
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres to be made by his vedou was Lila What Is Your Fortune?
It was a los ant surrrise to the CRICKET The heaviest showers of rain congregation of the Colon Wesley Church on Sunday the 29th as yet for this year fell during the month of November, from ulto, to bear Mr. Theo. Foiler of 22nd to 30th inclusive, rain fell Sussex Wins Cup Paraiso for the first time. Speak heavily by day, and especially ing on the visit of the Queen of Sbeba to Solomon 84 related in during the night; fortunately CECILIA AMERICA there was no beavy wind, and The first season of the Kings 10: 9, Mr. Fuller told the lightning and thurdering Suprise Cricket cup competition his hearers toat they must make (PANAMA. COLON)
were very terminated on Sunday, the 29th their religion be seen by the slight December ulto in a match between Sussex world, if it is to be ctive.
opens with bright sunshine.
TODAY. Saturday, December 5th and TODAY. Saturday, December 5th and Wanderers cc in John Gilbert in which the former was victorious TO MORROW Sunday December 6th THE EXILES Memorial service for the late Telephone by a score of 11 runs and wickcommunications Norma Talmadge in ets, thus winning the trophy.
with New Providence have not Queen Mother, Alexandra, of TOMORROW. Sunday Dec. 6th Great Britain was held at Christ THE LADY vet been established, and the The state of the weather Couren by the sea on Tuesday Constance Talmadge in line is travelling towards the through out the week rendered night the 1st inst, and was largely MONDAY, December 7th HER NIGHT OF ROMANCE ground; at least, one of the the playing of the game an un attended despite the inclement Alice Terry in brackets is broken off, and the certaintly, and up till Saturday weather.
MONDAY, December 7th insulator and wire is about 30 night it was a matter of doubt ANY WOMAN Viola Dana in inches above the ground, very whether it would be possible, slow progress indeed.
but day break on Sunday was The service was conducted by TUESDAY, December 8th THE BEAUTY PRIZE very promising and the day the Rev. Nighfengale.
Georgia Hale in TUESDAY December 8th turned out to be an ideal one in the church was draped in purple Miss Leonora Markham. nge which neither extreme of wea and black, while a catafalgue was THE SALVATION HUNTERS House Peters in 13 years. was sent to the Santo ther was evident.
placed in the sile, facing the altar. RAFFLES THE AMATEUR CRACKSMAN Tomas Hospital on November WEDNESDAY, December 9th Many were present to witness and a stirring address was deliver 30th to be operated on for WEDNESDAY, December 9th the Tom Mix in match and the best of spiritsed by Major Charles Brathwaite appendicitis; we are praying Wallis, the British Minister for a successful operation, Norma Talmadge in NORTH OF THE YUKON.
pervaded throughout.
ard a speedy recovery. She is a mem.
Winning the toss Captain THE LADY ber of the Wesleyan Sunday Went of the Wanderers Marriage of Mr. Geo.
THURSDAY, December 10th school, and a junior member of elected 10 bat and Clarke and THURSDAY, December 10th the church.
Napp were elected as the tirst Thomas to Miss. Lena Constance Talmadge in pair.
Ale: Terry in They made a good stand Brown. HER NIGHT OF ROMANCE and things looked favourable. ANY WOMAN as the 1st wicket fell for 12 runs, FRIDAY, December 11th Activtes of The Bethlehem of which were contributed by pretty and fashionable wed. Pearl White in FRIDAY, December 11th Church of God Holeness Napp who was the first to fall ding was solemnised in the Colon to be bowling of Weeks. After Wesley Church on the 22nd alto. THE BROADWAY PEACOCK Georgia Hale in THE SALVATION HUNTERS On Sunday, Dec. 10th, there the fall of the first wicket the when Miss Lena Brown was SATURDAY, December 12th and will be a Social Evening with the team very nea ly collapsed. Toe joined in holy matrimony to Mr.
tifth went for 13, but at the sixth Thomas. The bride looked SUNDAY, December 13th SATURDAY December 12th sisters of the Betlehem Church the scare rose to 34 and the charming, and leaning upon the Colleen Moore in Tom Mix in San Miguel, prepare yourself to entire team fell for 45. Marcus arm of the Father giver, Mr.
see and bear Cambridge Show SO BIG NORTH OF THE YUKON Sunday the 13th there will be Clarke was the only brilliant star Drummond went up the aisle for bapticmal service at Bella Vista the day. He made top score the strains of a beautiful of 27 runs, the orly double tigure wedding march played by Mr.
beach also Harvest Thanksgiving team. Lawson. The cere nony 10 on that date. All gifts will be received on Saturday the 12th, The bowling of Weeks was was performed by Rev. ER from noon on. Special program almost unplayable. Bowling 47 Wade. Mr. Burton acted will be rendered at and pm bulls he captured wickets for as groo nsman, while the chief 18. ruus, dismissing Joha, Cook, Pringle. There were five other bridesmaid Miss.
Gayly, Barnett and Betty for a cipher. Layne 50 did wo k, bridesmaids and a page boy Master Ferguson on the 20th inst acc. or the fall of Mac page.
La Boca Pars.
walked before the bride bar.
Donald and Wentt for 24.
Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs ing the ring on a cushion The The opiniip of the Sussex flower girl was Miss Johnson innig was far from what could The bride look very sweet and each week for Readers of this paper pleasant time was spent by Have you tried the be called promising The tirst charming in her dress of satin pricket nt for noubing at the trimmed with feathers and beads WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE mony at the Community Hall on Sunday evening last when new Beer haud of Wentt, but they became the train which was borne by addition to the regular program of more cautious and the 2nd went the bridesnids was exquisitely recitations by junior members of Kronen Brau for 22. Toey played steadily, but.
the bushest individual score was elaborate fell gracefully over the November 26. December high success. You can e a journal the Catholic Society an interesting by.
by Haynes.
The Cusp of Scorpio and ist, a short story writer an editor debate Ro se ved. That the Pen The sixth wicket The chief bridesmaid wor or a writer of novels. It is your is Mightier Than the Sword was fell tor 56 runs at which point Sagittarius. fitting place in the work of the conducted by Jump, leader, satin and georgetle rictly After a few days illness Miss the game was declared winning trimmed. The following were Bayne and Have you ever tried to write? If world and if you are already far and Doris Campbell is again up and by 11 runs with wickets to some of the guests: not you should immediately give advanced on another type of work, Church, junior, on the affimative Misses Payne, Brittain, attention to this profession or art you should take up writing as a and Geo Pierre, Cyrus and was able to attend the Orpheus Club practice of they play The Wentt captured wickets for Duncan, Cooper, Mrs. as you may call it. The signs of hobby, Church on the negative. As Path Across The Hill which decided by the Julges, Father Gay is to be presented during the 23 runs and Hamilton for 27 Richardson, Mrs. Ferguson, this cusp point to literary The malachite, which mirrors so The game was umpired by Mrs. Methodist, Mrs. Reid and all those born during this well its surroundings, is the stone andmise Eddie Dudley, the early part of the coming the won by add seing Miss Campbell is Thorpe and Enmanuel and Mr. Mrs. Drummond, period who have reached immor of your sign and the gir niam is play their decisions were satisfac Messrs. Bellamy, Frank tality have done so through the the symbolic flower. Your soul te worden thiet opeenets of prominent part in this comadytorily taken lin, medium of.
of like than on drama the pen. The decision was popular Bruno and George Laynis.
beloved humorist, Mark a burning fire.
Marriage with you is often of Pither more Donal prenant other one.
Among tho e were After the ceremony was per. Twain; the woman who used a Haevest festival services will be Friendly Match tomor for ned the happy couple and man name for a non de plume, secondary consideration Be careful Catholic Ministers. President held at the Wesley Church on the row.
their guests motored to the George Elliot William Cowper, the that you do not enter into it with. Whyte of the Emplovees A8:0 13th inst. In connection with the home of Mrs. Richardson satirical Jonathan Swift and the indifference and without thought, Now that the competition for reception was given, this being Louisa Mae Alcott, all of tnese destroyed by a false step in this the La Boca Athenaeum Teacher Bed and Streets, where a tine favorite American author for girls, for your whole career could be ciutien, President William DeSouza harvest there will be a concert tor and Vice Presideot WC, King of which tickets are now on sale.
the season is througb, the vari over, the newly married pair left and many more lesser authors direction. Those born in July or Clifford Sewell of the La Boca ous teams will keep themselves for their new home.
celebrated their birthdays during the last of May would make School, Holder and an in practice and at the same time this week, suitable mates.
appreciable number Je ladies of Cristobal Silver Glubhouse.
continue to amuse the public by Head of Boys Institute There is hardly another kind of means of a series of friendly (Copyrighted 1925 by Hense. the community, matches the first of which will Thanks Supporters career in which you will find such Adams Syndicate. GIRL RESERVE ACTIVITIES.
be played tomorrow between Members of the Woman Life Wanderers and Sussex, the two Problem Club are busy disposing on Saturday, December 5th. The teams who played the last of the Commander Watson, of tickets for a musicale to be held Girl Reserves will hold their reguCup games. Despite the fact head of the Colon Boys Institute that these wili not be competi begs, through this medium, to at the Clubhouse on Sunday after lar monthly Conference in the nooo the 20th of this month. The Gatun Silver Cubhouse at tive matches they will not be thank the many friends, sup.
object of this is to raise funds to o clock.
lacking in spirit, excitement and porters and sy in pathizers of the help give the lege fortunate a good Miss Gertude Geopfarth. the interest, and the public will Institute, including those who always be treatud to the best have directly or indirectly contime for Christmas, The Club General Secretary of the M.
disires to keep before the minds Mr Rooz, the General display of cricket. In tomorrow tributed to the success of the display, Sussex will be repre. Excursion to Panama on Thanks.
the members of the community Secretary of the Bureau of Clubs sented by Layne (Capt. Nurse, giving Day. The Commander is the Miss Linda Smart of Colon will Playgrounds have promised to be Weeks, Atherley, St. Hill, East aware of the fact that it is only deliver and address before that with us and give a talk to the Girls.
We are urging all the Girls to man, Harding, Johnson, Brath with this continued cooperation AND Society on the evening of the 12 inst The subject on which Miss present and those who stay away waite, Japal. Simpson, while that the bas been and will in the Smart will Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 speak is Modern will miss a good program.
Wentt (Capt. Phillips, future be able to continue bis Woman.
On Saturday, December 19th Sambleton, Joha, Riberts, program of helping the boys and will be the Girl Reserves Christmas Clarke, Reid. McDonald, at the same time render invalu. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Concert to be held in the Hall of the Mottley, Hamilton, S, Uter able help not only to Colon but to will defend Wanderers, with the Republic and to the world at According a prominent member Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. This of the La Boca Athenaeum will be a unique entertainment as Caok and Barnett as extras.
large, It is the disire of the ComSummary of Contents: arrangements for an All medalist all the Corps are to take part, Elocution Contest to be held under The annual Christmas Social for SHAKESPEARE KING mander also to bring before the History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years the auspices of that society in the the Girl Reserves will be held on attention of the public that he JOHN.
bas organized a drive for funds Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, early part of the coming year is Saturday, December 26th. at to erect a new home for the boys. Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, taking definite shape and the con o clock in the Hall of the Cristobal At Liberty Hall on Dec. 21. This step has been approved by ditions governing the contest will Silver Clubhouse.
both white and coloured who Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, be ready for publicatian in a few Only Girl Re erves are invited.
Liberty Hall at the corner of appreciate the dire need for such Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual days. The society will hold its 11th Street and Broadway will home. To this and Commander annual Social at the Clubhouse Players on the 15th of this month when be the center of attraction on Watson is colicitiog the aid of EMPIRE.
Monday night the 21st inst. one and all to hasten the time Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and games and other indoor exercises when the Jasm will be indulged in by members hool under when permanent home will be On Thursday 26th inst. the the directorship of Mrs. Ella dedicated to the rescue of unfor.
Interesting and invited guests.
Saint Barnabas Chapter of the Johnson will present to the pub. tunate boys.
Brotherhood of Saints Andrew lic the season most classical Price 50cts.
held their Anniversary Service in Shakesattraction, featuring Committee composed of mem their chapel at Empire at 11. a The Presentation Match peare King Joha.
bers of the Employees Association Icvitations were extended to Lovers of classical literature will hold a meeting this evening to the Girls Friendly Society in cannot afford to miss this oppor. No definite announcement has Secure yours now there will be a great rush consider a sick beeefit scheme reconnsetion with their church and ignity of seeing wbat huge yet been made concerning the cently discussed at a meeting of the the Wesleyan Christian Endeaver for them, probabilities there are in the presentation match, but it is La Boca District. It is understood Society to participate in this serChildren of Ethiopia expected that it will be played that the foeling of the other Dis vice.
Tickets are now being sold for within the next two weeks when Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN trict has been asked on the matter. The Rev. Mulcare conthe occasion and the doors will Sussex will be pitted against a Panama If the plan is workable it is to reducted the service and admibe thrown open at 30 on that combination from the other commended to the Board for fur. nistered Holy Communion to the night.
ther discussion and approval. brotbers and their guest.
areers affirmative The STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History di and MI


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