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hang up to dry and your acting rek It takes but a few minute teye of tint your Rocking with RIT audience sang with ferrous Wrist Watches, S6400 SSSSSSSSSSS SCHOOGSsSsSsSs539558 Hope and Glors played bythe Fuller Jewelry Store There are 31 colours Canary Yellow Lavender Dark Blue Light Brows Red Purple Mustard Een Tan Dark Brown Dark Green Pink Light Blue Light Grey Rose Salmon Orange Golden Yello Emerald Green Flesh Scarlet Chartreuse Yellow The Green Hip Guy Roc Henna Navy Blue Black Taupe SUNBEAM CHEMICAL CO.
Chicago, MONTEZUMA Syys PRIT GUNNS MAILLOTS ML SAS VIES RIZ www Pain Enemy now Keith Once mba The British Empire sex SexS0499E33sses S3 SC SCSS So the Stadium, has presented picture of Empire which has Exhibition.
kindled our imagination and stirred our pride in the Ullun Jack.
CLOSING SCENES AT In declaring the British Empire Exhibition closed am WEMBLEY confident that its results will endure for the benefit of the British Empire and of its peace.
In the presence of a vast con fal Ission in the world.
course of people, the Duke of of York, at 30 pm. on October The addross was received with 31st declared the British Empire loud and prolonged cheets The In every form can be seen Exhibition closed Bishop of Willesden then read appropriate prayers, and, led by here at its best See our The ceremony was simple, but. great Impressive. The trappings of Keep the Dainty Garments State were absent; but His of Intimate Wear Always Help Past.
were Majesty forces Tepe sented by Guards of Honour Bright and Fresh!
Bracelets Meanwhile the massed drums provided by the Royal Navy, and bugles had formed up in Lingerie soon loses life and colour.
Diamond Rings the Army, and the Royal Air front of the flagstaff. The hymn Have RIT always at hand to keep Force. Earlier in the afternoon over, they sounded the Retreat pretty stockings and other articles the Duke, after a farewell lunch of lingerie looking their best and as the last plaintive notes and a hundred other adorneon given by the Board of Manby tinting or dyeing them with died away the exhibition flag ments and you ll recognize agement at the Garden Club, RIT. There are thirty one came flattering down, leaving hed said good bye to each of beautiful shades and colours the Union Jack to fly alone why this is the LEADING the overseas Commissioners and all equally good for treatEmpire which Wembly had ask prices and you ll find still symbol of the unity of the JEWELRY HOUSE in town representatives and wben accom ing linens, silk, cottons or woolens.
panied by the Duchess, he done so much to cement.
When garments or hangings are reached the Royal box in the another reason. From across the arena now Stadium he was greeted by a spotted, sun streaked, stained or faded, take out all the old colour with first bars of hurricane The Guards WHITE RIT. Then the material of Honour cheers wbilst is ready for the desired light or dark massed bands, and the Empire the massed bands played the 122 Central Ave.
bymo as it bas now become Phone 629 shade of colour.
National Anthem Sold Everywhere can surely never have been sung In the centre of the arena, with greater conviction than it was on this occasion, the entire completely bereft of turf since the tive ring circus of the sumThe singing audience joining in.
mer trampled it out of existence, of Auld Lang Syne and the flagstaff from which was was National Anthem brought the flying the Union Jack and, beside IRON most impressive ceremony to a 11, the Exhibition tlak, with its close, and amid deafening wavy pale blue and white lines DRUG STORE cheers, which were re echoed by (the writer is no Herald) and the RIT thousan outside Stadiun WASHES PANAMA familiar Wembley lion in the who bad failed to gain admssion, AS IT DYES corner. Io single rank on either the Duke and Duches lett.
side and behind the Guards of The officers in command Honour were standard bearers rapped out smart orders and.
in khaki carrying the flags of Boxes led by the bluejackets as repre.
the Dominions and Colonies with senting the senior service, the their escort of men of tbe East Guards of Honour marched out Surry regiment.
of the arena to the strains of Feb The massed bands had already lively airs, and as the last of the red worked the immense audience up sesso ensigns of the colonies to a remarkable state of patriotic se disappeared from view into claimed the world over as enthusiasm by their rendering the eastern tunnel many and eye being Pain greatest enemy.
was dimmed with tears.
of National songs and by their Multitudes of people use and marching and countermarching In the evening at o clock the recommend it. the slow troop to a selection Studium was again packed with Rheumatic aches and pains from Meyerbeer (including the instantly obey its command spectators wbo were and disappear.
chorale played at the King assembled to witness tee tinal It penetrates right to the Coronation. the quick to performance of the Tattoo. sore spot. No need of rubbing. King Guard the massed more, and for the last time It does its work thoroughly.
drums had rendered For Flag this year, the musical rides of Give it a trial.
and Empire, and the massed the Royal Irisb Hussars and the One bottle will convince you.
pipers marches, reels and Royal Horse Artillery, and the strathspeys At all druggists and dealers.
when the real wonderfully precise business of the afternoon began drill of the Royal Air Force by the following address delivered recruits and their still more SLOAN by the Duke of York, which, remarkable lantero manoeuvres. LINIMENT with the help of loud speakers, in the course of which they (PAIN ENEMY)
could be plainly heard in every formed themselves into smakes part of the Stadium :and aeroplanes, spelt out have received from His Britannia and made a perfect St.
Majesty the King the following materials obtainable George cross, were applauded 90000 1000000 3000 3000 3000 to the echo. Once more, too, the gracious message: spectators TRY were profoundly At the close of the British moved by the emblematic episode Empire Exhibition, wish to at the close with St. George in express my thanks to you, as President, and to all who have is glistening armour as the central contributed to the success of this tigure, and its poignant reminder ON DRAUGHT great enterprise.
here and it sells to the public at of those who have passed out of the sight of men by the path of OR BOTTLES The exhibition marks an important stage is the history of HALF the price.
duty and self sacrifice, giving up their lives that others migot 00000 1000000000000000 0000 my people, both at home and live in freedom.
oversea. It has not only taught much of the us poductive WILKINSON TRY OUR NEW BEER capacity of the Empire, but has stimulated a legitimate pride in Chevrolets Undergo Contractor our past achivements, as well as an increased sense of responsi bility for the years to come.
and Builder Cruelling Tests. pray that these lessons will House No. 20 not be forgotten; and that under In an unremitting search for God guidance our commonpossibilities of further improve28th NOV. STREET, Wealth of Nations and mankind ments, Chevrolet cars are beiog SAN MIGUEL in general may strive to attain driven constantly around the Box 411, Panama, that spirit of mutual trust and four mile speed loop of the confidence without which the se:90 General Motors peace and happiness of the world Proving Ground, near Moltora, Plans and Specifications Free cannot be secured.
First Class Workmanship These inspiring words from The driving test, which is the King Emperor, who has routine in the Chevrolet policy of Guaranteed taken from the first a ken and scheck active interest in our great sexsex sceso continuous effort at refinement is being made night and day, Imperial undertaking, will be a winter and summer, regardless Notice to Correspondents.
fitting reward for all our work.
of weather conditions.
Contributors and correspondents As President of the Exhibition, At present seven Chevrolet are asked to send in their contribu. have had the opportunity of cars are piling up a total of tions not later than Thursdays to learning how much strenuous 75, 000 miles monthly. The tire insure publication. This is impera and self sacrificint labour bas less whirl provides unusual tive and must be adhered to been devoted by the Government driving strains in the quest of of the Empire, Empere. by the Chevrolet engineers for further Executive Council, by the Board opportunities to improve would ad the Administrative Stafls in not be sturdy chassis under carrying out this task. By them eonditions to which the cars Why pay donble price and by the guarantors, on whose ordinarily would not be subjectfor interior imported credit the Exhibition was ed by the average owner. All organised, the thanks of the models are included in the test Beer when you can King will be cherished.
group buy a superior Beer This second and final season Two shifts of driver maintain such as BALBOA for closes with a feeling of confi pace of between 35 and 40 dence that the decision in 1924 to miles per hour, stopping only for half the price.
continue for further year was fuel, oil and inspection. The day amply justified. At the close of shift drives from 30 a.
until 30 with a balf hour the first season there was some for lunch, while the night shift reason to doubt whether the Exbibition hod fully completed drives from p. until 30 its task of Empire education.
SSWRXX Sexo Sexoxo with a midnight lunch TAKE NOTICE That doubt no longer exists. In period.
all parts of the Empire the com The WORKMAN Newsmon talk is of the importance of devoloping to the fuilest posBritish Consulate Notice. paper can be had at the folsible extent the great territories lowing places: with which we have been enThe British Consulate General of Lindsay Place, No. 2, trusted.
Panamá would like to know of the Street, San Miguel.
whereabouts of Jestine Redwood a pavilions and in March, Barber, 55, Calinative of Jamaica, danie Rred.
THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best pbysical coxoxo so soloSEXSXSS 55xogo It is specially suited for this climate superior to all imported beers sold KRONEN BRAU KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR TO ALL HAND IRONERS Wanted APPLY AT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY ADVERTISE Farther, the Exhibitton, in iis In The WORKMAN it Pays


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