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Noted Law Firm Pays Liabilities Incurred by Garvey and.
follows: ws UN in Saints, SAFETY RACIAL Memorial Service For DECREE REVOLT Late Queen Alexandra Draws Race Line in Said to be cause of RebelPrize Fighting lion Against France in Syria Well Received Address Delivered The Daily Worken of CleveSpecial Appeat Being Made For Direct West Indian Cable des by Acting British Consul at Colon. and Ohio, in a recent issuse pub.
His Release From Prison.
lishes the following: patch from Paris, datel November Safety Director 18, states that the rebellion against Barry the French adminstration in Syria is sclemn Memorial Service for flags fluttered from every roof and eminent preserver of order in this the late Queen Alexandra was held window bells rang and cannon city, who recently got into trouble but the symptom si a vast religious Jacobs, counsel for the Universal Negro Improvement not simply an international quarrel New York, Nov. 20 The law firm of Jacobson and at the Wesleyan Church, Colon, on boomed. The excite. nent of the by arresting all the Chinese mesiand racial revolt this is spreading Association, Inc. wiped out all of the liabilities of the Friday night the 27th ulto. The people became almost delious as dents of this city, and upon protest throughout the Islamic world service was well attended much appreciated by all. vouth and beauty of the Princess Washington, had to apologize for ral Sarrail voiced before them to about 12, 000 of which judgments had been obtained. Gues Those on the platform were: aroused in all who saw her a gush his ridiculous action, has made a bers of the Joint Army and Foreign These liabilities had been incurred by Marcus Garvey, the Commdr Jacobs, Captain of of admiration and sympathetic new decree.
Relations Committee of the Chamthe Port; Mrs. de Comeau: affection. It was as if the princess of white boy will not be allowed ber of Deputies before whom he negro leader who is now serving a term in the Atlanta Mr. Keith Jopson, B. Vice the old fairy tales had come to life to batter the face of a Negro boy. appeared today. But. he added. Peniteritiary for a mail fraud.
Consei Katheson, de coneau, and, as the great gilt coach passed or vice versaid to Chine in the formed the fare con unas predeceso es toward his generosity in giving jobs to all who be thought could be Much of Garvey popularity, it was said, was due to Surgeon, Pastor of the escorted by mounted guards in of a white boy in a prize tivht or the family of Sultan Aitrast, who of service to him and charging the salaries to the association.
His Majesty Acting Consul; Rev. drawo by plumed horses not be allowed knock attitude of his Wesleyan Church Miss Lindn their dazzling uniforms, many a vice versa. No, siree, not in the fire with ambtion to be a second These salaries ranged from 300 a year to 800, When the Smart Representative of the mind in the crowd must have saintly city of Cleveland. Add is. British West Indian Welfare rotarned to half forgotten dreams If Chinese or Negro prize liebt with their adherents, the Beduins, Association failed to redeem the promises of payment made Committee: Rev. Thrift. Pastor of childhood.
of the Baptist Church; Senor Don ers insist upon trying out their and certain trans Jordanian ele by Garvey, suits were brought and judgments were obtained.
Hector Conte Alcalde of Colon; ly ceremony of her wedding, and members of their own race. White The bride passed on to the state prowess, they must do it with ents against the French The lawyers said that the association was educational and Major Bax of the Salva the people who had welcomed her prize fighters mnst be preserved outbrek at Dam seus declared 138th Street, on which stands the modest building known General Sarrail in describing the and that it was again flourishing. It owns a site in west tion Army.
in the streets returned to their from the infamy of getting beaten that 135 persons were killed and The order of the service was as bomes to resume the interrupted by a black or yellow boy. Let the 250 houses destroyed in the French as Liberty Hall. Mr. Jacobson said the Association was current of their colourless daily lif: whites, blacks and yellow batter bombardment of that city. That about to erect a 300, 000 building on the site and that there in a March Oh Rest in the Lord kindly interest in the young race. Racial pride demands that necessary by the native sink and enterprise. It is understood that Garvey is definitely out of the faces of members of their own the bombardment made would be no difficulty in obtaining enough money for the Mr. Williams Hymn, No. 812, God our feeling was given new expression the website racer bla preserved from that it prevented the risting from his old business of uplifting members of his race in this Princess of Wales, this kindly help in, ages past when, in the following year, a son ing noses, and knockouts adminis indignity of. more.
country because the Government intends to deport him as Prayr, Rev. Thrift, was born to her.
tered by a member of a lower The French forees, now amount. soon as his prison term is ended. Scripture, Ist, Corinthians, As the years passed, the interest race! And that that, as the safeying to twenty thousand effectives Chapter, 15, Verses 20 to 18.
Syria grew no less, though the Princess Vi ector stated.
The Boston Chronicle of November 14 published the be continued, were Hymn, No. 307, For all the had now become a normal figure of Saved once more. Continued on page 8)
following: English public life. In course of Dr. Peters of Chicago, member of Marcus Garvey 6 Address, His Britannie Ma time, other children were borata release committee was the headliner at the Sunday and 61 sty Consul, Captain A Deber, swelling the growing circles of SPARKLETS Coteau.
grandchildren ab ut the throne of Monday meetings of the held in Boston and Cambridge. In his speech he aroused the members of the organdi Messrs. Lowe, Savage, Pacey and Queen Victoria was then still a Opps and Ends. Quartetto, Crossing the Bar Queen Victoris.
but is Jamaica, England and other ization to the necessity of presenting a united front in the Thomas.
young woman, though at the time Address Major Bax, The ber son marriage, she had to keep my lights burning through world the church is losing its grip the slogan of each member, he said. Nothing, said the docto As it teemed impossible for me parts of the Christian or eivilino demanding of the release of Garvey. Let him go, should be 48 Salvation Army beone the of Hymn, No. 106, Jesus Lover coming to England of the Princess noon last, decided to attend the who like to uphold orthodoxy throne.
Two years before the A, Hall on Sunday after, and is now being attended by those prisonment than the fact that the organization stood as one of my Soul.
Alexandra 10. Dead March in Saul. Mr. Dereaved by the death of had been Wesley Church and listen to a through sheer loyalty. Bishop and strong phalanx in its determination to bring about the Wiliams. Albertby two to dearth of her hus: musical program on which were other eclesiasticay nex As in England consummation of the ideals of the propaganda.
Dr. Peters informed the large audiences that no stone grief, she had largely withdrawn Chas. Lowe from Colon and Mrs Isme at the door of the clergy would be left unturned to achieve the release of Mr. Garvey The address was de livered by Mr. de Comeau, quence, the Prince and Princess of of the Isthmus a wealth of other sent out to tell the modern youls were ready to espouse the cause. Coming from Mr. Garvey the public view. In couse. Olga King from the classical end on the supply that is sometimes and already powerful influential and political connections were called upon to occupy vocal and instrumental numbers men and women something about Actiag Consul:One day of early Spring, some usually taken ouly by the reigning of music, and John Murray Or tian world which is so decidedly conditions surrounding their imprisoned leader, who he said something of that place which is from the higher ups in the world the Christian religion in Chis. at Atlanta, Ga. the speaker. informed his hearers of the sixty two years ago, there arrivd England the young daughter of sovereign. With all eyes thus upon chestra was afterwards unchristian They believe, and was in the best health possible.
the King of Denmark, sbe came as ed herself in the love of the peopie Reverend Wade: Fine music, skill some of those sent out is too the following speakers: Alex Aikens, president of the her, the Princess steadily establish aporopriately commented up on by rightly so, that the education of Attorney Joseph Mitchell who presided, introduced the destined bride of the youthful The first wild enthusiasm which ful execution; never knew we had limited On this question nation greeted bor with a hearty ly subsided, but it had not entirely spending my time, add wonderPrince greetenedles and the heaole had hailed her coming had natural anything like it here. Wew Thus Jamaica HERALD OR a recent date Boston Division; Attorney Edwin Barringer, Messrs. welcome. Cheering crowds throngsays: It is true that one of the William Monroe, Toney and Erie W: Granville Campbell, a ed the streets to see her paes. ontinued on page 8)
fully to my taste for the classics reasons for this is the lack of young law student at North eastern University, who touchcultivated during the time my in education on the part of many of ed upon the legal technicalities which appeared during the corrigibiy bent friend was pursuing the clergy. QIt requires educated LADY ASTOR HEADS CRUSADE TO music, one of the points of the men to appeal to and convince the trial of Mr. Garvey.
compass of his adventure the one educated. The old fallacy that the ABOLISH SUBMARINES nearest to that of a wood worker: gospel was first preached by the and my lost opportunity by not ignorant and gained marvellous ITEMS OF INTEREST LOCAL FOREIGN taking in of the innovation a o announ victory, is belied by the fs et foedel is backed by Several Important Personages.
that ced to be given at President Lin. the educated Saul of Tarsus was do branch by Brother Moulton, the greatest missionary in the The steamship Ceiba, Islands, Japan, China, the While the search for the British the poet, playing the dual part, apostolic churen. We need is owned by the Mexican Ame Philippines, Java, Malay Submarine 1 is being hopelessly Note From Reid Says was all compensated by listening the chureh kept up in the waters of the today men wiha rican Fruit and Steamship Straits, India, Ceylon, Egypt, to an argumeat as to whether the message living penwields a mighter influence century message couered in twentieth Hath Corporation, sailed Changel where it recently disapfrom Palestine, Italy and Gibralter.
61: 30 Aperred without leaving any trace HE WILL MEET HIS than the sword, between Jump unvarnished English When Isuy, Cristobal for New Orleans on The Bengenland holds the whatever, carrying in its bosem to FRIEND IN PARADISE the La Buca Apiarist and Geo. brother, that have now culi November 14, establishing a record for size at both the a certain death the 68 members of Pierre the budding lawyer, at the vted a thorough taste for the weekly passenger and freight Panama and Suez Canals.
the crew, the Admiralty last SaturLa Boca Community Hall. Con classics in almost everything and service by the San Blas Hundreds of her passengers eskiy issued the lest bulletin There was some excitemeat along trary to my belief Father Gay and and cross denich pompa ty Development Corporation, a spent the evening shopping goitiala menting that it felt compelled to the western waterfront on Sanday Comedian Eddie Dudley, referees, lost and for which ought to wwery of the vessel or the rescuing of recent date, caused by the find: The decision was as popular as it hearing a grossly illiterate or bauy every Saturday arriving in With only 45 in their state that all hopes for the reco morning, says the Jamaica Gleaner decide in favour of the arguments severely punished, is when sit a local fruit growers associa. in this city.
in detence of the sword, and have bile stirred by ation. sailing is to be made yuter the crew were now lost. ing of the hat of Thomas Obadiah in mind the equally tragic Araold Malabre wharf. the sword made good King James vers on of the holy Thursday, The Ceiba is a her daughter, Hale which befell the Submanatives of Reid was employed as a store K, L, Cyrus, one of his surtout. writ. The fogies are conspicuously vessel 309. fedt long by 39. Jamaica, were refused landing 211A sizine 15, bere to Mr. Kalphat, handed dow and of certsinty that none of the merchant of Kingston, and was minute defense in which he truly world, Then coming down to a masterful six disappearing from all parts of the feet beam with a gross at Cristobal by the quaranUnfortunate seamen can still be living at 17 Love Lane. He was showed man as still a greater Negro the tonnage of 1, 698 and a net tine authorities, They arrived 2000:619afive, especially considering the friendly with a young woman believer in might is right than the foot of the ladder of buinan that history records at tonnage of 1, 054.
on the Santa Marta from unfavorable conditions same premises. On stdachich Kingston on Wednesday last.
the accident occurred. Saturday slighe, it is alleged, Reie inhe aesthetios. MeCauley Boyne progreso It may be there yet, but counter the relative position which it Arriving at Cristobal the It is stated that Mrs. Miller Susu With respect to this accident of informatinu that his fried awas Church junior, helped the affirma: originally occupied among Jogi ni Sinuous bisa menda be alling such quarre in the yard with the result with the weight of the Press, the veld. It has kept pace and more steamer to have encircled the decided to stay in Colon.
the previous day the Red Star on the ship arranged to go to also bearing in mind the con unfaithful to him and they had a tive to lose after dealing at length other races is considerably impro liner Bengenland, the largest Bocas del Toro but later sino to the United States, a movement she threw herself on her bed and Bard of Avon et al and other pen sistently gaining ground.
Veksels both in Europe as well as that he hit her with his and Biblethen that it is steadily It globe, arrived at Balboa suodd vilges been started in England with would not speak: Reid, got frigh: productions which, almost irresisti needs educated preachers.
the and Thursday afternoon on her the premises bly, are influencing mankind.
second voyage around the One of the outstanding bear on goverumental departments believiog that the woman was dead in the matter of abandoning com On Sunday morning Reid hat UNQUALIFIED PREACHERS.
world, Leaving Balboa the features of the Harvest pletely the use of submarines. was found at the head of Mr. know that many bearts will floating palace will make Festival Service held at the Speaking further of the church. Continued on page Continued on page 8) It would appear as if not only bere (Continued on page 8) stops at California Hawaiian (Gontinued on page 8)
4141 BENEDICTION from which what defending it is held with some man are fast tariora Sagree GARVEY.

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