
Up ts date Jewelry court on a writ of habeas corpu Fuller Jewelry Store They Satisfy Be Prepared Chesterfield Bruises, etc.
British Finance and Convict Study Law Commerce.
in Prison NOW ARGUE IN COURT FOR LIBERTY. By Innes. The August Trade Returns Curtis, Veteran Burgiar, And showed at least one encourag ng fact. The reports of machin ry George Krammerer, First have been rising steadily and re Offender, Make Appeals.
now still flourishing more than eve. Even agricultural machine In every form can be seen ry appears to be tinding it way Blackstone, it would appear, is here at its best See our into the foreign markets. But it beeming best seller among is the textile machiners which prison inmates in New York Wrist Watches, swells the exports. The recent State says World visitors from Soviet Russia adthe 16 instant. Within twentyBracelets mitted the supr macy of England four hours two prisoners, selfin this direction and the cent taught in the imtricacies of the exhibition in Marchestar gives a law, will have appeared before Diamond Rings pictorial idea of how this supre.
the Arpellate vision of the inacy has been won and is being Supreme Court to argue in their and a hundred other adornmaintained. The exbibition in own behalf.
ments and you ll recognize cluded machinery from many One Marquis Curtis, of Auburn why this is the LEADING different countries, but the point Pison. Soight to convince the JEWELRY HOUSE in town of nutstanding interest is that You ll like Chesterfield CigaA: pellete Division in Brooklyn in any of the most valuable of tot be had been illegally can ask prices and you ll find still recent developments are the Tettes for their freshness, their victed of burglary and sentenced another reason. product of British skill and initi.
fragrant aroma and the deli. He in ative.
cious taste of their blend of Some of the exhibits bave been finest Turkish and American The o her prisoner is sen before. In these there has tobaccos.
Kammerer, serving an indeter 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 minate sentence on been no cbange except of det Weliare during the three years with Island, after pleading guilty last have clasped since the last exhi.
bition. But the mere fact thatbe forgery in the third degree.
Having studied law in prison, exhibits are not new suggests that the ype of machine which Kammerer will read a brief for that Pain charging that the Parole Comthey represent bas still its rullo mission Act, under wh ch inde.
play in textile manufacture. For the manu acturers know sutti terminate sentences are impoeed You can stop excru: ciating pain instantly ciently, will what is being do le is unco stilutional.
in other countries a they dare This is bis second legal bid for if you will only apply not exhibit in an interna ional freedom. Last September he SLOAN LINIMENT exhibition types of machinery went before Supreme Court Jus which have been superceded.
tice Levy on a writ of habeas Sloan Liniment is But it was noticeablo that the corpus, but his plea was denied pain greatest enemy, percentage of quite new machines He has appealed. He will be and is backed by 40 years was much above that which is beard in the Appellate Division of success the world over.
CIGARETTES usually experienced at engineerof the First Departmen. a second It is an invaluable reming exbibitions. The reaso for of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended writ having been issued, edy for this is of course, clear. The dis.
Kammerer is young and has Rheumatism Sciatica covery of artificial silk has ittver before been in prison Sere Throat Beckache ded to effect a revolution Curtis is fifty, gray haired and Sprains textile manufacture; and it is LIOGRTT MYRR TOBACCO CO.
has served terms in Sing Sing.
Chest Pains Stiff Neck Elmira and elsewhere. He was obvious that we are only at the beginning of this development.
once contined in Matte aman and It penetrates right to The artiticial silks was at first while serving at Dannomore was the seat of trouble, used merely to give a decorative cor Victed of assaulting a guard warms and soothes the etfect by way of strips But in an effort to cane.
nerves and tissues, banthat day has passed and now it is Curtis has served time for ishing pain.
combined with woullan and gesWSSSO Try it now.
SSC SOCXXSCOXSS800, asesult, burglary, horse stealing worsted as well as with coton and washing stamps to erase At all druggists and fabrics. Much experimental work postmarks. Since 1900 be has dealers.
has been done in various types of been behind bars most of the arcificial silk yarns. There has time. Last June he was sentence been considerable research int for SLOAN complicity in a 10 00 dyeing and tinishing; and these LINIMENT burglary at Hempstead, I.
developments bave enabled the SUPPLIED BY In prison be managed, he said (PSIN ENEMY)
manufacturers to produce labrics to get hold of some le books of a qoality which has not been The subject fascisbated him and seen before.
be began an exhaustive study of WILKINSON bis own case. So with his specta All this necessarily involves cles balanced on the tip of hs Contractor the use of new macbinery for nose, he contended that the preparing and Drodu iag and for weaving artificial silk yarn; charges against him had not and Builder and the new machinery is built been proved and that the judge in chargiog the jury, was shock on much more scientific lines House No. 20 than the ordinary textile 4Igly or judicial. He read bis is brewed from the best brief in a calm voice as though 28th OV, STREET, chinery. The Itoo firm, defending some one in whom he Messrs. Dabaon Barlow Ltd.
SIN MIGUEL materials obtainable was but slightly interested. His exhibited a kneading machine for the first processes in the Box 411, Panama, uniwledge am zod attorneys.
Decision was reserved.
proiuction of the artificial silk.
They also showed an elaborate Plans and Specifications Free spinning machine made of a First Class Workmanshlp special kind of metal to resist is superior to all imported beers sold the action of the various chemiWhy pay donble price Guaranteed cal solutions used in the manu here and it sells to the facture of the sile. This machinepublic at for inferior imported ry bad contrived to exclude Notice to Correspondents.
Beer when you can HALF the price.
vibration by ingenious tutans, a buy a superior Beer Contributors and correspondents necessary condition in this part are asked to send in their contribu.
of the manufacture. There was such as BALBOA for tions not later than Thursdays to another machine for winding the TRY OUR NEW BEER half the price.
insure publication. This is impera.
fibre which is made in cakes, on tive and must be adhered reels. Buyers of machinery for the most recent developments in artitical silk, as well as for the LEGAL NOTICE most fundamental presses, Rent Receipt Books in Spanmust have fouod the exhibition a wonderful belp an as this indusish and English for Sale at Tha Notice of Pendency of Suit Workman Printery, try still continues to show signs of expansion no doubt the cbance SUPERIOR TO ALL UNITED STATES DISTRICT was utilised But although the artificial silk sess0. ccxes socSsxsexsex SS SS SS SC SEXS dalmask otutpat will be watched COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE industry fills so large a place in wth grea interest.
modern textile developments, Other machinerv at the exhi Balboa Division machinery adapted to it did not bition showed new devices for CIVIL No: 732 by any means till the exhibition.
winding, for morcerising and One of the newest developments for cutting out many processes JAMES INNIS, Plaintif.
is the making of electro mechasse: SSVSexsoos soos which consume time and fuel nical devices for the weaving or By their means it is claimed that cotton damask. The new Carver Havings may be effected not only ANTOINETTE INNIS, Defendant.
loom does away with the neces.
in capital charges but also in Divorce sity of the many tedious proces.
fuel costs and wages. The autoses which have for so long matic looms shewn, perbans To ANTOINETTE INNIS: dominated this type of work. In represent merely an idea in You are hereby notified that its way it seems to have effected embryo; but it is oblivious that November 4, 1923. James Inniss sort of mild revolution since it they indicate a new direction in filed in the above entitled court bas reduced the time for prepar.
which great changes may take peadian, where he prays for an abso iute divorce from you on the statuing and putting a new design for olace in the cot distant future.
tory vrounds of desertion, the damask on the loom from There were otber exhibits o d you are, further hereby notified few months to 48 hours. This, of finished fabrics of artificial that required to cater your course, means a very cousidsilk. In soide, at least of tbest appearance in writing in the office of erable saving in the cost of pro the British industry need feathe Clerk of said court at Ancona Can Zone, and make answer thereto.
ducing new desigos, and it bas comparison with no competitors or before December 18, 1925.
been shown that the reduction is But the detail of this exbibition If you fail to do so within the time from 160 to 18. The claim is was, perbaps, of smaller interest aforesaid the petition will be taken as also made that the machice than the general impression o confessed, and the petitioner will take produces a better quality fabrio initiatice, of skill, and of scienti judgement against you by default and demand froin said court the rent Under the circumstances it is not fic adoption to the needs of the applied for in the petition.
to be wondered at that manufac time It is this which afiords F, SHEIBLEY tarers contidently expect to the key to the fact, which the Clerk, launch new industry in Trade Returns sbow, that the E, ROBINSON, Lancashire by means of the new exports of British machinery are developments and the cotta xoxo 2013XOcESS steadily risicg.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Nov. 14 21 28 The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
It is specially suited for this climate SOMOSSEXSEXSIXOSWEDO KRONEN BRAU VS.


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