p. 8


To Morrow Races Germans Preparing. osus SASSOISS Notice Tomorrow race program (Continued from page 1)
This is to notify the publie in will wind up things and both general trat my wife, Caraline Mcwatchful bevond tde Rhine, has.
horses and fans will be given indeed, a carefully prepared list of Enis, having left my home without three week holiday. The them together with the number of To Night my confent, on November 13, 1925, Attractions am not responsible for any debt dry season program will start planes already in storage!
or debts that may be contructed on Christmas Day when the Tests of new German planes are ANTONIO MORENO IN by ber.
Panama Jockey Club will be constantly being carried out in strickest secreey LUTHER MENIS.
Russia, ere presenting an attractive card two great German seroplane fae HER HUSBAND SECRET to initiate the next season. tories have been established, one Eight races will make up near Nijni Novgorod and the The Silver Club School FIRST NATIONAL SPECIAL the card for tomorrow after other at ver noon, the feature event being It is at a lonely spot some The mighty Antonio Moreno supported by Ruth Miller. Your favorite is Offers the best advantage for the a furlong race for class twenty miles south of the latter greater in this picture, than he has ever been, a treat is in store for training of Coloured children imported horses and town where aerisl experiments are you. Don miss it.
on the Atlantie end.
carrying a purse of five made each week and new invere tions tested.
ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC hundred dollars. In this race Indeed, not long ago, so am COURSES vill enter Burlesco with 112 told, a German agent succeeded in TO MORROW NIGHT ibs top weight, Factor Ruso obtaining the plans of oue of our 128, Manua 128 and Bolshe latest aeroplanes, and a sample RICHARD DIX IN THE GREAT PARAMOUNT ATTRACTION Some of the leading subjects are. pláne was at once manufactured, Shorthand Typewriting presumably exact in every detail.
The class event for it was test d, but at its Book keeping Commercial Law frst flight native ponies will include it crumpled up and crashed, both Algebra Geometry Caribe 128, Fenomeno 121, pilot and mechanic being kiled punchful story of a young man who had lightning in his fists. If you are Chiqui Chemistry Physics Hero The Germans threw aside our 17 inventions as useless. They never a Fight Fan, you will enjoy this, if you love plays with pep and action, Music Spanish Candlewood 116, and Zapo dre med that the plain which was you will glory in it.
Social Ethics Domestic Arts 114. five furlongs.
secured by their agent in Eugland The curtain raiser will be was a specially prepared one, Debating and Elocutionary Exercises Matinee on Sunday 45. Prices 10 15cts.
a four furlong dash for seven designed to rander it unsafe!
Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
Our own Secret Service men ara native horses, Linda, Zipi 2a.
Evening Show 30 45. Prices 15 25cts Terins Reasonable pe, Tigrillo, Wormwood, Penot quite the bl. ad fools people so often believe, ligro, Gloria aud Mentirosa, CHARLES BURKE.
NIGHT FLYING In a furlongs distance, oxsex50 SEK 90 90 SSWOW60 SYSOS OXOCO Principal the second event, Gillineta No doubt, however, the new GerMRS, DANIEL man will carry 128 lbs, against constructed in such secrecy that aeroplane which is being Associate Alta Mae 119, Guitarra 113 the parts are never assembled is a DRAMA IN BRITISH. Cristobal Silver Clubhouse and Poncho Roto 108. very remarkable machine, farin (Continued from page 1) six furlong race purse advance of anything vet invented work is carried on under the best BROTHERHOOD OF. 300 will be run by Bolt 128, weight carrying capacity for power, speed, reliability and possible craditions for the worker.
Pipiolo 120, Super Gloria 109, The airways from various spots That they interpret this as mean (Continued from nage 1)
Araucana 107 and Marcela 107 in Germany, which are designated ing the best possible conditions of mind as well as body is shown by There will be a full men The well known Ace of to be the future aerodromes from discussions that have just taken corporate communion at Trumps will figure in a six which the invading flat will take piace at an annual conference of o cloce in the morning, in furlong, carrying 95 lbs, and to the air, are often being JUAN FRANCO TRACK such indutrial welfare workers at accordance reconnoitred at night, so that the with direction which emphasis was laid among taking the field with Roamer, pilats shall know their way, and Dictador, Ruso, Peter Pan, not repeat those blunders they do other things on the value of ama from the National Council of TO MORROW teur dramatic societies in factories the organization in the United Top Sergeant, Barba Roja. often made during the war Another good race is Night flying is being brought to History, said one of the speakers States and in the United expected from Jolly Fellow a fine art not ooly over German Sunday, November 29th, 1925 on that subject rather surprisingly Kingdom.
showed that the drama was al hearty invitation is ex135, Risa Loca 134, Dad 126, And Holland, am told that it is territory, but also over Belguim ways given an impetus by great tended to the public.
Mi Pollera 124 and Marcela 90aid o Germany that their pilots wars, probably because war shook the mind of humanity out of its On Monday night a social They are booked to run seven have actus! been scouting near grooves and did something to stir for all men of the parish will furlongs Loodon at night for the past three men imagirations to life, Tebe held in the schoolroom Tomorrow card is unques: noise of their engines bas not been months flying so high that the value of acting, it was suggested, when several speeches will tionably attractive and all beard.
was particularly great in the case be delivered on the theme: manual workers, for it carried roads will undoubtedly lead This may be more boasting, but them right out of the mechanism The Layman part in the Races For Imported horses to the popular Park, knowing what do, feel that it and monotony of their daily work activities of the Church may easily be the truth. Our late eneming will certainly and refreshed their minds by a Among the speakers will be leave no and for Native bred Ponies INSTALLATION OF plunge into new order of life and Dr. Curry, Treasurer of stone toturved in their search for introducing them to tims and St. Luke Cathedral Mr. Continued from page 5)
a way to crush us Such a disaster manners altogether unfamiliar then proceeded to would be the most they seek to bring upon us stall the oticers of the Lodgo catas rophie WILL BE RUN OFF RAIN OR SHINE appalling The argument may or may not be George Gade and Mr, At: accepted, but the fact of such a wall, Catechists of St. Paul for the ensuing teron, which was greatest loss of life in the world nd embrace the discussion taking place at all show Church.
very sola voly performed.
that we have at least advance The of tirers ir stalled were as All men are welcome to the some way from the day: waen social.
follows. Bros The League of the German Flag Clark Come and bring a workers were regarded simply as Watson, WV. C; EA bent upon wiping out the indispensable parts of a machine friend.
Blackbuis S. Clement greatest capi al that the world has constructed to turo so much raw John Thorn, S; Atherton ever seen, destroying its buildings material into so miny Everybody will be there. Don miss it. Treasurer: J. Richa dson, 1ition to an agonising end. Words finished SPARKLETS and putting its enormous popuarticles, and even great prila Prelate. ggs, Conductor; First Race Starts p. Sharp thropists were indignaat that the Lindsay, 5: Wal fail to conjure up what miserable State should take any Steps to (Continued from page 1)
lace, Vernor, scenes of wild panic death and protect the life and health of the on the original grounds of my die and Bucbanan, M.
nolocaust would be witnessed if factory worker. Associates: Sisters. Law. become a blazing and poisonous in Creater London were su idenly to agreement. If my criticism is of ADMISSION: sufficient importance for them to rence. A, Bridgman, of Font: Ding wall, of Record, lerno.
CANAL ZONE NOTES take it up with their higher and Moore. of Finance, WAR, AND SOON. Grand Stand more or less learned colleagues, Ground 50c. Continued from page 5)
recommend that the actual sense Poillips, of Trust; The Germans during the war reHenry, of Lessons. Fair vealed themselves jas brutal, uncivi be advanced 127 points ahead of tially put and weighed we are my entire attack be impar.
clough, D, of Conductress, Elized Huns. The massicires and his opponent. at this aspiring to nationhood it is time Lovell, of ys, McIntosh, atrocities they committed in REMEMBRANCE who have seen Racy Jazzy juncture where Bilioaved him for us to commence to be tolerant. of Pass. and Burgess, Belg um were surely a blot upon Melodramas and are accustom selt a dangerous cateodor, be Cabinet Ministers and others en treated the spoctators to a dis. trusted with the smooth running of our civilization but those horrors. will fade into insignificence if we Williams late of Gatun, who was In Loving Memory of Helen Estelle ed to see this popular Cow. play of caroms, straight pocket goveroments are expected to be paired to the barquei hall, and listen to those who is their igno called to lay these earthly toils dowa puncher, Antonio Moreno in ing, etc. that is rarely seen in this cool headed fellows, per tot eh bis did justice to the tooth some rance of the true tacts, declare that on November 28th 1924, and be at rest his daredevil stunts, cannot Clubhouse which brought him so will spend their timet watu bile things were provided. Germany is ruined and crushed, in the Master Kingdom.
afford to miss him in this unusual amount of cheers. Dus time fighting. It time to kick of us who Mrs.
Several toasts were given and and that we may sleep in our beds whoses and were mein te berichters: Family Drama The thrilling pite the fact that he was cebe big high wien there is a favorite. lost sufficiency of honoured. After the singing of securely day. happy party peculiarly ignorant section of her motion which was por peace give cilmax of this Picture makes chance of being Champion by cause to kick at; but fiery out issues dispersed at the wee hours of the the public has las letrat notes by the let us have peace one blood fairly turns cold, becoming perket us bed beseed help a cause miong. If we com morolog, All feeling that it was son from the Great War, They are was always her words.
yet, an easy when he was imaginary Now rest in peace, Our Prayers, when good to be there spoon fed with the idea that Ger dying, thee attended; thou hast ended couple is so delicately hand. points withio the 5th, centurymence now to look for many is repentant, and that she is thy mortal life, and now through grace led, that the reviewer feals Dan, who at this time was 24 enemies and then waste time to fight them and boycott their THE SALVATION ARMY merely out to eclipse our trade. bholdest Jesus face to face The holy points in the rear cooly took up industry, when the time comes for Angels did convey thy soul to realms like intruder as the bis cue and without any fass real fight our ammunition will have Nothing of the sort.
Germany is secretly arming and the endless dayandtheme son, the Holy picturesque garden scenes in broke out the remainder thereby been already rumpention and have Panama City Corps, and plotting to smash us at one unex Ghost, a Jehovah, a thres in One Wit this glorious picture is shown winning the game and the Cham On Wednesday 9th Dec, a Sale pected hammer blow delivered alatt adore the Lamb that sittethoa in splendor on the screen. pionship. We must congratulate Barcely Beib boycotting entirely the players for the excellent are a Negro you may have heard thatmay, if you of work and Special things will from the air above the metropolis, tho Throne.
You cannot afford to pass up spirit manifested be held in the Hall at pm. after which the German flag is to during the Brother Lindo in church. You Come and enjoy yourself by be planted upon the War Oifice. Her Husband Secret his best pictures, Her Hus. serve as an example to those Liado on the platform as a leader your favourite Star in one of game and hope that this will may not have heard President purchasing some of these things, or the ruin of it.
and assist the Army in its World to AND band Secret.
that by fussing and kicking Liberty Hall, Division No. 17.
of our cause In any event, visit Wide Movements. Various stalls Death of Little Ruby Paul. The Shock Puncher for you to select from, Grapes, To Morrow The Excelsior every thing is accomplished. tomorrow ev ning; you Crams, Aerated drinks, Canes, Wednesday lash, of little Ruby Paul, We regret to chrohicle the death on Theatre presents to its numwill have not the slightest cause to Caise. Aples and other items four year old daughter ef Mr. and Mrs erouf clients the most The Orchestra of this Theatre regret having been there.
tjo nuwerous to mention, bring Solomon Paul of No. 32 Twelfth of At Excelsior heatre Satur stupendous program obtaina. that has met with the appro.
a friend with vou.
On Frigay night 11th Dec, a Little Ruby was a member day and Sunday ble the superb Paramount val of its many followers, Spun) entertainment will be Christian Mission of Panama. Her Production The Shock will be in attendance; you will Have you tried the remains were taken to the Tabernacle beld under the auspices of the where impressive services were conAntonio Moreno is back Puncher with the invinci be delighted if you pay us Home League, snu as the namer ducted by Brother Brewster. From again, scoring an over. ble Richard Dix in the best the compliments of your pre. new Beer Is the Mother Concert. All thence the boby was taken to the cemein Her fighting picture of the year, sence, our picture warrants mothers will participate come tery followed by a large concourse of whelming success Kronen Brau and have some fun, you won relatives friends, sympathisers and a Husband Secret supported also a side splitting commedy it. Three shows 45. 30.
number of pupils. Con)
by Ruth Miller. Picture fans that will keep you laughing. and 45. CLASSY RACES. history, One More Day of Racing is an of the reg elit.


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