpnel the action Clark of a quick firing gun or the recoll E, ROBINSON, of a gun can be studied with the Attorney for plaintift.
aid of this wonderful inventisn. Nov. 14 21 28 THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
widely TRY OUR NEW BEER KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL Speaking generally, the latura da se YS.


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