
PAGE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA Xmas Cards!
Prospect of Banana Trade. Large and Varied Assortment Just in from England 10 CALL EARLY AT THE Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush batatas 22 2b2b2b22日公 orqatis PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY To use an old Phrase: CHRISTMAS IS BEHIND THE DOOR city of AND YOU SHOULD VISIT THE ol Government JAMAICA permission was asked of the Clombians to put the Light bruse on the reef by the Americans, Seamenre Arrested RE ARREST OFFICIALLY CON FIRMED In Colombia.
Enquiry of the Jamaica Gorernment has contirmed the fait that the sen bare been re arCAYMANIANS AFTER RE rested. Contrary, however, to LEASE PART BACK IN what bas been told this re arPRISON.
rest bas bees ordered by the jadge who has ordered fresh investigations to be trade. The Ide Nothern News of Montego British Minister to Bogota, in Bas of November 21st ssys. the meanwhile, is pressing the Newspaper readers will re Minister for Foreign Affairs to call the case of the Cayman hurry the case through.
Island fishermen who, along There is no British Consul at with their vessels the Testico San Andres or a representative and Edison Bros. were arrested of any sort.
sometime early in October off bat is uwn as the Qaita Sueno Peer some fifty miles or more from 03 Providence the New Chief Justice Dearest Inbabited bit of Colombis, and the men carried and lodged in the San Andres jail. For This Island Has Been It will be rememderd also toat Appointed the question was raised at the Antum session of the Legislative Council to be precise, on The Gleaner onderstands that the 22nd, ult, when the Gov. a new Coief Justice bas been apernet was asked to send pointed to Jamaica to succession cable to the British Minister at to Sir St. John Br nb, who left Bogot the subj ct and that the position of Chief Justice of here some months ago to tahe up on the reassembly of the Coun cil the following week the Hon.
Cevlon the Acting Colonial Secretary The in coming Chief Justice announced that a reply had ben it is said. is Mr. Fiares Ceci received from Bogota informing Arthur Barrett Dernard, and he this Government that the men is at present Judge of the Cart were released 00 Saturday of Appeal, Kedah, in the Strait the 24th or two days afore the Malay States, to which he was this ttlements and the Federated cable had reached the Colombian capital appointed in 1921.
The vessels were, however, still Mr. Barrett Lennard served in bela the Anglo Boer war and was in It will therefore be read with valided through wou ds received a deal of surprise to learn that in action in 1899 1900. He was some steer daya or so ago the appointed Judge of the Supreme en were re arrested and mas Court of the Gold Coast and ex be still in San Andres Prison officio of the Supreme Court of at any rate a Cayman Captain Nigeria in September 1913 He bo reached here on Wednes served with the local military Cay sailor rom Colun on Satur forces and as Judge of the Court diy informed a representative of of Appeal for Eastern Africa and the Vorthern Neos that before the High Court of Uganda fron leaving the Atlantic February, 1915, to November Panana that day tiews reached 1916. Tas Judge of the Su bia that his countrymen wers preme Courts of the Strait Settle still in jail ments and Federat Malay CAUSE OF TEIE RE ARREST ates in Marcb, 1920; Jadge of the Court of Appeal of Jahere in From wust can be gathered Juce 1920, and lastly Judge of the cause of the second arrest of the Court of Appeal of Kedab.
the men came abut that on being brought up before the when It is not yet detinitely known he will be coming to Ci cuit Court Judge at Andres on the original charge of poaching in Col mbian waters the Court decided in favor of tbe Cay y marians and discharged Projected New InColombian Polic irate who straight a bay dustry for Jamaica.
demanded a second statement from the Captain of one of the The GLEANER of the 21st ulto, vessels for the purpose of brior states that German financiers had ing fresh charge against the under consideration the formation Britisbers. Tois tb Cautain of a company to erect a factors refused to give and immediately in Jamaica to manufacture artihe was laid bold of and was being ticial silis from banana fibre. The forced into the jul once more news is confirmed, as will b: when the men pritested. free seen from the following extract tight between the Caymanians from a leading German trade and the police ensued and the urnal, save in respec. to the latter, not having by any means naterial from which it ie prothe better of the boat drew their posed to macufacture the artiti revolvers Just at this stage ancial silk. It is intended to use officer jumped through a window sugar cane fibre not banan, fibre, and prevented the shooting as stated first said, however, the men arrested and locked away once THE EXTRACT more in the Colombian prison Erection of a German Factory On Saturdas a British warship For The Manufacture of Ar.
Was at Cartagena and the belief tificial Silk in Jamaica, in Colon was that she migot go The Textil Mercury of Himto San Andres.
burg reports that Combine of DEFINITE SETTLEMENT Gorman Manufacturers is con As pointed out in these sidering the erecting of a Fae.
columns more toan once the fish tory for the manufactury of ing industry constitutes about artificial silk in Jamaica. It is the only means of a living for th intended to make practical tests people of the dependency, and it with sugar cace fibre for the is also of considerable importance manufacture of artitic al silk.
to the island of Jamaica as here is where the Caymanians bring their turtle and shells to be disNotice posed of, and here is where they get their supplies. and if they are being wrongly bindered fron This is to notify the public carrying on the industry wat general trat my wife, Caralise Me Bbould be regarded as a very Enis, having left my hom without serious matter. And the islanders my coneept, on November 13, 1925, do bold that the Colombians have am not responsible for any debt no claim to the Quita Sueno reef or debts that may be contracted as it is not land but a sunken by ber.
reef, to be seen only in calm LUTHER MEN IS.
weather More that the United States sometime ago erected light house about that reef. The Colombians. it is said pulled down Dotice put up on the Why pay double price light bouse whereupon the for inferior imported American Government called upon Colombia for compensation Beer when you can bicb bad be e met at any rate, buy a superior Beer So we have been told such as BALBOA for The Jamaica Government should therofore find put it that halt the price.
story is correct, or wbetter American Bazaar Stores Sin Jamaica Reporting the farmers Conference beld recently, the Con mercial Review says, among others thingsMr. Walcott spose on the possiblities of an export banans trade and said that there were two kinds of basadas which were thought suitable for export, ie, the Gros Michel ari the Dwarf or Chinese bansas, Both kinds grew well and were suitable for tbe market Europe and Canads Bananas were easy to grow, but it was no use growing basaiz bas if they were going to do so spasmodically. They must grow lo millions They would not get any shipping compass come to the colony to litt banks in suitable boats less they could obtain a sufficient to make it profitable to placing of uch steamers on the routs. The minimum quantity would be 30. 000 stems or banebes per fortnight or better per week GES S2 28252525ESESPE25252525252525252 They would require abou: 5, 000 acres for a weekly export trade and 2, 500 acres for a fortnightly trade.
Mr. Walcott added that there as no doubt that this colony bad land suitable for sucb colti vation. He had no fear Og the score of the land, but on the score of the people aod their working diligently.
They had not the required Dumber of suckers in the colony to plant 500 acres, and they would therefore have to import them. It would take about 300 suckers for every acre 750. 000 for 50 acres at a cost of about 6c. per sucker Tbo question was bow the industry was to be financed. The farmers said they did not have the money and a god fatherly Gov.
ernment said ibat they did not have it at the time but he be.
lieved that the would try to help the farmers to find the money to get the suckers if the farmers would do their spare.
About 000, 00 would be repujied it capitaliais were to belp them to develop as export tra le of 30. 000 bcncbee per fortnight.
it tbe was grown privately it la cost about 1, 000, 000 to develop the trade, To cultivate 000 acres would require about 000 labourers working six days per week, and not iwo or three days He doubted if such labour could be found in the colony except at beavy cost to the present industries and such would be inimeal to the colony Course had also to be remembered how tbt labour would be required for transporting the fruit to the recesso cossos shipping point. They bad to get tbe bananas as soon as possible after they had been taken the trees. aboard the steaners.
They did not want to destros one industry for anotber would be necessary to get the babanas on board steamers with ventilation and special provision had to be made to that end. The bananas had to be got on board about 24 hours after they had been cut and if they were braised or over ripe they would be rejected. Only thoroughly fit fruit would be accepted. If this ludustry was established work for men who were in Georgetown Recommended for Removing the Humors of loafing around would be provided. It would be a very remunera.
Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, tive business for the farmers Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic but it was to use cultivating bananas except they had some Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diswhere to dispose of them.
eases caused by Impurities of the Blood He thought it would be better for the farmer to arrange for a Company to buy the bananas here An Alterative recommended for purify.
and for that a regular supply ing and enriching the BLOOD.
would bave to be assur He was trying to get St. Lucia to take bananas from the colony in connection with a trade which it For Sale at all Drug Stores was establishing and as soon as be received a reply he would communicate it to Mr. Britton And in Large Quantities by The Canadian Reciprocity Treaty provided for a preference JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy of 50 cent per bunch for bananas and Canads used at 3000, 000 bunches of bananas and present AGENT had a greater capacity, but her consumption was limited by the United Fruit Company which S540SX3650 SS SS SS S0S ssssssss (Continued on page 7)
Where you can be supplied with all you need in Wearing Apparrel for MEN AND BOYS were cer Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Tetters


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