
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Saw Interesting West. El Excelsior THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS We Buy and Sell Pearls Workman Stationery Store The Workman BOOK STORE Cider Champagne (Continued from page 2)
tbreats to employ prohibitive measures, of JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP. ponsible newspapers of the OF British West Indies Corner 12 Street East Avenue deplore the impasse that bad been reached, and counciiled the employment of a less hectoring We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also tone and the adoption of a policy watches. Our prices are the lowest and our of control and patience. Looking to the number of West Indians Workmanship is guaranteed.
in Cuba. the serious charges Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you were few. As regards many of the others, the band of the agimay keep the pledge pawned as long as you may tator and of the bush lawyer, drsire, provided the monthly payments of who exercised considerable intluence for interest are duly met.
trouble, which always recoils on his own ignor.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall ant and unfortunate people, was manifest.
be pleased. few months ago, Jamaica appointed an Agent and Protec tor of Immigrants and so cordial bas been the assistance given Suitable for Lodge Business him by the Cuban Officials, that the old complaints bave ceased Moreover the statement has ben made in the House of CALL IN AT Commons, that there have been no furtber complaints, and toat AT THEthe relations between His Maj. sty Government and the Caban Government are now excellent, This has tollowed we have said very shortly on the appointment of the Jamaica Agent; but as the Jatosica Press points out, such unga mgongo tuga ruangan guanagua maamuar ruma: results could not follow if the No. 93, Central Avenue majorty of the West Iodians in Cuos did not go quietly about through ibeir business, and were treated passed the colony ordinarily well, whilst receiving pavilion. Through counts mad EL GAITERO ASSORTMENT OF on different dates made a rough fair play form their employers.
This is all very satisfactory estimate of the number of people passing through the colony THE ONLY ELABORATED GOOD STATIONERY The nightmare of prohibition of pavilion for six months of the emigration by the Cuban Gov exhibition last year and that was erament, is chased away. And roughly two million people, being SOUVENIRS, those parts of the colonies in one niuth of the totol number of Spanish Cider with its which labour must, to some visitors to the exhibition. This extent look abroad for relief, year the attendance has fallen own Carbonic Acid will not be sacriticed to a mis understanding.
íar short of last year On October or I saw that eight million we bave no doubt that there people had up to that time CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Churcn of God will be complaints raised, of visited Wembley tbis year, as Holiness so ne kind from time to time, against eighteen million people (Continued from page 4)
but they will be dealth with in last year.
CALIDONIA DISTRICT the light of their surroundings Seventh Day Adventist Church QCC CALIDONIA ROAD Sunday 5o clock, Prayer Meetin Personally think the name of URETIC AND REFRESHING 115. New Appointed Arrived.
Divine Service Preacher the colony should be changed to Trade Mark (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Supplied Demerara becuase the majority Bahhath (Saturday) 45 Sab p. Sunday School Superintendent. Dr. G, Harper, newly ap pavilion knew the colony by that of the people who come to the VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ bath School: 11. 15 Genera! Worship Programme pointed Senior Resident Surgeon 3, 30 pm. Spanish Class; 730 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher of the General name and not by the name of Supplied Hospital at British Guiana. Such places as S, 30p. PM. Society, meeting Bridgetown, recently arrived in the Colonial Bank dow Barclay Tuesday 30 pm. del Service Barbados.
VILLAVICIOSA 580 o. Junior and Senior Standard Bank, Harrison and others had of tainment Ch. 88 pm. Vespers.
Elder ODLE SPAIN all their literature and their Sunday ever ing 30 to. PreachPateor in charge. BRITISH GUIANA paper beaded Demerara. They Ide Service The general public is do not refer to the Colony Brit.
ESTEBAN DURAN cordially invited to turn out in large Bethlehem Church of God ish Guiana. great amount. numbers. Holiness Demerara, Not British interest has been shown in th SOLE AGENT colony through the Exbibision Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
by tirms, in lividuals and the For the Republic of Panama Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON newspapers generally, Mr. Cassel SAN MIGUEL hing, arranged for a series of Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Sunday o clock Prayer Meeting SUGGESTED CHANGE OF NAME articles about the colony.
debool; 11. 15 General Worship 11 Divine Service Preacher, 30. Young people meeting Eldr Parkinson p. Sunday School, Superinte Colony Better know to Capi Forestry Department in British The staff of the newly created The best Tonic in the World 30 Vespers dent talists.
Guiana arrived in that colony Sunday evening 30 pm. Preaching 530 Programme.
ly last by the , Servier You are cordially invited to recen 15 Gospel Service, Preacher Mr. Hohenkerk, Inanda from England. The attend these services and bring your Supp superintendent of forest surveys department is situated in the Note Other notices for the week will who also ranks as Deputy Con upper storey of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
friends, the General be given from the pulpit.
servator ot Forests, accorded an Post Office, Mr. Wood, the ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, interview to a representative of Couser vator of Forests is a com Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up The Church of God BEULAH 30 Prayer meetina on Friday lást, relative to his spent most of his time in the the Demerar Daily Argosy paratively young man and has a run down constitution Panams, Arosemena Street, House 25, Devine San Miguel Sunday at am, Prayer Br. Small It promotes digestion, impruves the appework in conncetion with the col tropical forest, United Provinces meeting and Gospel weetings at 11 am. 30 m. Sunday School, Superinten ony participation in the Empire India, and partly in jputana. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system and 30 Sunday School at p. dent. 30 tm. Gospel Service, Preacher Exhibition at Wembley. He went For tive years held the position Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Bro. Small to England last year as Assistant of instructor at the Imperial DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Toerday at 15 pm. Young People Commissioner under Brigadier Forest Research Institute and times a day.
Meetin. Wednesday at 730 General Rice and from College in Dehra Dua and was Cel meeting. Thursday at 7:30p. day School; 30 Gospel Sermon Rice left England, he acted as Gorikfore Forest Division.
GAMBOA MISSION 30 Bud September 20, when General for some time in charge of the Olen air meeting. Friday at 30 pm. Brn. Cobali.
Prayer Meeling commissioner until Febuary 28, BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. will be given from the pulpit.
Note. Other Se vices for the week wben be handed over to Mr, Red Tonk, Copal Zoe Suoday School Cassels the colony British Guiana Wins Cup.
Elder FRANCIS, trade Commissioner in Loodon, p. Gospel meeting on Thursday Pastor in charge.
at the request of the local Govat 30 pm ernment be returned to WemThe Challenge Cup for shooting Sis. GRAY bley from Aprit and remained presented by West Indian Club New Providence. Gospel Meetings at Baptist Churches until May 16 assisting in the bas been won for the second 11. 30. and 30 Sunday School preparation of the colony ex year in succession by British at pm. Wednesdav at 30 Goshibit. He remained at Wembley a Guiana. The score were British pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer (Under the auspices of the Southern Why throw away your old, but no Baptist Convention. weeks after the opening of the Guiana Local Forces Rifle Club Exbibition to give advice and see 728 Jamaica cal Forces, 705 754; Barbados Rifle Association.
Bro. McDONALD Colon 11 a. and 15 Pastor matters runniog sunoothly.
Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Me tinge Tritt. found the work at Wembley Trinidad Local Forces Ride Club.
can have them neatly bound at at 11. 30 a. and 30 pm; Sunday Chorrillo 11 Deacon McIntosb: very interesting last year, Mr. 691 School at p Wednesday 30 7, 15 Pastor Witt.
Hobenkerk said although the Goep Meeting. Friday at 30 Calidonia 11 a. Deacon Year Wood the hours were rather long bad Rent Receipt Books In SpanPrs 15 m. Mrs. Jordan.
to be at Wembley between and ish and English for Sale at The Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITH Red Tank. 11 a. Leader Taitt: 10 in the mornings and left after Workman Printery, 93 CENTRAL AVENUE 15 Sargiant Brinkley.
closing up time after 10 Colon and Streets. Gospel meetings at 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday 15 Deacon Brown.
Empire 11 a. Deacon Russell: o clock at nights. The majority Opposite Cecilia Theatre of it quiries answered where The Little Chap: Dad, one of the School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Mr. George Bowman, Gatun 11. Supplied; 18 for ordinary information con boy in school said loook like you.
cerning the colony, but there His Father: What did you say to Prayer Meeting.
Now Providence. 11 am. Deason were a large number of mer. him. Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Broome.
cbants, TAKE NOTICE timber Nothin. He a lot bigger me.
dealers and Puebo Nuevo 11 a. Pastor Witt, others who were interested in The WORKMAN News17. 15 Mr. Peterkin some special subject such as dia.
monds, timber, etc. to wbom HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA paper can be had at the folBethel Church of God bad to give more detailed infor CANAL ZONE.
Why pay double price lowing places. Holiness Salyation Army Hall, mation than to ordinary visitors.
for inferior imported The record number of people Office Hours: a. to p. Lindsay Place, No. 2, RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS LA BOCA CORPS entering Wembley at one time to p.
Street, San Miguel.
Beer when you can Sanday. a. Prayer Maettug. 30 Knee Drill.
last year was 321, 000, whicb DAILY March, Barber, 55, Cali1) am, Divine Service. Preacher 11 a. Holiness Meeting. is more than the population of buy a superior Beer PHONE 1288 BALBOA dənis Rood 8p. Sunday School; Superintendent p. Sunday School.
this colony, all of them being such as BALBOA for 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher 30 Open Air.
packed in the small area of 21 Bupplied.
half the price. have to pause to reflect, remark7. 30 Salvation meeting.
Specializes in all the branches ed the mirror as the dog put his feet acres. On that day estimated Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in charge We extend a cordial invitaton to all, that over 35, 000 people had of Dentistry, on the dressing table. VIGOR TONIC JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Book Binding!
doubt interesting, books when you THE WORKMAN Dentist Howell


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