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By British West Indian Welfare cable despatch from Spring: President Machado Signs Decree Direct West Todia cable field, II, dated Dec. 5, states that Committee at That City. despatch from Capetown dated: William Matthews. begro, Placing In Effect Female Dec. 11, states that South Afnein Washington, DC. arrived to day On Monday the 14th instant at and it gives me very great pleasure deportation to a penal labour trict Attorney, He was sent to the who will not work will be lis ble to the Assistant United States DisLabour Bill. p. special meeting of the to meet so soon the members of co ony. This is provided for ia a department of Justice after disBritieb West Indian Welfare Com the Committee. Havana Press report dated Nov. 29 states that Presibill which the Minister of Labour agreement between District Attormitte was held at the British was extremely pleased to has prepared for introduction at Dey Consulate at Colon, to extend a learn froin Captaia De Comes the next session of Parliament, Williamson and Senator dent Machado has issued a decree placing in full force and Deneen appointment of a effect the law passed by Congress some time ago which welcome to Mr. Hugh Alexander that The British West Indian Wel.
Ford, His Britannic Majesty fare Committee had been organiz The measure confers vast powers permanent assistsot.
provides for the exclusive employment of females in estab, Dec.
Consul for that post, who had ed in Colon, as have had puts on the Goverament and under its General Sargeante said to day lishment devoted exclusively to the sale of goods for returned after six mouths leave of sonal experience of the valuable provisions any man who requests had no comment to make on the women use, and also in those establishments where there services rendered to the British assistance from the State but te appointment of William Mat. are articles ofall kinds sold, there must be women clerks The Chairman of the Committee similar Committee which Representatives in Panama by the fuses to accept work offered him thews as Assistant United States for all those articles of women.
has will be subjected to shipment to a District Attorney at Springfield, to act as saleman for those goods.
No man is to be permitted Mr. Cambridge, as well as functioned in that City for many labour colony for any period from 111. further than that the appointee all the members, made addresses There must be women employees to the number of 50 of welcome to Mr. Ford. Having years, The time had undoubtedly one to five years; men accepting had previously served in a similar had him with them before, the Weivedu done the efforemna tiommittee work given them by the Govern capacity with the United States per cent in all establishments dealing in supplies for sport speakers were able to express with Wetlandish Hoefte voor militare meat and not carrying out their Attorney at Boston and his wark notions and fancy goods, souvenirs, perfumery stores, Colon, where West Indian of the bad been satisfactory.
sincerity their plorsure the secom Community now numbers some liable to be sent to the colony. All books and stationery stores, candy stores, drug stores, once opportunity to where, flower stores, toy stores and art stores.
Theatres and moving picture houses and houses emtender to the Consul on behali of consequently, the committee has properly support their families President Chiari Goes to the British West Indians of Colon, ties. think that recent events will come within the terms of the laudable Aguadulce. ploying switch board operators, typewriters, stenographers.
a letter of appreciation for all the have shown that the Committee proposed law.
record and file keepers, cashiers, and package wrappers good work which he had prior to his departure, and also of has already justified its existence; Yesterday, President Chiari, must employ females to the ratio of 50 per cent in all the recolliente representation made and is tbis connection probation to men cornmitted to labour Secretary of Agriculture and Pub have two employees may employ either sex as they may The rewards The theatres or moving picture places that only by Captain Ernest Alexander De like to express my approbation etaphasized the fact that the day adopted by the British West to reform. They will not alone be Aguadulce: While at that place Comenu during his absence. They of the sensible and correct attitude colony who make a genuine effort lie Works, starting overland to see fit.
It will not be permitted to employ in any of those the President and bis cabinet mia had passed when it was thought Indian Community in Colon able to eara money but will be able ister vill inspect the recently com esta plishments any male person of foreign citizenship arrivrecent di turbthat the British Consulate existed during the only in the interest of British ances. Their behaviour, under the to secure land under one of several pleted road work between Paja anding in Cuba since the year 1917, as an immigrant.
shipping, of British trade, or of counsels of their leaders, is settlement projects inagurated by Champe and other public works of Women employees must have chairs provided for them Englisb people only. The actions deserving of all prajee have the Labºur Ministry.
interest in and around that locality so that they will not be compelled to remain on their feet of such Officers as dir. Ford and fouud that the British West Inall their time. There must also be a rest room devoted Capt. De Comenu had convinced dian, when resident in a foreign SPARKLETS exclusively to the use of women employees in the estabthe public that the British Con country, is with a few rare excep sulate staaas impartially for the rightly insistent upon being treated tions, law abiding citizen. While lishments where they are employed.
benefit of every British subject with justice and consideration, My Election Campatan, Women employees who may have nursing children irrespective of his or her place of that body of empire builders.
he is always willing and ready origin.
to are to be allowed 30 minutes in each forenoon and afterMr. Ford made the following which he lives.
obey the laws of the country in Fellow roters: This opens and Echoes of The C, E, Concert. noon in order to give their babies nourishment, and there reply close my 1925 election compaign the On Saturday night last George are to be luncheon hours provided for employees of suffiCommittee: note that one of the objects of speech. Tonight am up for re elec the Liliputian inveigled many of cient length of time.
kimi to the thought which prompted The Committee, and in my opinion a work for the best interest of the Wesley Schoolroom to listen The owners of the establishments, theatres, cines, or to a British West Indian Welfare Com most important object, is to secure people against the will or a few of program well worth double the offices, who are convicted of the violation of the law are mittee to address to ine upon my West Indian solidarity on the the people. Similar conditions amount cuarged for admission to be fined from dollar to 30 dollars for the first offence, return to Colon the letter of welobtain come which have just received. Continued on page 8)
in all well organized thrreto. As a rule don pay en the fine doubles at the second, and for the third offence election campaigns and are, trance fees to such functions, and imprisoned for 10 days, this ratio being carried out in therefore, acceptable to me. If you although the proceeds are to be succeeding offence.
elect me by your intelligent votes directed towards treating Campbell Leaves Christmas Cantata at will work, conscientiously for young things of the CE. Society the best interest of the people and at Christmas time did not con Revision of Chivas New Theory of Death Panama.
St. Paul only tbat exRoutes, encroachments on my office from on my pledge Be that as it may, the voice of the people. Petty cuse to warrant an infringement of Lord Kitchener.
Among the passengers who failed The famous Christmas Cantata eliques, individuals soy the lady wbo sat beside me was from Cristobal on the Turri THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST unconstituted groups will resent captivated by Master Herman ON THE CANAL ZONE, alba on Thursday last was Mr written by Salen Simper, London, November 23. New noted and stave off by the use of all fair Bayue elocutionary effort and, to theory of the death of Lord KitchEustace A, Campbell, an old timer English composer, will be rendered and legitimate means at my dis be frank, Miss Smart of Coloa aton the Isthmus, who poe to by the large vested choir of St. posal, and under the protection of tracted me and twenty five per: months old and following several Power in the Referee.
In line with a rumour many leder is propounded by Frank Spanish Honduras to take up an Paul Church in this city on Sun my office. In these premises, cent, of the ere. Not checks taken of the operations of appoiotmdpt with the Truxilio day, December 27th, commencing therefore, want the votes of all reporting on the coacert, but the motor busses commonly called Hº declares on the authority of Railroad Company in their Hospi: at o clock in the afternoon. my friends and others who know among the brilliant lights on one of the thirteen survivors of the Chivas. WAS Mrs.
For several weeks the choir has and care to accept the fact that program used mostly in transport cruiser Hampshire that after Kitchhas just resigned the position as been at work on this magnificent have been serving them to the Aird of the NOA She was a cbauge in the route which these least three members of his staff and Bridget ing the poorer classes there is to be ener entered pinnace with at Chief Steward of the Santo Tomas musical production and is best of past usual, very good. As is Hospital, a position which be ready to execute the entire pro years; but if such service which pected from all exponents of the Canal Zone, effective with the about for hours in raging reas until cars may make over the streets of nine other men, the boat drifted held for the past ten successive am giving to the best of my good or bad principles she all but Kitebener died of An orchestra of five pieces will ability now needs some precipi ber address og Love and Service, first of January 1926.
and satisfaction to the anthorities, Revised Trafie Regulations and the buffeting they expose the accom.
tated improvement ou more oue stone to kill two birds, the issued from the Executive Office Only Kitchener was tossed asbore Some years ago Mr. Campbell was assist the organ in paniment offered a similar position with this or intelligent grounds same kind of strategy employed by of the Panama Camal under date very Company but at the titne richly rewarded for their atten. range of intelligence. to which deliver an address at a secular the following rules, effective Janu effort to help himself. but alive All lovers of good music will be which is likely not to be within my che parsons when they are asked to of thecember 12, 1925, neden belich on a low rock utterly exhu asted and any further owing to the influence of Major dance at the Cantata if they Dave shown no signs of ever being function.
Bocock the then Superintendent of avail themselves of the 1, the Santo Tomas Hospital be did tunity to be present.
oppor able to reach to say. cast your orchestra from the Balboa Heights in the 1936. pobolos biting the opere; Then Power goes op?
votes intelligently for a better Society, directed by Miss over the following nam places tion of route or route jitney Not far from Kitchener two not accept.
The prices of admission are Vaubardeveldt, Mrs Alkins singing By the departure of Mr, Cam.
pbell the West In lian community fifty cents, for reserved ON THE FIRING LINS, Balboa Road from its junction men reached shore. They bad of Thora and the Club with Fourth of July Avenue to floated on timbers, and, although at Panams will indeed lose a faith seats and twenty five cents for during During the good old days when worthy of note. During the usual junction of Balboa Road and La exhausted themselves, tended him Boca ful friend and brotier, one whose general sittings, night as best Brothers Walters, wayside critical examination the uprightness integrity and affability La Boca Road from its junction could. The spot was far removed Harris and Geo, Pierre used to program co our way bone, Mr. with Balboa Road to junction of from any habitation. As it proved, gained for bim a host of friends not speak more often from the platform Date of Bridgetowe told us some. La Boca Road with Short Visitors Roosevelt these three spent the night in a only in his immediata sphere of condition of belpless collapse, witla labour but by all with whom he of the was more or thing about Miss Smart ead Mr. Avenue.
of that Parker elocution which, for the This limitation will now prevent neither food nor warmth nor any came in contact (Continued on page 8)
Io fraternal circles Mr. Campbell and Surgeon of Colon, was a brief inactive when the boys began to censored: but, said he in adaition, the Chivas from runningen Dr Nathan Rowe, Physician noble organization. became good of the service, is hereby will also be parralel lines with the Tramway greatly missed as he visitor to this city on Wenesday blow hot air similar to that of the Have reserved for four and me, cars of the Panama was connected with several local last when he came over to recelve Severs gang to which was also five seats midway to the left in the Company. As is being done at Tramways TAKE NOTICE positions of trust. He is also a mem arrived at Balboa from New York, shot as was those of my colleagues house on the 20th of February identical route with the tramway orders holding very responsible his wife Mrs Leonora Rowe, who contected, Mr. Severs was a wild auditorium of the La Boca Club present the chivag follow the The WORKMAN will be published ber of the Board of Directors of the on board the S Manchuria. Dur of the but the latter next the evening of the All Meda: cars over the routes which will be on Friday morning insterd of Isthmian Undertaking Company ing the short space of time at the with to be hede was the correcipientedag unique poche disposal before the steamer persistency and bull dogs tenacity, under the uuspices of the La Boca per a bite de sony er elitement choi botiralary, owing to the Christmas rillo to Silver at La. little send off on Tursday night docked he was quite busy in look. They want to be serious. am. Athenaeum. This request is here Boca. To get to La Boca these cars by his fellow directos at the ing up old friends. Mr. Cam therefore, working out a system by transmitted to Barrister De will after the last of this year have limitation: Subject to restrictions offices of that company when bridge, a prominent Colon Real whereby will be able to present Souza, President of the Athenaeum. to follow another route, possibly in Circular 717 10. fise not to many remarks of appreciation of esta his faithful and energetic services Agent was also in Panama in Com cabinet a practical way to see o ner and Commission to High Commissioner Bryant Fighting OURSELVES through the Gold settlement at exceed 25, 00, or imprisonment in to that organization, and good will pany with Dr. Rowe and paid a little things grow into big things Ancon.
jail not to exceed ihirty days, or am only partially satisfied Canal Zone motor vebjele both fine and imprisonment, is for his future success were pro few short visits to friends. They all and to make ideas work; after with regard to my acquaintance licenses issued to these cars will be specified in the Regulatione as the fusely accorded bim.
returned on the evening train, which will again link up with (Continued on page 8) endorsəd with the following penalty far violating them.
by the or used years, with mueb er edit to himsele gramme efficiently.
rational they of less


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