p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NONEMBER 21, 1925 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Xmas Cards! Large and Varied Assortment Just in from England private Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush in Races! Races!
To Morrow Races An interesting program of Not a drop of rain fell at Juan The latest issue of Times reports nine races has been arranged France Park on Sunday afternoon the following, under the abcve cap last, the result being a dry track tion: There is a little county seat for tomorrow afternoon at over which cight races were run, in New Jersey called Mays Land Juan Franco Park. There will rame being looked on by bun ing. It was 25 years ago that a be five races for imported dreds, enjoyed by everyone tbe Nekro working his way through a horses and four for native male section as well as the many western university had a nervous ponies.
mean bers of the fairer sex wbose breakdown. So he gave to his presence there on Sundays adds education and went Mays Land The curtain raiser will pe so much to the pleasure. On the ing where be opened a barber shop.
a five furlong in which Top wbole Juan Franco was par exce Business was good. After a time in Sergeant, Barba Roja, Peter llence on that afternoon. Forgel he abandoned tht barber shop to Pan, Liandro and Zipi Zape ung those who missed the continue a tradesman in tobacco winners every now and then, candy and other small goods. No Gare booked take part.
there were the few wbo apot the body paid much attention to him.
The second event wlil outsiders that won.
He was pract eally the only bring out Tigrillo, Peligro, Factor Rusy, ridden by Carri Negro in town. He did not go to CALL EARLY AT THE Glorļa, Linda, Wornwood and Jio, easily woo the feature event church, in fact he said he was not a Mentirosa, Distance tive furof six and one bail turlungs for Christian. He pad a good deal longs.
tbo best imported borses purse be had no friends, he 500 He apparently lingered Bolt, Datd Risa Loca and to business. He пр.
benied until taking the last for invested in real estate.
Blandina will run six furlongs long when Carrillo just took him Last week he died. His will was for the third event.
away from tbe rear and one by Seven furlongs, the fourth one, set Manus, Bylsueyiki, and opened. He had left a small bequest to each of his two sisters Mi Pollera to toilow, winding Nebraska The bulk of his estate event, is alloted to Oriental, them pulling on the bit. Bolshe. about 100 000. he left to the Capitana, Poncho Roto, West Meath and Sunny Girl.
viki came in second and Manua county for the erection of a school third. Factor Russo was favorite gymnasium and playground, The Ruso, Dictador, Peter Pan, and paid 290) and 60; the town was shocked. The Negroe Roamer and El Chichi are second borse paid 30.
body was carried to the Court House PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY booked for five furlongs in Roamer in a four furlong and and a publie funeral was held.
the fifth event.
Papiolo to a seven urloor were Three clergymen. Presbyteriaa, favorites in their resLective class Methodist, Roman Catholic gpoke 52255252 In the sixth, the feature and lived up to the coofidence over the body event, Factor Ruso will take placed in them by leading their Said the Presbyterian before he up 135 lbs against Manua 130, field to the post paying 40 and began to weep; He was the best Burlesco 106 and Mi Pollera 60, respectively. op straight tducated man, the most prºgres.
SAD DEATH OF 90. Distance one mile.
sive business man and the ideal Fenomeno, in the native There were four winners that Christian in our community.
Siid the Methodist: We did not (Continued from page 1)
brought in rich barvest for their understand or fully appreciate him class will take up 128 backers: West Meath, paying of castor oil. Later in the day he lbs against Chiqui 126, Cari834. 80 and 70 distance five until now, and now we learn that grew sufficiently better to be able be 122, Zapo 120, Hero 117 furlouge: Ruso 12. 00 and 3, 60 the man who went humbly amongst to help bis father, custom, in the delivery of certaio distance of furlongs.
as was his and Candlewood 115, over a five furlongs; Here 10, 40 and us had been thinking all the time of 60 tive fu longs; Worm wood our welfare.
completed jobs. On the following 40 and 10 tour turlongs Said the Catholic: He has morbing, however, be was again Tigre 121, La Carzona 117, and Araucana 14, 90 and 5, 80 taught us tolerance. He must have attacked by the pains, this time West Meath 114, Kernan 110 tvrturlongs.
wanted to leave behind Dot merely so seriously thai be could hardly and Colombina 108 are bookThe jockeys shared almost lessous of tolerance, the legacy of money, but of this stand erect. Recognising that the ed for four furlongs for the TO MORROW trouble was due to some deeper eighth event.
Qual bonors to the winnings.
cause, the mother immediately winners and their jockeys were took him to Dr. Fairweath. The last race, distance six as followe; First race Ruso Harvest Festival at St. Sunday, November 22nd, 1925 who. upon examination of the ond one half furlongs, will dden og Andago; second race Paul little fellow, ordered that he be bring out Pipiolo 128, Gallineta Ruawer ridden by Jimentz: rushed to the hospital for an 124, Araucana 112 and Super luird race Hero ridden by Munoz surib race Pipolo ridden by Thanksgiving services of St Paul To morrow the Annual Harvest operation, which was done. The Gloria 108.
Jetz; Wast Meath ridden by Church in this city will be held.
appendix successfully removed by Dr. Days of the Santo Tomas Schultz; Factor Ruso ridden by Carrillo; Wormwood ridden by The hours are a. 10:15 a Hospital, but he explained to the Night School at Colon Haugbuen; Araucana by Chichi 10:30, a p. and 7:30 pareuts tha it was very probable Special music will be rendered at that other complications might Moore.
The Night Sebool at Coloa con.
10:30 the Races For Imported horses p. and 30 a. For allowing bis mount, Gloria, arise, a bro sen appendix osualm. services, ly infecting other internal organs. tinues with all its original earnestto bump into Wormwood in the and for Native bred Ponies Still George made such wonderful ness. The member of Englishbeventb race, the Stewards At the p. service the music improvement that it was expected speaking persas desirous of suspended Juckey Smith for two will be rendered by thirty Sunday School girls of between the ages of De would leave the hospital in learning Spanish has increased to monos short while. And so thioss contine such an extent that two more fourteen aod sixteen. Thirty little girls of the ages of six and seven WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE until Wednesday, November ui classes have been formed, under when the anticipated effects were the direction of Sr. Villalax and SPARKLETS. will make a floral procession through all the aisles of the Church observed and it was found Stra. Lucille Jeppe respectively The and present their bouguets at the (Continued from page 1) alter. This will be a very attractive operations for the removal of of Sr. José Recall is now conducted attempt to make a speech. There exercise. There will be a silver internal abscesses, one on the from to 30 m, and the other are only a few level headed fellows collection at this service.
Thursday an the other on the day spanish classes from 45 to 10 who are keeping the world intact; The special envelopes centaining following. But this proved too in order that Director Retaily Everybody will be there. Don miss it.
much for little George and duriog may have an opportunity to leave the ruling to the bulk who the trankofferings of the congregawould like to rule they would only tion will be collected at the various the visiting nour on Saturday he supervise the other teachers and succeed in promoting means to services thrughout the day.
First Race Starts p. Sharp quietly passed away in the presence pupils, of his father and mother and other new teacber for the spanisheliminate man that man pecu As nsual, a very hearty invitavisiting friends.
speaking pupils has also been liar idiosyncracy. cootributor to tion is extended to all, TIME recently administered a lacing secured in the person of Sr. Modesto The special prescher at 3p. m, The body was removed to their Rangel, teacher of Grammar.
ADMISSION: to some who think it is too much will be Canon Melcher.
home on East 15th, Street that for the white man or his newspaper to honor a Negro with the most same afternoon and during the Grand Stand Ground 50c. evening until late that night the The Silver Club School ordinary and common Mr. And ITEMS OF INTEREST home was vtsited by scores of it was a. white mao, a Southern (Continued from page 1)
friends who came to sympathise white man, bawling out come of kicking about the abridwith the bereaved family. Inter Offers the best advantage for the his fellowmen. Of course such things may be safely treated with gement of their speech and School of Medicino. British Consulate Notices, ment took place on Sunday afternoon when the large concourse training of Coloured children contempt; but here a part of tbe actions, and on the whole which followed his mortal remains on the Atlantic end.
lacing administered; But honestly their general barber shop School of Medicine to can see why anyone sbould rights heretofore enjoyed, function as a unit of the pro Colon would be glad of informa held, uneral rites were performed tore silent testimony to the high ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC The Acting British Cool at asteem in which the family was COURSES beerudge Negroes the very small by the present invasion of the posed Bolivarian University tion as to the present whereabouts by Rev. E Wade of the amount of honourable mention they bobbed bair receive. If a Negro 18 entitled to contigent of and to be (maintained by the of Caroline Thomas, a native of Panama Wesleyan Methodist Some of the leading subjects are: bave his name mentioned in TIME the gentler sex, nations of the world has been Jamaica who arrived in Colon Church, George being a pupil of he is at the same time entitled to Shorthand Typewriting the Sunday School for several referred authorized by to as Mr. and why Minister Tries Bootlegging Chiari. The decree authorisbe years. He was just 13 years and Book keeping Commercial Law a fair minded man should object is He In The Jailhouse ing the project also names Dr. months and for his age was Algebra Geometry beyond me. Most of the Negroes The Acting Consulat Colon making rapid progress in his stu.
know are farm hands; hence don Alfonso Preciado, Superin would be glad of information re dies under Professor Barton, Chemistry. Physics.
call them Mr. neither would tendent of Santo Tomas Hos garding Francis Pilgra, Barba wbil bis musical ability (congrat Music Spanish Iwas. Oct. Domestic Arts boy played with Negroes, hunted police discovered that Dave Baut. pital. Samuel Lewis, member aldres penter by trade, whoserflast alations to Elder a. Olle) was Social Ethics and fished with them aad have look who used to be just an ordina Richard Neumann, general of rhe was Officedemonstrated he Calidonia piano accompaniment to a vocal Debating and Elocutionary Exercises worked them all my life. natura. ary minister, had quit bis job and solo rendered by his father at Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
ly know them and frankly admit was living in more or less affluence, inspector of schools, Narciso concert given by a local fraternal luat am fond of them. In the they derided to investigate. They Navas chief of the National The British Coosulate General order in October last. His was the be registered in the Torins Roasonablo main they are good. uatured and discovered a huge still at Dave Labor Bureau and an architect of Panams would be glad on tafor first death ready and withog to respond to home and more than 600 gallons of to the whereabouts CHARLES BURKE, family, eleven others having been any generosity shown them. They mash. Five gallons of double dis to form a Construction Theodore Tyrill of Jamaica, who reared by the same union with Principal.
will leave their own, dav and night tilled whiskey were confiscated. Board. It is the wish of the was last heard of in Panama. good results so far. Mr. George MRS. DANIEL to accommodate a white man, and Mrs. Emma Foster, who kept the Government to complete this Boyke is a wellknown master tailor Associate.
sel tom think of what they are to fires going for Dave, was taken in work so that it may be ina of Court Laad, A, Whenever see one that to custody, although she protested conjunction Anniversary of Isthmian zealous member of the West Cristobal Silver Clubhouse has got up in the world glory in she did not know what it protested augurated in the League of India Committee and a familiar with the opening of his spunk and wish him well am about.
figure in West Indian social circles.
sure there is room for us all and Bolivarian Congress in this The WORKMAN joins with their dou think your reference to any Card of Thanks city in June 1926.
Why pay donble price The Isthmian League of British many friends and sympathizers in man as Mr. is going to turn his tor Interior Imported head These are the kind of men Mr, and Mrs. Thos Gooding West Indians will celebrate the extending to the bereaved family 10th Anniversary of its organiza. sits most deep seated, heartfelt sym Bper when you can wip keep thing. ruuning right bro of La Boca adopt this medium of Band Concert tion this evening at Geddes Hall, pathy, ther. Give honor to whom bonor is friends for their kind and voluntary returning thanks to the many 15th treet East.
buy a superior Beer services, and other tokens of sym The Band of the Beneficent and Musir, address and songs will be such as BALBOA for Have an accident asked the felNo thanks, replied the victim, as pathy in their recent rad beseave. Athletic Association will give a the feature of the evening, Refresh low who arrived at the scene of a half the price.
be pick himselt up. ve just had inent of the loss of their beloved concert at de Lesseps Park to ments will be served, Function motor Car Wreck too late to be of any one.
son George.
morrow (Sunday) night at 30 commences at p.
Another Big Day for Turfites per the young President many years ago due help


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