
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1925 Interesting News From The West lndian Islands JAMAICA Vital Statistics.
him on his way to a better con dition after discharge. In this service the general public shows little interest, and virtue has to be its own reward.
The Post of Attorney General, Xmas Cards!
EDUCATIONAL says. DEATRS FROM VOMITING SICKNESS AND ALASTRIM High School for Girls. Large and Varied Assortment Just in from England CALL EARLY AT THE Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush Under the caption Odds and Ends the WEEKLY GUARDIAN The Hon. Haggard A: who has been so efficiently performing the duties of Attorney General of the Colony, and who is now eogaged in the revision and consolidation of the Colony laws, for which service he was recently thanked and compliment ed by the Legislative Coucil has been promoted to the rest of 47 Attorney General of Kenya Since the departure of Sir Gollan, we bave not been able to keep our Attorney Generals for Llong. Promotion comes readily Into the officers appointed to the 17 ost and it would appear that that if the holders of the officer are to be kept here for long, the salary 12 attached to the post will have to L7 be made more attractive. These changes, in my opinion, do a considerable amount of pecially as th re are some who are ever ready to make out that some of the principal officers in Hl the Colony should consider themselves particularly fortunate if they get appointments her.
Sotoing will help to silence these senseless critics who prattie such silly things, as the appreciatico ot the merit of these officers by promotion elsewhere in the Civil Services רו good, es רו PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY DEATHS SPS2 to To use an old Phrase: Sear 1920 to CHRISTMAS IS BEHIND THE DOOR The Government has made a beginning in tilling the vacant Wardenships in the Colony. Mr.
Alfred Taitt has been promoted from the County of Caroni, to that of St. George. Mr Beberley Murray from St. Andrews to the County of Victoria. Both of bese appointments bave given much satisfaction as the officers are well known and bave one much good work in the service.
Announcements in connection tbe minor post are an xiously awaited American Bazaar Stores The HERALD publisbes the This Secondary School is following extracts from the under the management of report of the Registrar Gen. Board composed equally of Pres.
eral for the past year: byterians and Wesleyans and is 33 132 births were registerred situated near Halfway Tree in during the year, 16 688 boys and the Parish of St. Andrew, on LN 16 441 girls The birth rate was eight acres of land, The mem 36. per thousand of population. bers of the Staff are throughly lo the proceeding year, there qualitied teachers, and have been were 44, 077 births with a rate interested workers among young of 382 people in Br. tian and Jamaica 24 026 or 72 51 of every 100 In inakin preparations for the birthswers registered illegitt January Term the Board rquest mate. The rate for the preceeding parents and guardians to intiinate year was 72 56 per 100 birihs. to the Headmistress, Half way Among the parishes, St. Thomas Tree may holidays (the 7th De shows the highest rate, 80. 52, fol cember) their intention to send lowed by Hanover with 79 82 and their girls to the School whe it St. Catherine with 78. 66 and then opens on the lith Janua 1926 the parishes of St. James, Tre Day Scholars, 10 and 12 lawny, St. Mary, Port Royal and Boarders, 50 per aunum. While Portland in the order named there is no distinctive denominaSt. Ann with 62 66, St Andrew tional toaching the aim of the with 64, 87 and Manchester with Board and the staff is to vive 66. 28 show the lowest rates. sch girl a Christian Education, ke ping in mind the fourfold des GGGGGGG GOGO seloyment, physical, mental, 19 592 deaths were registered during the year 616 inales and spiritual, and social, so as 9, 976 females. The death rat qapher with a healthy body, a well trained mind, religious for the year was 21 In the eeling year, there were 20, 278 living and serve ber com habits and ideals, to gain her deaths giving a rate of 22 Th munity worthily.
following table shows the rules.
by parishes for the The Mistresses will be pleased 1994, to show parents and guardians or those interested, over the ACKEE POISONING school any alternoon from 30 25 deaths, al medically certito The Prospectu will be sent tied, were registered during the on application being made the year as having been caused from Headmistress before the Christ Ackee Poisoning. In the precede.
ing year there were 31 deaths, all of which were certitied. Ab stract shows the parochial TRINIDAD and quarterly distribution of the the deaths. VOMITING SICKNESS.
58 deaths were registered Tragic End of Toco AND YOU SHOULD VISIT THE during the year as having been Labourer.
caused frət Vo viting Sickness wbich 11 were medically certiti In the preceding year KILLED BY ALL CRUMBthere were 103 deaths of which LING 16 were medically certitied.
Abstract shows the parocbial and quar. erly distribution of the The sad news reached the city deatus.
yesterday evening says the KAFFIR POX, ALASTRIM Port of Spain Gazette of the 4th 99 deaths were registered durinst. of the death of a labourer ing the year as baving been at Toco who was killed instantcaused by Kiffir Pox and or aneously by the crumbling of a Alastrim. There were 171 deaths wall which he had engaged in The unfortunate man during the preceding year.
named Alired was a labourer in the employ of contractor Probation The System attached to the Public Works that Here The basement wall near the Steamer Depot at Toco Bay serves as a barricade against a Mr. Bernard Toole Refers to landslip that exists, and the road Reformation rongst First to the beach is over the wall Offenders.
which serves the purpose of a cause way for traffic and pedestrians. The wall was under Dealing with the working of repairs and Alfred was engaged the Probatio System in Jamaica, la cleaning away debris from the Me Coole, Director of Pe pase prior to the bricklayers sons in bis annual report says: Betting to work. It was while No general remarke on the the untortunate man was en.
subject of committals to prison gaged in his work that the would be complete without ref upper portion of the wall caved erence to the Probation Ssstem. In the stones and compositions Altbough conrts may difer. the falling upon him and covering information available would gi tubim up, the portion of his body show that very great patience in trom the ch st upwards being investigation is being exercised enveloped in the tangled, mass.
in cases where the system can This was 11 o clock in the morobe appropriately applied, and ing, and by the time Alfred, or this is not, as light a matter as rather his body, was extracted might be supposed in a busy from the mass of debris, life was court which bas to try numerous extinct. The police were upon cases every day. under condi the scene in a short wbile and Recommended for Removing the Humors of tions which are not always ideal. ibe Dr. Cartar, As regards the Adult population, arrived on the scene to peform Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, although it is not safe to draw che post mortem examination.
detinite conclusions as to the Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic The body was buried the same decrease or increase in crime Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disfrom the number of receptions afternoon.
into prison, am of opinion that eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
the mental and moral disorganiWest Indian Labour 2ution produced (less in Jamaica Federation.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
perhaps than els where) by tbe war is slowly vassing away, and ing and enriching the BLOOD.
a gradual settling down is taking The Labour Leader of Triplace in bu an affairs. Taken nidad published on September in conjunction with Judicial, 19 the text of a latter by Mr. Police and oiber Departmental Critchlow, Secretary Treasurer For Sale at all Drug Stores efficiency, general education of the Labour Union, steady employment and better inviting the Trinidad Workingbousing conditions the men Association to send dele.
And in Large Quantities by are powerful factors in strengthen gates to a West Indian Labour 13g the moral law abiding habits Conference to be held in British JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy of the people.
Guiana, commencing on Junuary The Prison Officials assisted by 10, 1926, and continuing AGENT a number of devoted voluntary thereafter for four days, when it workers are steadily endeavour is hoped to take in hand the ing to iofluence the evil doer formatiot of a West Iadian while in prison, and in assisting Federation of Labour, 265 30x50cc sexoxo Where you can be supplied with all you need in Wearing Apparrel for It is pleasing to obsərve that after a few months trial the opening of the Carnegie Frie Library at nights has been pronounced a success. Without doubt young men make more use of the Library now that they can occupy their time in the afterAnoon in sport and enjoy the pleasures of reading during the evening. This extension of the opening hours of the Library has done very much indeed to make the Library even more popular than it has been. The number of borrowers at the Library is increasing to sucb an extent that it appears to me tbat it will be a serious problem for those who manaye the Library in future to discover box funds are to be raised for stocking the Library in such a manner as would make it efficient to meet the need of its users.
cleaning MEN AND BOYS.
result to be Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD father, Albertha, Constance and Oswald Estrada, of Matelot, who were admitted patients of the Port of Spain Hospital on WedDesday, September 2, as the of injuries said inflicted by their Emmanuel Estrada, have been discharged from the Institution.
The girls have been sent to the Belmont Orpbanage. while the boy, Oswald, has been given to the care of his uncle, Esidor Estrada. Emmanuel Estrada uied days after the incident in consequence of self inflicted wounds, BARBADOS Labor Situation in Cuba.
Barbados Press Deplores Hector ing Tone in Correspondence Between British Minister and the Cuban Govt. Over Alleged litreatmənt of West Indiars.
When the unfortunately copAucted correspondence (says the Barbados Advocate. between the British Minister in Havana relative to the alleged illtreatment of West Indians in Cuba and the Cuban Government, calminated in the publication of the correspondence and (Gontinued on page 7)


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