
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1925 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands BRITISH GUIANA JAMAICA TRINIDAD Oil in Commercial Caymanians Under Quantities.
Arrest Xmas Cards! Large and Varied Assortment Just in from England CALL EARLY AT THE Workman Printery and make your selection before the rush In Need of Advertising Board.
Under the caption Round the Town. the following appears in the Weekly Guardian of the 21st ulto: Trialdad is badly in need of a Board to undertake the impor tant work of advertising widely the charms of the Colony abroad also to arrange for the comfort and travelling of tourists sabore.
There has been much discussion, up to recently, for this necessary provision, and it is expected that before long something definite will be proposed. It has been rigbtly said that we are bidlog a great deal while other colonies are making a great fuss of the little they bave.
There is considerable anxiety among occupiers of small bouses and apartments to respect of the fate of the Rents Restriction Ordinance, the feeling being that rentals having tenaciously stuck to the war figures, except lo in the case of large buildings.
wbile prices of articles, generally, are falling, withdrawal of the Ordinance might leave them at the mercy of the landlord and agent. It is a fact that the supply of bousing accommodation for the small salaried man is largely in excess of the demand and there is a tendency to displace apartment houses and small cottages by large residences.
The cbarger for rooms are algo Burprising for these times and some of them are unit as Hving quarters.
Facilities for Teachers and School Children.
AND YOU SHOULD VISIT THE NEW EPFORT TO PROVE sus Colomblan Authorities Again PECTED DEPOEITS Apprehend Fishermen who Wore Released. Diplomatie Expedition to Start Work in Negotiations Proceeding.
Northwest District.
The presence of oil in comIn last week Herald the story mercial quantities in the North Was told of the re arrest of west territory of British Guiana who were held op at San Andres Dumber of Caymanian fishermen has been for many years talked by the Colombian authorities.
about but bever foued.
They were apprebended by the Several Companies have been Colombian authorities for Bsblog formed in the past with a certain turtle to the probibited zone.
amount of outside capital, They were released on represenon the inducement of local tations of the British Minister at holders of concessions to drill Bogota, but their crafts were for oil while accessible por detained.
tions of the suspected oil ares DATE been paid dying were not fishing in the probiblThe fisbermen assert that they visite from tips to time by representatives of oil conted sine, and that they were cerns, principally on the strength wrongly arrested.
of Government reports of oil The Jamaica Government in indications. Nothing has ever tervened, but once again they come from these efforts mainly bave been taken prisoners.
sbrough the fear of being It is learnt that the Colombian Involved in costly experimental authorities have secured fresh work in searching for oil that evidence to justify the re arrest migbt not be there, The latest of the expedition, some years ago, In the meantime the British onded in the launch of the party authorities are making enguiries, being destroyed by fire, valuable and it is not uplikely that the instruments and data belog whole mattor will be the subject lost.
of Diplomatic eng uiries. There The Trinidad Guardian learns is no British representative at thata determined attempt is to San Andrea, and how the Cay.
be made to settle the question of maniaus will be represented at whether oil exista in paying the trial remains to be seen.
quantities in British Galans. Compiny called the British Guiana Oilfields, Ltd, with con. PROTECTOR OF JA.
siderable British support, operations however, being directed MAICANS IN CUBA from the office in Wall Street, New York, bas been formed to Tho GLEANER understands drill for oil in that Colony, The that up to the present no apCompany ba; aogaired conces pointment has been made of a slons giving them a total area of successor to Mr. Digoum, about one million acres, in the Protector of Jamaicans in Cuba.
Northwest District of British Guiana, stretcbing more or less On the resignation of Mr. Dig.
from the Venezuelan border to aum who had wondered excepthe Pomeroon River.
tionally good services in the Mr. Leslie Ward, Manager of Jamaica, and who was clerks to office, Mr. Oscar Lay, a native of the Company, arrived in Tri: Mr. Dignum was appointed to nidad in the Galicia last week act in Mr. Dignum stead.
from Venezuela, and will leave on tbe 17tb Instant for British It bas been source of regret Gulana in company with Mr. on all sides in Cuba that Mr. Buck. After a preliminary 10 Digbum had to resign the post spection it is proposed to com as every one appreciated to the mence drilling operations as soon tullest the splendid services be as possible. Evidences of oil bad rendered on bebalf of bave been found at several points Jamaicans through his knowof the district to be explored, as ledge and influence with the already reported by Mr. Buck Cuban Government, and those wben Director of Public Works responsible for the management of British Galans. Mr. Back bas of the various estates and made a report to the Company plantations, traversing the same ground and As previously stated, there are referring to the same indications several applicants for the post, as are mentioned in his reports and it rests with the British to the British Guiana Govern Minister in Aavana to select a suitable man for the position.
In the course of an interview with representative, Mr. Ward who has been service in ollfeldo ST. VINCENT and said the test of oil in commercial quantiHea in British Gulans was of New Imperial Schools.
course, drilling. But believe there is oil there, he added. spd we are going to get it.
The SENTRY Bays: It is He mentioned that the Mexican officially announced in the Gov.
Papuco Oil Company was supernment Gazette of the 13th porting the venture. This Com altimo that Mr. Blackman, pany, he said had been operating Third Master of the Grenada in Mexico for a number of years Boys School, bas, with the and still beld a good production approval of the Secretary of in that country.
State for the Colonies, been selected for the post of lospector of Scoools of this Colony.
Mr. Blackman served with satisfaction in the Education Why pay doublo prico Department of St. Vincent about for Inforlor imported seven years ago as Assistant Master of the Grammar School Boer when you can and Assistant Inspector of buy superior Bear Schools. We are therefore confident that his wide experience such as BALBOA for in both secondary and elementhalf the price. ary education fits him for the post of Inspector of Schools and his selection for this appolatmont will no doubt meet the entire approval of the com ISTHMIAN LEAGUE OF munity.
American Bazaar Stores In view of the spproaching visit of the team, the Elementary Teachers Union of Trinidad and Tobago made representations to the Acting Director of Education, praying that facilities be Rrapted to teachers and pupils to witness the matches. These representations met the sympathetic consideration of the Director and the Obristmas vacation has beco arrauged in such way as to permit teacbers and pupils to attend the matches. Beadlesshears will be cricularised to this effect. WEEKLY GUARDIAN)
Where you can be supplied with all you need in Wearing Apparrel for MEN AND BOYS ment.
The Guardian saye: In keeping with a promise made to the City Council on tbe occasion of bio visit to the colony two years ago Lord Barris took the opportunity of forwarding through Mrs.
Mary Gordon. water colour painting of his father to be substituted for the one wbieb op to recently hang on the walls of the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. The portrait has some local interest in that it is the copy of a Tinidadian artist named Wainwright.
BARBADOS Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Burning Fatailty, Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tottors. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
About ball past five o clock on Tuesday morning says the Weekly Illustrated paper of the 7tbulto. an old woman Damed Mercy Jane Leslie lost ber life at Care Hill na the result of a burning fatality. From information gathered it appears that she was lyiog in bed smoking, when the fire from ber pipe drapped upon her clothing and Bet the bed on fire. She was attended to by Dr. Williams but la spite of all be could do to alleviate her sufferings sbe expired about 10 o clock the same morning. On the matter being reported to Mr. C, Jackman, Coroner of District be die pensed with an inquest sod gave permission for the corpse to be interred.
The Isthmian League of British West Iodians will hold its last regular meeting of the year in this city at Geddes Hall (to night)
Saturday the 19th instant. Ali members are requested to attend this meeting What everyone is saying KRONEN BRAU superior to all imported beers For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT Rent Receipt Books In SpanIsh and English for Sale at The Workman Printery, Have you tried the new Boor Kronen Brau


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