
muum Gaano 500 WANTED FOR WEST AFRICA The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JNUIS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 Four.
Yes, this is what the Salvation Army on the Isthmus hopes to get from the Church Services.
The above caption carries with it a wonderful but simple meaning to convert ideas into reality, to develop WEST INDIAN COMMUNITY AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCU them into practice. The big thing is to be able to link up (Anglo Catbolie. the one with the other.
and other friends at the December Pay day Second Sunday in Advent Henry Ford, the North American automobile magnate, St. Paul Church, Panama evolved the idea of a cheap but dependable car which must of necessity appeal to the poor man as the price was 500 for our GREAT DRIVE for New Halls, New Schools. Rev. Nightegale, Hector)
68. Holy Communica within the radius of his limited spending capacity. Ford set nes ideas on actual wheels, facilitating millions of makind and and a badly needed Training Home in WEST AFRICA 10. 45 a Minus that makes him the richest North American And that is 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist 12 Holy Baptist not all he did. Ford evolved the idea that by creating a DRIVE CLOSES ON THE 20th p. Church School, system whereby his employees would become as it were 30 Choral Evensong, non part owners of his automobile and allied industries, he would St. Alban Church, Paraiso get each and every one to be doubly interested in his work and for which he would be able to pay them good wages Major Bax looks with confidence to the West Indian Clubs, CANAL ZONE (Row. NIGH TENGALE, and make living conditions for them better than workers Lodges, Churches, and other public bodies to rally to Priest in Charge of any other concern government or otherwis he would 11 Litany, Matine and addres.
eclipse all other industries and the conditions surrounding this drive.
Mr. Osborne Catechist.
them. This idea he eventually developed into reality. p. ta Church Scbool.
The idea of a trans Isthmian waterway entered into the 30 Choral Everoog idrere head of a man: it was subsequently transmitted to that of a Nothing will be deducted for expenses, every dollar given. The Catecbist.
Frenchman who afterwards urged his fellowmen to take a St, Matthias Mission will be forwarded in full.
trial at digging a ditch to connect by water the Pacific and LAS SABANAS Atlantic oceans and thus shorten nautical distances so as to (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, help man keep pace or comply with the rowing demand of a rapid march of human progress. But the Frenchman failed The total, and list of larger doners will be forwarded to the Priest in Charge p. Church Scbool.
And why did he fail? Because he did not tackle the problem Workman for publication. 15 pm Eventong rod address the light way.
He failed to make a connection of Mr. Richards, Catechist.
both links of the two great forces that of his idea and that of a canal in fact.
St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca North American then took up the idea and studied American Episcopal (Anglican Com how to connect it with a trans Isthmian waterway to float TUSKEGEE OLDEST munion)
iant ships from ocean to ocean. He shared nis idea with his Secorid Sunday in Advent fellowmen and they eventually made the connection. How NATURAL HAIR WIGS EMPLOYEE Matos, Litary and addres 11 am did they perform the feat? In the first place they eliminated Mr. B Hunter, the Lay Kader SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURIS, the deadly Aedes Calopus, exterminated the plage carrying CLUSTER PUFFS. HAIR NEIS, STRAIGHT Dies at the Age of NinetyChurch School 3p.
rodents and suodued the anopheles. In other words they ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN Choral Evensong sermon 30 pet The Rector first threw out the carriers of yellow fever and plague and HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YUR kept their thumbs on the backs of the mosquito the ORDER. Free Catalog seat on quest Tuszegee Institute, Ala. Nov.
JI. MULCARE, Rector, disseminator of the dreaded malaria, and in the second place ALEX. MARKS. By ANP Felix Branum St. Barnabas Church, Empire decided on the more practical thing, a lock canal instead of 62 Eighth Ave. Dept. Tuskegee oldest employee died Matius, Litany and address il a. to bere yesterday at the age of bioety Mr. Jobb:co, Layresdor.
a sez level canal.
four. When Booker Washington Church School, and Confirmation clas.
We could go on citing hundreds of cases where profitable began the work at Tuskegee.
connections have been made by races, governments, organi 1881 Branum was working as a at p.
zations and individuals.
Choral Evensong addrere Locally is the evolvement of cook for one of the white familes in the idea of motor buss transportation to facilitate the pour Taskegee. strong frieudslip be The Lay Reader, tween the two led to Branum ein MULC Priest in Coatge workers and the connection of that idea with scores of such ployment as a cook wien the vehicles which are now supplying a long felt want: that Boarding Department was beean.
St. Bartholomew s, Church an idea set to work. The almost entire monopoly of certain LAS CASCADAS.
In those early days the cooking trad by many of the foreign element here and the hard was done in a wash boiler in the Ltany, Holy Eucharist and me work which others are undergoing at present to connect STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR Open air air Because of his fait. 10. 45. The Prest in cast. e.
their ideas along similar lines are also examples, whole and Booker Washington Baum Church School and Confinston practiced the most rigid economies at 2, 30 in part, with the food, not withstanding the Evening Prayer and address 30 pm All men have ideas of some sort: but for the purpose Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off fact that his salary was frequenti The Lay Reauer of this comment we have in mind progressive ideas. All several months berind Bootet MULCARE, Priest in charge Washington himseli never failed to St Jude Mission, Summit.
men, however, are not able to connect their ideas of things give cr dit to Branum for his selt with the object intended. Very few can, to any great NON INJURIOUS sacrificing loyn y during the days Church School 3p.
extent, and a good many think they can. And here is the of small this at uskegee Insti Evening Praser and Address 30 great crossing where matters get terribly mixed and protute. Mr. Brathwsite (Otheest)
gress along the right direction often retarded. For instance, No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required During the forty years of his em. St. Simon Mission, Gambos ore who would like to be a labour leader may not possess ployment, Branum saw the Board Matins, Litany and address il su.
the qualification fitting him to make the proper connecting ing Deparient grow from bothing Me McCarty, Lay Reader, will link between his idea and that of those he expects to lead; MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, to more than 5 163. Io the be. Officiate.
ginning, be was chief, steward, Church Seb ol and Corfirmation Class hence he is doomed, if he takes the risk, to ultimate failure.
SMOUTH AND SILKY bead waiter, and matron, all cooAnd so it is with the would be orator, banker, singer, buued in one job Uncle Felix as MULCARE, Priest Charge journalist, pianist and the like. This condition the more some of the workers cailed him, progressive and higher cuitured individual knows: but SOLD EVERYWHERE is friend and advisor to the one how must he get around it and forge ahead?
undred and thirty five workers When one is discovered possessing necessary qualifi Experienced Canvassers Investigate how employed to prepare and serve Wesleyan Methodist Church the fouu for the students and tea. BRITISH CONFERENCE. cations for these positions, who can evolve the ideas cb rs at the Institute.
Posms 11 a. Pev. Wade.
capable of achieving the desired effect, he should be taken The deceased was born in Wasb. Communiun. 15 And itersary Service from among the masses regardless of his social standing, ington, Georgia, in 1831. Woen for Ancieat Order of Stepberds. 730 LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD emancipais came, he belonged to Rev. Wade Commute family prestige or any other impediment; introduce him to the family in Tuskegee, Subject: Reply to the Present Day the world and keep him there so that he will not only be and after the Civil War remained Mocker, credit to himself but will make history for the race.
in the couuty, a respected citizen. Colon 11 a. and 30 Rev.
Do not let us loose sight of the fact that there may be He is survived by a wife tive Suryeon. Communion after bort few who are able to make proper connections with their The theory of course is that the play should be so inter. children and twenty one grand services childreu.
La Boca 11 a. Mr. Kennedy ideas about things progressive and so when we find them preted as to produce in the mind of the audience the im 30 Mr. Waiters.
let not turn our eyes the other way or blind ourselves pression it would have made on contemporaries of the Ren. Receipt Boks in SpanNew Providende. 11 m, Brother with prejudice. Let us tell them that we need their sup. figures in the drama. Attractive as such a theory may be Daly.
port which is greater than the support we are able to give superficially it is surprising that an experiment based on ish and English for sale at the Paraiso. 11 Mr. Theo. Fuller them In plain and unvarnished English tell them: You that kind of doctrine should be taken seriously by London Worxman Printery 30 m. Mr. Kennedy Empire 11 a. to. Mr. Payne have the brain and we the brawn; brawn cannot win; piay goers.
it helps brain to win. But be not mistaken and let it not But it has been taken quite seriously, and leading actors British Consulate Notice.
be here inferred that brain is to be found only in who have themselves played in Hamlet in the past are almost The Salvation Prmy high places and brawn among the weaker and poorer unanimous in their approval of the new rendering Of course The British Consulate General of PANAMA CITY CORPS class, neither let us lose sight of the fact that the masses the representation has at the same time provoked a good Panamá would like to know of the Services are se follows: cannot lead in anything but in a mob crowd and that the deal of derision, and one of the leading cartoonists has pub whereabouts of Jestine Redwood a native of Jamaica, leaders must be taken from the few who are able to PUT lished a portrait of Shakespeare himselt attired in immac5. Early Prayer Meeting IDEAS TO WORK.
ulate tail coat, striped trousers and spats, with silk hat and Examiners How would you classify 10 Children Diregtary Meetik Malacca cane in one hand and leaning on a portable type. e telephone girl? Is it a busines or a sod Brigade United Opra Air Meeting writer balanced on a pile of his folio volumes. The fact Candidate: Neither. It a calling. ducted by Commandant Martin.
professioni 11 Halinese Meetin to be con Hamlet in Modern Trousers. remains nevertheless that no theatrical departure for years p. Compary meeting and has created so much discussion as the new Hamlet, and the Brigades Open sir.
experiment conducted by the Birmingham Repertory Com. p. Junior Open Air. mild sensation is being created in the theatrical world pany at a well known London theatre is likely to have a What everyone is 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air in Great Britain by the rendering of Shakespeare Hamlet marked effect on the development of theatrical tradition.
Meeting, saying p. Salvation Meeting in the Hall given by a very able respertory company in which no to be conducted by Commsudsat ind attempt is made to copy the costumes of the period dealt KRONEN BRAU Mrs. Martin with by the play, the whole company appearing in comOther notice for the week will be pletely unconventional modern dress, and one of the given from the pulpit superior to all cordial invitation is extended to all principal actors attiring himself in that species of short knickerbocker universally known to golfers as plus fours.
imported beers MARTIN, Commandat.
while Leartes is armed with an entirely up to date revolver.
IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS (Continued oa page 7) 30 ADVERTISE

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