
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1925 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Xmas Cards. Large and Varied Assortment Just in from England Commis: Mr. La CALL EARLY AT THE Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY perial so To use an old Phrase: CHRISTMAS IS BEHIND THE DOOR on Greyfciars.
hart Hotel here on Monday of BRITISH GUIANA aland and elsewhere in the Enpite, in placing on the this week.
lund carelu elected agricul.
There is a local Board of turists of British blood. It is Directors composed of Major Indian Colonization. absoiutely essential that we in Morris Malcolm of Knockalva; should decide and that wel 12 Mr. Edwards of Moot should be in possession of the pelier, and P. Brown, Solteitor PRESS COMMENT ON INDIAN data upon which to arrive at ali of Montego Bay.
wise decision whether wein We understand that an analy.
afteri Indian Colonists at su sis of the Knockalva product has a price we gather that the et been found to be camphor quite The Demerarn Arcosy makes the would be in the region of 500 a as good as that produced in following editorial comment on head. It is also necessary to Japan the visit to that Clony, of the ascertain wbether we could not delegate recently sent on by the secure equally desirable colo Indian Government in connection Dists say from China, on much TRINIDAD with the colonisation scheme: more favourable terms. The During the brief time that he whole matter of Indian in a has been among us Mr. Kunwar gration bas of course. thanks Maharaj Singh the mainly to Quarry Tragedy Sir Joseph Nainan siorer sent by the Government of ben handled in the most muddle India, has succeeded in acquiring headed way imaginable EARTH COVERS LABOURER a reputation for shrewdness wis Singh has done great service dom, commonsense and frank in clarifying the situation and Life Extinct When Dug Out.
ness that does bim great credit. removing some of the clouds of He has passed a very strenuous ignoranc. and irresponsibility time, and seen and heard a great and flap doodle which bave (From Weekly Guardian. deal of difficulties and problems hitherto obscured the true labourer named Conrad confronting the East Indian issue.
Headley native of Barbados, was community, and we look forward killed while at work in a quarry with great expectation to the re.
at Melnroy Road, St. Joseph, port which he will in due tim JAMAICA Lon Monday Guda submit to bis Governinent.
Headley was employed along Reading between the lines of with other labourers supplying the farewell speech delivered by Members Custodes metal and boulders to the imMr. Singh on Thursday night, College of Tropical Agriwe think we are justified in de culture on contract between GASESFS525252525252525252525252525252525252525 clearing that he has formed the REPORTED TABLE OF PRECEthe College authorities and Mr.
inevitable conclusion that there DENEE TO BE CHANGE EARLY Agostini.
is no special East Indian problem It is stated that the men were in this colony, but that such some distance apart performing problems ay his people have WILL BE VERY BIG ISSUE.
their respective duties when the face, and such dificulties as earth nearest Headley, caved in they are called upon to surmount, The NORTHERN NEWS Mon.
suddenly and covered him up.
are precisely the same as those tego Bay bas it on good authoriThe attempt to extricate him to be faced and gurmounted by ty that very shortly the announce took halt an hour and he was other races in the colony. They ment will be made in the Jamaica pulled out dead. Dr. Lange, are problems of climate and Gazzette setting forth an impor o. of St. Josepb, view the topography common to all.
tant alteration in what is known body and ordered its removal to the mortuary at the St. Joseph It is easy to see, too, that Mr. as the Table of Precedence, or an District Hospital Singh believes that the East order that has been approved by Indian community do not pull His Majesty the King. This their weight. He has of course Table sets at the order by their discovered be was bound to rank of the dignataries of the Lady Doctor Arrival.
discover that they have no country starting out with the leaders whom they can trust, Governor and ending with the and that the self styled and selt In spector General of Police, APPLICANT FOR POST IN elected leaders seek the enhance, Ninth on the list are the membeing seventeetb the list.
ment of their own prestige and advantage rather than to benefit bers of the Legislative Council and tentb Custodes of Parishes.
their fellow countrymen as a AND YOU SHOULD VISIT THE Among recent arrivals in the whole. In one passage Mr. It will thus be seen that the Colony is Dr. Grace Winifred Wilson Eason, a niece of Dr.
Singh referred to the need of an member for the parish takes pre.
Indian newspaper to voice Indian cedence to the Custos; but Maccartney Wilson, Pastor of views and Indian aspirations. We appears that this has not been quite agree that the community pleasing to some of the Custodes Dr. Eason who has been reought to be to support such and now the order is to be gistered as a member of the a journal, but it is well for the changed, the people Medical Board in respect of Indian Commissioner to know tative coming after the Chief diploma of Bachelor of Medicine ibat the fallure of such efforts to Magistrates of the parish.
and Bachelor of Surgery, of the the past has been due to the fact Но On the elected members of University of Edinburgh, where that the conductors of such the Legislative Council will take she graduated in comes newspapers have invariably filled the charge we cannot venture to from Duns, Berwickshire. She their columns with the red hot say; but it would not be surpris. has seen service in hospitals and drivellings of the most extreme inx if, given the lead by the school clinics in Scotland, and of Indian extremist politicians. Kingston and St. Andrew Cor.
for six months was Junior House With a large proportion of the poration Law, whereby the posiSurgeon in the Royal Hospital community knowing India only tion of Custos Raiulorum is for sick children, Edinburgh, by name and being unable to dispensed with, the people She intends to settle in the work up any interest or excite representatives should move in Colony and is an applicant for a ment over stale diatribes of anti a similar direction to protect post in the Government Medical British agitators in India which themselves.
in no way applicable to this colony, it is scarcely surprising turns out to be correct und we Needless to say, if the report that such ventures bave failed have got it from a most reliable BARBADOS But the fact that the East In soupce. this move will raise a dians neglect to develep their tremenduous issue in this island.
latent political power is in itself a That, of course will be a matter Legislative Measures.
testimonial to the fairness and for much regret especially at this equality of treatment that they time then it is so necessary for receive under the existing system all classes to work together for At a recent meeting of the of Government. We trust that the good of the island.
House of Assembly the followMr Singh will appreciate the It will be remembered that the ing measures of Law were that if the East Indians question was raised here on the passed: were so downtrodden god abused occasion of the official visit of Sir as some of their ranting leaders Samuel Wilson, when it was de Buli to provide for the regulation of wireless telegraphs, the would bave us believe, they precated that it appeared that he would not calmly pursue their had come more to the magistates object being to permit the ereceveryday task of industriously thon to tho people. Perhaps the tion of radio receiving sets on a working out their own advance latest move, if ture, is the reply license to be issued by the Govment and prosperity. The real The announcement will there.
ernor in Executive Committee.
No such station would be allowed fact is that, apart from certain fore be anxiously awaited.
sections and part from a few Meanwhile it is to be hoped that to transmit messages. It would only de allowed to pick up intorindividuals desirous of adver should our information be cormation from tising broadcasting themselves, the East rect, the people will regard it not Indians are too busy and too as a matter that concerns alone Recommended for Removing the Humors of stations.
Industrious to bother about the representative of a parish, Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Bill to amend the Highways Act politics. and we do not know but one that effects themselves 1900, the object in both these that it would be to the interests directly.
Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic cases being to enable the Comof either themselves or the missioners of Health and the colony if they were to change Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisCommissioners of Highways of their methods.
NEW INDUSTRY any parsish to acquire any quaneases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
tity of land that may be necesary That, however, is an old story.
for the purposes of sanitation What does concern us now is An Alterative recommended for purifyand widening of the roads and to planting community and the English Company to Develop Government and people of the resell any part of the same that Camphor Here.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
was in excess of quantity they colony, who two years ago were actually required for those purafraid to look the truth in the face should now recognize the The Northern News is in a poses. The House ad journed for a fortnight.
essential facts of the matter. In position to state this morning For Sale at all Drug Stores the first place it appears to be that a company has been formed At the same meeting Mr necessary to make public what in London to develep the camBrathwaite gave notice, to enis the estimated cost of bringing phor industry at Knockalava And in Large Quantities by quire of the Senior Member of an Indian colonist here, placing the capital of the Coy. is 20, 000 the Executive Committee present him upon the land and maintain. 000 which amount, it is underat the next meeting. 1) Is it true JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy ing him until be own his own stood, has been fully subscribed, that His Lordship the Bishop Comparative figures and operations at Knockalva draws the salary for the vacant should also be given as to the have already been started, an AGENT cures wbile they are vacant, maloutlay contemplated or guaran English expert in the industry ing himself responsible for those teed by the Governments of Aus having recently arrived from duties and deputing various tralia, Canada, South Africa, England and was at the Ethel(Continued on page 7)
American Bazaar Stores able represen1922, Where you can be supplied with all you need in Wearing Apparrel for MEN AND BOYS point Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD living


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