
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1925 PAGE SEVEN Scrubbed by Bathmaids. El Excelsior.
THE ATTENTION OFFriendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS We Buy and Sell Pearls Suitable for Lodge Business Doctors AT THEThe Workman BOOK STORE Workman Stationery Store ng mga manggang ng Interesting West. EL GAITERO maid to THE ONLY ELABORATED Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Cider Champagne wear in URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ VIL VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN 150p CLERGYMEN SHOCKED BY SWEDISH CUSTOM.
JEWELRY SHOP. PAWN SHOP To their profound embarassCorner 12 Street East Avenue ment, English and American clerical delegates to the Universal Christiau Coference, in session We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also at Stockholm made tbeir first acquaintance with customs watches. Our prices are the lowest and our peculiar to life in Sweden. They Workmanship is guaranteed.
bad personal experience at the Bwedish Bath Institution of the Our rate of interest on Pawns is moderate and you procedure wbereby hotel visitors may keep the pledge pawned as long as you may and others are batbed by Swedish maids as an integral drsire, provided the monthly payments of part of the ordinars hotel service interest are duly met.
Those familiar with the country know that from the day they are Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall boro until the day they die the be pleased.
Swedes are bathed by their womenfolk and think nothing cf it. Bathrooms in Swedish hotels, rarely bave locks on the doors, and many English and American of Divinity and clergymen have been borrified wber, after they bave got into their bath, the door has opened CALL IN AT and a young Swedisb maid bas entered all smiles, appropriated the soap and brusb, and generally taken charge of things, Uoderstanding only the Swedish language, the girls have disobeyed or ignored the frate mands to leave the bathrooms, and bave apparently taken a good deal of pleasure in the discomfort No. 93, Central Avenue of their victims whilst undergoing the process of being scrubbed After a visitor bas ASSORTMENT OF been thoroughly treated in this fashion, the custom is for the to motion ber victim to rise (Continued from page 2)
GOOD STATIONERY from the bath and take a shower clergymen to perform those serfollowing which she envelops the SOUVENIRS, bather in a gigantic towel and vices. 2) Is it true that the entire then leaves the bathroom. The among the clergymen perform.
salary of a cure is not disbursed Swedes are the most moral people ing the service of such a cure? It in Europe and laugh at the shocked 80. 3) Is the remainder paid into faces of visitors when confronted the Treasury. 4) Will the Govwith their bath arrangements, ernment furnish a return showing CHURCH SERVICES Ebenezer Church of God story went round Stockholm to the number of cures vacant for the effect that one of the Ame the last twelve months; bow long Holiness this first Swedish bath, bought rican clergymen delegates, after they remained vacant; who per(Continued from page 4)
CALIDONIA DISTRICT bathing suit to be former those services during the Seventh Day Adventist Church vacancies; how much were they bathroom. News of the World paid individually; and bow much Sunday. 50 clock, Prayor Meetin STREET CALIDONIA ROAD 11 o.
Diviue Service Preacher. The speed loop includes remains unexpended to be paid. near Isthmiso Park. PANAMA. Supplied three miles of gravel track, or bas already been paid into the Babbath (Saturday) 945 8eb p. Sunday School Superintendent. banked high at the turns and Treasury.
one p. Programme mile of level concrete bath School; 11. 15. General Worobip 80p. Spanish Class; 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher straightway. There are no speed Supplied restrictions. One portion of the 30 M. Society, meeting Tuesday 730 Gordel Service road leading from the speed 30 Junior and Senior Standard to the inspection shop has An Alastrim Incident Elder ODLE of attainment Class p. in. Vespers.
a grade of 11. per cent.
Pateor in obargo.
Bunday evet ing 30 PreschEach noon acd night the cars At Barbados.
ing Service The general public is are inspected and filled with cordially invited to turn out in large petrol and oil. At every 1, 000 numbers.
Bethlehem Church of God mile mark the machines are CASE DETECTED AMONG LA Holiness wasbed. driven into tbe shop and BOURERS FROM CUBA.
Seventh Day Adventist Church given a through inspection the Brd STREET BROADWAY, COLON No, MARIANO AROSEMENA Bt. report form. It is only during results of which are listed in Prosecution Might Follow Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath MIGUEL these inspections that the cars Bobool; 11, 16 General Worship 30 Morning Service. Bro. are under cover. At all other Webley.
The following is taken from 30 Young people meeting the Barbados Standard of the 30 a. Baptismal Service at Bella times they are out of doors. 30 Voepere Vista.
Chevrolet trucks also are under 7th instant11. Divine Service Proacher. Bump Boulevard, an old farm arrived here some time ago with continuous test, being driven on Bunday evening 7, 30 Preaching When the Vedette You are cordially invited to Elder Francis. p. Harvest Thanksgiving Bro. acre proving ground. The de Cuba case of alastrio was road which crosses the 1, 146 labourerers attend there services and bring your returning friende, Larrier 15 mm. Gospel Service, Preacher fects and irregularities of this detected, and neighbouriug colo Elder Francis road bave purposely been lett nies were advised to that effect.
Note: Herveet at the above. vamed use about 500 gallons of fuel and landed one hundred and intact. The test cars and trucks The steamer went The Church of God to Dominica church on Monday evening at p.
Panama, Arosemena Street, House 25, thirty five men there.
After being driven 40, 000 miles brought a clean bill of health, As she San Miguel Sunday at mm. Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
BEULAN 530 a. Prayer meeting or mere, each car is taken inte the men were allowed to land.
and 30 Sunday School at p.
precision inspection by the engi the Government of Barbados and a Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Supplied, Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People 1. 30 Sunday School, Superinten peers. They may find nothing of that a case of alastrim had been Wednesday at 30 zo. dent. 30 Gospel Service, Prencher interest. Possibly the test may discovered among the men land Cel meeting. Thursday at 30 Supplied.
reveal an opportunity for some ed here from the Vedette sen pir meeting. Priday at 30 minor refinement. It It does, no the Acting Governor of Dominica Prayer Meeting detail is too small or insignificant with the approval of the Execu: GAMBOA MISSION 30 Sun for consideration in the general tive Council issued Proclama BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. day School; 4, 30 Gospel Sermon policy of continouus improve tion making vaccination com.
Red Tank, Canal Zowe. Sunday School Supplied.
ment. P. Gospel meeting on Thursday pulsory, and the men from the Noto Other Services for the week steamer were rounded up by the at 30 will be given from the pulpit.
police. It is stated in the Bis. GRAY Elder FRANCIS. Dominica Chronicle that they New Providence. Gospel Meetings at Pastor in charge.
Why pay double price were instructed to report them 11. 30. and 30 Bunday School for Interior imported selves daily to the Doctor of at p. Wednesday at 30 Gortheir district. All who ont pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer Boor when you can The Salvation Army been recently vaccinated were Mooting.
buy a superior Boer promptly treated and isolated Bro. McDONALD PANAMA CITY CORPS.
such as BALBOA for We are glad to note that the Gatun, Canal Zone. Gorpel Meetings Farewell Services all day for CandiCouncil of the Barbados Chamat 11. 30 a. sod 30 Sunday dates Simons, Lawrence, and veste, half the price.
ber of Commerce has given School at pm. Wednesday 30 Who will wail from Cristobal on Thursattention to this alastrim inciGoepel Meeting. Friday at 30 day 17th for the Training Garrison in dent, and tbat in future labourPea ers returning from abroad will Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH Services are followe:be sent to Pelican Island and Colon and Streets. Gospel moet. a. Early Prayer Moeting.
examined medically there. When ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday 10 Children Directory Meeting labourers were examined on Bohool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 and Brigade United Open Air Meeting board the vessel, but of pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 11. Holinese Motio to be con HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA them was not produced, and Prayer Meeting.
ducted by Commandant Martin, CANAL ZONE.
3p. Company meeting and Office Hours: a. to p. stated, the labourers are to be Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Port Health Brigades Open sir. p. to. Junior Open Air. to 6pm 45 Beparate Brigade Open Air sent to Pelican Island in future.
DAILY The Vedette is expected Bethel Church of God Meeting, p. Salvation Meeting, in the Hall PHONE 1288 BALBOA to arrive from Cuba to day and Holiness and Farewelling of Candidates fr the it is believed that a prosecution RIO ABAJO, LAS SABANAS will be instituted against her.
Training Garrison, Jamaica, to be con Specializes in all the branches it is clear that Alastrim exists daoday a. Prayer Maetlug. duoted by Conducted by Commandant of Dentistry.
in Cabs, and Barbados, as well 11. Divine Service. Preacher and Mrs. Martin, as neighbouring colonies must 3p. Sunday School; Superintendent Other notices for the week will be take the greatest precautions 30 pm. Gospal Sarvice, Preacher given from the pulpit.
Rent Receipt Books In Span against the introduction of this Bupplied. cordial invitation is extended to all. Ish ar English for Sale at The form of small pox which it is so Bro. WILMOTT, Clerk in chargo) MARTIN. Commandanl. Work. nan Printery, hard to eradicate.
ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama Bervice.
The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommended in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Take Notice Regular Assortment of Ho Ro Co Famous Products SUCH AS Jamaica Dentist Howell the mine a Vedetto arrived here Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine thus was not examined by the Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, etc. etc. etc.
The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City.


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