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LOCAL SCHOOL PRISONS GAINED British Consul at Colon Notifies Local Government Germans Preparing for Aerial Attack on London and pupils hon act in case of receivink Red Buitt a thereby to English for the spared sud luu in Inspectod by Superior Distinction in Contest Judge of Panama.
Oi Establishment of West Indian In conformity with the provision in the Exposition Grounds has this e Profesional school located Aircraft Parts Being Constructed o Law 52, the Superior Judge of Welfare Comunittee.
Abroad and Taken to Germany.
the republic last week made an year agalu guided distinction in the inspection of both the Chiriqui contest exercises for protection and Model (Chorrillos prieons against fire or other alarms which Mr. WILLIAM LE Queux, the every way capable of carrying a British Consulate, which he was acompanied by the our metorious Fire Brigade has novelist, after a five months stay heavy Irad of bombs and able to Colon.
SPARKLETS respective secretaries of the Fourth but the staging ageholly between the sad investigation in cermany, and fly great distances from its hase.
November 12, 1925.
with college schools of this city Switzerland, that itaporYour Excellency, Municipal Courts, and the chief a view to training teachers many is secretly armiog herselt tant German banker who was also to clerks of the Sixth Circuit and have the honour to inform Politics!
real fire or any other catastrophe ond of a series of candid articles he that the financial houses against Britain. In this, the see something of a braggart, learnt Your Excellency that there has Subsequent to his mental com First Municipal Courts.
Berlin wbere discipline and coulheaded says that German aeroplanes of and Frankfort were giving secret been formed at olon a committee plex friend Gaskin of British beled Othe British West Indian Guiana, resident of Colon, claimed said in a interview that in the far as possible their being over been flown over London within of aeroplanes outside Görmeny The Judge is reported to have ness is necessary and to avoid as new and destructive. type have support to certain foreign makers Welfare Committee, whese objest the floor. giving three specific Chiriqui prison were found 49 taken by a panic which in such the past three months.
is to study the conditions of British reasons in his point of privilege to prisoners who expressed themselves cases always aggravates the danger and that these factories were busy West Indians in Colon and to speak as West Indian on the as being satisfied with the meals and bring about greater com BY WILLIAN LE QUEUX.
makiug the new type of aeroplanes reek by mass production.
some means of ameliorating British West Indian Welfare Com furnished them, wbich were both The German preparations for the them; to attempt to secure West mittee. a newly formed Committee abundant and diversified, neither placations.
At first was disinclined to Indian solidiarity on the Isthmus; in Colon whose object as announced had they any complaint about the the part of these Koights of the are It certainly was a great move ou sudden aerial attack upon London believe this for my information and to serve as an advisory rom is to help promote the welfare of treatment they were being pushed forward to was a typical, tall, square should.
mittee to the Consulate in affairs West Indians in Colon, Mr. Gas except that they lacked some sort these contests and have made to have promoted frantic haste.
The German peole, jubilant at with a safety razor, a little Sambo dered Hum whose head was shaven affecting West Indiaus kin claim was reasonable. He of covering during nighttime. The Committee at present was given the floor. He immedi Mayor of the prison was them were noteresting by suitably re the result of the Dawes agreement tuft being felt in order to show the consists of the followin: Mr. ately gave a plausible little speech queried with regard the justice of Warding those colleges or schools. are now eager to again try conclus. degree of grey iness der the show the Surgeon, First Vice Chairman of failure for the Committe. But but explained that an order bad Wallis regular set program may and sudden bombing raid upon matters in Cambridge, Chairman: Rev. in which he pointed out syraptoms the complaint which he verified public and private, that in keeping on with us by means of a secret me sted. He certainly did not mi re his opinion of the Dr. Rowe, Second Vice Chair that was not all In his little speech already been placed for an ade have been fortunate Dough to man; Miss Linda Smart, Secretary, he seemed to have thought that so quate supply of blankets which he come out victorious. To the win paralyse the heart and brain of SECRET SERVICE LIST Mr. Hector Connor. Asistant few representatives cannot creditu expected would soon be delivered. ners is awared a diploma of merit, our Empire tu gain wbien aginty, disciplin bly represent so many islands, so They realise that be who strikes On inquiry, however, die.
Secretary; and Mr. Fred Smart ed me 10 assure Your Exclaquest. The mention the names of a couple. As a result of the inspection, we and situation are tbe chief factors the first heavy blow is usually the covered that what he had told me The Committee bas Toyalty to the Government of he thought the Coramittee might unsatisfacfactory condition, the weache. of gymnastics clared the building to be in a very bar is also given the respective that blow will certainly not be have been to three of the aeroPanama, and of its earnest desire consult with man views of course, to ovens and ranges in the kitchen entoris put fortu tu securing dis beaten, still in tends to become capital one in Holland, one in Germany, crushed but planes works ruo with Germaa to serve the country in which its secure their membership apparent being in sucha dilapidamad at ne tiction for weir school, ruler of.
members living, if two. that tº be Sweden, and one in Switzerland.
the interests of West Iodians on ttemen and other from other prepared on impromptu ranges The exercises this year as in That is the dream of every Hun In each case they are unsuspecfrom the North Sea to islands were named on the Com made of stones set out in form of previous years were adj uugra bye seian ted, but they are working night the Isthmus.
Your Excelleney would form his work to do. By indication the has repeatedly been brought 16 Deparment appolated by the Fire should be every grateful if mittee it might find some little a triangle. This, the Judge stated com. riteul officers or une pure border, and from the Baltic to and day, turning out parts of the Basle new type of machines. The latter subordinate officer of the forma. Committee is consisted of repres: the attention of the responsible yet wuose diction was as follows: one a plot which, with my friend and contain only a very few parts.
The plot is a clever and sinister are quite simple in construction tion of Tue British West Indian entives from only two islands of authority but no action was taken Processual School with Miss of the French Secret Service, Welfare Committee.
the These parts, understand, when one hand it is taken that be is to remedy same as it was expected canyucta Arjuna as instructress, of the opinion that there is no use that the prisoners would soon be instale College of Our Lady in several thousands of miles in order Germany, where they pay no im: bave the honour to be.
ca refully investigated, travelling finished, are conveyed in secret to Your Excellency most obedient, for such a committee; and on the removed to the other hand, if there really is work. tue esent, however, the change muscrow second; Model jail. Up to lale Lauy with the same to make inquiries on the spot, and port duty and are sent in sealed humble Servant, the Committee should be a more has not been made.
some cases to see for myself cases to various centres and stored Sgd. A, de COMEAU representative one. By a large it Republe of Chile School in the u plave. Last year, the Profes what actually is in progress.
in readiness for assembling at the The prisoners confined in the cional go only honorable menua, is also inferred that be meane to Acting Consul SECRET PLANES.
moment the order goes forth.
Dr. AROSEMENA, tell the Committee that what is Model jail, continued the Judge, but uuder These depots are at Potsdam, really needed is a Committee on were found to be enjoying greater cement of tle Misses Isabel Herre. first had my eyes opened regard, Stuttgart. Frankfort, Ulm, and in the splendid Da It was in German Switzerland that Hanover, Leipzg Goveroor of the Province Economics. Circumlocution!
Can comforts though the lack of proper ia and Otilia Jimenez, directreas ing the aerial menace. had of wany other smaller towns: of Colon, you beat it? Alexander Pope would regulations and competent civil aud sub directress for the present course, read in the newspapers that Lave us believe that whatever is: irregularities. He was at a loss, he belona de the discipline of the wonderful all metal machine in autbority school year, great improvement The French Secret Service, ever Translation (Continued on page 8)
is right. to this agree only part And so in the case of the said to tell whether the place was school, Provincia de Colon Colon, Nov. 19. 1925. Committee there may be room for a prison or a barrack, for if it is. be as. Much credit is also due Miss Eo.
Gobernacion but the Committee is still in the prisouers should not be con riquetar Aajowa who as professor of ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN Sir: have the honour to ac embryo That being so to then have proper administration knowledge the receipt of your com see any real dangeren en the listal do read the people if it is a prison, synnastics should feel justly proud of the American Navy, it is Thirty days in jail and a fine said, who while here had two which you advise me of the for except the present functionaries tuted. However, only two prisoners it is to be hoped that the laureis of 100 was the sentence children, one with the Chavez not being year mation of The British West Indian have made the Committee Cons. bere had any complaint, the one won by the Profesional School will handed out to one Jose An woman and the other with Welfare Committee. which pro titution so as to bar further in because he was confined in the sunulate the students. to greater gulo who was convicted in posee the betterment of the Colooy creare in its nembership and have special cell for desobedient and efforts the future that later a the Balboa Magistrate court Mrs. Arqueches and which will also act as advisory initiated themselves as life iusubordinate inmates and the te battles they may continue to bers. Coming back to to your distinguished jurisdiction in concur with Bother Gaskin in that bringing him to trial. The judge may have selected, The WORK atan ing 20 poinds of copper from beeause of the delay in excel in whatever professions that on Wednesday last for stealAccording to recent news matters atfecting its members, would prefer a committee along there upon asked the Officer iu extends its hearty congratulatious the Panama Canal shops at from Bocas Dr, F, AnderI am very pleased at the esta that line with a purpose standing charge to pardon the former, which to all concerned.
son, well known physician blishment of the crganization, with in juxtaposition with that of the was willingly done, and satisfac.
who left here some time ago a membership comprising the most Panama Canal West Indian Em torily explained to the latter the prominent members of the Colony, ployees Association. It a danger. cause of the delay The other pris ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO In a Bill recently passed and was later appointed as and appreciate very bigbly their ous platform to speak fron now a oners were reported as well bebaved vote of allegiance to the Govern days, but it is the thing we need and there Wus Do complaint THE POPULAR HIPODROME of by the Cuban House of Government Medical Officer ment and of cooperation in favour against them.
JUAN FRACNO TO MOROW. Representatives, Cuban em at that place, is doing well.
of the interests of the conntry HIGHER POLITICS!
ployers are bound to use 75 beg that you will be so kind as Gentle reader, if you bappen to Brotherhood of St.
percent. of Cuban labour, An Sir William Sherrill, Presito transmit to The British West be a resident of or a visitor to PaDrama in British amendment to include la dent of the Black Cross Indian Welfare Committee my nama or contiguous parts tomor wishes for success in their good row (Sunday) evening between Andrew.
Factories, bourers in the sugar and Navigation and Trading Comwork, and that you will accept the and 10 o clock or thereabouts. farming industries in the pany of New York announced assurances of my most distinguished would advise you to forgoa. TO CELEBRATE FESTI RECREATION FOR EM lost. Sugar mills and other to the Negro World, that provisions of the Bill was on the 15th instant, according consideration.
previous engagements and visit Sgd. AROSEMENA, Liberty Hall of Division No. 17 VAL OF PATRON.
PLOYEES ORGANIZED to hear President companies will be required to the steamship General Governor.
the have among their higher grade Goethals of that Line has Lindo, the new President of the A. de Comeau, Esq.
Division. By a decided inclination. therhood of St. Andrew of The members of the BroAn interesting line of thought employees and clerks 75 been chartered to another Acting Consul, Colon. visited there on Sunday evening last (As a matter ot fact, on a Suo St. Paul Church in the city and action is opened up when percent, of Cuban nationality. party and will sail Shortly with a load of cargo.
Memorial Service day evening there is one of two will celebrate their Patronal the conclusion that it pays them as places visit for. well For removing a letter from Memorial services for the Panama Wesleyan Church of the at a special service of Even them as humanitarians, to see that the Ancon postoffice addres In accordance with time late e Mueen Alexandra werel a. Hail, the one visit for song, when the Rev. Fr, the recreatioa of their employees is sed to Mr Trinidad Arqueches honoured custon, the Bomspiritual and the held simultaneousiy, at the uplift. While taere, had the Cooper, rector Wesle yanMethodist and St. profound pleasure of listening to Church by the sea, Colon, in Gsəat Britain has led to the contained therein, and made light parade last nigth through of Christ few of the best type of employer and cashing a money order bero Corps held their torchPaul Church in this city President Lindo denunciation of will be the preacher. creation, in that country as in payable to the addressee, Central Avenue as the first last night. Both services were my attack on one of Presideat last minutended. At the Wes Gears on Gay we can decision tedbe Brotherhood chapter, choir. Welfare supervisors. The super Martin in the Ancon District rade presented a very fine solemn procession of the America, of the class of factory Rumalda Chavez, Panama step in the observance of officially 38 Indastrial nian, was sentenced by Judge Independence Day. The Paleyan Church among those attack on my attack was led by no other than my notorious and acolytes and clergy will be wieder servants of the present were the British no. incorrigibly beat friend; and formed through the aisles of Firon that employs them, having Court to serve months in appearance as the firemen Minister and Mcllvaine, the whole thing was sº parrial as the Church immediately af no official position under the State, the Balboa jail. The money marched in double column Executive Secretary of the might have been my intelligence ter the effertory.
and their business is to see that the was sent from the States to with flaming torches held Panana Canal. Contiuued on page Continued on page Continued op page 8) Mrs. Arqueches by a menber above their heads.
this memare


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