
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres AMERICA Piece be given that 6THE SHEPHERD KING firm What Is Your Fortune?
Wesleyans Plan Big La Boca Pars.
Christmas Concert.
Bros. Williamson, RWG Caccompanied by Bros. E.
At the weekly meeting of the Cocking, GC. Distrist Athenaeum on Tuesday evening The greatest attraction of the attorney, Picketts, CECILIA last the date of the proposed Ali season is to be a grand musical District lecturer, Rob Medalist Elocution Contest has concert at the Colon Wesleyan inson, W. and Sis. (PANAMA. COLON)
been fixed for February 20, 1926. It Church on Sunday evening the Morris, of officers of was first thought that the contest 17th January, 1926.
the Central American District, TODAY Saturday, December 12th and TODAY. Saturday, December 12th would be held in January but on Great effort is being put forth No. 1. of and of Tom Mix in TO MORROW Sunday December 13th account of this month being an by all concerned to make this the paid an official visit to the Peace extraordinary busy one its was best of it kind held by them, ful Retreat Lodge on Tuesday Colleen Moore in NORTH OF THE YUKON finally decided to fix the date though there still linger with night, the 8th inst, for the pur SO BIG TOMORROW. Sunday Dec, 13th farther in the year so as to allow many, fond memories of concerts, pose of presenting a loving cup contestants ample time to prepare musicales and such the like given as d prix to that Lodge in con Mae Busch in their pieres. There are nt present by the Colon Wesleyans, that nection with the selling of votes MONDAY, December 14th BREAD four applications from the Atlantie are hard to beat. The program in a certain contest.
Aileen Pringle in end an equal number or more from will be an attractive one: It is After the usual recention and HIS HOUR MONDAY, December 14th Panama and La Boca; it is not yet the intention of the management regular honors Bro. BrathPola Megri in knowd by how many the lines will to procure the services of Mrs. valte on behalf of the Ciga King of Panama, a medalist. Lodge read and presented the TUESDAY, December 15th THE CHAN MER be represented. The following conditions and the Prima Donna of the following address to the duputa Anna Nillsca in governing the contest have TUESDAY December 15th been approved by the Athenaeum: Isthmus, and it is a certainty tion. THE TALER that Mr. Chas. Lowe of Christ Virginia Valli in to be rendered may be 8th December, 1925 Church by the sea, wbɔ is also UP THE LADDER either prose or peotry, but no conWEDNESDAY, December 16th testant will be allowed to use any medalist will also take part. In Bro. Williamson Right addition, it is understood that Wortby Grand Chief and Grand piece with which he has won a Special Cart in WEDNESDAY, December 16th some of tbe foremost musical Officers.
medsl at a previous contest. YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT. clleen Moore in wizards of the Atlantic side will Central American District No. SO BIG Contestants will be required be in attendance, while the Choir 0. of GS, and of S, to satisfy the Athenaeum that they have is working hard on two brilliant THURSDAY, December 17th COLON, been awarded a medal at THURSDAY, December 17th Choruses for the occasion.
Mae Busch in some previous contest.
It has also been decided to pro GREETING: Aileen Priogle in BREAD The result of the contest will cure the services of the Atlantic We, the Officers, Past flere HIS HOUR in order of merit and the Orchestra. This organization needs and members of the PEACEFUL contestant who comes first will be na introduction to the Isthmian RETREAT Lodge, No, 49, FRIDAY, December 18th FRIDAY, December 18th considered the Champion Elopublic Everybody is always glad to of and of S, desire Pola Megri in Anna Nillson in cutionist of the Isthmus.
hear it.
through thie medium to extend to THE CHARMER THE TALKER championship medal will be The men are now working bard you a right hearty welcome on presented to the contestant who is on some of the latest classical hits, on this your second official visit SATURDAY, December 19th and SATURDAY December 19th awarded first place and suitable and the audience will surely be to our Lodge.
momentos to all other contestants.
treated to a program which wil al It was on the 28th of October, Violet Mersereau in Special Cast in way be remembered. The contest will be decided by 1924, that we had the honour of THE SHEPHERD KING YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT judges whose decision must be extending to you similar accepted as final Cyclists Plan Road Race. come; and we told you then we would look forward Application to enter the conwith the liveliest anticipation to o test will be received up to January 15, 1926 It is understood that cyclists of your coming to us again in your the Panama Canal Press Mount official capacity.
DON MISS Hope, are planning a road race This evening has furnished the In place of its regular meeting to take place in the near future. Opportunity; and you are here to the Athenaeum will hold its Annual The list of competitors is expect announce to us officially the reSocial at the Clubhouse on Tuesed to be a fairly long one, assult of the voting contest recent AMERICA DEC. 23rd day evering nex. An attractive CECILIA DEC. 19th, there are many cyclists to be ly held amongst the Lodges of prograin has been arranged for the found among them, but up to the Atlantic side of the District Note: the present the participants have and to hand over to us the prize occasion to include short addresses. THE SHEPHERD KING has been booked specially for indoor games and dancing. This not all entered. At the same we won in that competition. We XMAS WEEK.
affair will be for the members and time it is believed that among therefore, bail this some Occassion of their friends to whom them will be, Williams, with double pleasure, and wel.
invitations have been sent. Music Jeanmarie, Archibald, come you on the base of will be supplied by a popular Lavergneau, HunterC Love a base suppor News Notes orchestra.
ted 89 it is by the angels Already this event is creating of Purity and truth. Our hearts Cristobal Colon Baptist church On her way to Panama City to much interest, and many are are thrilled with because we for the purpreparing to witness it.
are jastly proud of the award will hold their annual Harvest take part in a progra Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs Thanksgiving services tomorrow pose of raising funds to treat chilthat has been made to us: and the at 11 a. and 30 The dren at Christmas Miss Linda Smart CRICKET rich memories of this evening, which makes the pre: each week for Readers of this paper preacher throughout the day will will stop here this evening and adsentation of that noble prize, will be the Rev. Witt, erstwhile dress the Woman Life Problem WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE pastor of the church and a friend Club on the subject Modern WoWanderers Sussex Match long remain fresh in our minds.
The tropby, we assure you, will of the congregation. The sale of man. Torrow sveing she will offerings will take place on also accompany her to the Leper the Club who will Calted Off be pleased angmost our choicest treasures, and we are not with others. They will soon learn that Monday evening the 14th inst.
December Colony at Palo Seco, Miss Smart out hope will to take your be accompanied by her mother conditions during the week the here to take our places when Due to unfavorable weather incentive to those who shall be The Sign of Sagittarius, the old generally know the best thing Archer.
great Some interesting and 1st class match between Wan. Death shall have consecrated the The appearance of the church and Mr. Geodge Richards of the All Sagittarius people have frank wbich was planned to take place and cast softening veil overness in anything. You of this sigo are the blind poet, Milton, Thomas result of a general renovation tive Miss Smart visit here is derers and Sussex virtues of our own generation honest manners and hate secretive characters born during this week bas been greatly improved as the Quarantine Annex to whose initisCarlyle a and Mary, Queen of Scots Old style shutters have given credited will also cross the Pacific at Victoria Oval on Sunday tbe our mistakes urging them to cannot bear to be oppo ed and are The steadying influence of paint has been applied.
way to glas, windows, and fresh entrance of the Canal belp the party brighten the life of the 6th inst was called off. However, greater activity and service in often combative. You have an exLepers, The Life Problem Club the daye turned outhenticely, and the interests of the Lodge and of tremely. hasty temper and unthink. Scorpioborn would be beneficial in a has prepared a special program was indeed of best lingly injure those who are dearest for the occasion.
day on the Atlantic side for a The PEACEFUL RETREAT to you. You immediately suffer people who ara born the latter part The condition of weather on long time.
Lodge, we are hapny to be able great remorse but you would be of October and the first of Novem: this side is much improved for ber and week, Everything is quite to say, still prides herself in ber much happier if you made a strong McCauley Bayne and Master West End vs all Pana devotion to the distinguishing attempt to curb your feelings Those your two natures would harmonize pleasant, and the balmy trade Herman Bayne will represent the ma Tomorrow.
loyalty to the District and its may not forget the inciden. as and the red clover is the flower season of the year are much in School room this evening on a proprinciples of the Oder, and her who are objects of your displeasure! The turqoise is your lucky stone winds which characteriz. this Athenaeum at the Panama Wesley Constitution is beyond question quickly as you are able to said to correspond to the qualities evidence.
gram to raise funds for children Tomorrow the Isthmian Park, treat at Christmas. On this proWe take this opportunity. Right! You are endowed with a gift of of your soul. Your color is bright Panama, will be the scene of Worthy Grand Coist, to fel estate prophesy and intuition to such an yellow green. The restlessness with gram Musical Club the formidable West End of you upon the large measure of extent that it is safe to follow your which you are always timbibed is Com. Watson Sends Christ will contribute two items one of mas Greeting.
which will be ol Carlina, new Colon cross bats with the Panama success whicb attended your first inspirations in the most important expressed in the motto of your administration, all star team. It will be remem: similar results during the cur clusively right and you usually are, we anticipate matters. You feel that you are con sign, ACTIVITY. Copyr ghted 1925 by Hense bered that on two occasions this rent term, and trust hopefully but do not force your opinions on Adams Syndicate)
Commander Watson of the noted Colon team played to a Colon Boye Institute teado Chelstmas Birthday Anniversary draw with Panama, once at that that this year will see the beppy realization of many end and again on the Atlantic wbicb you have in view for fur schemes greetings through this medium to the general public with side, but this time West End special reference to the American PLEASANT FUNCTION intends to bring the bacon back thering the intarests at the Disto Colon. The representatives of TREAT Lodge desires and The PEACEFUL RE colony whose continuous help has been and is still one of the team will be H Gittens, hopes that a guce 3ssful the conerstones of the upkeep of pros An enjoyable function took place (captain) St. Clair, Geneteau, the Institute which has assumed at the Pacific Silver City on Small, Lynton, Baptiste, that the close of your administraB. Layne, F, Myers, o. Clarke, perous tide will risy and flow along your official path way, and the responsibility of caring for Moeday evening last when Mr.
STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR way ward boys in the interest of Gordon Smith and wife Mrs. Porter, Downes, tion will find your barque the law and order and for the benefit Florence Smith entertained a good ship CENTRAL AMERIof the boys.
large number of their friends on CAN DISTRICT anchored in With God and the help of all the Sussex Silver City Tomorrow. the port of Success, she having occasion of the tifteenth who know and appreciate the Undipe.
birthday of their daughter Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off been wafted thither by the good work of the Institute the first class match has been favouring galos of prosperity.
Commander is sure of putting Their commodious and well arranged between Sussex NON INJURIOUS We appreciate the faithfulness his program over, accomplishicz ventilated apartment with extenand Silver City to take and devotion of your Associate a good for humanity and leaving, sive contiguous floor space was place on the Sussex oval tomor Grand Officers. They have been when he dies, a worthy landmark made a veritable garden of row evening, Silver City, which loyal to you as their leader and in human progress. The Boys of Flowers and evergreens, and at bas been making rapid strides guide; and because they have No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required the Institute also join with Com 8, 30 o clock bost, bostess, waiting to the front during recent been constant and true in the mander Watson in wishing a guests and orchestra (the latter matches is preparing to surprise performance of the duties assig.
merry Christmas and a Happy conducted by Rouget) greetall the fans ed them, they share in the fruits MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, New Year to the general public. ed with enthusiasm the appear.
of victory and in tbe praises that SMOUTH AND SILKY ance of Miss Undine wbo arrived Presentation Match, success has merited.
from her temporary headquarters Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice!
British Consulate Notice. outside the Canal Zode territory Toil, and be glad!
in card of Mrs. Jennings.
The presentation match in On behalf of the PEACEEUL SOLD EVERYWHERE Then commenced a most connection with the Sur: RETREAT Lodge, The Acting British Consul at Co enjoyable program in which prise cricket cup competition is Experienced Canvassers Investigate lon would be glad to learn of the nearly every one enjoyed tripping announced to take place on the whereabouts of Clement Nathauiel the light fantastic as led off by Sussex oval on Sunday the 27th Yours in the bonds of Braithwaite, a native of Barbados, father and daughter, wbija inst. It is expected that among COMMINGHAM, who arrived on the Isthmus about others launched into the all thosa to be present will be His LOOK Excellency the British Consul at FOR DISPLAY CARD fifteen years ago. He is about 40 absorbing activities of Whist.
T, C, A, BATCHELOR, years of age and was employed at Bridge, etc.
Colon, who is the permanent WC Gatun as a joiner, custodian of the trophy. Gontinued on page 8)
be the guest of song bit.
trict Contra Crespo We are


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