
SOVS 0000SSSSSSS Britain is Hurt by Stories Sent Abroad Colonel Willey, Industrialists Finds Pessimism In ured Trade Scores British Writers.
Up to date Jewelry Rinse theretly an up to walking thon It can be a few team. dye er in your Hacking with RIT Dark Blue Mustand Purple Eero that such an article basis fact Fuller Jewelry Store Dark Green Light Be Pink Light Grey Salmon Eers Green Ples Scarlet Yellow alebip Grey Henna Black Navy Blue ooooooooosssss Tupe WASMES AS WANNY RIZZ WASHES لان Cable des patcb to the New York Times from London states that. Colonel Vernon Willey, President of the British Federa.
of Industries, landing yes.
terday from the Majestc on bis return from New York, said: Keep the Dainty Garments The chief impression carry of Intimate Wear Always away from America its overBright and Fresh!
whelming prosperity. see no Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
reason at present for any reac tion to the good times American Have RIT always at hand to keep is enjoying. Its prosperity is pretty stockings and other articles due to an enormous increase in of lingerie looking their best both the volume an efficiency of by tinting or dyeing them with production. In 1921 American RIT. There are thirty one beautiful shades and colours industry was producing 57 per cent. of the maximum possible. all equally good for treat10 1923 it rose to 72 per cent, ing linen, silk, cottons or woolens. There are 31 colours and today it is 75 per cent.
When garments or hangings are Canary Yede Lavader Eticiency of production is spotted, sun streaked, stained or Light Brown sbown by the fact that in the faded, take out all the old colour with WHITE RIT. Then the material Dark Brown last ten years, taking a standard unit of production in all Indus is ready for the desired light or dark Rome tries, there has been a reduction shade of colour Orange Golden Yellow of 10 per cent. in the number of Sold Everywhere Chartreuse Tangerine wageearners, needed to produce that unit)
Discussing the trend of American price level, Colonel Wiliey SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
Chicago, expressed the opinion that a long term trend was unlikely to MONTEZUMA be upward, Practically all sec.
DRUG STORE tions in America believe prices RIT PANAMA will remain stable or may even AS IT DYES tend downward, Then Colonel Willey touched on a matter bad disquirted him protound 4 ESSS SOXSOWS general belt own and out.
in America that Nobody can deny that conditious here are far from satis.
factory, but in America there is SVOS KASESSO a rooted impression that matters have gone so far that we are on the verge of an industrial or even social breakdown, he said. This belief is doing our interests much barm. came across more than one instance where it SUPPLIED BY is definitely losing us business, and Americana bave deliberately refrained from attempting to obtain supplies from England because they believed it useless in the present circumstances. None of the strong points of our position after all, there are many been brought bome to the Americans Practicalls nobody in America understands is brewed from the best what the dole is, bow or why it started and the manner in which materials obtainable it is operated. The averrge American and, even many leaders of American thought. seems to believe the old British spirit of initiative and the British capacity to battle is superior to all imported beers sold against dificulties bave been lost. This is a regrettable state here and it sells to the public at of affairs, but the fault is primarily our own. The American HALF the price.
papers are filled with extracts describing a terrible state of affairs in England, and some articles written by our countryTRY OUR NEW BEER men have not helped matters. should like most earnestly to show that the amount of pes.
simistic news which is drifting across the Atlantic is doing us harm, and tbick it our national duty to try to correct some of the false impressions which are SUPERIOR TO ALL abroad in America.
another coming in the opport Well Doer DR THE BEER The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Dobarlllloon mate success 80 completely to one aan. For years it seemed as though Willett arguments could never prevall against the weight of prejudice and tradition that withstood them. What final ly gave bim victory was the war and the economy campaigns it stimulated in every field. Now it is certain that Great Britain at any rate would never dream of dispensing with summer time.
Nor is likely that any other country that bas once adopted it in every form can be seen would.
here at its best See our he White Line.
Wrist Watches, Bracelets few years ago the idea of the principal leading article in the Diamond Rings London Times being headed The White Line and devoted and a hundred other adornto the discussion of no more momentous question than the ments and you ll recognize desirability of painting a white why this is the LEADING line in the middle of the JEWELRY HOUSE in town roadway at every corner on important thoroughfares would ask prices and you ll find still have been incredible. The fact another reason. that it is not incredible now, and just appeared. testimony, not to any generacy on the part of 122 Central Ave. Phone 629 tbe Times but to an increasing te sense of the urgency 01 ecreasi the number of road accidezts which on a small scal make every weekend in Great Britain tragic. The causes o motor accidents are numerous, and some of the accidents can avoided and some not, but on saleguard on which public authorities and motorists them selves are becoming increasingly agreed is this white line at the corners of roads. It is there that accidents are commonest. car takes the corner too wide and out across path of direction.
or crash driver attempts to pass the car in from does more to drive away without being able to see wbether pains and aches than any there is another car coming other known remedy: that is why thousands of people the towards him, and the result as world over call it pain often as not is a smash and very enemy.
likely a death. The white line Rheumatism, sciatica, stiff it is observed keeps every car to neck, sore and tired muscles, its own halt of the road and goes lumbago, neuralgia, neuritis, sprains and bruises are infar teward ensuring perfect atantly relieved by safety at corners. In itself it is SLOAN LINIMENT nit a matter of the first moment None legitimate without portal but ts a sign of the attention and olgnature of that is now being given to this question of safety on the roads it bas both its importance wd its At all druits and dealers.
and Builder The Sojourners Benevolent Friendly Society on the 29th House No. 20 ulim. celebrated what must be 28th NOV, STREET, termed, an auspicious afternoon; for it commemorated the reachSAN MIGUEL ing of its first mile stone on the Box 411, Panama, R, journey of progress. Among the guests present Plans and Specifications Free President of the Directors Star First Class Workmanship were, Mr, Livingston Murrell, of Chorrillo; also Mr. Hurdle of the Edith Cavel F, Guaranteed The ball was profusely decorat: ed with buntings, garlands and Notice to Correspondents.
bouquets; after all the celebrants Contributors and correspondents guests were seated, the tony was eventually broken by are asked to send in their contribu.
masterful fashion by the Presia tive and must be adhered to the opening address delivered in tions not later than Thursdays to publication. This is impera.
dent Carter; which was followed by the processional HymD; and a splendid selection, rendered by the West Indian Band Following this Why pay donble price was an elofor interior imported quent sermon delivered by the Chaplain Johnson; whose Beer when you can text was taken from the 127th buy a superior Beer Pealm, Except the Lord build the bouse, the labour is in vain such as BALBOA for to them that build it. The half the price.
band bere, was very noticably distinguisbed for an appropriate rendition.
Following this, was the reading of the history of The Rent Receipt Books in SpanSoj uroers Benevolent Friendly ish and English for sale at the Society by the Secretary Workman Printery Senbouse. Among other items on the Program, were Reid Lecture on Reunion, 11 which was highly applauded, he King of England and MonS. McLeod lecture on vered; followed by Cyrus rebial Government Was de Charity. Johnson The American Government and Hope Senhouse on the the blic of Panama, which Origin of Societies and Reece was masterfully handled. Fol.
on Continuity.
lowing each lecture was the The Band here, rendered an respective National Hymn, which seleetion and the reces was rendered in an eloquent and sional bymn was sang; at the masterful way by the West end of which the celebrants and Indian Band. This was followed guests repaired to the appart by a lecture from Mr. Livingnent where the bacqueting ston Murrell on Achievement committee had prepared a sump and Union.
tious repast for the occasion.
After the closing remarks, and After the resumption of the a eulogy of the hi for renewed activities had Band by the Chairman mr.
been accomulished, an able Ca. function was indeed, It is specially suited for this climate OSOMOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KRONEN BRAU modo 30 30 30 London Correspondence. Public Benefactor. 90 og HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT movement is on foot to erect a memorial to an English man whose name probably is bardly known anywhere outside Erg gland, but whose efforts during ibe closing years of a life time devoted to quite other intereste bave placed millions of Eglisb.
men is his debt. The benefactor in question is Mr. William Willett, a London builder of con siderable but not abnormal pros verity, who as his life advanced conceived the then revolutionary idea of putting back the bands of the clock, that is to say of every clock throughout Great Britain, through the summer months, so that every man work might begin and end an bour earlier by solar time. Summer time, as it is popularly known, is now an established institution in France, Belgium and other European countries besides Great Britian, and in all of them the bealth of the people has vastly benefited by the change, to say nothing of the economies effected through the saving of artiticial light Rarely it ever bas a movement that touches intimrtely the lives of so many millions of people in Europe owed its origiu and ulti ESPERANZA LAUNDRY OSSESSO 50 other ADVERTISE In The WORKMAN it Pays dresocomitc. Jobinson, ou brougih tes a regrettable close West Indiao


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