
READ THIS Grand Xmas Cantata The Nativity of Christ ST. PAUL CHURCH, PANAMA Sunday, December 27, 1925 General Sitting 500 WANTED FOR WEST AFRICA PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 12, 192.
Church Services.
Third Sunday in Advent Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appliesSt. Paul Church, Panama WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all nattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited. Rev. Nightegale, Rector)
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be Holy Communion The Rector written on one side of paper only, and 10. 15 a. The Litany, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 10. 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermoJoe Year Preacher The Rector 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica 08 Six Months 12 Holy Baptism, The Rector. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 3p. Church School, 60e.
We do not undertake to return reDe 23.
jected correspondence. 30 Cboral Evensong, sermon Preacher The Bishop The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS WITH ORGAN AND ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIAMENT Announcement. The Sacred Christmas Cantata The Nativity of Christ by SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1925.
Caleb Simper, noted English composer, will be rendered by the full choir of over thirby voices with organ and orchestral THE PIONEERING SPIRIT.
accompaniment in the afternoon of the Sunday after Christmas Day (December 27th) commencing st three o clock. Ad This season is an appropriate one for discussing the mission: 50 cents for reserved pioneering spirit, or rather, the lack of the pioneering spirit, seals and 25 ceata for general accommodation, among our racial group Thanksgiving Dav, at its inception, COMMENCING AT P. SHARP Get your TICKET Oarly.
was an expression of gratitude to God for the accomplish Confirmation Services will be held on ments which the early pioneer settlers of this country had Tuesday next at 30 achieved as the result of their faith and Vision.
The qualities inherent in the pioneer must be developed Reserved Seats 50c.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso Cy.
in and by us, if we are ever to earn for ourselves or to be ADMISSION: accorded by other racial groups, the full possession of our 25c. Rev. NIGH PENGALE, right as men and women. In other words rights and duties Priest in Charge. 45 a. Holy Communion Sertion go together. Determination and earnestness on our part to Rev. Nightengsle.
measure up fully to our obligations and to carve for 15 a. m, Holy Baptism, ourselves a niche in the Hall of Achievement will gain for p. Church School us a quicker and fuller recognition than any amount of com7. 30 Choral Evensong address plaining, whining and begging.
Mr. Osborne. Catechist.
Susunnonumun well known proverb runs this wise; He who risks St, Matthias Mission nothing, has nothing. We have nothing, comparatively LAS SABANAS speaking, commensurate with our numerical strength and (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, with our increase in general intelligence, because we risk Priest in Charge nothing. The pioneer must have faith, a compelling vision, p. Cbureb Sebool.
courage, an adventurous spirit, and a willingness to sufter 15 pm Evenoog end addrere.
because he believes he will leave behind a better world for Mr. Richards, Catechist.
future generations.
In the political world we need pioneers men and women who will forsake the beaten paths and the timeworn Yes, this is what the Salvation Army on the Isthmus St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca and obsolete methods which have caused our political American Episcopal (Anglican Com influence to decrease simultaneously with a tremendous hopes to get from the munion)
Third Sunday in Advent increase in our voting strength.
WEST INDIAN COMMUNITY Holy Eucharist 6, 30 a.
In the world of commerce and industry, we need Holy Baptism 730 pioneers. men and women who will dare to initiate and and other friends at the December Pay day Matins and address 10. 30 am.
foster business enterprises along every line. We need more Mr B. Hunter, the Lay Reader Church School p.
young men and women whose pioneering spirit will enable them to visualize an era of tremendous commercial and Choral Evensong sermon 30 500 for our GREAT DRIVE for New Halls, New Schools, industrial awakening among our group and who will equip. The Rector MULCARE, Rector, themselves to guide that development.
and a badly needed Training Home in WEST AFRICA In the field of education, we need pioneers men and St. Barnabas Church, Empire women with a vision of limitless intellectual possibilities of DRIVE CLOSES ON THE 20th Matius, and addrese 11 a.
our race, men and women who, in the written word text Mr. Johneon, Layreader.
books and in the spoken word will give our children and Church School, and Confirmation clan.
at p.
the members of other races a proper appreciation of our past Major Bax looks with confidence to the West Indian Clubs, Choral Evensong addrere present and future worth.
The Lay Reader And so it is in all the walks of human endeavour, too Lodges, Churches, and other public bodies to rally to MULCARE Priest in Charge numerous to recount here: we need to strike out for our selves, with vision, with adventurous spirit courageous, this drive.
St. Bartholomew s, Church hopeful, instead of depending on others to carry our burden LAS CASCADAS.
Complaining, whining, begging weaken and ultimately Matins and address, 11 a. Mr.
destroy whatever of the pioneering spirit there may be in Nothing will be deducted for expenses, every dollar given Skeen (Lay Render. Church School and Confirmation Class us. We lose our self respect, and the respectful consideration will be forwarded in full.
at p.
of our fellow man. God helps those who help themselves.
Evening Prayer and address 30 And man is more willing to lend the helping hand to one The Lay Reager who is trying to do something, to one whose call for help The total, and list of larger doners will be forwarded to the MULCARE, Priest in charko recalls to his mind the struggles of his own life, and with St. Simon Mission, Gambo whom, therefore, he can sympathize.
Workman for publication.
Litany, Holy Eucharist and sermoa Let us develop the spirit of the pioneer. Let us prove 11 a. The Priest in charge.
that all we really need is an opportunity to work out and to The Rights of the Laying on of hands bring to fruition the possibilities that lie latent and dormant by the Right Rev. James Craig Morris, within us. PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE.
Bishop of the Canal Zone at 3p.
NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES of the turrounding districts are beartily All the people of the Settlement and COLOR VS. CHARACTER.
invited to attend both services. FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT) MULCARE, Priest in Charpe Mr. David Jobnson seems to The following very pointed article which appears in be the ideal Police Inspector of the ST LOUIS ARGUS should be read with interest: Why throw away your old, but no New Providence, since bis ap. Wesleyan Methodist Church This is a fast age in which we are living. It is fraught pointment to that important (BRITISH CONFERENCE. with danger because the white man is fast losing his tenet doubt interesting, books when you office (o far as this colony je concerned) general satistaction Dams 11 a. Mr, Theo. Pullet, regarding Cnaracter. He is substituting the ignoble color can have them neatly bound at prevails. have never had time 30 Rev. Wade. Bubject: requirement for the more noble one of Character. He is to visit his court, but have The Slender Corde which blnd tho teaching that color is the main thing and that color must be World. THE WORKMAN heard several persons expressed white.
satisfaction of the manner in Colon 11 a. Mr. Laynis: 30 pm which he deals with local matters Rev. Surgeon This color prejudice has become national in its scope. It 93 CENTRAL AVENUE which come before bim from Harvest Thanksgiving is very prominently demonstrated in the organized oppotime to time; it is said that he is La Boca. 11 a. Rev. Wade.
sition that is being manifested in every city in this Opposite Cecilia Theatre impartial in all bis investigations, p. w: Nacred Concert.
country when a Negro tries to purchase a home. Ever the is no surprise, for bave 30 Mr, Johnson.
white churches have joined in with the movement and known bim to be a very conscientious and respectable young Harvest Thanksgiving furnished the meeting place for this unholy propaganda.
man. He is a Panamanian, of New Providence. 11 am. Rev.
The English Bible, as translated, edited and printed by West Indian parentage, and his the white man, places strees upon Character and the ChristParsiso 11 a. Mr. Headley. 20 ADVERTISE knowledge of both the Spanish like life. It asks this question: Is thy heart right with and English languages makes pm, Mr. Walters, God? And we are taught that if a man heart is right with him better qualified for the Empire 11 a. Mr. Martin.
God, it would of necessity be right with his fellow man.
IN THE WORKMAN, IT PAYS position than any other person resident here; it is hoped that No color question or requirement there.
be will hold the position for quite Salvation Army Hall, In the summing up of the sermon on the Mount, Jesus a while yet LA BOCA CORPS propounded this injunction: Love thy neighbor as thyself supposed heathen to accept his interpretation of the Bible, 30a. Knee Drill.
No color requirement there.
when he utterly disregards its teachings here at home?
Miss Doris Russeli is prepar 11 am Holiness Meeting.
Therefore, as we think on these things some very Every subdivison that has recently been opened in and ing the Sunday school children p. Sunday School.
pertinent questions arise. The very first one is: Does the near St. Louis carries a clause in each deed which states that of the Wesleyan Church with 30 Open Air. 30 Salvation meeting.
white man actually believe in the Bible and the God of this property cannot be sold to Negroes for a period of songs, recitations and dialogues, We extends cordial invitaton to all, which it teaches. If he pretends to believe his Bible, twenty years. Any white man can purchase a lot and build etc. for a grand social entertain (Continued on page 7)
how can he hope to square his life to conform to its tenets thereon regardless of his character. No Negro can purchase a ment to be given at the church inst.
as long as he continues to cultivate, propogate and practice lot regardless of how excellent a character he may be. Evd) this will be the third conrace prejudice and substitute the requirement of color for Color has been substituted for Character and has become secutively and all who have Rent Receipt Books in Span that of Character? What has he done with this injuncticn: the standard by which races are measured, and favors attended the previous ones ish and English for sale at the Love thy neighbour as thyself? How can he expect the shown them accordingly. Continued on page 8)
Workman Printery Book Binding!
This Surgeon


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