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PRICE CTS. Cy NEGRO SOUTHERN SOLDIERS Best Uniformed Regiment Says Negroos are GetSays Commander.
ting Better Every Day Of Scout Commissioners From The following appears in a reest issue of the Washinzten wood c. dat. bow Nov 28 Cable despatch from Green Claims Government Refuse to British and American Bureaus. TRIBUNE:Perform Part of Agreement That the Negro continues to be quotes Judge Rainie good soldier in spite of the many ing that Negroes are getting bete Quite a unique little function discouragements of the past few every day and white people are cable despatch from Washington states that William took place at the de Lesser Park PRESIDEMI CHIARI years is proven by the recent com getting meaner and more in of the wenty fifth every way, he told the ground jury Karlin Counselor at Law, New York City, on behalf of a on Thursday evenine last when Infanaryo, Ho General order in opening the November term of client has filed with the Department of State a claim for detachment of 150 scouts cubs of Feted by Association of No, 63 by Colonel Doughert who county court.
the local Boy Scouts led by Cub 5, 000, 000, 00 against the Repub ic of Liberia.
is in command of the regiment that During the last sixteen years Commisioner Bolt met and has or some time been located at Judge Ramige said he had bee The claimant, anting for himself and for other stockparaded oder view of Mr. Make Fort uchnuca, Arizon. The in presi ling over court all over the holders of the America Liberian Industrial Corporation, alleg.
rill Commissioner from the British That President Rodolfo Chiari spection occurred October 15 1925. state as a special judge and it was es that the Liberian Government illegally fused to perInternational Bureau of Scout and Mr. Jameson of Coramis undoubtedly holds first place in The commendation reads: The his observation that Negrus ac form its part of an agreement as it was quired to do by an sioner of the International being clearly demon tratad by the close of his annual review ard in prople of his country is Area mmander at the larpearing in court less than while Act of the Liberian Legislature signed and approved by Bureau of Serute. Moving picture the then Liberian President wher by this corporation snaps of the boys hea ied by theirminy receptions given it his honor spection of the 251h Infantry, this Many of the crimes for which became possessed of very valuable non infringible rights Drum corps of Pasma lished in this city. Just a little by various organizations estab date suid; and. hates are arrested are automobily and privileges over an area of 768. 000 square acres of LiDistrict were taken by Mr. Jame over a fortnight ago the Professors best infantry review have ever disputes with Negros.
This regiment has just given the sterling, moonstining, and petty berian territory. The claimant further aileges that because of the National Institute held a seen outside of West Point. It is of this failure on the part of the Liberian Government the en fafter the band stand where the line peres reception which is well ever best at hiforme contient Shave ISTHMIAN LEAGUE OF Bw. corporation was prevented from exercising the rights and parade the guest of honour and this week seen in States International Commissioners were it has been the Panama Coinmerce Army.
To Elect. privileges as set forth in the agr ement between the corporaintroducad to the officers, Association privilege to tribute This enviable record has been tion and the Liberian Government. Ford. Bell Denniston, M. Young our esteemed First Magistrate and made only by the cerdo work of The Isthmian League of British Among the valuable privileges thus granted to the right royaily did they do it. Ellis Harris, Lewis, Mac spacious and cornmu tious dancing he regimental commal. der con the coming ball year at its next cultivate, purchase and sell all kinds of vegetable products, The officers and men of the regiment, West Ingians will elect officers for Corporation were the following. viz: The Sole right to grow, Dowall as well as the patrol Lead room of the Union Club was taxud gratulates everyone of you and is session in Pursio Wednesday the including rubber; to establish plantations, experimental ers and Sixers to its capacity Messrs Makgill and Jameson the 170 by a woda proud to have the good fortune to 16th inst the last regular guests who with President assigned to the Twenty fifth.
then addressed the parade and Emanuel Lyons and his colleagues of the year will be held in this city farms employ expert, etc to construct, operate and keep in each of them complimented the of the Association of Comerce in counter signed by John A, Klein 19th instant all members are re docks, wharves: to build and operate railways, tramways, By order of Col, Doug erty, at tieddes Hill on Saturday the good condition harbors, bridges, róids reservofrs, canals, boys on the splendid effort they this brilliant display of humage captain and adjutant, were making and the wonderful coufra ernity aod good will, The quested to. ttend these meetings omnibusses, motors, lorries, wagons: to erect warehouses of showing they had code that after plomatic sod Consular Bodies all kinds; to build ships: to establish banks; and in general noon and assured them that the to develop a large tract of Liberian territory, other members of the Brotherhood, were very strongly represented, sever distinguished civil SPARKLETS In his claim to the State Department William Karlin, the though far removed, were never military officials of the Republic theless interested in their welfare and the Canal Zone along with the Champion EDW ATHERTON.
attorney folhe claimant, stateed that in view of the rights their progress and encesesses Coloa Buard. of Commerce also mom tous question by some granted by the Laberian Government to the corporation comSeveral Scout Yells were then taking part e prising as they do, rubber fields of inestimable value in 1200 us As remarked a few weeks ago, molt reformists and needs given in honour of the Inter had intended to se my choice bared. What the Anglo Saxon Club, square miles of territory the damages suffered by the national Commissioners Bolt bere The presentation speech the visitors for their delivered by Presidert Lyone in Mr. Nimbley maintain the the Purity Leagues, President kind addresses in the name of the which meation was made of Don coveted title of Isthmian Cycle General Marcus Garvey of the claimant may conservatively be estimated at 5, 000. 000, 00 Rudolfo activities Champion on Thanksgiving. Day recent effussions published locally Miss Linda Smart Ex. Beauty Culturist Wins Aauthor Pans ma District and the entire community of Boy Scouts be wel. commencing when still a youth as last when he would have also won by my now incorrigibly bent friend Rudge Whitworth think comed them in their midst and messenger with the firın of Heurte the splendid pected Here.
about it am not aware but assured them that their visit would matte of this city and rising to the bicycle offered by the Rudge thi Company for the bear fruit, as such visits helped position of manager of id firmWinner of the 12 mile Championship opinion that the good and true Miss Linda Smart, clerk in the On Monday last Judge Martin which positio, he creditably beld winter immeneely in stimulating the cube whi cungtinted Cycle Open Scratch, but the go men ferred in not separating the British Consulate Office. Colon in the Ancon District Court decidmovement to further efforts whib esteem of his employers, and later were not in this favour and Mr men from his wife whom he had and a member of the West Indian led in fr voue of Mrs. Mary Me the scouts and the officers o the for years gaining the of cyclist most eventuslly improve and hely is his own boss worshive of the much promise. dethroned Whim. My not still loving her. To my mind, expected to arrive here this after. agsinst Mrs. Helen Ruck for loved and only God knows it he is Welfare Committee of Colon, is Guire suit brought by her organization along largest an most flourishing sugar and the parade wended its way to thereby qualifying him for the man would; was too, and was go, the jurymen dicision is on the address the Womeo Life Problem her under il contriet. The delen blumed soiry and ould, if could, points of both ethics of law and Club of that place on the subject dant had some me ago discharged the La Boome Clubhouse tok bieters which he now tills and acquainting miraculously change riders when common judgement, a just one plaintiff of moving picture witn the needs of the cham she will appear on a program in and, it is alleged, that she had stoheld in London, The pictures were Chiari replied thauking the greaker tape of the 1920 International Jamboree along countereid lines the resident pion were about 20 feet from the Tue Male GeneralLY Fights, aid of the children Christuas len some property from her beauty in the last lap. Let all The move to guard race purity treat at the Wesley Schrolroom. parlour. Mr Rack operates the both interesting and instructive for his nd It is understood that Miss Smart Beanty Parlour at th Paonna delicate honour Atherton and support is all bubble! There is a more or and and commanded quite a attendance.
allusions and commented on the im until some one else move up less organized effort on the part of will stay overnight and tomorrow Canal Gold Clubhouses and Mrs effor now bei put forth and displace him. cyclist who the male of both the higher and visit the Palo Seco Lepper Colony McGnire Makgill gave a very interesting talk protect and stabilize the repu lic code those muelling seventy or lower animals to be off the with members of the Women Life The court found that defendant commerce by the revisiwn of the more laps with over a dozen other weaker of their sex from their res. Problem Clue who have arranged a was not justified on any ground in on the patrol system and followed with present Canal Treatry in ich. competitors including the cham pactive female. This sta e of afairs, special program to entertain the discharging plaintiff and so awarded the latter 155 70; the slan some very interesting stories on hoped, clear and definite out ine Dion, and win, ta biar the honour bowever, will. in time, be made of Mr. Atherton the Miss Smart will be accompanied der count plaintiff was given judgeby ber mother.
ment in the amount of 300, makreplied on behalf of the District. A, ernment to import free of tarif and the 12 Mile Championship event min who will claim equal rights ing a total of 455. 70.
C, Bolt then called on Mr.
on hanksgiving Day I»st. The in seleting her mate. That will no Death of Abraham Charles. Mr. Ruck gave notice of his inteoAttorney Porter who defended Bodga of the Canal Zone Boy import duties auy merchandise race was the day clssic. doubt result in a great war which Scout Troops who suitably ad pecessary for the Canal work an may decide once and for all many for the comfort of its employees.
We regret to record the death of tion to file a motion for a new trial dressed the audience, controversial race issues, for, it is a Charles, a native of for which he was given until the The evening function was then He concluded by thankine the Gossip on Race Purity.
Gr wada, which sad event took 17th instant.
Association for the great distinction brought to a pleasant close by af which he was the objøet und read anything about the RhineMaybe you bave not heard por common knowledge that even when piace on Thursday last at the is the natur. desire of many wo Scout Cheers for the meo select their kepublic of Paname, Scouts of the natured beam of this mesingness to under annulment la case recently worting. parenterat handle they to score illnes, which might well be life or Santa Tornas after a ATTENTION.
help them as far as hnus ended iu the good old A, but some male comes up and starte« terined sudden, as Charles, was Novelty ore at No. Calidonia Have you visited La Escalerita International Bureau the Chief power whenever they Scout. and the singing of the fronted by any triuls no matter gain, briefly, anyhow This was a fight with her choireant of course before he passed away. He was 39 Bode where you can get some nt if you have, let discus: it over a.
taken to British National Anthem.
how serious they may be.
stronger, respect to. case, as reported, where a son of a invariables while one that made years of age, a carpenter by trade the very best Notions and Nov. Mr. Domingo Arias then wealthy, a REV. MULCARE ILL.
delivered an address of welcome New York family, a member of the serves as an antidote to the wb and showed no signs of suffering ties at the cheapest prices? Well it from the dread disease Nephritis while to drop in and see for your you haven t, it will worth you We regret to record tbe illness of to the Diplomatie sud consular Nordic race, Mr, Kip Rhinelander, man aim.
which so burriedly cut off him.
Rev T. Mulcare of St. Peter Corps whico was replied to by Dr. discovered, loved, courted and self. This Novelty store carries a Charles was a me. aber of Court varied stock of articles that will UPHOLDERS ARE VIOLATORS.
Church, La Boca, who has been Carios Vasseur, Caban Minister, married a pretty mulatto girl. and Minerva, No 9284 OF. His confined to bed for the past two Messrs Cordua and from whom young man But the fellow who makes an mortal remains will leave the Court meet your fancy and at the same days.
We wish him ale speedy re vecker, also addressed the gather parents and others in similar vein apparently conscientious drive to Hall, San Miguel, at o clock this biste will not burin your pocket. covery.
ing the former taking for his seemed to have influenced bim to prote the pur for subject Interna ional Commer seek by way of the law courts an is at liverty to love, marry and Cemetery. All kindred societies are forget the place, No. Calidonia NEW LAW GRADUATE cial Harmony and the latter annulment of the marriage boods; flirt and he takes full advantage of bereby juvited to attend.
dealing on Closer Relations. the trial covering several months this liberty; even in our little The many friends of young Wm. spendid orchestra directed by and the jury, after hearing and village it only cowardice which Harvet Thanksgiving Service de Sousa will be pleased to know Professor Gal many was in attend. seeing samples of the ins and out of prevents frequent inter marriagss: New Colombia Minister that he has successfully completed ance and discoursed several classic the couples love romance decided while pet parties and the like Arrives.
The Harvest Thanksging Sera three year course in the study of pieces during the course of the that Brother Rhin, ladder was well without regard to color or creed is vice at La Boca Wesleyan Church Law and has graduated from the function.
aware that black skin covered some no innovation. When the Negro Dr. Enrique de la Vega, newly takes place on Sunday. At 3p.
Hamilton College at Chicago, III, Accordingly the degree of Bachelor St. John P. be started to love, court and ask strong encugh in the arts and we wister th or kin of Miss Alice Jones, race suall have developed high appointed Minister of the Republic a Sacred Conceet will be presented now Mrs Kip Rhinelander, before enough cultural standards and of Colombia to Panama arrived with many xtrem ly interesting of Laws ba was conferred upon Wednesday last. The items. very cordial invitation is him in absential last July. This All Sir Knights of the above En her to share his happiness, and, in sciences the race parity farce Minister was received at the Rail extended to all.
paper congratulates Mr, de Sousa campment are hereby notified to the premise, must continued to will disappear faster than butter ad Station by Senor de la And wishes him continued success attend a special meeting which will be her map as far as the law is before the Roon day sui. Lestra, representing the Secretary present his credentials to President in the study of the profession of bis take place at Loval Progress Hall concerned. Now, apart from its of Foreign Relations.
Chiari during the early part of cboice, on Dec, 13th 1925 at p. notorious issue, this has become a (Continued on pgae 8) Doctor de la Vega will probably next week, Suit.
Wuitworth presume that thes may be of the.
be call it of the


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