
WEST AFRICA 20 the Penat will be Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes PERHAPS YOU WOULD LIKE TO GO of Avenue, Panama, de public interest invited All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and But the way is not clear yet Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of be Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaWHY NOT DO SOMETHING FOR IT?
Travelling Man: Do you as e hos Six Months tion but as a mark of good faith.
and cold water in this room Three Page: Yes, hot in summer caldia Bce.
We do not undertake to return reThe Salvation Army on the Isthmus is making the winter.
De 2je.
jected correspon tener The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS St, Matthias Mission BIG DRIVE LAS SABANAS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1925. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, The first twelve days of December to raise 2, 500. 00 Priest in Cbarre AUI OBIOGRAPHY OF GREAT entirely for new buildings and a Training Home out there, p. Children Service and Musical STATESMAN.
Programme Mr. Richards, Catechist.
THIS IS AN AFFAIR OF THE WHOLE WEST St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Commenting on the publication of the autobiography of INDIAN COMMUNITY ON THE ISTHMUS. Lord Grey of Filloden, Warren Postbridge, a London corres.
American Episcopal (Anglican Communion)
pondent gives a spicy dissertation of that great British And Major Bax hopes that every Church, Club, Lodge, every branch of the First Sunday in Avent Statesman, raught with so much that is not generally known, every prominent Citizen, as well as the West Indian Committee, will Holy Communion 6, 30 a.
we deem it deserving of editorial consideration for our enter heartily into the effort.
Holy Baptism 30 a.
readers:10. 35 Matins.
The publication of Lord Grey of Falloden autobiograREMEMBER Holy Eucharist 11 30 a.
Church School p.
phy is even more notable as a diplomatic event than as a literary event. Autobiography is perhaps hardly the right All the pioneer Officers for our work in West Africa were picked from the Isth Choral Evensong sermon 30 On Os the first Sunday of Advent, which word to use, for Lord Grey covers not his whole life, but mus and the West Indies, so they should most certainly have our full support.
is the first Sunday in the Ecclesiastical only twenty five years of it. the twenty five years that vear, it sbould be the ambition of every began with his assumption of the post of under Secretary Not a cent will be deducted for the expenses of this Coma unicant member in the Parish, to for Foreign Affairs in 1892 and ended when he ceased to be be pretest at one of the celebrations of Appeal, but all gifts will be forwarded in full.
the Lord Supper. to begin the new Foreign Secretary in 1916. and even his treatment of that year in the spirit of loyalty and devotion period is so scrupulously fair and well balanced that it seems rather the reading of dispassionate history than the WEST INDIANS, HERE YOUR CHANCE The manifestation of such a spirit would mead a great lot to the Parish story of a human being problems and struggles and Monday next being St. Andrew Day emotions.
will be observed at 7am.
St. Andrew was a native of Betbaida In spite of that, curiously enough, the personality of in Galilee; a son of Jonas a brother of Sir Edward Grey, as he was through most of the period of which he writes, stands out from his pages, It is the per Simon Peter, and the first of the Apos.
tolie band to begin the work of evansonality of a very simple and a very straightforward man, a NATURAL HAIR WIGS Relization.
He undertook Seythia and man of faultless character and of lofty ideals; a man con ile adjacent countries as the sphere of SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURLS, his labour, cerned only, it seemed, with the service of his country and He suffered martyrdom CLUSTER PUFFS. HAIR NETS, STRAIGHT.
under Aegean, the Pro Consul of Achsia.
a deep, unfailing love of Nature. This latter side of Lord ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN Won you attend the Feast in benur of Greys character, cannot be forgotten by anyone who HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR TAKE CARE bis memory desires to get a true picture of one of the gratest of British ORDER. Free Catalog rent on request. T. MULCARE, Rector, Foreign Ministers. Nothing in the two volumes that tell ALEX. MARKS From an experience of ten years, St. Barnabas Church, Empire speak. have seen many a case the story of his public life is more attractive than the 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. of eye trouble in that long period, Matins, 11 am chapter in which he describes the day he spent with NEW YORK, and say with conviction, born oi Church School, and Confirmation clase Roosevelt in the New Fcrest showing the famous American experience.
at p.
something of the bird life of England which few men knew Take care of your eyes. Have Choral Erensong addrer better than Grey. The same story is told in Roosevelt them tested at the first sign of Mr. Johnson, Layreader.
own autobiography and the time they spent together clearly or. get MULCARE Priest in Charge made as deep an impression on the one man as on the as it then was in a condition of stalemate the United States the glasses you need and wear St. Bartholomew s, Church other.
would be in a strong position to use her influeuce in favour them im equipped to test your LAS CASCADAS.
But it is for new light on Grey the statesman rather of a good peace. It was therefore well to decide in advance eyes and to fit the required lenses In House view that meant Th re deep study, extensive Church School and Confirmation Class Morning Prayer and address 11 a.
than on Grey the man that the average reader will turn to what a good peace would be his book Of actually new facts there is little, for the the restoration of Belgium, the transfer of Alsace Lorraine knowledge, and ten years of experiat 30 period that matters beyond all others in his career, the to France and the acquisition by Russia of an outlet to the ence to assure you of satisfaction.
Evening Prayer and address 30 Dr. COLLEY Mr. Skaen (Lay readir) will officiate.
period that compresses itself into perhaps a couple of weeks sea, though he thought there might on the other hand have to be some territorial compensation to Germany (whose Eye Specialist. T. MULCARE. Priest in chance of July and less than a single week of August in the vear time was still strong) outside Corner 11th and Bolivar Sts. Colon St Jude Mission, Summit.
1914, has been the subject of millions of words of comment military position at that Evening Prayer and Addrese 30 in every language and there is not a move made by the Europe, Upstairs Chinese Fancy Store. Mr. Beathwsite (Officient)
diplomats of any of the countries concerned, hardly even THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Phone 420, Colon St. Simon Mission, Gamboa an emotion buried at the bottom of their mind, that has, not So long as these suggestions represented merely Colobeen examined as if through a miscroscope. Regarding nel House views they were a matter of no more than EZEKERIER Matias sod ad tress 11 am.
Church School and Confirmation Class those weeks Grey naturally has no new facts to disclose. academic interest, but when the memorandum came back What everyone is p.
What his story does too is to show us that tragic drama as from Washington approved in every detail by President Me. McCarty, Lay Reader, will the eyes of one of the chief actors in it saw it unfolding. It Wilson a highly important diplomatic situation was created. saying Officiate.
shows too the part played in Great Britain decision by the What was in question was immediate, or at any rate early MULCARE, Priest in Charge invasion of Belgium. Various motives for Britain entry action by the President in the summoning of a conference KRONEN BRAU into the war have been ascribed. Lord Grey makes it to suggest peace on the lines indicated. If the Allies agreed Wesleyan Mothodist Church abundantly clear that so far as the Cabinet and so far as the to the terms is substance and Germany refused it meant superior to all (BRITISH CONFERENCE. House of Commons was concerned what turned the scale that America would almost certainly join the Allies at once.
was the news that Germany had gone into Belgium. Till If on the other hand the Allies ignored the proposal America imported beers Panama 11 a. Rev. Wade. pm. Organ Recital and Sacred Concert that happened Grey thought it more than likely that Great would probably retire tinally into her isolation. Strangely a mai namai 30 Rev. R. Wade Subject Britain would decline to go to war merely to support France. enough in face of those two alternatives nothing happened. The oriy Hope of our Wayward Race If things had fallei out that way he had determined to France was informed of the American memorandum, but Wellington: Can borrow a ciga Rev. Surgeon.
Culin 11 a. Mr. Airall; 30 resign. But when Belgium was invaded some of the Minis she expressed no desire to discuss it, and it apparently rett ought to be able to you, ve had. tersely: Well ters who had been most insistent about keeping out of war never was discussed, Lord Grey feeling it difficult to raise enough practice.
La Boes 11 a. Mr. SK Wal ers. 30 Mr. Reid.
were most certain there was no longer any possibility of the question of peace negotiations at all at that moment New Providence 11 am. Harri avoiding it Parliament and the country felt the same.
lest France, who was battling for her life, should suspect AMERICA AND THE WAR.
Great Britain of wanting to end the war before she had Church Services. Paraiso 11 a. Mr. D, S, Jonson; But on one episode during the war Lord Grey does out Germany made the discussion futile by issuing a state AMERICAN EPISCOPAL churcu communica.
even thrown her full strength into it. As things turned 30 m. Mr. Walters Empire 11 a. Rev. Surgeon.
shed a new light. The most important contribution to ment of her peace terms which President Wilson recognised (Anglo Catholie)
history in his book is the story, here told fully for the first as hopeless. No harm therefore was done by the hesitation time, of how near the world came to a peace conference of the British and French Governments to respond to the First Sunday in Advent The Salvation Army called by President Wilson in 1916. By that time Great American initiative. But it might have been otherwise, and St. Paul Church, Panama PANAMA CITY CORPS.
Britain difficulties with the United States over the blockade one or two British commentators on the story as Lord Grey Rev. Nightengale, Reator)
Services are as follows:of Germany and the stoppage of neutral goods as contraband tells it have not disguised their view that such an avenue to a. Holy Communion The Rector of warm had become serious. If there had been a different an earlier peace ought to have been more exhaustively ene 10. 30 a. Holy Bushe ist serman and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 10. 15 a. The Litnay, Early Prayer Meeting.
10 man from Grey at the Foreign Office and a different man plored. Grey himself had come to the conviction that the PreacherRector from Walter Page at the American Embassy in London they military defeat of Germany was essential. though he did not 12 Holy Baptism 11 am. Holiness Meetiar to be con would have been much more serious still. If, to look at the then and does not now subscribe to the view that the sole ducted by Commandant Martin.
3p. Church School, matter from another point of view Grey had yielded to the cause of the war was Germany resolve to have war at any p. Company meeting and 30 Cboral Evensong, serm Brigades Open air.
clamour of his critics in England and consented to make price with Procession. Preacher, The Rev. p. Junior Open Air.
cotton contraband at the beginning of the war, the hope of America ever coming in on the side of Great Britain and and closes his book with the declaration, that there will be Bro beroad of St. Andrew will make Looking back over all the great tragedy he concludes, Fr. Cooper. 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air At mm. The members of the Meeting, France might have disappeared altogether.
no secure peace till the Great Nations of the world have a th ir corporate emmani wib other to be conducted by Commandant and Salvation Meeting in the Hall But the proposal for a peace conference in 1916 had consensus of opinion among themselves sufficient to wsle me abers of the Church. Mrs. Martin.
nothing to do with direct difficulties between the United inspire confidence that they will stand by each other to At Evensɔag tho members of the Monday, Life Saving Guarde and States and Great Britain. It sprang simply from President avoid, to suppress, or to localise and insulate war. It is in will join in the solemn proession Suabeame Parade at p. o.
Tuesday, Band of Love Work Clase Wilson desire that his country should play the part he be the League of Nations though he says little of the actual through the aisle of the Church St. Alban Church, Paraiso at 30 lieved she could play, as the most powerful neutral State, in Le: gie, which he himself did much to bring into being, CANAL ZONE.
Wedoesday, 5p. Life Saving Scou.
taking an initiative which neither set of belligerents that the former Foreign Minister puts his trust. Competi(Rev. A, B, NIGHTENGALE, and Chums parade. Home League at would be able to ignore. In the preface of his book Lord tion in armaments he affirms does not lead to security Grey mentions that all his personal papers have been left at adding that only a sense of security will prevent growth 45 a. Hoy Communioa Sermyn Thursday Holinees meeting in the the Foreign Office in London except two, and one of those of armaments. Lord Grey does not deceive himself into Hall to be condue ed by Commandant 15 a. m, Hoiy Baptiam, Martin at pm.
twn was the memorandum drawn up by Colonel House, believing that that sense of security has yet been achieved. p. Church bool. cordial inviation is extended to all, Mr. Wilson confidential adviser, in conjuction with Lord It is the still unsolved problem that faces him as he lays 30 Choral Eventong sidrere MARTIN. Commandant.
Grey in February 1916. House felt that if the war continued down his pen.
Mr. Osborne. Catechist. Continued on page 7)
son, Priest in Charge. p.


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