
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1925 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theatres AMERICA Secretary, JOB. PRINTING DONE WEST INDIAN EMATLANTIC SIDE Commander Watson of os PLOYEES ASSOCIATION Golon Boys Institute To Elect Officers.
La Boca, Dec. 19. tbSussex Wins From Silver The December meeting of the Board of Directors of The Pana City.
Mrs. Davis of Gaton has made CECILIA ma Canal West Indian Ewthr Institute the present of a ployees Association will be held very large Llomel Electric Toy (PANAMA. COLON)
In lively first class match train, for which the Commander, bere this evening, Secretary Ellis announced. One or more played on Sussex oval on Sun on behalf of the boys of the TODAY Saturday, December 19th and TODAY. Saturday, December 19th representatives for each of the day the 14th inst between Sus Institute begs to return thanks TO MORROW Sunday December 20th Special Cast in sex and the Silver City to Mrs. Davis wbo is the first following Districts of the Associc. c, Sussex defeated them by to come forward during this Violet Mersereau in YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT ation will be present: Cristobal, Gatun. Red Tank, Gamboa, 81 runs.
Christmas season with gifts. But THE SHEPHERD KING Silver City won the toss and the trouble is to whom must TOMORROW. Sunday Dec, 20th Paraiso and La Boca.
batted first, but was unable to this present be given. It is Jackie Coogan In One of the most important pat up more than 29 runs for believed to the best behaved boy MONDAY, December 21st THE RAG MAN items on the Agenda will be electheir ioning. The bowling from and all clame to be the best. Dorothy Mackail in tion of officers of the Association Bussex was indeed classy and in order to let every one bave CHICKIE MONDAY, December 21st for the coming year. For the office of President there are none of their opponents were able an equal share the Commander Colleen Moote in to reach double figures. Atberbas converted the train into a three nominees:8. Wbyte, ley captured wickets for 12 partnership and name it the TUESDAY, December 22nd THE DESERT FLOWER Walters and Williams.
runss Harding for 12 and Nurse Colon Boys Institute Co. Betty Bronson in Mr. Wbyte is the present presi2 for TUESDAY December 22nd dent and bas been in that office So everyone is having a good ARE PARENTS PEOPLE Sussex had no difficulty in time.
Jack Hoxie in from its reorganization in Japo wiping off the score of the WEDNESDAY, December 23rd DON DARE DEVIL ary of last year. Mr. Walters is First Vice President and, as Mr.
Silver City Club. They made 60 runs of which Harding made 18 Wbyte, bas similar record as to On Monday last two ladies Charles Jones in WEDNESDAY, December 23rd time in office. Mr. Williams is and Eastman 15. Green and visited the Institute to find out CUPID FIREMAN a Violet Merrereau in member of the La Roca Distnict Small were the successful bow. If we had a phone installed as lers of Silver City, Capturlog they had been preparing some THE SHEPHERD KING and was elected by that District THURSDAY, December 24th as its representative on the wickets for 30 runs and for 21 clothing for the boys. For the respectively.
benefit of the public we beg to Jackie Coogan in THURSDAY, December 24th Board last December state that the Institute has a THE RAG MAN Dorothy Mackail in Cherry and Hunter Richardson Passes Cam hone, the number of which is CHICKIE are among the nominees for Vice 309 Colon.
Presidents; while, for the office bridge Junior.
FRIDAY, December 25th FRIDAY, December 25th of Recording Secretary there is Colleen Moore in Betty Bronson in W, King the present office Notice to the Merchants of THE DESERT FLOWER The many friends of Mrs. ARE PARENTS PEOPLE bolder, Hunter and Colon Robinson. Richardson, who is very The Board at its meeting this popular on the Atlantic side, are SATURDAY, December 26th SATURDAY December 26th evening will grant Districts congratulating her on the succe88 Commander Watson begs to Lillian Gish in Charles Jones in their quota of Representatives of her 13 year old son Edgill, in notifs the merchants of Colon RO MO LA CUPID FIREMAN for 1926; this will be based on passing bis Cambridge, junior that on Christmas eve be will tbe number of tipar cial members examination. be results wbich be visiting there in order to reeach District is credited with came to baod a short time agoceive whatever gifts that are posThe total membersbip of the showed that he had passed with ble, as the public is the InstiBoard is twenty one, including high bonore.
uies sole support the Executiv. Oificers President Despite his ter der age, little First aod Scood Vice Presimaster Edgill won a scholarship Building Fund Drive.
dents. Recording about two years ago by Dansing Treasurer and three Trustees.
the 1st year pupil teachers examination, within the required mit, while a Bubolar in Goschen drive will he started early 10 It is expected that the building Pleasant Sunday Afterelementary school at St. Mary January, 1926. little over noon For All at St. Peter Jamaica, and be was subsequent 10, 000 will be needed for pot ly admitted as a student to the ting up a new institute for the La Boca.
Calabar college, Kingston, where boys. The public is bereby asked be now gives promise of an ex to prepare for that drive. ProOf every description ceedingly bright career. minent officials of the city of All reads will lead to St. Peters Colon will be in charge of the en.
Church Sunday afternoon, the tire business and ofticil reporte The Colon Wesley will be published next month.
WITH NEATNESS AND 27th inst. Why? Because at o clock the general public will be treated to a Pleasant Sunday Concert, Afternoon, for wbich the large Ebenezer Church of God Choir will be responsible. We are Holiness Activities.
pot selling tickets for it, but we The fact that the concert at expect a liberal silver offering at the Colon sley Church has AT THE the door from every one wbo Ebenezer Church of God Holibeen postponed from tomorrow attends. This offering will be to the 17th prox. bas not in any nes situated in Calidonia road, applied on the Treat to be given way slackened enthusiasm in the Panama, building 85 has been re our Sunday School children on preparation of the program, or moved to Calidovia roud, building the comink New Year Day.
in the selling of tickets for the 46. opposite the Undertaker De: Choir rehearsals are going occasion, but perhaps on the pot in the same district, and the strong. Rare Anthems, Carols, contrary has served to intensity cew Church building will be and very inspiring Soles, Duets, the determination on the part of dedicated on Sunday the 20th of Quartets and Choruses will be those concerned to make the the present commencing Ieudertd afford to event supremely successful. at 3p. There will be various wear your splendid Obristmas Mrs. Olga Kirg has graciou speakers and Ministers from Suit only around consented to sing and all lovers Other Courches present, along musical program inCANAL ZONE NOTES itey er on the tram car to and of music on the Atlantic side with a Let see you are preparing to har ber. Mr. cluding solos, duets, anthems at the Pleasant Sunday AlterThomas Williams the leading and other instrumental pieces, La Boca Pars.
noon. As we expect a crowded organist in these parts will also all blending to make the evening Charcb, be on time to secure a be present, and all who have a most enjoyatle one to all pre Madame Renee will Interpret Zodiacal Signs front seat, and bring a friend with already heard bim at the org sent most cordial invitation each week for Readers of this paper The annual Christmas Treat or know that it is worthwhile putts extended to ali.
the children of the conmueity ting aside any business te bear him. The Atlantic Orchestra, WATCH FOR YOUR BIRTHDATE comes off on the afternoon of dext Cristobal Silver Clubhouse. fine selection of Christmas and Wednesday the 23. It is undergood wbich for long time past bas pot appeared in full strength New Year Greeting Cards (all that the plan which was followed December 10 16 Christmas concert will be of real success and are one who will last year will be adhered to this being augmented for the occasion English) at the British Drug Store and the members are taking Bolivar Street Colon.
The Sign of Sagittarius, the not be spoiled by your rise in the year; that is the children will be given by the Girl Reserves in the every pain to excel themselves Archer. friendly and kind to all whom you o clock and will be addressed by a 30. Among the interesting feaworld. You will continue to be gathered at the Clubhouse at three Cristobal. Silver Clubhouse, on Saturday. in the rarest that tbey bave ALERTNESS is the keynote of kouw.
few already accomplisbed, while the The Tour.
tures will be yonr character. You are always church choir has announced its The sparkling sapphire is the benoty bbcluding the Secretary of Aunt Sahriny Chistmas.
play entitled :quick and vivacious. There is no stone to bring you luck denie wou children are being prepared for. Corp. There will be Drills, Solos the Clubhouse. About six hundred Given by the Nannie Barroughs intention of presenting the Hallelujah Chorus besides oe Barbados Irvites Three From wonder that you are popular in also be an outlet for the desire you or two other attractive numbers Demerara: Messrs. Browne, life of the party. You like feel for shining things: For the Ice cream, cake, outs, fruits, etc and Dialogues by the other on the evening program, same reason, your color will then be served to music. have a good sense of rythm gleaming gold. Your favorite plant Woman Life Pr blem Club and is a Fernandes and Nascimento volunteers from the From all appearances it will to focrease the and dance well.
be necessary a tree, the balsam tree, with its the Papama Canal West Indian quantity of tickets now on sale We gather from reliable autbo With your temperament, you poignant fragrance.
the Athenaeum, Mr. William as every indication points to anrity (says the Employees Association who it is Noorting could never lead an indolent life Those born the first three weeks stated har contributed largely DeSouza, unprecedented success. Chronicle) that the Barbados although you avoid doing things in August would be most congenial this year treat, aiter which they to Cricket Committee bave issued you dislike. Events will fill your to your nature. They possess the will play games on the Clubhouse invitations to three cricketers years and keep you interested in constant force and take things lawn till about p. pleasant visitor here during from Demerara for the first everything and everybody. Don seriously while you are lively and the early part of the week was News Notes Test Match to be played at Bar let your interest develop into a Randolph Riley who for many bados against the coming years resided here with his parents. morbid curiosity for this would be continually see the optimistic side meeting of the Board Team. The players referred of After leaving the service of the Directors of the Panama Canal Panama Caual Mr. Riley secured Rav. E Wade of the Par to are Messrs, Browne, barmful to yourself as well as to of life.
Jane Austin, Wiltiam Lloyd West Indian Employees Associa employment with a timber comnama Wesleyan Churcb will be Fernandes and Nas: the preacher at Colon Wesleyan cimento. It is highly gratifying Your spuntaneity and activa Garrison and John Jay are three tionis called for this evening when paty is the interior of Paonma and Church to morrow at 11 am and not the very sensible and mind fisrt you for many kinds of famous persons who count this membersict representatives from all is now here on a few days fard 30 satisfactory manner in which business. As long as you keep up week as the time of their birth, will. of officers for 1926 will be a special Barbados has set about gathering your interest in the work you have (Copyrighted 1925 by Henge item on the program.
the necessary. material to make chosen, you will be most successful.
The residents here are gratefel Mr. and Mrs. Broderick up the team to represent the You have the essential attributes Adams Syndicate)
for the improvement which is Lloyd are the bappy parents. of West Indies in that Colony. It The annual SOCIAL of the being made to the walls leading baby boy who arrived at the was expected that Browne and La Boca Athenaeum was held at into the houses. These walks have Samaritan Hospital on Tuesday, Fernandes services would have tbe Clubhouse 09, Tuesday been neglected for years and bad the 15th. mother and son are been requesitioned. but there evening when a delightful program developed into a state were very few who favoured NATURAL HAIR WIGS which of addresses, games and dancing rendered them dangerous, especial Nascimento over since Demerara SWITCHES, TRANSFORMATIONS; CURL, was given. There were over a score ly at nights, and when it raiota by a gross error of judgment CLUSTER PUFF3. HAIR NEIS, STRAIGHT.
of members of the Athenaeum the people could hardly get in and elected to leave down this bril.
ENING COMBS. AND EVERYTHING IN present in addition to nearly two ont their houses without baving to liant wicket keeper from the Have you tried the HAIR GOODS. WIGS MADE TO YOUR scores of invited guests among wade either through a pool of mud final game in the recent Tou ORDER. Free Catalog seat on request.
whom were Miss Alee King and or water or through a waternament. Of course in our Issue P, Leacock of Panama. Music soaked lawn.
of November 1st we ALEX. MARKS was furnished for the occasion 662 Eighth Ave. Dept. by an orchestra in charge of Mr. Kronen Brau strongly supported the inclusion NEW YORK, Walter Woods, Tue function was On Saturday afternoon last the (Continued on page 8)
presided over by the President of (Continued on page 8)
DESPATCH WORKMAN PRINTERY month, Can you What Is Your Fortune?
e com them by Corps quite well.
now Boer


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