
READ TMIS Grand Xmas Cantata The Nativity of Christ De ST. PAUL CHURCH, PANAMA Sunday, December 27, 1925 General Sitting. 25c.
Contra Crespo Church, TRY THE WORKMAN KRONEN BRAU ON DRAUGHT Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appilea WALBOND, as the otice No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes OR BOTTLES Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Patama All copy for publication must be ODOLOSCOODOODDOODSC0030000 written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of 99 St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaAmerican Episcopal (Anglican Com Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 6cc.
We do not undertake to return reFourth Sunday in Arvent 27.
jected correspondence.
Holy Eucharist 6, 30 Celebrat. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS WITH ORGAN AND ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT. The Rector Holy Baptism 30 sm.
Sung Litany, Choral Eucharist and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1925.
sermon 10 45 a. Rev. Muloare.
Church School p.
Choral Evensong sermon 30 Th» Rector CHRISTMAS The subjoined very pointed article is taken from the Thursday; midaight, Choral Matina editorial columns of the PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE: Holy Eucharist, sermon. Don miss this member of the Nordic race desires to know the cause COMMENCING AT P. SHARP service; it mesos a great lot to you as Christian. There will be special Psalms, for the belief among many colored people that, the white special Lessons and inspiring Autheme church is not Christian. There are many and varied reasons and Carole.
for the opinion that the white church is un Christian, special invitation is ex ended to the The white church sends missionaries to foreign coun50c.
Reserved Seats general public. Be on tim. At 3p. U. Cy. the Christmas gifts from Church School tries to teach the gospel of the Lowly Nazarene. It spends ADMISSION: children and teachtro in the United millions of dollars for education. It attempts to benefit fallen Siates will be distributed to the pupils, women and care for the sick and the homeless. Large of St. Peter Church on the law Dent buildings tower skyward in which countless thousands the Church, hear preachers tell of the marvelous love of the Prince of T. MULCARE, Restor.
Men whoso loved the world that He gave His life to reedeem St. Barnabas ChurchEmpire it. same people raise their voices in thankful praise to Matins, address 11 am, The Lay Him who controls the destinies of us all. In their hearts The Silver Club School Reader.
they doubtless believe they are carrying out the precepts Cbureb School, and Confirmation clase.
of Jesus Christ. Who shall say that these things are not at p.
worthwhile and Christian? Let him who is without sin Offers the best advantage for the Choral Evensong addrere cast the first stone.
training of Coloured children The Lay Reader.
But while the white church is perfectly willing to do STRAIGHTENS ANY HAIR on the Atlantie end.
Christmas service will borin at midthe things stated above it remains silent on a question that ELEMENTARY ACADEMIC night Thursday. Distribu ion of Xmo gifts from the United States will begin at should be faced by the full force of the Christian churchCOURSES 30, Everybody in the District in the color problem. The injustice and suffering of black cordiaily invited to participate in the Simply Rub it on and Brush it Off Americans should not be permitted to continue in a Christian Some of the leading subjects are: Christmas service.
country where the Father hood of God and the Brotherhood Shorthand Typewriting MULCARE Priest in Charge of Man is supposed to predominate. The white church by NON INJURIOUS Book keeping Commercial Law remaining silent gives its approval to this hellish condition Algebra Geometry St. Bartholomew s, Church and brands itself un Christian.
Chemistry Physics LAS CASCADAS.
The white church of America practices segregation of No Hot Irons or Special Combs Required Music Spanish This is Harvest Thanksgiving Day at the rankest kind. Colored members are not tolerated. Of Social Ethics Domestic Arts this Mision, At 11, a. there will be course, there are exceptions to this rule. The teachings of Choral Matias and addros Mr. B.
MAKES THE HAIR STRAIGHT, Debating and Elocutionary Exercises Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion tells us to Hunter, Lay Reader of St. Peter SMOUTH AND SILKY Logic and Parliamentary Procedure.
go out into the highways and bring men in not white people La Boca, will conduct the ser vice and give the address. He will sleo only but all people. Because the white church would set up conduct the afternoon service, Our Terms Reasonable in bold terror if a black Christian should enter in and atmembers and friends are asked not only CHARLES BURKE, SOLD EVERYWHERE tempt to partake of the blessed sacrament we believe that to send gifte of vegetables and fruits to Principal the church in a liberal manner, but to again it has failed to live up to Christian ideals.
Mas, DANIEL turn out in large numbers to thank God The members of white churches will contribute large Experienced Canvassers Investigate Associate.
for His goodness and mercy to them all sums of money to Negro charitable organizations. But these Cristobal Silver Clubhouse vice will begin at 30 through the year.
The afternoon at same people refuse to give colored people a chance to earn Christmas service will begin at mida decent living. They will condescend to extend a sympa. LOOK FOR DISPLAY CARD Confira. ation At:t, Peters night, if possible, Thursday. at 9am.
thetic hand to starving Negro children: but will teach their Christa a Day, gifts from the United children to despise and hate black children. Church members Alter Choral Evensong, com. Sta es will be distributed to the pupila hate black children. Church members are advocates of jim mencing at 730 o clobk, on the and teachers of the Sunday School crow schools and will turn over heaven and earth before 27th inst. a class of candidates they would permit a capable colored teacher to get a posi be duly presenter to th St Jude Mission, Summit.
tion in one of their schools. Because these things are con strength of his personal protest that he had nothing to do it. Rev. Jas. cpaik Morris, nib: Evening Prayer and address, trary to the teachings of the Holy Master the white church with the crime. On the other hand there seems to be a real Bishop of the Canal Zone, for danger of perfectly innocent and respectable citizens being Apostolic Rite of the Laying or 30, p, Lay Reader, members can not truthfully call themselves Christians.
placed and kept for some time under arrest, without in some of Hands. So you gee things will Service. Christmas Day at7, 30, Distribution of gifts from it is un Christian for them to hate and wrongfully use their Procedure is likely to be reformed as a result of the public we do, the earlier services. To Mission will take place after White pastors are afraid to tell their congregations that cases being even able to communicate with their friends. be going strong at St.
Peter then that day, taking into count, as the States to children of the colored brothers. Because it is unpopular to defend the city given to these recent events, for the liberty of the every body a cordial invitation is service.
rights of colored people, white preachers dodge the issue subject is a matter on which Englishmen are almost extended to come out and hear MULCARE, Priest in charse.
that is right at their doors and talk about the barbarians in abnormally sensative.
the Bishop special message. St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Africa and the heathen Chinese who know not God. Because Choral Matins and address, 11 they lack faith in the gospel which they profess to believe Church Services. Lay Resder.
they are short on the most essential thing in the Christian religion London Traffic Problem.
Christmas service will begin at AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCA mid night Thursday, if possible The church has a chance to prove itself Christian. The Distribution of gifts at 9, 30 a, Anglo Catholic)
color question in America, is a test of the strength and Fourth Sunday in Advent MULCARE, Priest in Charpe character of preachers and church members. If they are Quite a remarkable amount of public feeling has been St. Paul Church, Panama afraid to tackle this problem so that justice and equality will aroused by a regulation just issued by the traffic authorities Wesleyan Methodist Church be given to all mankind; if they refuse to condemn man in London, forbidding the conductors of omnibuses and Rev, Night ngale, Rector) a. Holy Communion The Rector (BRITISH CONFERENCE. inhumanity to man they must be classified as hypocrits and trams to allow passengers to stand inside vehicles. The new rule is in reality a reversion to an old practice, but during 10 a. mn. The Litany.
Posms 11 a. and 30 Rey sermon Suryeon.
the war, when numbers of buses were withdrawn to serve 10 30 am Hily Eurbai 12 Holy Baptism, military purposes, the concession permitting five people to Colon 11 a. ad 30 Rev.
3p. Church Sobool, Wade.
The Liberty of The Subject. stand inside every bus came into ixistence. Standing inside 30 Cboral Evensong, sermop La Boca 11 a. Mr. Lindo; 30 a bus is extremely uncomfortable, for the roof is so low. Preacher, Canon Meleber, no. Mr. Waiters.
that a reasonably tall man cannot hold himself upright; but Announcemente: The Christmas SerNow Providence 11 Mr. Braith It is not often that occasion arises for criticism of the it is better at any rate than being left behind altogether. vice of Holy Eucharias 00 meper at Calte: police force in Great Britain, for the police are admittedly a The omnibus has become so indispensable a part of London mid night Chris mus Eve. Celebrant, the Paraiso 11 Mr. Airall. 30 most capable and discreet body of men: but one or two life that any regulation concerning it affects immediately the Rector; Preach Canon Melcher. Mr. Tbeo. Fuller.
cases have come to the knowledge of the public lately comfort and business arrangements of millions of LondonCh istina Caotata The Nativity of Empire 11 a. Mr. Markham.
which have frankly caused considerable disquiet. The first ers. When it was decreed recently ago that each bus Chris. Sundow Doo. 27th, p.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso was the arrest of a distinguished army officer, who was must for the future carry tive fewer passengers than had CANAL ZONE.
The Salvation Army not at the time in uniform, on a charge of having stolen a been the regular practice before, that meant a reduction in PANAMA CITY CORPS sum of money from a woman of doubtful reputation, who transport capacity of perhaps 200, 000 in the day. Naturally (Rov. P. NIGA TENGALE, Priest in Charge.
Services are follows:accused him of having committed the theft. The arrest took enough this is a serious matter, for it is difficult enough 11 a. Matins and addrer, Mr.
place late at night, and the officer was kept prisoner for already to carry Londoners to and from their work. Thous. Osborne. Catechist. a. Early Prayer Meeting.
10 Children. Directory Meeting several hours without being allowed bail, because the theft ands of clerical and other workers reached their offices p. Church School.
and Brigade United Open Air Meeting was said to have been committed in a district other than hours late on the first few days of the new order because at 30 Choral Evengong address 11 m, Holiness Meeting to be conthat in which the arrest took place; and no bail could be the point where they were accustomed to enter their bus, Prancher, Canon Melcher ducted by Commandant Martin, given till a police official from the former distrịct had been the vehicle was already full and they could no longer get on dnouncementa: The Christm 18 Ser3 Company meeting and sent for. The affair caused so much public indignation that board and stand till a seat became vacant. That explains vics of Holy Eucharist will commence at Brigades Open air.
a special public enquiry into all the facts was ordered by why there were articles in every paper on the hardships Special Musical Program on Sunday 58Day p. Junior Open Air. 45 m. Separate Brigade Open Air the Home Secretary, during which unsatisfactory features created, some journals issuing contents bills containing Dese aber 27th, p.
of police methods were brought to light. Almost at the same nothing but a bitter denunciation of the new restrictions.
St, Matthias Mission p. Salvation Meeting, in the Ball time, moreover, in another part of the country another Gradually no doubt London will adapt itself to the new con.
to be conducted by Commandant and LAS SABANAS arrest took place of a perfectly respectable man who was for ditions, through the problem of what is known as the rush (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Mr. Martin.
Other notices for the week will be tunately able to prove where he was and what he was doing hour in the morning. when men and women in hundreds Prieet in Charge gived from the pulpit.
on the day the offence with which he was charged had of thousands are pouring into London to their work at the p. Church Sabool. cordial invitation is extended to all been conmitted. It is of course obvious that when a man is same moment will still remain only half solved Only great 415 m. Evensongend addrese. MARTIN. Commandant, arrested the police cannot release him merely on the cities know what that kind of difficulty really means.
Mr. Richards, Catechist. Continued on page 7)
will liars.


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