
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres arrested, to match It takes but a few minutes to ft. de or in your stockings with RIT hang up to dryand your stockings are like ATLANTIC SIDE News Notes CANAL ZONE NOTES Johnson, a soldier from Fort Shooting Case Averted Ende ich was apprebended in La Boca Pars.
Colon on Friday night, the 20th for alleged desertion of the Army Through the timely interven about months ago We are soon to have a distin tion of a naval officer of the Sub guisled visitor in the person of marine base at Coco Solo, a Residents of Colon were startled Miss Linda Smart of Colon Miss shooting affray that would prob by an alarm of are from the CECILIA AMERICA Smart, it is learnt, will be one of ably have ended in fatality was centralstation on Sunday mornthe contributors to a program at averted in the Colon Jockey Club ing the 22nd inst, at about 30 (PANAMA. COLON)
the Wesley Schoolroom in Panama corner of 6th and Market Street in the morning The entire City on the 12th of rext month.
on Sunday evening last tbe 22nc brigade was promptly on Ibe TODAY Saturday, November 28th and TODAY. Saturday, November 28th She expects to go to the city vis Inst.
scene from wbich the alarm was TO MORROW Sunday November 29th Barbara Castleton in La Boca where, it is understood, Samaldo, an East Indian and Knen in 11th street, but before Blanche Sweet in THE NET. he will speak at a special meeting Cherebio, Grenadian joined they arrivrd the fire was extin of the Woman Life Problem together and purchased a vicker guished. It was ascertained that TESS OF THE UBERVILLES TOMORROW. Sunday Nov, 29th Club. The subject o which she is to speak is Modern Woman.
00 race that was being run at the blaze was from a mattress Juan Franco race track in Pana and screen which caught fire MONDAY, November 30th All Star Cast in Miss Smart has a special message ma. Their borse won the race from a lighted candle that was Jack Holt in REVELATION in her address for the men and it and Samaldo. the holder of the left too near in the room of one is understand that the Women ticket refused to give Cherebin Elena Gomez She was arrested. THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS MONDAY, November 30th Life Problem Club will issue hie portion, whereupon be went Antonio Moreno in special invitations to the men to away and returned shortly after TUESDAY, December 1st Work on the improremont of tend their special meeting. By wito a revolver. Taking his stand Broadw y which was temporarily ONE YEAR TO LIVE Peter the Great in Miss Smart visit La Boca will be behind Samaldo, he aimed suspeuded oculd not be resumed honored with the oresence and norrly at his back and was this week as wis intended, due to WILD JUSTICE TUESDAY December 1st La Bocans will be given an just about to fire, when the Coco thunfavourable state of the Jose Sedwiek in opportunity to listen to a truly neargrip WEDNESDAY, December 2nd THE OUTLAW DAUGHTER representativ West Indian woman ped the weapon, so that the out weather since Sunday the 22nd.
Special Cast in with not only broad West Indian let went to the floor. second WEDNESDAY, December 2nd hu In the baseball game on the THE EXILES and Isthmian experience but one but also proved barmless and Blanche Sweet in also possessed with much European the by standers succeeded in Mt. Hape Diamond which took training. There is also a possibility TESS OF THE URBERVILLES disarming Che:ebin, who was wag place on Sunday the 22nd, the THURSDAY, December 3rd that Miss Smart will return here immediately while Cristobal Red Sox trimmed the All Star Cast in THURSDAY, December 3rd during the early part of the Samaldo was later apprehended Washington team, 12 re REVELATION coming yesr to take part in the ne sound of the spot caused a turn match is expected Jack Holt All Medalist Elocution Contest panic in the building wbich was THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS which is being arranged by the La thickly crowded, and there was FRIDAY, December 4th Boca Athenaeum. It is hoped that Mr. Carl DaCosia of the Pana.
a mad rush to get away durio ma Canal Press, Mt, Hope, a Antonio Moreno in FRIDAY, December 4th Miss Smart proposed visit to the which many received inor son of Mr. DaCosta, tbe well ONE YEAR TO LIVE LPC, will be given the Peter the Great in injuries wid st publicity so that her address known collector of the Colon WILD JUSTICE Electric Co. and Miss Doris will be delivered before a full SATURDAY, December 5th s. Gun Shot Alarm Lazarus were joined in marriage house, nct of children but oi adult SATURDAY December 5th Norma Talmadge in by the Revd. Father Burns at men and women Community.
St. Vincents Church, Silver City THE LADY Special Cast in on Wednesday evening tbe 25th THE EXILES The Concert given at the ClubResidents in the vicinity of 6tb instant.
bouse a few days ago under the and Front Streets, Colon auspices of the Employees Assoalarmed by the sound of a gun rainstorm, accompanied by ciation in aid of the Children shot on Sunday morning the occasional light winds occurred Christmas Treat was largely 22nd inst. at about 30 o :lock. op tbis ride on Monday the attended by hildren; approxi mately ninety percent of tbe Persons ran to the direction 23rd instant. The streets are SKSSDsoxoxos Xoxoss EXOS audience was children, although from wbich the shit was heard frequently flooded and transpor the program was a very good one and it was discovered that it was tation is somewbit affected.
and it was expecte! that more tired by one of three military adults would have attended.
policemen srare hres Cricket Season End Toprisoners that were trying to run away from them, morrow With WanderA good time is in store for lovers These prisoners it is under ers Sussex Game.
of interesting and educative disstood had recently broken away cussions Tomorrow (Sunday) evefrom cortinemeot at Fort Run ning 7, 30 o clock the subject dolph, and had just been found The present season will termi Resolved. That the Pen 19 Mightby tbe patrols.
Date tomorrow with ier Than the Sword will be de between Wanderers and Rose thoroughly.
debated by the Catholi Clubat the Sussex This will be the Narrowly Escaped Death decisive game, though Wanderers Community Hall. All of us have some ide of what both the pen By Train at Mt. Hope. is at present out tbe race for and the sword are able to do, but the cup Should they win, then Keep the Dainty Garments in the case of the debate there wbite man, whose name has and if Sussex be victorious they the cup will fall to West End; will be opposite views on this inter not been ascertained, narrowly will be the winners of the trophy of Intimate Wear Always esting question, as George Pierre, the well known champion and lover Bright and Fresh!
escaped being killed at the for Sussex and West End are Mount Hope crossing by the bow tied for the 1st place.
Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
of debate will oppose Jump.
12 10 passer ger train from Colon one of the ex presidents of the LA There is no doubt that should Have RIT always at hand to keep on Tuesday, the 24th inst.
the Boca Athenaeum and also a well weather be favourable this pretty stockings and other articles The man who was driving in match will be well contested and of lingerie looking their best known leader of debates in that an automobile from the direction very interesting for though by tinting or dyeing them with society. Mr Jumo will argue for of the Cristobal shops seemed Wanderers has nothing to gain, RIT. There are thirty one the affirmative, supported by Me.
not to have noticed that the train it is expected that they will give beautiful shades and colours Cauley Bayne the money counter. all equally good for treatand Mrster J, Church, and Mr.
was near, and instead of waiting for it to pass drove right on. The a good display of the old game.
ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
Pierre will champion thy negative There are 31 colours engineer saw hin, and gave four along with two able supporters, Correction When garments or hangings are sbarp blasts of the whisile and Lyrus, member of the Athenspotted, sun streaked, stained or In our last week issue it was arum and Mr. J. Church, the train dashed by just as the stated that the faded, take out all the old colour with Tan Dark Brown Father of Master Church on the biod wheels of the car barels erroneously WHITE RIT. Then the material Wanderers. West End cup match cleared the rails.
or posing side. Everybody will be is ready for the desired light or dark Bystanders, wbo saw the inci of the 15th inst. was washed out shade of colour.
Golden Yellow there, dent, were so frightened that by rain. The match was to bave Sold Everywhere many turned away their faces, been between Wanderers and Miss Buelah Cumberbatch won to avoid seeing a sight which Pickwicks, and not Wanderers the first prize in the Rally of Roses would bave been gbastiy indeed. and West End.
held at the Clubhouse on the 14th SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
instant; she represerted the Lily.
is to be bigbly commended on Chicago, The second prize was awarded to CRICKET heir showing considering the MONTEZUMA Miss Moore who represented state of the wicket on which they the Pink Daisy, while Miss layed. Geneteau was the star RUG STORE Forbes who represented the Carna.
Cup Match Stopped by bowler. He bowled in masterly PANAMA won the third prize. The Rain. Dissatisfaction style, capturing wickets for 23 AS IT DYES Rally, which was conducted under Prevails, runs, accounting for the fall of the auspices of the St. Jude Social McDonald, Johns, Reid, Wen 0. proved to be a very The Wanderers West End cup and Phillips, Lypton also gave a pleasant function and was much match of Sunday the 22nd inst. good account of himself in send SCOWOSOBISS SOWSXSXSXSX enjoyed by all pregent.
on the Victoria Oval was stopped ing back Bacoett, Cooke and by rain after the first mentioned Mottley to the pavillion for OOOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000 runs, and Porter succeeded in watches before this investigation team had played their ioning, Anxiety rain bigb throughout getting rid of Clarke and is ended.
TRY the week and long before the Sambleton for 16 runs, while time for starting large crowd Myers Farrell and Gittens were Installation of Officers had gathered in the Oval. unsuccessful.
Ma dame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs KRONEN BRAU Caplain Wenit of the Wan The match was umpired by deress won the toss and Elack man and Paillips OF MT. CARMEL LODGE each week for Readers of this paper ON DRAUGHT elected to bat on a wicket somewbose decision in at least two No. 37, 1, of WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE wbat dammaged by rain, and instances were very unpopular OR BOTTLES amasst the excellent total of 66 with the spectators The conAND OF runs, for the fall of all bis tended cases were McDonald November 19 25 you let your material prosperity OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO wickets when a beavy downpour who was caught by Porter and riven out when to all appearprevented furtber playing, On Friday evening the 13th The Sign of Scorpio, the suffice, for the struggle for res recogoition will be a bigger price to and Scorpion pay them if you content yourself Paraiso News. Clarke and o. Hamilton ances the ball was not bit with November the Officers were the brst pair selected but the bat or wrist and Cooke, who Members of Me Carmel Lodge with other things. Give inore of Ide partiership did got last very was adjudged. after play. No. 37, of and of You have a sense of form and yourself to your family and friends loug as the former was coughting the ball to bis pad. On the had an official visit from the As was previously announced by St. Clairoft Porter after result of these decisions mucb Grand Officers of the Central color, a feeling of perspective and and know true love and compan the play off between Dan and proportion, which qualifies you ionship, and the inspiration may mak og only runs. With Hamil dissatisfaction was evidenced American District Grand Lodge to enter the field of art and succeed come when it is not sought so per. Bill Bosce, two Billiardists, came No.
ton things were quite dillerent from the public.
there if you are willing to spend sistently.
off on Thursdsy evening 12tb, Like one These officers were received many years in hard study and slow is in for Happy alliances can be made iost at the Clabhouse wbich rebe hela tis own, while his par much blame as the result of its and given the Grand boncurs due plodding, for you do not have the with Poo e born under the signa de sulted in favor of the former bours where trequently cuanged, choice of ampires in this match. G Bro. Ingram gave a very orde Rubens and your art will and the first of Octoeber.
After which the supreme inspiration of a Raphael Libra, the latter part of September From the following one con imagine tbe amount of exciteThe loadstone will bring you its termination. By the suggesment this game created prior to 29 runs. top score understandings arose the day and was followed by umpiring of these two gentle in the course of which he save ate. You will be able to do eleRied with 11.
men in a certain cup inatch. The some wholesome advise as to the borate and showy pieces of the good fortune and Bachelor Buttons tion of the many specators it was The bowling of West End was matter was taken up, and an Order, as also the best methods are the flower for your sign. Light agreed that they would journey an Reeping up the dignity of the popular kind.
Very good as will be seen by the investigation by the Council is of adding to their Lodge both first be a financial success and the and prairies, is said to be your was the first to lead and so well As a painter or sculptor, you will brown, the dusky shade of deserts over the 500 points route. Der runs at the fall of eacbwick. still pending consequently there soul color.
did he play that he not only was 17, 44 295 2, 9, 30, 48, 51, should not have been commis speech was well received. The making a name for yourself in art (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense the first to reach the century but which are as follows: 3, 13 18 a strong feeling that tbey bumerically and financially. The difficulty you will find will be in y ta, lv 60. The batting team Bioned to umpire any cup (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
circles. You would be happier if Adams Syndicate)
SSXSSXS SEXSXSSXSCOX0 Canary Yellow Lavender Dark Blue Licht Brown Red Purple Mustard Eeru Pink Light Grey Salmon Dark Green Light Blue Rose Orange Emerald Green Scarlet Yellow Light Green Old Rose Navy Blue Taupe Flesb Chartreuse Hartleship Grey Henna Black Tangerine vely CHARMANT WASMUS MS S VRIL RIT WASHES What Is Your Fortune?
making the magulticent total lite de nota very long as to debe to the touching and interesting peect: necessarily be studied tende delibera


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