
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1925 PAGE SEVEN El Excelsior Bishop of Church of Si England.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS We Buy and Sell Pearls Workman Stationery Store The Workman BOOK STORE Parisa and Doors being Cider Champagne tavuse Difterences BEGIN WORK ON REVISION OF PRAYER BOOK.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP OFCorner 12 Street East Avenue Bishops Meet in Private to Discuss Changes in Established Forms of Worship.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our TASK OF DELICACY.
Workmanship is guaranteed.
IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you Church of Engalnd Future may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may Regarded as Depending on drsire, provided the monthly payments of Uutcome of Their Labour.
interest are duly met. cable despatch from London Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall dated October 2016 states that the sbops of the Church of be pleased.
Eagland set to work today on the task on wbich the future of the Church depends 1e vision of the Book of Common Prayer, Suitable for Lodge Business Sitting as the upper house of the Uburch assembiy, they took up suggestion adopted by the House of Clerky and the House CALL IN AT of Laily, as well as amendments AT THEp. oposed by Individual Bishops. Frum this they will produce tbe tbe revised prayer bouk cunlaining, it is pussible, alternative forms of service to be used at the discretion of each priest. This will be subwitted 10 ibe two lower bouses for Saare magg09090 magpaggal acceptance or rejection, but not for ameudment.
No. 93, Central Avenue The work is likely to take con siderable time and involve ques Old Timers Sail.
tions of the most delicate and EL GAITERO ASSORTMENT OF deep researching ch acter. The most important discussioa before Among those wbo left these shores for the West Indies on THE ONLY ELABORATED GOOD STATIONERY the Bishops turn. u service Friday the inst, were the pas of the Holy Communio. It is ihe present service, wbich is in Gambos settlement. Mr.
Santo family, Old Timers of the Spanish Cider with its SOUVENIRS, the nature of a compromise Dos Santos (Mannie) As he is between Anglu Catbolic evangelical doctrine, to remain the past 20 years with the Panapopularly known bas served for own Carbonic Acid as it is, or is to be amended? ma Canal and Panama Railroad, Can an alternative form be permitted it no alterations are latter as Freight Clerk at the still in the employ of the CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God wade. On the answer to these Gamboa Railroad Station. Holiness quesuons and otber similar ones depe. do the ottbe He goes on 120 days leave of (Continued from page 4)
Oburch of England absence, and a well earned vaCALIDONIA DISTRICT Seventh Day Adventist Church between Anglocation, accompanied by his wife URETIC AND REFRESHING Sunday Go clock, Prayer Meetin Catholics, Srlber CALIDONIÁ ROAD Evangelicals and 11 am Divine Service Preacher. Modernists are becoming more Mr. Dos Santos is well known Trade Mark (nest Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Supplied anu mure cluarly attined, and in Fraternal and Social circles p. Succy School Superintendent. thure is Dula. cle sale of pow will be greatly missed from the throughont thº Isthmus, and Sabbath (Saturday) 946 a. BabVALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ bath School; 11. 15 sm, General Worship 6o. Programme Bible defections of thuse parties 30 pm. Spanish Clase: 730 Gospel Service, Preacher who Ad th y Cubuut agree with Gamboa section where he esta S, Supplied the bisbuvo nudings. 30 M. Society, meeting blished a cordial relation with all Schism VILLAVICIOSA 30 to. Junior and Senior derd Tuesday 30 Gredel Service is considered by many extrem with whom he came in contact tainment Chee pm. Vespero of it Elder ODLE SPAIN ists as the only possible course during his 15 years stay there.
Pateor in for CDscienuous Christian it We wish the family Вор charge Sunday evet ing 30 Preacbbe finds the church we would Voyage and a pleasant sojourn in tog Service The general publio in feign still ling to declines to the Land of the Mudbeads. ESTEBAN DURAN cordially invited to turn out in large Bethlehem Church of God bis view accept of the truto.
numbers. Holiness SOLE AGENT There is also a large body of believers with no very Jetinite For the Ropublic of Panama Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA views or doctrines who still call HIS CREED ård STREET BROADWAY, COLON SAN MIGUEL themselves church men to be conSabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting sidered.
Sebool; 11. 16 a, General Worabip 11 Divine Service Preaober, In these circumstances the Do not keep the alabaster Elder Frapeis Bishops have decided to conduct boxes of your love and tenderness 30 p, Young people meeting pm, Sunday School, Superinten their deliberations in private, and sealed up until your friends are 30 Vespero The best Tonic in the World deat the Archbishop of Canterbury in dead. Will their lives with sweet Bunday evening 30 pm. Preaching 30 Programme. asking the prayers of all church: ness. Speak approving, sheering Servior. You are cordially invited to 15 Gospel Service, Preacher men today, expressed the words while their ears cap hear earnest hope that the flow of them, and while their hearts can be attend those service and bring your Bro, Webley.
friende, Note Otberbotires for the week will letters, appeals and criticism thrilled and made happier by them; This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommendbe given from the palpit.
should now be stayed, and that the kind thiogs you mean to say both public press and private when they are gone, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, The Church of God pens should now leave us to do before they go. The flowers you BEULAH. 30 am. Prayer meeting our work in peace.
Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up mean to send for their coffins Panamı. Aronemens Street, House 25, 11 Devine Service Preachera run down constitution.
Surely nothing that could be send to brighten and sweeten their Ban Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Bro. Phillipe said that could help the Bishops homes before they leave them. If It promotes digestion, improves the appetueting sod Gnepel peeting at 11 a to. 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten: bad been left apsaid, the Archa my friends have alabaster boxes tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system and 30 pm. Sunday School at 3p. doo4. 30 ppi Gospel Service, Preacher bishops remarked. Not only bad laid away, full of fragrant perfumes Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Bro. Phillips the proposed sion, been fully of sympathy and affection, which DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People considered both by the House of they intended to break over my times a day.
Meetin. Wednesday at 30 GAMBOA MISSIO 1. 30 Bun Clergy and the House of Laity: dead body, would rather they Gospel mooting. Thursday at 30 day School; 30 pm. Gospel Sermon Dat he had received over 800 bring them out in my weary and Open air meeting. Friday at 30 pm. Bro W, Campbell, memorials concerning it. These troubled hours, and open them, Prayer Meering Note. Other Se vices for the week bad not been merely acknow that may be refreshed and wwww Bro, C, P8880A. in charge. will be given from the pulpit. lledged and plled lo bundles cheered by them while need them, Red Tank, Copal Zowe Sunday School Elder T, C, FRANCIS, without receiving the attention would rather have a plain coffin they deserved but he had himself without a flower, a funeral without p. Goepel meeting on Thursday Pastor in charge.
at 30 m.
examined with the utmost care a eulogy, than a life without the all documents received from the sweetness of love la Sio, GRAY outside. One had no fewer tham Let us learn to anoint our friends and sympathy Baptist Churches Now Providence. Gospel Meetings at 800 signatores. Another had been beforehand for their burial. Post11. 30. in and 30 Bungay Sobool before 140 parochial councils, one morten kindness does not cheer at pm. Wetoodav at 30 Goss (Under the suspices of the Southern copy being sigaed by 28. 000 the troubled spirit. Flowers on the pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Baptist Convention. persons.
Meeting coffio cast no fragrance backward The memorials, he said on over Life weary way, WARREN Colon 11 and 15 Pastor doubtedly express the opinions SANFORD STONE.
Bro MeDONALD Tbriit.
doubt interesting, books when you Gatun, Canal Zone Gospel Mertings at 11. 30. and 30 m: Runday 715 lp. Mrs. Jordan of Cristobal but all entitled to have their Chorrillo 11 Mr. Gallimore; well informed some less intructed of vast numbers of people, some can have them neatly bound at School at p Wednesday 30 Calidonis. 11 Pastor Wiu; 7, 15 views considered.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Dencon Crooke. Are all of those men locked up for Pra Mretio Red Tank. 11 mm. Deacon Crooks; In bis address at the public safe keeping. asked the inspector Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH of prison. 15 Pastor Witt.
session the Archbishop gave no No, answered the warder, four Empire 11. 15 Descon indication of bis own position on of them are here for safe breaking.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE Oolop and Streets Gospel meetings at 11. 30 and 80p. Sunday Meln osb.
the chief points at issue, but be School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gatun 11 a. Bupplied; remiuded the bishops that the pro Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Dencon Ruby. co. royal commission of 1905 clearly pm Prayer Meeting.
prayer book to suit modern Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Leader Taite conditions and medern needs.
17. 15 Mr. Minto.
TAKE NOTICE HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA OODOO0000 000000000 Bethel Church of God CANAL ZONE.
Why pay double price Holiness Salvation Army Hall, TRY Office Hours: a. to p. The WORKMAN Newsfor inferior imported RIO ABAJO, LAS NABANAS LA BOCA COP to p. paper can be had at the folBoer when you can Banday. a. Prayer Meeti.
KRONEN BRAU 30. Knee Drill.
DAILY lowing places: buy a superior Boer m. Divine Service. Preacher 11 a. Holinese Meeting.
8p. Sunday School; Superintendent ON DRAUGHT PHONE 1288 BALBOA p. Sunday School. Lindsay Place, No.
such as BALBOA for 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher 30 Open Air.
Street, San Miguel.
half the price.
Supplied. 30 Salvati, meeting.
OR BOTTLES Specializes in all the branches Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge We extend a cordial invitaton to all, March, Barber, 55, Cali0000000000000000 of Dentistry, donis Roed.
VIGOR TONIC say them JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy, Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no THE WORKMAN Opposite Cecilia Theatre 7:16 ne on Providenco 11 om. Deacon Hochanger de colores chargede in Dentist Howell


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