p. 8


OURS IS GREAT WORLD, On Thursday, the third (Continued from page 5)
This is a great world, brother, of this month, the Panama At intermission the guests built by the Great Architect whose Canal collected tolls to the path rei around the festive board plans to man knows and the disamount of 109, 306. 47 from partook the large cake frosted To Night tance to when he will be able to twenty two commercial and ornamented with Birthday pervenite into them seems indis.
15 tiny Candles which vessels which transited the and NORMA SHEARER in cornable on the horizon of time.
illuminated in restrospect her great waterway on that day. tiiteen miletones passed and in It can be plainly seen that there are conditions which manis utterly hopeful anticipation of many powerles to control, and they will ever remain so unless man leave The Japanese steamshrp more sonders to come, while tev drank to her health and Picture That Bares Life. Down the highways of pleasure she danced. In them alone to work out themselves Ayo Maru arrived at Balboa happy fu ure in one balf of one her soul was revolt at th Laws of Life. One sacrifice she made and that was and pursue the curse for the proyesterday with a dead body percent stuff tha cheers but for love the greatest sac ific any woman can make! Metro Goldwyn Special. per development of his brother one of its crew having died not inebriates.
man The scientiets may have dis.
on the voyage here. The The position of Toastmastr covered ways by which the microTO MORROW NIGHT body, it is understood, was was efficiently filed by Dr.
cope may detect Negro blood Johnson who acted for Dr.
in white viens lut have they y to have been embalmed and Fairweatner who arrived a bit discovered any drug which will continued on the voyage but late. Miss Sanith replied in a cure a torrid liver in a Chinese aid a state of decomposition sets suitable manner to the aggregate not in an Indian or any which wil in and the body Sad to be felicitations of her friends. This WITH kall black man and not a wh to left here either for burial or dancing until the strains of was again followed by games and man? Jamaica proverb runs thus: Tom, Moore Wallace Berry Pauline Stark Studiration beats eddikation.
cremation. Home Sweet Home from the orchestra conveyed the biot that The Picturesque Photo Play Adventure is taken from Jack London Novel The The Silver Club School Rochester it was las doce and therefore under the same Title to depart, and very slowly arrived at Balboa yesterday and sadly was brought to a Jack London is known the World over for his Novels, and The Paramount for evening from Arica, Chile, ei se an evening of jy for a their Fictures Offers the best advantage for the Among the passengers who quiet repose.
training of Coloured children returned on her from TacnaThe young lady was tendered Arica is Mr. Fessler, rega ds by her friends, among on the Atlantic end, Three Shows, Matinee 45. Evening 20 many fine tokens of sincere ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC office Assistant to Colonel which were a fine embossed and 45 Prices 15, 20 25 cts.
COURSES Chamberlain, Chief Health pad ted copy of Tennyson Poems officer of the Panama Canal. an Album, wrist water, inkwells, fountain pen, breaches, soyee SWSSSSSSS os 346 SSSSSSSSSSSSW Some of the leading subjects are: wel cases, pearl necklaces etc.
Shorthand Typewriting The All Medalist Elocution Sre is a Star Alu ant de la Contest announced to be held Escuela de la Repullica Book keeping Commercial Law by the La Boca Athenaeum is Chil and was honoured at th Algebra Geometry of fixed to come off on February function by the presence Chemistry Physics 20, 1926 at the La Boca Club some of her school mates.
Music Anong those present wer; on Old Testament Spanish house. The winner of this, De F, Fyffe, Mr. Jump Social Ethics Domestic Arts contest will be awarded a. damily, Mr. and Mrs. championship medal and will Allen, Mr. and Mrs Ancient Temple Uncovered, Debati ad Elocutignary Exercises Tells of Philistines Combat Logic ang ari ameitary Procedure.
be considered the champion King, and Ms. Rob Pate, Mr. Mrs. V. Francis, elocutionist of the Isthmus. Mr. Whyte With King Saul.
Terms Reasonable Each participant in this Elie daughter, Caslin. AND CHARLES 3 BURKE.
classic, however, is to be and be Misses Caslin, Mr. A Philadelphia, Nɔv. 15 New given a suitable momento. Wesley daughters, Mrs, liete Principal Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 light has been thrown on Old Williams and daughter, Mr.
MS DANIEL Mrs. Hart on, the Misse: Testament scenes and life, Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Associate According to cable advic es irweather, the Miss portrayed in Samuel and ristobal Silver Clubhouse received here the annual Armstrong; Mossrs Boli Chronicles in which King report of the Panama Railroad Harrison, Maurice. Sewell, Neely, Green, V Summary of Contents: Saul figures in combat with Company shows a net income Dalby, Reynolds, ancient Philistines by, ex LEGAL NOTICE of one and one half million Stewart. Edgar Amith. Brown, History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years cavations in Palestine of the dollars for the fiscal year Mr, Mr. Jennings, the Missag Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, University of Pennsylvania ending June 30, compared Nils, Mesers Ramdeen, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Notice of Pendancy of Suit expedition to Beisan. letter with 722, 000 for the Batson; Misses Amy Saint, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, from Alan Rowe, field direc.
previous year.
Seely, Alice Kog, Westerman, and Tate.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual tor, was made public to night. UNITED STATES DISTRIC Beisan, the Biblical Beth COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE Players The new dial system of Shain is in the valley of Jezreel, overlooking the Jor Balboa Division telephones recently installed Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and GAMBOA Interesting in the Canal Zone to replace dan Valley. It was the chief CIVIL No: 740 city of the famous Decapolis EDGAR GUILLETTE. Plaintin.
present system and put an end to the Hello girls, is on Sunday 13th the third the League of Ten Cities.
Price 50cts.
soon to be put in use. De vest Festival and comfirmation Suoday in Advent will be Har.
Beth Shain may be translated CC D:lea laat.
Divorce monstration telephones have at St. Simon Mission Gamboa. House of Security.
been installed at several com. Poe public is invited to attend Discovery that the high To Amy GUILLETTE: Secure yours now there will be a great rush mound which marks the site You are here notified that on munity centers as well as income out and see Gamboa those for them, contain ruins of a Dicember 1925. gar Guillette the Administration Building at who need fresh air, and revive great Bled in the above entitled court Egpptian fortress near lend petition wherein he prays for an abso: Balboa Heights to break in geselves from the heat of the city.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Canal employees to the new plausibility to the intepre late divorce from you on the stato tory vrouails of Adultery, Panama dial system.
tations Ad you are further her by notified Bethelem Church of God ANCIENT TEMPLE FOUND. that you are required to enter your appearance in writing in the office of Activities Diggings were begun in the Clerk of said court at Ancoa EXCELSIOR THEATRE 1921. Iwo distinct levels Canal Zone, and make answer thereto, on or before January 15, 1928.
NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES Narrowly escapes Broken narking occupations by Arab If yo fail to do so within the time Sunday December the 13th, Leg.
w! ll be quite busy day at Beth.
To Night and earlier by Byzantines and aforesaid the said petition will be taken lebem; at 6, 30, there will a coalessed, and the petitioner will (Continued from page 4)
a third level containing the take judgement against you by default LADY OF THE NIGHT be in baptismal service conducted know what sort of enjoyment Winston Bodkin, motor truck brick walls of the ancient and demand frou said court the the Bella Vista beach, when they have bad en these occasions, operator on the Cristobal Docks Egyptian fortress and also roliet applied for in the position couple of candidates who ve been some of the older folks became barrowly escaped fracturing his ruins of a large Grecian Night Life on Broadway is long in suspense will be emerse jealous, and bave offer looked forward to by the average The candidates, members and selves to take part on the pro: 5th inst, while working on pler the fort Gis being excavated.
hem. ankle on Saturday eventog, the temple have been found and CARRINGTON, New Yorker as part of the daily friends will assemble at the gramme. am the Attorney for plaintiff.
routine of life, but their are Church at 4, 30, children will be treated with It is understood that the en The discovery that most Dec. 12 19 25.
many who cares this luxury to At 11, a. Elder Francis will cak and ice cream during trusted the steering of bis delighted the searchers was the extreme. In the Metro speak; the subject which he sha termission. This is bound to machine to a novice whom he an other temple on the Egyp Ashtaroth, about 1250 Goldwyn special Lady Of The speak from will be Redigking bs a sucoess.
was teaching to operate, and tian level which has been LADY OF HEAVEN FOUND, Night that comes to the Excel the wells. Following this ser: who became confused and the sior this evening, in which Norma vice, the sacrament of the Lord the famous Among the first objects dismachine collided with another identified as Shearer plays the feature Role supper will be administered. Harvest Thanksgiving services truck as it came in bis direction, House of Ashtaroth, men clused in this year work is one filled with adventure, At 3, Harvest thanksgiv will be held at the Wesleyan tioned in the Old Testament; was a stele of the nineteenth Wbile the World slept, the beauti ing programm. Special care has Church tomorrow, the 13:h instilu. Une the temple in which the vic. dynasty belonging to an fal bewitching Lady Of The been taken to arrange quite a Rev. Surgeon will conduct Night followed the patb of Ro unique prugram for the occasion the services, all interested are What everyone is torious Philistines hung the Egyptian by the name of Life was a hunting Bro T. Larrier; Pastor of tha asked to do their best to make armour of King Saul after his Amen Em Apt. He is de saying ground, and men ber Victims, in Chorrillo Christian Mission the services bright and memor.
death, The place brought picted kneeling in prayer to her wild caroer she had lov a Church, will preach the sermonable. Gifts of fruits and other man but there was also another Bo Larrier is an interesting articles will b: thankfully re KRONEN BRAU forth rich findings in materials Egyptian gods woman who had loved bim, Da speaker, and it will do one and all ceived. The sale of articles will close y associated with the Nearby the excavators aneie modes of living and found a fragment of another she love him less than the other good to be ir bim, as well as the take place on Monday the 14tb Was she lest entrancing? Is it entire program.
ust. All ar e cordially invited.
superior to all worshipping, stele which mentions Kharu the greater love that wins at all At pm. Elder Francis will imported beers The temple measured (Palestina) a wiri also found times? this is a story that comes preacı, this will be the elder home to Eight out of every Ten las ser min for a couple of we ks on the famous Israel Stele of News from Panana to band tanta a roughly 76 by 75 feet.
foundation deposit in a t King Merenptah, in the Cairo person, story that stripe lito ot in this city, as be sails for Bocas that Mis Lona Markbam was filled with ingots, ringMuseum. monument of the its trinklets, and lays it bire del Toro on Sunday the 20th Success ully nperated on at before the natural eye. inst. His subj ct will be The the Santo Tomas Hospital, she is VADON BE and jewellery of electrum, a Goddess Ashtaroth also was corquaring Christ.
rogressing well, and it is hoped Remember: Ali gifts for the tast she will soon be home again Harvest should be presented on gladden the hearts of the ing a only of gold subjects was conical crown characteristic Have you tried the Saturday, beginning from noon oner members of the family, and on.
discovered opposite the sanc of all Syrian goddesses, with cordial welcome and also her many friends.
now Boor awaits one and all to these tury.
two feathers attached, Above services If you have not a The temple was said to her was written Anaitis.
Ron: Recaip: Bo sk; in Span Kronen Brau our latest Evangelistic 899g8. 97c have been elected by the Lady of Heaven, Mistress of make this your cance of hearing ish and English for sale at the Egyptians to their goddess, all tha Gods.
Workman Printery VS Clerk.
mance, Unlucky! mixture of gold and silvestina found. It depicts her as wear AN Labem Wew SM when den ch LUCKODE USO


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